'Editor Home', 'editor.reassign' => 'Reassign', 'editor.submissionsAndPublishing' => 'Submissions and Publishing', 'editor.submissionQueue' => 'Submission Queue', 'editor.submissionArchive' => 'Submission Archive', 'editor.publishing' => 'Publishing', 'editor.publishedIssues' => 'Published Issues', 'editor.allSections' => 'All Sections', 'editor.allEditors' => 'All Editors', 'editor.me' => 'Me', 'editor.publicIdentificationExists' => 'The public identifier \'{$publicIdentifier}\' already exists for another object (issue, article, galley or file). Please choose unique identifiers within your journal.', 'editor.submissionArchive.noSubmissions' => 'No submissions in the archive.', 'editor.submissionArchive.saveChanges' => 'Save changes to archived submissions? Submissions marked for deletion will be permanently deleted from the system.', 'editor.submissionArchive.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this submission?', 'editor.submissionReview.confirmDecision' => 'Are you sure you wish to record this decision?', 'editor.submissionReview.emailWillArchive' => 'This submission will be archived after the Notify Author email is either sent or its Skip Email button is pressed.', 'editor.submissionReview.cannotSendToCopyediting' => 'Before sending a submission to Copyediting, use Notify Author link to inform author of decision and select the version to be sent.', 'editor.notifyUsers' => 'Notify Users', 'editor.notifyUsers.allReaders' => 'All readers ({$count} users)', 'editor.notifyUsers.allAuthors' => 'All published authors ({$count} users)', 'editor.notifyUsers.allIndividualSubscribers' => 'All individual subscribers ({$count} users)', 'editor.notifyUsers.allInstitutionalSubscribers' => 'All institutional subscribers ({$count} users)', 'editor.notifyUsers.inProgress' => 'Notifying users...', 'editor.usersNotified' => 'Users Notified', 'editor.notifyUsers.allUsers' => 'Send this message to all users associated with this journal ({$count} users)', 'editor.notifyUsers.interestedUsers' => 'Send this message to the users associated with this journal who have indicated that they wish to receive updates ({$count} users)', 'editor.notifyUsers.includeToc' => 'Include the table of contents from this issue:', 'editor.editorAdministration' => 'Editor Administration', 'editor.issues.createIssue' => 'Create Issue', 'editor.issues.editIssue' => 'Issue Management: {$issueIdentification}', 'editor.issues.currentIssue' => 'Current Issue', 'editor.issues.numArticles' => 'Items', 'editor.issues.noArticles' => 'No items are currently scheduled for this issue.', 'editor.issues.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this issue?', 'editor.issues.published' => 'Published', 'editor.issues.unpublished' => 'Unpublished', 'editor.issues.datePublished' => 'Date Published', 'editor.issues.volumeRequired' => 'Volume is required and must be a positive, numeric value.', 'editor.issues.numberRequired' => 'Number is required and must be a positive, numeric value.', 'editor.issues.yearRequired' => 'Year is required and must be a positive, numeric value.', 'editor.issues.titleRequired' => 'Title is required for the issue.', 'editor.issues.issueIdentificationRequired' => 'Issue identification is required. Please select at least one of the issue identification options.', 'editor.issues.issueIdentification' => 'Issue identification', 'editor.issues.publicIssueIdentifier' => 'Public issue identifier', 'editor.issues.description' => 'Description', 'editor.issues.accessStatus' => 'Access status', 'editor.issues.accessDate' => 'Open access date', 'editor.issues.enableOpenAccessDate' => 'Enable delayed open access', 'editor.issues.coverPage' => 'Cover image', 'editor.issues.coverPageInstructions' => '(Allowed formats: .gif, .jpg, or .png)', 'editor.issues.uploaded' => 'Uploaded', 'editor.issues.remove' => 'Remove', 'editor.issues.proofed' => 'Proofed', 'editor.issues.removeCoverPage' => 'Remove cover page image?', 'editor.issues.removeCoverImageFileNameMismatch' => 'The cover image you requested to delete did not match the cover image for this issue. Please reload the page and try again.', 'editor.issues.removeCoverImageFileNotFound' => 'The cover image you requested to delete could not be found. It may have already been deleted. Try reloading the page.', 'editor.issues.invalidCoverImageFormat' => 'Invalid cover page format. