SENAYAN 3 Stable Branch SLiMS 5 SLiMS 7 Changes Log Developers : Hendro Wicaksono (, Arie Nugraha (, Wardiyono ( Purwoko (, Sulfan Zayd ( Arif Syamsudin (, Rasyid Ridho (, Eddy Subratha ( Indra Sutriadi ( Localisation contributors : Germany: Tobias Zeumer ( Thai: Prasitichai เรารักในหลวง Bengali: A. K. M. Nurul Alam Persian: Mohammad Javad Mansourzadeh Arabic: Rasyid Ridho Malay: Jerry Mohd. Arif Brazilian Portuguese: Eduardo Koiti Kataoka Spain: Jhon Urrego Felipe Mejia THANKS TO OUR USERS AND COMMUNITIES, YOU ARE DEVELOPERS TOO! SLiMS 7 (Cendana) ======================================================================== Added: Persian translation Added: Cendana Responsive template Added: Comment field in OPAC Added: Membercard generator by Jushadi Added: Tooltip in New Bibliography field Added: New theme for SLiMS 7 Cendana Added: Label, barcode, and member card settings from within the SLiMS adminstration page Added: Keyword suggestion using Enchant library Added: Since Meranti, Google voice search in OPAC using Google Chrome browser Added: Google voice search for search in OPAC with Google Chrome browser using mobile device Fixed: Bugs in Custom Reports Fixed: LDAP auth error Modified: Type ahead value for Publisher, Publishing Place, Classification SLIMS 5 (Meranti) ======================================================================== Added: Web-based SLiMS installer Added: New Template for Admin and OPAC. For old templates can be downloaded from Added: Z39.50 SRU: Search/Retrieval via URL Added: OAI/PMH support (server). Added: Statement of Responbility field in bibliographic form. Added: Item(s) code generator Added: Integrated Classification in Subject field Added: Catalog card printing Added: Search result clustering :) Added: Brazilian Portuguise language Added: remove orphaned publisher and place Added: Import MARC data Added: Member photo capture foto directly from membership form. Added: keyboard shortcut to modules and submodules. Added: option to not counting fines in holiday. Added: Alternative to barcode printing using zend barcode Added: Improvised mobile apps view Fixed: Bugs in import/export of bibliographic and item data. Fixed: Missing filter in item usage statistics on Reporting module Fixed: Bugs in XML result SENAYAN 3 Stable 15 (Matoa) ======================================================================== - Fixed: Loan receipt always pop even when there are no circulation transactions - Added: User no need to modify to make local customization. It is also not recommended. Use instead. - Added: Download Loan History and current loan for member (in member login). - Fixed: improve image viewer handling using OpenHTMLpop. - Added: lib/minigalnano/createthumb.php for alternative in thumbnail generating to phpThumb. Including modify it to meet slims need: flexible width/height resize and caching. - Added: UCS is now separated package from SLiMS distribution. - Fixed: remove UCS variables from SLiMS distribution. - Added: Author and Topic/Subject structure changes. - Fixed: change unique key for master topic table. - Fixed: add author year field for author master table in SQL install script. - Fixed: install and upgrade script fix. - Fixed: change classification to call number in item list. - Fixed: update SQL statement in biblio for publish_year and year in search_biblio. - Fixed: change 'series' to series_title in install/senayan/sql for search_biblio Table. - Fixed: biblio index error on series title search. - Fixed: upgrade script for stable15. - Fixed: search error on publisher. - Fixed: ajax history error after saving data and causing wrong page to display. - Fixed: error on system backup because of already defined constant. - Fixed: removing urlencode function usage. - Fixed: bugs fixing for series_title in custom frontpage. - Added: improve XML mods based support in SLiMS. - Added: Add tools for searching orphaned topic/author in masterfile module. - Added: Add Email support for sending notification in due date warning and overdue list (using PHPMailer Library). - Added: Thai language support (Prasitichai เรารักในหลวง). - Added: 74% arabic translation. - Fixed: terrafirma template and language file (id_ID). - Fixed: AJAX circuation error on circulation transaction. - Fixed: birthdate exp on membership. - Added: update security. - Added: set item status to missing when finishing stocktake. - Added: Bengali language support (A. K. M. Nurul Alam). - Added: two database connection (security. least privilege for database connection) - Added: Integrated IP based access limitation - Added: Security patch from Indra Sutriadi ( to avoid barcode.php exploitation. - Added: Option $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR'] besides $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] for compatibility reason with IIS (Indra Sutriadi) - Fixed: change "prototype" word menjadi to "jQuery" (Indra Sutriadi) - Added: Port Reference to checkref function in phpbarcode library (Indra Sutriadi) SENAYAN 3 Stable 14 (Seulanga) ======================================================================== - Fixed : Expiration date checking in membership management & circulation transaction. - Fixed : Print receipt in circulation transaction. - Added : Union Catalogue Server (more stable for production use) - Added : Peer-to-peer cataloging service - Added : Custom fields for bibliographic data/Bibliography module (experimental) - Added : Custom fields for membership data/Membership module (experimental) SENAYAN 3 Stable 13 ======================================================================== - Fixed : Loan by classification reporting for non-decimal class - Fixed : OPAC search error when searching with GMD or Collection type containing more than one word - Fixed : Non-decimal class total titles and items in Custom Recapitulation reporting - Fixed : Holiday calculation bugs in Circulation (critical) - Added : Espanol/Spanish translation (John Urrego Felipe Mejia) - Added : Arabic translation (Rasyid Ridho) - Added : SWF Document Viewer - Added : Circulation transaction receipt when transaction is finished - Added : Bibliographic item data export and import features - Added : Union Catalogue Server (experimental) SENAYAN 3 Stable 12 ======================================================================== - Added : Member login in OPAC - Added : File download limitation based on Member type - Added : new public template (igos & terrafirma) - Added : new admin template (igos) SENAYAN 3 Stable 11 ======================================================================== - Added : Change Loan Date and Due Date manually in circulation transaction (if enabled) - Added : Replaced language constants with gettext (thanks a lot to Tobias Zeumer). - Added : German SQL (translates all default data). - Added : Stock Take, List only item for current logged in user in current stock take and Upload item code list. - Added : Label on Bibliographic records can have URL. - Added : German translations from Tobias Zeumer. - Added : security enhancement for language switch in sysconfig. - Fixed : Some Javascripts code optimized. - Fixed : date handling on holiday settings. - Fixed : Biblio detail metadata notes field is now HTML stripped in OPAC's record detail - Fixed : Skip stock take on item status not working when Stock take initialize. - Fixed : Paging in loan rules. - Fixed : Forcing UTF8 for MySQL/HTTP - Fixed : Session cookies revision. - Fixed : Simbio Form Table. - Fixed : Fines list bugs in circulation. - Fixed : Optimized OPAC's search engine. - Fixed : Custom reports date filter. - Fixed : AJAX error in Item Barcode Generator. - Fixed : Mobile browser detection utility - Fixed : many untranslated string, thanks to Tobias Zeumer STABLE 10 ======================================================================== - Fixed : Backup module - Added : MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema) XML format - Added : Z3950 bibliographic data service - Added : Multimedia viewer - Added : multiple file upload - Added : booleans operator in OPAC and bibliography - Added : Enhanced advanced search - Fixed : duplicate item code warning in Item data form - Added : Improvement on New Custom Report - Item Usage and Loan By Class - Added : Improvement on Record number to show option in custom reports - Added : PHP-based template system - Added : Robots support for third-party indexing engine - Added : Serial control management - Fixed : in stocktaking for location filter STABLE 9 ======================================================================== - Added : A lot of improvements related with security issues. - Added : security patch using Apache .htaccess. So it means that it only works with Apache web server. So it is recomended to use Senayan with Apache web server. - Added : security patches in AJAX request in item_list. - Added : Some options to add more advanced AJAX Security - Added : Option to custom base url on search result (useful to implement filesystem-based web caching) - Added : Simple content management system to create non-collection information - Added : Options to customize senayan OPAC frontpage - Added : Features to promote collections to frontpage - Added : Feature to add header info only in frontpage - Fixed : printing customization - Fixed : displaying background image for some template - Added : template (invention) STABLE 8 - Saturday, 2009-03-14 ======================================================================== - Added : custom result field in OPAC search result - Fixed : security vulnerability, enable attacker to inject HTML in OPAC search query and XSS attack - Added : New reporting summary based on class and staff activities - Added : Feature for duplicating call number to data item. - Added : Printing membership card. - Added : Configurable label, barcode, and membership card printing per template. - Fixed : expiry of collection reservation. STABLE 7 - Wednesday, 2009-01-12 ======================================================================== - Added : holiday