= 0) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/php-5.3-functions.php'; } wpo_cache_load_extensions(); if (!class_exists('WPO_Page_Cache')) : class WPO_Page_Cache { /** * Cache config object * * @var mixed */ public $config; /** * Logger for this class * * @var mixed */ public $logger; /** * Instance of this class * * @var mixed */ public static $instance; /** * Store last advanced cache file writing status * If true then last writing finished with error * * @var bool */ public $advanced_cache_file_writing_error; /** * Store errors * * @var array */ private $_errors = array(); /** * Last advanced cache file content * * @var string */ public $advanced_cache_file_content; /** * Store the latest advanced-cache.php version required * * @var string */ private $_minimum_advanced_cache_file_version = '3.0.17'; /** * Set everything up here */ public function __construct() { $this->config = WPO_Cache_Config::instance(); $this->rules = WPO_Cache_Rules::instance(); $this->logger = new Updraft_PHP_Logger(); add_action('activate_plugin', array($this, 'activate_deactivate_plugin')); add_action('deactivate_plugin', array($this, 'activate_deactivate_plugin')); /** * Regenerate config file on cache flush. */ add_action('wpo_cache_flush', array($this, 'update_cache_config')); add_action('wpo_cache_flush', array($this, 'delete_cache_size_information')); // Add purge cache link to admin bar. add_filter('wpo_cache_admin_bar_menu_items', array($this, 'admin_bar_purge_cache'), 20, 2); // Handle single page purge. add_action('wp_loaded', array($this, 'handle_purge_single_page_cache')); add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'admin_init')); } /** * Do required actions on activate/deactivate any plugin. */ public function activate_deactivate_plugin() { $this->update_cache_config(); /** * Filters whether activating / deactivating a plugin will purge the cache. */ if (apply_filters('wpo_purge_page_cache_on_activate_deactivate_plugin', true)) { $this->purge(); } } /** * Check if current user can purge cache. * * @return bool */ public function can_purge_cache() { if (is_multisite()) return $this->is_enabled() && current_user_can('manage_network_options'); return $this->is_enabled() && current_user_can('manage_options'); } /** * Add Purge from cache in admin bar. * * @param array $menu_items * @param WP_Admin_Bar $wp_admin_bar * @return array */ public function admin_bar_purge_cache($menu_items, $wp_admin_bar) { global $pagenow; if (!$this->can_purge_cache()) return $menu_items; $act_url = remove_query_arg(array('wpo_single_page_cache_purged', 'wpo_all_pages_cache_purged')); $cache_size = $this->get_cache_size(); $cache_size_info = '

'.__('Page cache', 'wp-optimize').'

'; $cache_size_info .= ''.__('Cache size:', 'wp-optimize').' '. WP_Optimize()->format_size($cache_size['size']).' '.sprintf(__('(%d files)', 'wp-optimize'), $cache_size['file_count']).''; $menu_items[] = array( 'id' => 'wpo_cache_stats', 'title' => $cache_size_info, 'meta' => array( 'class' => 'wpo-cache-stats', ), 'parent' => 'wpo_purge_cache', ); $menu_items[] = array( 'id' => 'wpo_purge_all_pages_cache', 'title' => __('Purge cache for all pages', 'wp-optimize'), 'href' => add_query_arg('_wpo_purge', wp_create_nonce('wpo_purge_all_pages_cache'), $act_url), 'meta' => array( 'title' => __('Purge cache for all pages', 'wp-optimize'), ), 'parent' => 'wpo_purge_cache', ); if (!is_admin() || 'post.php' == $pagenow) { $menu_items[] = array( 'id' => 'wpo_purge_this_page_cache', 'title' => __('Purge cache for this page', 'wp-optimize'), 'href' => add_query_arg('_wpo_purge', wp_create_nonce('wpo_purge_single_page_cache'), $act_url), 'meta' => array( 'title' => __('Purge cache for this page', 'wp-optimize'), ), 'parent' => 'wpo_purge_cache', ); } return $menu_items; } /** * Check if purge single page action sent and purge cache. */ public function handle_purge_single_page_cache() { if (!$this->can_purge_cache()) return; if (isset($_GET['wpo_single_page_cache_purged']) || isset($_GET['wpo_all_pages_cache_purged'])) { if (isset($_GET['wpo_single_page_cache_purged'])) { $notice_function = $_GET['wpo_single_page_cache_purged'] ? 'notice_purge_single_page_cache_success' : 'notice_purge_single_page_cache_error'; } else { $notice_function = $_GET['wpo_all_pages_cache_purged'] ? 