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CDC CfHCL H5H= E1H$1Ϻf.K@HCL H5{H=G E1H$1H[]A\A]fHCL H5;H= E1YH$1?ZH[]A\A]L 0E14H5H=1H[]A\A]ݹL E1CHCL H5H=dE1JH$1蜹H$UL E1Z茹'f.fAWAAVIAUIATL%+ UH-+ SL)1HHŸHtLLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HH%s v%s (libntfs-3g) Usage: %s [options] device Attempt to fix an NTFS partition. -b, --clear-bad-sectors Clear the bad sector list -d, --clear-dirty Clear the volume dirty flag -h, --help Display this help -n, --no-action Do not write anything -V, --version Display version information For example: %s /dev/hda6 Failed to read alternate bootsector (size=0) Error reading alternate bootsectorThe alternate bootsector is usable Set sector count to %lld instead of %lld Failed to rewrite the bootsector (size=0) Error rewriting the bootsectorThe boot sector has been rewritten %s v%s Attempt to fix an NTFS partition. Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Anton Altaparmakov Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Szabolcs Szakacsits Copyright (c) 2007 Yura Pakhuchiy Copyright (c) 2011 Jean-Pierre Andre ERROR: You must specify a device. Refusing to operate on read-write mounted device %s. Failed to determine whether %s is mountedProcessing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully. Attempting to correct errors... Failed to read bootsector (size=0) Trying the alternate boot sector Checking for self-located MFT segment... The startup data can be fixed, but no change was requested Volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk. Processing $MFT and $MFTMirr... Comparing $MFTMirr to $MFT... $MFT error: Incomplete multi sector transfer detected in %s. Cannot handle this yet. )-: $MFT error: Invalid mft record for %s. Cannot handle this yet. )-: $MFTMirr error: Incomplete multi sector transfer detected in %s. $MFTMirr error: Invalid mft record for %s. Failed to open inode FILE_UpCaseError: Upcase table is too big (max 32-bit allowed). Failed to read $UpCase, unexpected length (%lld != %lld). Failed to open bitmap data attributeCorrupt cluster map size %lld (allocated %lld minimum %lld) $UpCase has been set to default Setting required flags on partition... $Volume has been deleted. Cannot handle this yet. Run chkdsk to fix this. Attribute $VOLUME_INFORMATION was not found in $Volume! Attribute $VOLUME_INFORMATION must be resident (and it isn't)! Attribute $VOLUME_INFORMATION in $Volume is corrupt! Going to empty the journal ($LogFile)... Error : failed to allocate memory Checking the alternate boot sector... Checking file system overflow... Error : could not read the boot sector again Error: Failed to fix the alternate boot sector Error: Failed to set volume dirty flag (%d (%s))! NTFS volume version is %i.%i. Going to un-mark the bad clusters ($BadClus)... Failed to un-mark the bad clustersFailed to open inode FILE_BadClusNTFS partition %s was processed successfully. Fixing the self-located MFT segment... Correcting differences in $MFT%s record %d...Error: Failed to un-mark bad sectors. ntfsfix.cntfsfix2013.1.13AR.1Rewriting the bootsector system filemft recordERROR: Too many arguments. %s %s%sERROR: Unknown option '%s'. -bdhnVMounting volume... Failed to allocate deviceFailed to startup volume%s: dev = %pError opening '%s'Error reading bootsectorFailed to allocate memory Unrecoverable error Failed to allocate memoryReading $MFT... Failed to read $MFTReading $MFTMirr... Failed to read $MFTMirr$AttrDefroot directory$Boot$BadClus$Secure$ExtendError correcting $MFT%sFailed to open ntfs attributeCorrupted file $UpCase Failed to open bitmap inodeRewriting $UpCase file Failed to rewrite $UpCase Failed to close $UpCaseFailed to read $VolumeError writing $VolumeError setting volume flags. Failed to reset $LogFileNo change made Remount failedBAD FIXED Error: Unknown NTFS version. No bad clusters...Failed to open $BadClus::$Badhelpno-actionclear-bad-sectorsclear-dirtyversionclear_badcluscheck_alternate_bootempty_journalOLD_ntfs_volume_set_flagsset_dirty_flagrewrite_upcasefix_upcasefix_mftmirrfix_self_located_mftrewrite_boottry_fix_boottry_alternate_bootfix_startupfix_mountusageversionparse_optionsmainFOUND FAILED OK utils.cThe device %s doesn't exist Forced to continue. Failed to mount '%s'Invalid size '%s'. Invalid number '%.