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Files are loaded from the current directory or %s/*/. Saved %d-char %dx%d font file on %s %s: font position 32 is nonblank %s: background will look funny Loading %d-char %dx%d font from file %s Loading %d-char %dx%d (%d) font from file %s Loading %d-char %dx%d (%d) font Loading Unicode mapping table... No final newline in combine file This file contains 3 fonts: 8x8, 8x14 and 8x16. Please indicate using an option -8 or -14 or -16 which one you want loaded. You asked for font size %d, but only 8, 14, 16 are possible here. Hmm - a font from restorefont? Using the first half. When loading several fonts, all must be psf fonts - %s isn't Read %d-char %dx%d font from file %s When loading several fonts, all must have the same height When loading several fonts, all must have the same width setfont: too many input files setfont: cannot both restore from character ROM and from file. Font unchanged. setfont: graphics console %s skipped /usr/share/consolefonts/partialfonts//usr/shareFound nothing to save Cannot write font fileBad character height %d Bad character width %d Loading %d-char %dx%d font char %03x: %04x seq: < >%s: bug in do_loadtable default8x16default8x14default8x8defaultCannot find default font default8x%dCannot find %s font Cannot open font file %s Reading font file %s def.uni# combine partial fonts Too many files to combine Bad input file size (K/usr/share/localekbd%s from %s kbd 1.15.5nonew-h(B.psfu.psf.cp.fnt/usr/share/consolefonts/%s %serror executing %s %s/%s%s%s%s..gzgzip -d -c.bz2bzip2 -d -cWarning: path too long: %s/%s %s: out of memory /proc/self/fd/0Couldn't open %s /dev/tty/dev/tty0/dev/vc/0/dev/systty/dev/consoleCouldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console r@r@r@r@r@r@0x0123456789abcdefABCDEF%x01234567%o0123456789U+Cannot stat map file #Error writing map to file Cannot read console map Saved screen map in `%s' /usr/share/consoletrans/_to_uni.trans.acmmapscrn: cannot open map file _%s_ Loading binary direct-to-font screen map from file %s Error reading map from file `%s' Loading binary unicode screen map from file %s Loading symbolic screen map from file %s Error parsing symbolic map from `%s', line %d GIO_SCRNMAPPIO_SCRNMAPGIO_UNISCRNMAPPIO_UNISCRNMAPGIO_UNIMAP(0)GIO_UNIMAPPIO_UNIMAPCLRPIO_UNIMAPstrange... ct changed from %d to %d %s: Error reading input font%s: Bad call of readpsffont %s: zero input font length? %s: short unicode table %s: short utf8 unicode table %s: bad utf8 %s: unknown utf8 error %s: short ucs2 unicode table appendunimap%02x appendseparatorCannot write font file header%s: Unsupported psf file mode (%d) %s: Unsupported psf version (%d) %s: zero input character size? %s: Input file: bad input length (%d) %s: Input file: trailing garbage appendunicode: illegal unicode %u PIO_FONTRESETgetfont: KDFONTOPgetfont: GIO_FONTXgetfont: GIO_FONTputfont: KDFONTOPputfont: PIO_FONTXputfont: PIO_FONT trying ... putfont: PIO_FONTbug: getfont called with count<256 bug: getfont using GIO_FONT needs buf. %s: putfont: %d,%dx%d:failed: %d %s: putfont: %d,%dx%d: failed: %d Loading unicode map from file %s %s: %s: Warning: line too long %s: Glyph number (0x%x) larger than font length %s: Bad Unicode range corresponding to font position range 0x%x-0x%x %s: Unicode range U+%x-U+%x not of the same length as font position range 0x%x-0x%x %s: trailing junk (%s) ignored %s: not loading empty unimap (if you insist: use option -f to override) Bad input line: %s %s: Bad end of range (0x%x) idem0x%02x U+%04x Saved unicode map on `%s' char %03x: %04x Appended Unicode map /usr/share/unimaps/.sfm;7 ܙ|l4L< ܴLl $<BDB I(A0A8Fp 8A0A(B BBBI LBBB B(A0A8D`  8A0A(B BBBG LLHzBBE E(D0D8I 8A0A(B BBBH LxBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA =Dj J DL ؕBHB B(A0A8Ga 8C0A(B BBBA \=Dj J D,|ADD  DAE 4hBKA a ABN AAELRBBB B(A0A8G 8D0A(B BBBA 4еLصLdBBB E(D0D8Gw 8D0A(B BBBB <AhDN A hDN A  hDN A ,hDN A LhIKdpKAT K j$MAF R CD hD,ȸADD g CAD <BQG F(D` (A ABBA $E[@ I LDм BGB B(A0A8J  8A0A(B BBBJ <BBI F(G (A ABBH 1DY C 1DY C 01DY C 4P1DY C $TpBU0 D T|BAD F0}  FABE D  CABF N  FABA d BEE B(D0A8D 8A0A(B BBBA  8A0A(B BBBA 4<BAC D0  AABC tpgD p D DPH D LBBB O(D0D8DP, 8C0A(B BBBA 1DX D ,<IKK rAB$l(J^p H 0D idGBBE E(D0C8Fc 8A0A(B BBBH  8F0A(B BBBA  *D@[ A 4 zN ~ D ,T pBDA  CBA L 2BGB B(A0A8G= 8A0A(B BBBA T BJB A(A0IP 0A(A BBBI U 0G(A BBBL d, vBBB B(D0D8Dp 8A0A(B BBBE F 8I0A(B BBBG $ Jf@X @p@ @ $g@``o@`@@ . `p @x @0 o @oo @(`V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@s@s@o@s@q@q@r@r@s@ r@Nr@Rr@]r@br@s@t@s@;t@4t@Bt@s@9{@s@jq@M{@a272f6d4d35eee58f4967854b99d7daa0381f6.debugR(.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@$> @F`@`.No @ x[o @ pjx @x 0t @ p ~@y@@@@4R$g@$g @g@@g T{@T{}@} `` ` (`(``` ` 4ԓ