'notice_purge_all_pages_cache_success' : 'notice_purge_all_pages_cache_error'; } add_action('admin_notices', array($this, $notice_function)); return; } if (!isset($_GET['_wpo_purge'])) return; if (wp_verify_nonce($_GET['_wpo_purge'], 'wpo_purge_single_page_cache')) { $success = false; if (is_admin()) { $post = isset($_GET['post']) ? (int) $_GET['post'] : 0; if ($post > 0) { $success = self::delete_single_post_cache($post); } } else { $success = self::delete_cache_by_url(wpo_current_url()); } // remove nonce from url and reload page. wp_redirect(add_query_arg('wpo_single_page_cache_purged', $success, remove_query_arg('_wpo_purge'))); exit; } elseif (wp_verify_nonce($_GET['_wpo_purge'], 'wpo_purge_all_pages_cache')) { $success = self::purge(); // remove nonce from url and reload page. wp_redirect(add_query_arg('wpo_all_pages_cache_purged', $success, remove_query_arg('_wpo_purge'))); exit; } } /** * Show notification when page cache purged successfully. */ public function notice_purge_single_page_cache_success() { $this->show_notice(__('The page cache was successfully purged.', 'wp-optimize'), 'success'); } /** * Show notification when page cache wasn't purged. */ public function notice_purge_single_page_cache_error() { $this->show_notice(__('The page cache was not purged.', 'wp-optimize'), 'error'); } /** * Show notification when all pages cache purged successfully. */ public function notice_purge_all_pages_cache_success() { $this->show_notice(__('The page cache was successfully purged.', 'wp-optimize'), 'success'); } /** * Show notification when all pages cache wasn't purged. */ public function notice_purge_all_pages_cache_error() { $this->show_notice(__('The page cache was not purged.', 'wp-optimize'), 'error'); } /** * Show notification in WordPress admin. * * @param string $message HTML (no further escaping is performed) * @param string $type error, warning, success, or info */ public function show_notice($message, $type) { global $current_screen; if ($current_screen && is_callable(array($current_screen, 'is_block_editor')) && $current_screen->is_block_editor()) : ?>

create_folders(); if (is_wp_error($folders_created)) { $already_ran_enable = $folders_created; return $already_ran_enable; } // if WPO_ADVANCED_CACHE isn't set, or environment doesn't contain the right constant, force regeneration if (!defined('WPO_ADVANCED_CACHE') || !defined('WP_CACHE')) { $force_enable = true; } if (!$force_enable) { $already_ran_enable = true; return true; } if (!$this->write_advanced_cache() && version_compare($this->get_advanced_cache_version(), $this->_minimum_advanced_cache_file_version, '<')) { $message = sprintf("The request to write the file %s failed. ", htmlspecialchars($this->get_advanced_cache_filename())); $message .= ' '.__('Your WP install might not have permission to write inside the wp-content folder.', 'wp-optimize'); if (!defined('WP_CLI') || !WP_CLI) { $message .= "\n\n".sprintf(__('1. Please navigate, via FTP, to the folder - %s', 'wp-optimize'), htmlspecialchars(dirname($this->get_advanced_cache_filename()))); $message .= "\n".__('2. Edit or create a file with the name advanced-cache.php', 'wp-optimize'); $message .= "\n".__('3. Copy and paste the following lines into the file:', 'wp-optimize'); } $already_ran_enable = new WP_Error("write_advanced_cache", $message); return $already_ran_enable; } if (!$this->write_wp_config(true)) { $already_ran_enable = new WP_Error("write_wp_config", "Could not turn on the WP_CACHE constant in wp-config.php. Check your permissions."); return $already_ran_enable; } if (!$this->verify_cache()) { $errors = $this->get_errors(); $already_ran_enable = new WP_Error("verify_cache", "Could not verify if the cache was enabled: \n".implode("\n- ", $errors)); return $already_ran_enable; } $already_ran_enable = true; return true; } /** * Disables page cache * * @return bool - true on success, false otherwise */ public function disable() { $ret = true; $advanced_cache_file = $this->get_advanced_cache_filename(); // N.B. The only use of WP_CACHE in WP core is to include('advanced-cache.php') (and run a function if it's then defined); so, if the decision to leave it enable is, for some unexpected reason, technically incorrect, it still can't cause a problem. $disabled_wp_config = $this->write_wp_config(false); if (!