date range in Holiday Setting - Added : CLEAR LOGS for clearing full/bloated System Log - Added : Inventory Code field in item data form - Added : Currency field in item data form - Added : Improved document label and barcode printing - Fixed : Javascript AJAX Drop down menu - Added : Feature of for saving logs - Fixed : searching item for checked-out item list. - Fixed : importing bibliographic data - Fixed : printing call number label - Added : filter in reporting - Added : reservation list (circulation) STABLE 6 - Sunday, 2008-09-21 ======================================================================== - Fixed : change template from global configuration interface STABLE 5 - Tuesday, 2008-06-20 ======================================================================== - Added : Improvement in javascript codes - Added : Template file and CSS refinements - Added : Improvement in record detail for showing item list and its due date - Added : Improvement on bootstrap file (index.php) behaviour - Added : template "blue" by Eddy Subratha - Added : Improvement holiday count in overdue - Added : Implementation of overdue grace periode for circulation - Fixed : backup proccess for wrong paging library inclusion - Added : Update in translation by Wardiyono ( - Added : version information - Added : Improvement in AJAX handling for drop down box - Added : Grace Periode for overdue on circulation - Added : Language selection in OPAC - Added : OPAC template "blue" by Eddy Subratha - Added : Improvement in default templates STABLE 4 - Monday, 2008-05-09 ======================================================================== - Added : Multi-language support - Fixed : paging - Added : Improved login sessions handling - Fixed : search at overdue list on circulation module STABLE 3 - Monday, 2008-03-25 ======================================================================== - Fixed : changing user profile for administrator - Fixed : overdue warnings at admin home page for not showing the right counts - Fixed : sessions timeout handling - Fixed : upload error because of filename contain single or double quote characters - Fixed : checking ID field for showing FORBIDDEN ACCESS when others computer trying set ID Field in form - Fixed : print counters for Label Prints and Item Barcodes Print - Fixed : deleting collection type - Fixed : string handling - Added : in Circulation transaction, Fines values automatically displayed in Loan List, without having to return or extend loan first - Added : Subject, Series Title in OPAC's Record Detail - Added : in OPAC's Record Detail, Each Author Name and Subject Term are hyperlinked to related document - Added : master file document language - Added : expired member list in membership module - Added : improvement in security handling - Added : authority level for Author and Topic/Subject - Added : improvement on bibliographic import and export tools - Added : improvement on stock take modules STABLE 2 - Friday, 2008-03-22 ======================================================================== - Fixed : changing user profile for empty password - Fixed : record detail for not showing GMD/Medium data - Fixed : green OPAC template - Fixed : Reporting module at Membership section - Fixed : login proccess for User that belongs to any User Group - Fixed : System Logs's searching - Fixed : Stock Take's searching - Added : overdue warnings at admin home page - Added : warnings for ON LOAN or INVALID item code - Added : Detail for stock take history STABLE 1 ======================================================================== - Added : New built-in system logs. - Fixed : templating system. - Added : New Document Labels printing on "bibliographic" module, based on Call Number. - Added : New Item barcode generator printing on "bibliographic" module. - Added : New Partial stock taking proccess on "stock_take" module. - Added : New overdue detail in Overdue list on "circulation" module. - Added : New Item Status mode allow you to set certain action for some Item Status, such as "Loan Forbid". - Added : New Login Session timeout. - Added : Few new options in global configuration options. - Added : Warning system in admin home for some application settings. - Fixed : "master_file" module. - Fixed : "stock_take" module. - Fixed : "system" module. - Fixed : security issues. - Fixed : many part of circulation module. - Added : "Location" and "Availaibility" field in OPACs record detail. - Added : "location" field for advanced search in OPAC to narrow search scope in specific location. - Added : "size" option in Barcode generator. - Added : "member_since_date" field in "member" table. - Added : "source" field in "item" table. - Added : "report_file" field in "stock_take" table. - Added : New table "system_log" in database for storing system logs. - Fixed : "publish_place" field changed to "publish_place_id" (foreign key to mst_place table) field in "biblio" table. - Fixed : Re-ordering of "input_date" and "last_update" fields in "biblio" table.