*s'. Couldn't open inode %llu. %c%sPathname was truncated. (%s)Couldn't open $BitmapCouldn't read $BitmapCouldn't read $MFT/$BITMAPError reading inode %llu. Out of memory. Aborting. Couldn't open $MFT/$DATACouldn't read MFT Record %lluError closing inode %llu. Failed to set locale, using default '%s'. Error getting information about %sUse the force option to ignore this error. Access is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command. You can use force option to avoid this check, but this is not recommended and may lead to data corruption. The device '%s' doesn't have a valid NTFS. Maybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around? NTFS is inconsistent. Run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot it TWICE! The usage of the /f parameter is very IMPORTANT! No modification was made to NTFS by this software. The NTFS partition is hibernated. Please resume Windows and turned it off properly, so mounting could be done safely. Access is denied because the NTFS journal file is unclean. Choices are: A) Shutdown Windows properly. B) Click the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows taskbar notification area before disconnecting the device. C) Use 'Eject' from Windows Explorer to safely remove the device. D) If you ran chkdsk previously then boot Windows again which will automatically initialize the journal. E) Submit 'force' option (WARNING: This solution it not recommended). F) ntfsmount: Mount the volume read-only by using the 'ro' mount option. You seem to have a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware and must use an activated, different device under /dev/mapper, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1) to mount NTFS. Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for help. Volume is scheduled for check. Please boot into Windows TWICE, or use the 'force' option. NOTE: If you had not scheduled check and last time accessed this volume using ntfsmount and shutdown system properly, then init scripts in your distribution are broken. Please report to your distribution developers (NOT to us!) that init scripts kill ntfsmount or mount.ntfs-fuse during shutdown instead of proper umount. WARNING: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option. Internal error, strtoll didn't return a suffix. Invalid size suffix '%s'. Use T, G, M, or K. Couldn't create a search context. Couldn't translate filename to current locale. The directory structure is too deep (over %d) nested directories. Couldn't translate attribute type to current locale. Unknown attribute type 0x%02x Attribute type was truncated. Couldn't translate attribute name to current locale. Attribute name was truncated. Error reading inode %llu. Aborting. This program is free software, released under the GNU General Public License and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details read the GNU General Public License to be found in the file "COPYING" distributed with this program, or online at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html Developers' email address: ntfs-3g-devel@lists.sf.net mft_next_recordutils_mftrec_in_useutils_cluster_in_useutils_attr_get_nameutils_inode_get_namefind_first_attributeutils_parse_sizeutils_mount_volumeutils_valid_deviceutils_set_locale;̜^|D\|t<4|L||lD<,D t\DLzRx j*zRx $ؗFJ w?;*3$"D0U\xR0LtLBEE E(G0A8K`^ 8A0A(B BBBA L'BBB B(A0C8J 8C0A(B BBBA mK W F BD4BAA G@V  AABK i  AABC d|xABAA J  CABH D  CABF R  CCBF G  FCBF 4`-AAG0q DAA F DAE \XBBA A(GP_ (A ABBF  (F ABBE q (C ABBG l|BBB A(A0G@b 0A(A BBGB O 0C(A BBBG d 0C(A BBBB $WAG n AI ,}AAD r AAF LD +BBB B(A0A8Gg 8A0A(B BBBA <BBBA A(GPT (C ABBG <JBBA A(D0 (A ABBA , ADD [ AAJ ,DDZ B O A R A Qt?Da K N"DW E AtDBBA A(G@b (A ABBK  (C ABBC | (A ABDA m (F ABBA DDeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB0DCnhnnnbndnV  D_  oH    (0 ooooLo &6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv $Bad8|}a20698fac55ce321ffd0b21f9a04800a62084f.debugo1V.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4oD> hFH H NoLL[o@j00t(( ~yCD_D_ P_P_~~      P 8@ 8@ 84l