$disabled_wp_config) { $this->log("Could not turn off the WP_CACHE constant in wp-config.php"); $this->add_warning('error_disabling', __('Could not turn off the WP_CACHE constant in wp-config.php', 'wp-optimize')); } $disabled_advanced_cache = true; // First try to remove (so that it doesn't look to any other plugin like the file is already 'claimed') // We only touch advanched-cache.php and wp-config.php if it appears that we were in control of advanced-cache.php if (!file_exists($advanced_cache_file) || false !== strpos(file_get_contents($advanced_cache_file), 'WP-Optimize advanced-cache.php')) { if (file_exists($advanced_cache_file) && (!unlink($advanced_cache_file) && false === file_put_contents($advanced_cache_file, "log("The request to the filesystem to remove or empty advanced-cache.php failed"); $this->add_warning('error_disabling', __('The request to the filesystem to remove or empty advanced-cache.php failed', 'wp-optimize')); } } // If both actions failed, the cache wasn't disabled. So we send an error. If only one succeeds, it will still be disabled. if (!$disabled_wp_config && !$disabled_advanced_cache) { $ret = new WP_Error('error_disabling_cache', __('The page caching could not be disabled: the WP_CACHE constant could not be removed from wp-config.php and the request to the filesystem to remove or empty advanced-cache.php failed.', 'wp-optimize')); } // Delete cache to avoid stale cache on next activation $this->purge(); return $ret; } /** * Purges the cache * * @return bool - true on success, false otherwise */ public function purge() { if (!self::delete(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)) { $this->log("The request to the filesystem to delete the cache failed"); return false; } /** * Fires after purging the cache */ do_action('wpo_cache_flush'); return true; } /** * Purges the cache * * @return bool - true on success, false otherwise */ public function clean_up() { $this->disable(); if (!self::delete(WPO_CACHE_DIR, true)) { $this->log("The request to the filesystem to clean up the cache failed"); return false; } return true; } /** * Check if cache is enabled and working * * @return bool - true on success, false otherwise */ public function is_enabled() { if (!defined('WP_CACHE') || !WP_CACHE) { return false; } if (!defined('WPO_ADVANCED_CACHE') || !WPO_ADVANCED_CACHE) { return false; } if (!file_exists(WPO_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR . '/'.$this->get_cache_config_filename())) { return false; } return true; } /** * Create the folder structure needed for cache to work * * @return bool - true on success, false otherwise */ private function create_folders() { if (!is_dir(WPO_CACHE_DIR) && !wp_mkdir_p(WPO_CACHE_DIR)) { return new WP_Error('create_folders', sprintf(__('The request to the filesystem failed: unable to create directory %s. Please check your file permissions.'), str_ireplace(ABSPATH, '', WPO_CACHE_DIR))); } if (!is_dir(WPO_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR) && !wp_mkdir_p(WPO_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR)) { return new WP_Error('create_folders', sprintf(__('The request to the filesystem failed: unable to create directory %s. Please check your file permissions.'), str_ireplace(ABSPATH, '', WPO_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR))); } if (!is_dir(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)) { if (!wp_mkdir_p(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)) { return new WP_Error('create_folders', sprintf(__('The request to the filesystem failed: unable to create directory %s. Please check your file permissions.'), str_ireplace(ABSPATH, '', WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR))); } else { wpo_disable_cache_directories_viewing(); } } return true; } /** * Get advanced-cache.php file name with full path. * * @return string */ public function get_advanced_cache_filename() { return untrailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR) . '/advanced-cache.php'; } /** * Get advanced-cache.php file name with full path. * * @return string */ public function get_cache_config_filename() { $url = parse_url(network_site_url()); if (isset($url['port']) && '' != $url['port'] && 80 != $url['port']) { return 'config-'.$url['host'].'-port'.$url['port'].'.php'; } else { return 'config-'.$url['host'].'