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'editor.issues.styleFile' => 'Stylesheet', 'editor.issues.invalidStyleFormat' => 'Invalid stylesheet format. Ensure that the submitted file is a valid CSS. (Note that stylesheets with comments at the beginning may be rejected.)', 'editor.issues.removeStyleFile' => 'Remove stylesheet?', 'editor.issues.coverPageCaption' => 'Cover caption', 'editor.issues.showCoverPage' => 'Create a cover for this issue with the following elements.', 'editor.issues.coverPageDisplay' => 'Display', 'editor.issues.openAccess' => 'Open access', 'editor.issues.subscription' => 'Subscription', 'editor.issues.identification' => 'Identification', 'editor.issues.access' => 'Access', 'editor.issues.cover' => 'Cover', 'editor.issues.confirmIssueDelete' => 'All articles will be returned to the editing queue and all associated files will be permanently removed. Are you sure you want to remove this issue?', 'editor.issues.resetIssueOrder' => 'This journal uses custom issue ordering. Reset to defaults', 'editor.issues.resetSectionOrder' => 'This issue uses custom section ordering. Reset to defaults', 'editor.issues.issueData' => 'Issue Data', 'editor.issues.saveChanges' => 'Save changes to table of contents?', 'editor.issues.default' => 'Default', 'editor.issues.order' => 'Order', 'editor.issues.publicId' => 'Public Id', 'editor.issues.publishIssue' => 'Publish Issue', 'editor.issues.unpublishIssue' => 'Unpublish Issue', 'editor.issues.previewIssue' => 'Preview Issue', 'editor.issues.preview' => 'Preview', 'editor.issues.confirmPublish' => 'Are you sure you want to publish the new issue?', 'editor.issues.confirmUnpublish' => 'Are you sure you want to unpublish this published issue?', 'editor.issues.confirmSetCurrentIssue' => 'Are you sure you want to set this issue as current?', 'editor.issues.publicArticleIdExists' => 'Unable to save public id for article:', 'editor.issues.noLiveIssues' => 'No Live Issues', 'editor.issues.open' => 'Open', 'editor.issues.pages' => 'Pages', 'editor.issues.galleys' => 'Issue Galleys', 'editor.issues.galley' => 'Issue Galley', 'editor.issues.viewingGalley' => 'Viewing Issue Galley', 'editor.issues.issueGalleysDescription' => 'Publish galleys with entire issue contents.', 'editor.issues.noneIssueGalleys' => 'No issue galleys have been published.', 'editor.issues.galleyLabelRequired' => 'An issue galley label is required.', 'editor.issues.galleyLocaleRequired' => 'An issue galley locale is required.', 'editor.issues.galleyPublicIdentificationExists' => 'Public issue galley identification already exists.', 'editor.issues.backToIssueGalleys' => 'Back to issue galleys', 'editor.issues.confirmDeleteGalley' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this issue galley?', 'editor.issues.identifiers' => 'Identifiers', 'editor.navigation.futureIssues' => 'Future Issues', 'grid.action.addGalley' => 'Add galley', 'grid.action.publish' => 'Publish Issue', 'grid.action.addIssue' => 'Create Issue', 'grid.action.viewIssue' => 'View', 'grid.action.previewIssue' => 'Preview', 'grid.action.addIssueGalley' => 'Create Issue Galley', 'grid.action.setCurrentIssue' => 'Set Current Issue', 'editor.navigation.issueArchive' => 'Back Issues', 'editor.article.designateReviewVersion' => 'Designate the original file as the Review Version', 'editor.article.decision' => 'Decision', 'editor.submissions.showBy' => 'Show By', 'editor.submissions.submitMMDD' => 'Submit MM-DD', 'editor.submissions.activeAssignments' => 'Active Assignments', 'editor.submissions.invite' => 'Invite', 'editor.submissions.accept' => 'Accept', 'editor.submissions.noSubmissions' => 'No Submissions', 'editor.submissions.lastAssigned' => 'Latest', 'editor.submissions.averageTime' => 'Weeks', 'editor.submissions.lastCompleted' => 'Last Complete', 'editor.submissions.assignedTo' => 'Assigned To', 'editor.submissions.inSection' => 'In Section', 'editor.article.schedulePublication' => 'Schedule For Publication', 'editor.article.scheduleForPublication' => 'Schedule for publication in', 'editor.article.scheduleForPublication.toBeAssigned' => 'To Be Assigned', 'editor.article.payment.publicationFeeNotPaid' => 'Publication Fee not paid. To schedule item for publication notify author to pay fee or waive fee.', 'editor.article.removeCoverImageFileNotFound' => 'The cover image you requested to delete could not be found. It may have already been deleted. Try reloading the page.', 'grid.action.removeArticle' => 'Remove Article From Issue', 'editor.article.remove' => 'Remove', 'editor.article.remove.confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to remove this article from the issue? The article will be available for scheduling in another issue.', 'editor.issues.invalidAccessDate' => 'Access date is not valid.', 'editor.issues.editIssueGalley' => 'Edit Issue Galley', 'editor.submission.production.productionReadyFilesDescription' => 'The layout editor prepares these files for each galley and then uploads to the appropriate Proofs for proofreading.', 'editor.submission.selectGalleyFiles' => 'Select Galley Files', 'editor.submission.editorial.finalDraftDescription' => 'Final draft files in this list are transformed by a Copyeditor into copyedited versions, uploaded below under Copyediting.', 'editor.submission.proof.manageProofFilesDescription' => 'Any files that have already been uploaded to any submission stage can be added to the Proofreading listing by checking the Include checkbox below and clicking Search: all available files will be listed and can be chosen for inclusion.', 'editor.publicIdentificationExistsForTheSameType' => 'The public identifier \'{$publicIdentifier}\' already exists for another object of the same type. Please choose unique identifiers for the objects of the same type within your journal.', 'editor.article.coverImage' => 'Cover Image', ); ?>