'Public Knowledge Project',
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'informationCenter.deleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this note?',
'informationCenter.currentHistory' => 'Current Revision',
'informationCenter.pastHistory' => 'Earlier Revisions',
'informationCenter.history.noItems' => 'There are no events logged.',
'informationCenter.history.notePosted' => 'Posted new note.',
'informationCenter.history.messageSent' => 'Notification sent to users.',
'stageParticipants.history.messageSent' => 'Notification sent to users.',
'stageParticipants.notify.startDiscussion' => 'Start Discussion',
'stageParticipants.notify.startDiscussion.description' => 'Begin a discussion between yourself and {$userFullName}.',
'stageParticipants.notify.chooseMessage' => 'Choose a predefined message to use, or fill out the form below.',
'stageParticipants.notify.message' => 'Message',
'stageParticipants.notify.warning' => 'Please ensure that you have filled out the message field and selected at least one recipient.',
'stageParticipants.options' => 'Assignment privileges',
'stageParticipants.recommendOnly' => 'This participant is only allowed to recommend an editorial decision and will require an authorised editor to record editorial decisions.',
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'notification.reviewAcknowledged' => 'Review marked as acknowledged. Email not sent.',
'notification.reviewerThankedEmail' => 'Thank you email sent to reviewer.',
'notification.updatedReviewFiles' => 'Review files updated.',
'notification.allow' => 'Enable these types of notifications.',
'notification.addedAnnouncementType' => 'Announcement type added.',
'notification.editedAnnouncementType' => 'Announcement type edited.',
'notification.removedAnnouncementType' => 'Announcement type removed.',
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'notification.removedAnnouncement' => 'Announcement removed.',
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'notification.editedAuthor' => 'Author edited.',
'notification.confirmError' => 'There was an error confirming your subscription.',
'notification.confirmSuccess' => 'You have been successfully subscribed.',
'notification.email' => 'Do not send me an email for these types of notifications.',
'notification.noneExist' => 'You have no notifications at this time.',
'notification.addedNote' => 'Note posted.',
'notification.removedNote' => 'Note deleted.',
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'notification.settingsDescription' => 'Select the system events that you wish to be notified about. Unchecking an item will prevent notifications of the event from showing up in the system and also from being emailed to you. Checked events will appear in the system and you have an extra option to receive or not the same notification by email.',
'notification.reminderError' => 'There was an error sending your password, please ensure you\'ve entered your email address correctly.',
'notification.reminderSent' => 'Your new password has been sent to the email address provided.',
'notification.savedSubmissionMetadata' => 'Submission metadata saved.',
'notification.sendNotificationConfirmation' => 'Send notification email to all registered users',
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'search.advancedSearchLess' => 'Hide more search options',
'search.searchAgain' => 'Search again',
'search.cli.rebuildIndex.clearingIndex' => 'Clearing index',
'search.cli.rebuildIndex.done' => 'done',
'search.cli.rebuildIndex.error' => 'error',
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'search.dateFrom' => 'Published After',
'search.dateTo' => 'Published Before',
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'grid.action.downloadFile' => 'Download this file',
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'review.ensuringBlindReview' => 'Ensuring a Blind Review',
'grid.action.showReviewPolicy' => 'Read the current review policy',
'grid.action.deleteNotification' => 'Delete Task',
'grid.action.markNew' => 'Mark New',
'grid.action.markRead' => 'Mark Read',
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'review.blindPeerReview' => 'To ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review for submission to this press, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. This involves the authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review) checking to see if the following steps have been taken with regard to the text and the file properties:
- The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors\' name, article title, etc.
- With Microsoft Office documents, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.
- With PDFs, the authors\' names should also be removed from Document Properties found under File on Adobe Acrobat\'s main menu.
'reviewer.submission.reviewSchedule' => 'Review Schedule',
'reviewer.submission.reviewRequestDate' => 'Editor\'s Request',
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'reviewer.submission.reviewDueDate' => 'Review Due Date',
'submission.task.responseDueDate' => 'Response Due Date',
'navigation.goBack' => 'Go Back',
'notification.addedReviewer' => '{$reviewerName} was assigned to review this submission and sent an email notification.',
'notification.addedReviewerNoEmail' => '{$reviewerName} was assigned to review this submission and was not sent an email notification.',
'notification.removedReviewer' => 'Reviewer removed.',
'notification.addedStageParticipant' => 'User added as a stage participant.',
'notification.type.newAnnouncement' => 'New announcement.',
'notification.type.reviewAssignment' => 'Review pending.',
'notification.type.reviewAssignmentUpdated' => 'Review assignment updated.',
'notification.type.auditorRequest' => 'Audit request for "{$file}"',
'notification.type.allReviewsIn' => 'All reviews are in and a decision is needed in {$stage}.',
'notification.type.allRevisionsIn' => 'A revised file has been uploaded for your editorial consideration in {$stage}.',
'notification.type.pendingRevisions' => 'Revisions to consider in {$stage}.',
'notification.type.pendingRevisions.title' => 'Revisions submitted to {$stage}.',
'notification.type.metadataModified' => '"{$title}\'s" metadata has been modified.',
'notification.type.reviewerComment' => 'A reviewer has commented on "{$title}".',
'notification.signedFile' => 'File considered.',
'user.authorization.submissionFile' => 'The current user is not authorized to access the specified submission file.',
'user.authorization.invalidSubmission' => 'Invalid submission.',
'user.authorization.invalidRepresentation' => 'Invalid representation.',
'user.authorization.authorRoleMissing' => 'You do not currently have sufficient privileges to view the submission. Please edit your profile to ensure that you have been granted the appropriate roles under "Register As".',
'user.authorization.submissionAuthor' => 'The current user is not the author of the requested submission. Please verify that you are logged in with the correct user account.',
'notification.type.queryActivity' => 'Discussion activity.',
'notification.type.queryAdded' => 'Discussion added.',
'notification.type.assignCopyeditors' => 'Assign a copyeditor using the Assign link in the Participants list.',
'notification.type.awaitingCopyedits' => 'Awaiting Copyedits.',
'notification.type.roundStatusTitle' => 'Round {$round} Status',
'semicolon' => '{$label}:',
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'notification.editedNavigationMenu' => 'Navigation menu was succesfully updated',
'notification.removedNavigationMenu' => 'Navigation menu was succesfully removed',
'list.viewMore' => 'Show more details about {$name}',
'list.viewLess' => 'Hide expanded details about {$name}',
); ?>