.php'; } } /** * Writes advanced-cache.php * * @param boolean $update_required - Whether the update is required or not. * @return bool */ private function write_advanced_cache($update_required = false) { $config_file_basename = $this->get_cache_config_filename(); $cache_file_basename = untrailingslashit(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)); $plugin_basename = basename(WPO_PLUGIN_MAIN_PATH); $cache_path = '/wpo-cache'; $cache_files_path = '/cache/wpo-cache'; $cache_extensions_path = WPO_CACHE_EXT_DIR; $wpo_version = WPO_VERSION; // CS does not like heredoc // phpcs:disable $this->advanced_cache_file_content = <<get_advanced_cache_filename(); // If the file content is already up to date, success if (is_file($advanced_cache_filename) && file_get_contents($advanced_cache_filename) === $this->advanced_cache_file_content) { $this->advanced_cache_file_writing_error = false; return true; } // check if we can't write the advanced cache file // case 1: the directory is read-only and the file doesn't exist if (!is_file($advanced_cache_filename) && !is_writable(dirname($advanced_cache_filename))) { $this->advanced_cache_file_writing_error = true; return false; } // case 2: the file already exists but it's read-only if (is_file($advanced_cache_filename) && !is_writable($advanced_cache_filename)) { if (version_compare($this->get_advanced_cache_version(), $this->_minimum_advanced_cache_file_version, '<') || $update_required) { $this->advanced_cache_file_writing_error = true; return false; } else { $this->advanced_cache_file_writing_error = false; return true; } } if (!file_put_contents($this->get_advanced_cache_filename(), $this->advanced_cache_file_content)) { $this->advanced_cache_file_writing_error = true; return false; } $this->advanced_cache_file_writing_error = false; return true; } /** * Update advanced cache version if needed. */ public function maybe_update_advanced_cache() { if (!$this->is_enabled()) return; // from 3.0.17 we use more secure way to store cache config files and need update advanced-cache.php $advanced_cache_current_version = $this->get_advanced_cache_version(); if ($advanced_cache_current_version && version_compare($advanced_cache_current_version, $this->_minimum_advanced_cache_file_version, '>=')) return; if (!$this->write_advanced_cache()) { add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'notice_advanced_cache_autoupdate_error')); } else { $this->update_cache_config(); } } /** * Show notification when advanced-cache.php could not be updated. */ public function notice_advanced_cache_autoupdate_error() { $this->show_notice(__('The file advanced-cache.php needs to be updated, but the automatic process failed.', 'wp_optimize'). ' '.__('Please try to disable and then re-enable the WP-Optimize cache manually.', 'wp-optimize').'', 'error'); } /** * Get WPO version number from advanced-cache.php file. * * @return bool|mixed */ public function get_advanced_cache_version() { if (!is_file($this->get_advanced_cache_filename())) return false; $version = false; $content = file_get_contents($this->get_advanced_cache_filename()); if (preg_match('/WP\-Optimize advanced\-cache\.php \(written by version\: (.+)\)/Ui', $content, $match)) { $version = $match[1]; } return $version; } /** * Set WP_CACHE on or off in wp-config.php * * @param boolean $status value of WP_CACHE. * @return boolean true if the value was set, false otherwise */ private function write_wp_config($status = true) { // If we changed the value in wp-config, save it, in case we need to change it again in the same run. static $changed = false; if (defined('WP_CACHE') && WP_CACHE === $status && !$changed) { return true; } $config_path = $this->_get_wp_config(); // Couldn't find wp-config.php. if (!$config_path) { return false; } $config_file_string = file_get_contents($config_path); // Config file is empty. Maybe couldn't read it? if (empty($config_file_string)) { return false; } $config_file = preg_split("#(\n|\r\n)#", $config_file_string); $line_key = false; foreach ($config_file as $key => $line) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*define\(\s*(\'|")([A-Z_]+)(\'|")(.*)/i', $line, $match)) { continue; } if ('WP_CACHE' === $match[2]) { $line_key = $key; } } if (false !