* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License * @link https://github.com/Joel-James/lazy-facebook-comments/ */ class LFC_Admin { /** * The unique identifier of this plugin. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access protected * @var string $plugin_name The string used to uniquely identify this plugin. */ protected $plugin_name; /** * The current version of the plugin. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access protected * @var string $version The current version of the plugin. */ protected $version; /** * The options from db. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access private * @var string $options Get the options saved in db. */ private $options; /** * Initialize the class and set its properties. * * @param string $plugin_name The name of this plugin. * @param string $version The version of this plugin. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return void */ public function __construct( $plugin_name, $version, $options ) { $this->plugin_name = $plugin_name; $this->version = $version; $this->options = $options; } /** * Register the stylesheet for the Dashboard. * * This function is used to register all the required stylesheets for * dashboard. Styles will be registered only for lfc pages for performance. * * @since 2.0.0 * @uses wp_enqueue_style To register style * * @return void */ public function enqueue_styles() { global $pagenow; if ( ( $pagenow == 'options-general.php' ) && ( in_array( $_GET['page'], array( 'lfc-settings' ) ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/min/admin.css', array(), $this->version, 'all' ); } } /** * Creating admin menus for 404 to 301. * * @since 2.0.0 * @uses add_submenu_page Action hook to add new admin menu sub page. * * @return void */ public function create_lfc_menu() { add_options_page( __( 'Lazy FB Comments', 'lazy-facebook-comments' ), __( 'Lazy FB Comments', 'lazy-facebook-comments' ), LFC_ADMIN_PERMISSION, 'lfc-settings', array( $this, 'admin_page' ) ); } /** * Output buffer function * * To avoid header already sent issue * - https://tommcfarlin.com/wp_redirect-headers-already-sent/ * @since 2.0.0 * * @return void */ public function add_buffer() { ob_start(); } /** * Admin options page display. * * Includes admin page contents to manage settings. * All html parts will be included in this page. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return void */ public function admin_page() { require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'partials/lfc-admin-display.php'; } /** * Registering i4t3 options. * This function is used to register all settings options to the db using * WordPress settings API. * If we want to register another setting, we can include that here. * * @since 2.0.0 * @action hooks register_setting Hook to register i4t3 options in db. * * @return void */ public function register_options() { register_setting( 'lfc_options', 'lfc_options' ); } /** * Custom footer text for LFC pages. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return mixed */ public function dashboard_footer() { global $pagenow; if ( ( $pagenow == 'options-general.php' ) && ( in_array( $_GET['page'], array( 'lfc-settings' ) ) ) ) { _e( 'Thank you for choosing Lazy FB Comments to improve your website', 'lazy-facebook-comments' ); echo ' | '; _e( 'Kindly give this plugin a ', 'lazy-facebook-comments' ); echo ''; _e( 'rating', 'lazy-facebook-comments' ); echo ' ★ ★ ★ ★ ★'; } else { return; } } /** * Custom plugin action Link. * * Function to add a quick link to lfc, * when being listed on your plugins list view. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return array $links Links to display. */ public function plugin_action_links( $links, $file ) { $plugin_file = basename( 'lazy-facebook-comments.php' ); if ( basename( $file ) == $plugin_file ) { $settings_link = '' . __( 'Settings', 'lazy-facebook-comments' ) . ''; array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); } return $links; } /** * Get debug data. * * Function to output the debug data for the plugin. This will be useful * when asking for support. Just copy and paste these data to the email. * * @note Please DO NOT translate this part, as this need to be provided * for debugging only. The developer may not understand the translated words. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return string $html Html content to diplay. */ public function get_debug_data() { $html = ''; $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ); $active_theme = wp_get_theme(); // Dump the plugin settings data if ( ! empty( $this->options ) ) { $html .= '
'; foreach ( $this->options as $key => $option ) { $html .= $key . ' : ' . $option . '
'; } $html .= '
$html .= 'WordPress Version : ' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ) . '
$html .= 'PHP Version : ' . PHP_VERSION . '
$html .= 'Plugin Version : ' . $this->version . '
$html .= 'Home Page : ' . home_url() . '
$html .= 'Name : ' . $active_theme->get( 'Name' ) . '
$html .= 'Version : ' . $active_theme->get( 'Version' ) . '
$html .= 'Theme URI : ' . $active_theme->get( 'ThemeURI' ) . '
foreach ( $active_plugins as $plugin ) {
$html .= $plugin . '
$html .= '