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Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Anton Altaparmakov. %s is free software, released under the GNU General Public License and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. %s comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details read the GNU General Public License to be found in the file COPYING in the main Linux-NTFS distribution directory. Usage: %s device e.g. %s /dev/hda6 Alternative usage: %s -f file e.g. %s -f MyCopyOfTheLogFile Warning: Failed to close $LogFile (inode %i)Warning: Failed to close file %sMounted NTFS volume %s (NTFS v%i.%i) on device %s. Failed to open $LogFile (inode %i): %s Failed to open $LogFile/$DATA (attribute 0x%x): %s $LogFile has zero length. Run chkdsk /f to correct this. The file %s does not exist. Did you specify it correctly? Error getting information about %s: %s Warning: $LogFile is too big. Only analysing the first 64MiB. Failed to allocate buffer for file dataOnly %d out of %d bytes read starting at %d Failed to read $LogFile/$DATA: %s $LogFile contents are corrupt (magic RSTR is missing). Cannot handle this yet. $LogFile is corrupt: Restart page header magic is not CHKD but a chkdsk LSN is specified. Cannot handle this yet. $LogFile is corrupt: Restart page header specifies invalid log page size. Cannot handle this yet. $LogFile is corrupt: Restart page header specifies invalid system page size. Cannot handle this yet. Unknown $LogFile version %i.%i. Only know how to handle version 1.1. Restart page header in $LogFile is corrupt: Update sequence array size is wrong. Cannot handle this yet. Restart page header in $LogFile is corrupt: Update sequence array overlaps restart page header. Cannot handle this yet. Restart page header in $LogFile is corrupt: Update sequence array overlaps or is behind first protected sequence number. Cannot handle this yet. Restart page header in $LogFile is corrupt: Update sequence array overlaps or is behind restart area. Cannot handle this yet. Restart page header in $LogFile is corrupt: Restart area offset is not aligned to 8-byte boundary. Cannot handle this yet. Warning: Sanity checking of restart area not implemented yet. Warning: Sanity checking of array of log client records not implemented yet. The %s restart page header in $LogFile has been modified by chkdsk. Do not know how to handle this yet. Reboot into Windows to fix this. $LogFile incomplete multi sector transfer detected in restart page header. Cannot handle this yet. Skipping analysis of second restart page because it fully matches the first one.Second restart area specifies different $LogFile version to first restart area. Cannot handle this yet. client_in_use_list = %i (0x%x) restart_area_length = %u (0x%x) client_array_offset = %u (0x%x) last_lsn_data_length = %u (0x%x) log_record_header_length = %u (0x%x) log_page_data_offset = %u (0x%x) restart_log_open_count = %u (0x%x) Log client record number %i: client_restart_lsn = %lli (0x%llx) client_name_length = %u (0x%x) Failed to convert log client name Finished with restart pages. Beginning with log pages. is corrupt (magic is not RCRD or CHKD).copy.last_lsn/file_offset = 0x%llx header.next_record_offset = 0x%llx client undo next lsn = 0x%llx client_id.client_index = 0x%x ntfsdump_logfile.c2013.1.13AR.1Warning: Failed to umountERROR: Aborting... Warning: Failed to umount %sPartial read.firstsecond1st2ndRSTRCHKDRCRDFailed to mount %s: %s Unsupported NTFS version. -fFailed to open file %s: %s Could not seek to offset %u $LogFile is not initialized.$LogFile version %i.%i. %s restart page: Restart page header: magic = %s usa_ofs = %u (0x%x) usa_count = %u (0x%x) chkdsk_lsn = %lli (0x%llx) system_page_size = %u (0x%x) log_page_size = %u (0x%x) restart_offset = %u (0x%x) Restart area: current_lsn = %lli (0x%llx) log_clients = %u (0x%x) client_free_list = %i (0x%x) flags = 0x%.4x seq_number_bits = %u (0x%x) file_size = %lli (0x%llx) oldest_lsn = %lli (0x%llx) prev_client = %i (0x%x) next_client = %i (0x%x) seq_number = %u (0x%x) client_name = %s Log record page number %i is empty.flags = 0x%x page count = %i page position = %i header.last_end_lsn = 0x%llx Log record %i: this lsn = 0x%llx client previous lsn = 0x%llx client data length = 0x%x client_id.seq_number = 0x%x record type = 0x%x transaction_id = 0x%x flags = 0x%x: NONE LOG_RECORD_MULTI_PAGE | Unknown flagsredo_operation = 0x%x undo_operation = 0x%x redo_offset = 0x%x redo_length = 0x%x undo_offset = 0x%x undo_length = 0x%x target_attribute = 0x%x lcns_to_follow = 0x%x record_offset = 0x%x attribute_offset = 0x%x target_vcn = 0x%llx Array of lcns: lcn_list[%u].lcn = 0x%llx dump_log_recorddump_log_recordsdump_restart_areas_areadump_restart_areas_headerdump_restart_areaslog_err_exitlogfile_closelogfile_preaddevice_err_exitlogfile_openusagemain;T H8Pp(XzRx u*zRx $FJ w?;*3$"DheDP$\fBDA JAAG$AG } CA LBBB B(A0D8IZ 8C0A(B BBBA D@eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBdh0*)j ,L L o 7 N    oo oo0 oL &6FVfv&6FVfvP eb03b3ac39537cc2fb2b5c701be9bf5d55a328.debugt.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4o<>  F7No0 0 X[o 0j t  ~ y ",, ,,hAhATAAL LL LL LL LN NHP PP PP4DP