== $line_key) { unset($config_file[$line_key]); } if ($status) { array_shift($config_file); array_unshift($config_file, ' $line) { if ('' === $line) { unset($config_file[$key]); } } if (!file_put_contents($config_path, implode(PHP_EOL, $config_file))) { return false; } $changed = true; return true; } /** * Verify we can write to the file system * * @return boolean */ private function verify_cache() { if (function_exists('clearstatcache')) { clearstatcache(); } $errors = 0; // First check wp-config.php. if (!$this->_get_wp_config() && !is_writable($this->_get_wp_config())) { $this->log("Unable to write to or find wp-config.php; please check file/folder permissions"); $this->add_warning('verify_cache', __("Unable to write to or find wp-config.php; please check file/folder permissions.", 'wp-optimize')); } $advanced_cache_file = untrailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR).'/advanced-cache.php'; // Now check wp-content. We need to be able to create files of the same user as this file. if ((!file_exists($advanced_cache_file) || false === strpos(file_get_contents($advanced_cache_file), 'WP-Optimize advanced-cache.php')) && !is_writable($advanced_cache_file) && !is_writable(untrailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR))) { $this->log("Unable to write the file advanced-cache.php inside the wp-content folder; please check file/folder permissions"); $this->add_error('verify_cache', __("Unable to write the file advanced-cache.php inside the wp-content folder; please check file/folder permissions", 'wp-optimize')); $errors++; } if (file_exists(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)) { if (!is_writable(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)) { $this->log("Unable to write inside the cache files folder; please check file/folder permissions"); $this->add_warning('verify_cache', sprintf(__("Unable to write inside the cache files folder (%s); please check file/folder permissions (no cache files will be able to be created otherwise)", 'wp-optimize'), WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)); } } if (file_exists(WPO_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR)) { if (!is_writable(WPO_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR)) { $this->log("Unable to write inside the cache configuration folder; please check file/folder permissions"); // If the config exists, only send a warning. Otherwise send an error. $type = 'warning'; if (!file_exists(WPO_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR . '/'.$this->get_cache_config_filename())) { $type = 'error'; $errors++; } $this->add_error('verify_cache', sprintf(__("Unable to write inside the cache configuration folder (%s); please check file/folder permissions", 'wp-optimize'), WPO_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR), $type); } } return !$errors; } /** * Update cache config. Used to support 3d party plugins. */ public function update_cache_config() { // get current cache settings. $current_config = $this->config->get(); // and call update to change if need cookies and query variable names. $this->config->update($current_config, true); } /** * Delete information about cache size. */ public function delete_cache_size_information() { delete_transient('wpo_get_cache_size'); } /** * Get current cache size. * * @return array */ public function get_cache_size() { $cache_size = get_transient('wpo_get_cache_size'); if (!empty($cache_size)) return $cache_size; $infos = $this->get_dir_infos(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR); $cache_size = array( 'size' => $infos['size'], 'file_count' => $infos['file_count'] ); set_transient('wpo_get_cache_size', $cache_size); return $cache_size; } /** * Fetch directory informations. * * @param string $dir * @return array */ private function get_dir_infos($dir) { $dir_size = 0; $file_count = 0; $handle = is_dir($dir) ? opendir($dir) : false; if (false === $handle) { return array('size' => 0, 'file_count' => 0); } $file = readdir($handle); while (false !== $file) { if ('.' != $file && '..' != $file) { $current_file = $dir.'/'.$file; if (is_dir($current_file)) { $sub_dir_infos = $this->get_dir_infos($current_file); $dir_size += $sub_dir_infos['size']; $file_count += $sub_dir_infos['file_count']; } elseif (is_file($current_file)) { $dir_size += filesize($current_file); $file_count++; } } $file = readdir($handle); } return array('size' => $dir_size, 'file_count' => $file_count); } /** * Returns the path to wp-config * * @return string|boolean wp-config.php path. */ private function _get_wp_config() { $config_path = false; foreach (get_included_files() as $filename) { if (preg_match('/(\\\\|\/)wp-config\.php$/i', $filename)) { $config_path = $filename; break; } } // WP-CLI doesn't include wp-config.php that's why we use function from WP-CLI to locate config file. if (!