'Anonymous User', 'comments.anonymousNamed' => '"{$userName}"', 'comments.body' => 'Body', 'comments.titleRequired' => 'A comment title is required.', 'comments.confirmDeleteChildren' => 'Deleting this comment will also delete any replies to it. Are you sure you wish to do this?', 'comments.delete' => 'Delete this comment', 'comments.email' => 'Poster Email', 'comments.emailReply' => 'Email Reply', 'comments.enterComment' => 'Enter Comment', 'comments.inResponseTo' => 'In response to {$title}', 'comments.name' => 'Poster Name', 'comments.noComments' => 'No reader comments have been posted.', 'comments.nReplies' => '({$num} Replies)', 'comments.oneReply' => '(1 Reply)', 'comments.postAnonymously' => 'Post this comment anonymously', 'comments.postReply' => 'Post Reply', 'comments.readerComments' => 'Reader Comments', 'comments.readMore' => 'Read more', 'comments.replies' => 'Replies', 'comments.title' => 'Title', 'comments.viewAllComments' => 'View all comments', 'reader.fullText' => 'Full Text:', 'rt.addComment' => 'Add comment', 'rt.admin.configuration' => 'Configuration', 'rt.admin.contexts.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this Context and all associated Searches?', 'rt.admin.contexts.createContext' => 'Create Context', 'rt.admin.contexts.edit.editContext' => 'Edit Context', 'rt.admin.contexts.metadata' => 'Metadata', 'rt.admin.contexts.options.authorTerms' => 'Use author names as default search terms to enable users to find other works by the authors for this item (e.g., for an "Other Works" context)', 'rt.admin.contexts.options.citedBy' => 'Use author names as default search terms and describe the context as a search for citations to the article.', 'rt.admin.contexts.options.defineTerms' => 'Use the word highlighted by the reader as default search term or be left blank if none has been selected for this item (e.g., for a "Definition of terms" context). The "Definition of terms" option must be enabled in the RST Settings to allow double-clicking on words to open this context.', 'rt.admin.contexts.options.geoTerms' => 'Use geographical indexing data as default search terms.', 'rt.admin.contexts.options' => 'Options', 'rt.admin.management' => 'Management', 'rt.admin.sharing' => 'Sharing', 'rt.admin.sharing.enabled' => 'Sharing Enabled', 'rt.admin.sharing.description' => 'To enable your readers to share content, sign up for an account with addthis.com, and copy/paste the Sharing button code below.', 'rt.admin.sharing.basic' => 'Basic Settings', 'rt.admin.sharing.userNameLabel' => 'AddThis.com user name', 'rt.admin.sharing.buttonStyleLabel' => 'Button style', 'rt.admin.sharing.dropDownMenuLabel' => 'Use drop-down menu', 'rt.admin.sharing.advanced' => 'Advanced Settings (optional)', 'rt.admin.sharing.customizationLink' => 'See the AddThis.com customization documentation for reference.', 'rt.admin.sharing.brandLabel' => 'Brand', 'rt.admin.sharing.dropDownLabel' => 'Drop-down options
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If so, you will need to choose an active Version on the Settings page.', 'rt.admin.versions.createVersion' => 'Create Version', 'rt.admin.versions.edit.editVersion' => 'Edit Version', 'rt.admin.versions.export' => 'Export', 'rt.admin.versions.importVersion' => 'Import Version', 'rt.admin.versions.metadata' => 'Metadata', 'rt.admin.versions.restoreVersions' => 'Restore Versions to Defaults', 'rt.authorBio' => 'About the author', 'rt.captureCite.format' => 'Citation Format', 'rt.captureCite' => 'How to cite item', 'rt.captureCite.online' => 'Online', 'rt.captureCite.web' => 'Web', 'rt.colleague' => 'Notify colleague', 'rt.context.abbrev' => 'Abbrev', 'rt.context.and' => 'AND', 'rt.context.citesContextDescription' => 'If the article is indexed in Google Scholar, it may be accompanied by a "Cited by X" link, which leads to a list of works that cite it. As well, Google Scholar will list all items quoting the title and author. To access online resources that are only available through your research library, you may be able to go to Scholar Preferences in Google Scholar and activate the Library Links for your institution.', 'rt.context' => 'Context', 'rt.context.defineTermsDescription' => 'If the item is a HTML file (rather than a PDF), double clicking on any word in the text will make it appear in the Word-to-Define box. Otherwise, words can be typed or pasted in the box. To learn more about the resource searched, click on ABOUT. These resources have been selected because of their relevance and their open (free) access to all or part of their contents.', 'rt.context.description' => 'Description', 'rt.context.order' => 'Order', 'rt.contexts' => 'Contexts', 'rt.context.searchDescription' => 'The search terms have been selected by the author(s). They can be altered or deleted by the reader, as two or three short, precise terms or phrases produced the best Boolean (AND) searches. To learn more about the resources searched, click on ABOUT. These resources have been selected for their relevance and open (free) access to all or part of their contents.', 'rt.context.searchTerms' => 'Search Terms', 'rt.context.termToDefine' => 'Word to define', 'rt.context.title' => 'Title', 'rt.emailAuthor' => 'Email the author', 'rt.email.needLogin' => '* Requires registration', 'rt.email.sent' => 'Your message has been sent.', 'rt.findingReferences' => 'Finding References', 'rt.findingReferences.googleScholar' => 'Google Scholar', 'rt.findingReferences.windowsLiveAcademic' => 'Windows Live Academic', 'rt.lookUp' => 'Look up terms', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.contributor' => 'Contributor', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.coverage' => 'Coverage', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.date' => 'Date', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.description' => 'Description', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore' => 'Dublin Core', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.format' => 'Format', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.identifier' => 'Identifier', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.language' => 'Language', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.publisher' => 'Publisher', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.relation' => 'Relation', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.rights' => 'Rights', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.source' => 'Source', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.subject' => 'Subject', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.title' => 'Title', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.type' => 'Type', 'rt.metadata.forThisDocument' => 'Metadata for this Document', 'rt.metadata.pkp.abstract' => 'Abstract', 'rt.metadata.pkp.copyright' => 'Copyright and permissions', 'rt.metadata.pkp.coverage' => 'Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.date' => '(YYYY-MM-DD)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.discipline' => 'Discipline(s)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.format' => 'File format', 'rt.metadata.pkp.genre' => 'Status & genre', 'rt.metadata.pkpItem' => 'PKP Metadata Items', 'rt.metadata.pkp.language' => 'English=en', 'rt.metadata.pkp.publisher' => 'Organizing agency, location', 'rt.metadata.pkp.source' => 'Title; vol., no. 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