$config_path && is_callable('wpo_wp_cli_locate_wp_config')) { $config_path = wpo_wp_cli_locate_wp_config(); } return $config_path; } /** * Util to delete folders and/or files * * @param string $src * @return boolean */ public static function delete($src) { return wpo_delete_files($src); } /** * Delete cached files for specific url. * * @param string $url * @param bool $recursive If true child elements will deleted too * * @return bool */ public static function delete_cache_by_url($url, $recursive = false) { if (!defined('WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR') || '' == $url) return; $path = trailingslashit(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR) . trailingslashit(wpo_get_url_path($url)); do_action('wpo_delete_cache_by_url', $url, $recursive); return wpo_delete_files($path, $recursive); } /** * Delete cached files for single post. * * @param integer $post_id The post ID * * @return bool */ public static function delete_single_post_cache($post_id) { if (!defined('WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR')) return; $post_url = get_permalink($post_id); $path = trailingslashit(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR) . trailingslashit(wpo_get_url_path($post_url)); // for posts with pagination run purging cache recursively. $post = get_post($post_id); $recursive = preg_match('/\<\!--nextpage--\>/', $post->post_content) ? true : false; do_action('wpo_delete_cache_by_url', $post_url, $recursive); return wpo_delete_files($path, $recursive); } /** * Delete cached home page files. */ public static function delete_homepage_cache() { if (!defined('WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR')) return; $homepage_url = get_home_url(get_current_blog_id()); $path = trailingslashit(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR) . trailingslashit(wpo_get_url_path($homepage_url)); do_action('wpo_delete_cache_by_url', $homepage_url, false); wpo_delete_files($path, false); } /** * Admin actions * * @return void */ public function admin_init() { // Maybe update the advanced cache. if ((!defined('DOING_AJAX') || !DOING_AJAX) && current_user_can('update_plugins')) { $this->maybe_update_advanced_cache(); } } /** * Logs error messages * * @param string $message * @return null|void */ public function log($message) { if (isset($this->logger)) { $this->logger->log('ERROR', $message); } else { error_log($message); } } /** * Returns an instance of the current class, creates one if it doesn't exist * * @return object */ public static function instance() { if (empty(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Adds an error to the error store * * @param string $code - The error code * @param string $message - The error's message * @param string $type - The error's type (error, warning) * @return void */ public function add_error($code, $message, $type = 'error') { if (!isset($this->_errors[$type])) { $this->_errors[$type] = new WP_Error($code, $message); } else { $this->_errors[$type]->add($code, $message); } } /** * Adds a warning to the error store * * @param string $code - The error code * @param string $message - The error's message * @return void */ public function add_warning($code, $message) { $this->add_error($code, $message, 'warning'); } /** * Get all recorded errors * * @param string $type - The error type * @param boolean $get_messages_only - Whether to get only the messages, or the full WP_Error object * @return boolean|array|WP_Error */ public function get_errors($type = 'error', $get_messages_only = true) { if (!$this->has_errors($type)) return false; $errors = $this->_errors[$type]; if ($get_messages_only) { return $errors->get_error_messages(); } return $errors; } /** * Check if any errors were recorded * * @param string $type - The error type * @return boolean */ public function has_errors($type = 'error') { return isset($this->_errors[$type]) && !empty($this->_errors[$type]) && $this->_errors[$type]->has_errors(); } /** * Check if any warnings were recorded * * @return boolean */ public function has_warnings() { return $this->has_errors('warning'); } } endif;