getDeployment(); $rootNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), $rootNodeName); $rootNode->setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:xsi', $deployment->getXmlSchemaInstance()); $rootNode->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', $deployment->getNamespace() . ' ' . $deployment->getSchemaFilename()); return $rootNode; } /** * Create and return the head node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @return DOMElement */ function createHeadNode($doc) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $context = $deployment->getContext(); $plugin = $deployment->getPlugin(); $headNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'Header'); $headNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'FromCompany', htmlspecialchars($plugin->getSetting($context->getId(), 'fromCompany'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); $headNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'FromPerson', htmlspecialchars($plugin->getSetting($context->getId(), 'fromName'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); $headNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'FromEmail', htmlspecialchars($plugin->getSetting($context->getId(), 'fromEmail'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); $headNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'ToCompany', 'mEDRA')); $headNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'SentDate', date('YmdHi'))); // Message note $app = PKPApplication::getApplication(); $name = $app->getName(); $version = $app->getCurrentVersion(); $versionString = $version->getVersionString(); $headNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'MessageNote', "This dataset was exported with $name, version $versionString.")); return $headNode; } /** * Generate O4DOI serial publication node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $journalLocalePrecedence array * @param $epubFormat O4DOI_EPUB_FORMAT_* * @return DOMElement */ function createSerialPublicationNode($doc, $journalLocalePrecedence, $epubFormat = null) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $context = $deployment->getContext(); $plugin = $deployment->getPlugin(); $serialPublicationNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'SerialPublication'); // Serial Work (mandatory) $serialPublicationNode->appendChild($this->createSerialWorkNode($doc, $journalLocalePrecedence)); // Electronic Serial Version $onlineIssn = $context->getSetting('onlineIssn'); $serialPublicationNode->appendChild($this->createSerialVersionNode($doc, $onlineIssn, O4DOI_PRODUCT_FORM_ELECTRONIC, $epubFormat)); // Print Serial Version if (($printIssn = $context->getSetting('printIssn')) && $this->isWork($context, $plugin)) { $serialPublicationNode->appendChild($this->createSerialVersionNode($doc, $printIssn, O4DOI_PRODUCT_FORM_PRINT, null)); } return $serialPublicationNode; } /** * Generate O4DOI serial work node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $journalLocalePrecedence array * @return DOMElement */ function createSerialWorkNode($doc, $journalLocalePrecedence) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $context = $deployment->getContext(); $plugin = $deployment->getPlugin(); $serialWorkNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'SerialWork'); // Title (mandatory) $journalTitles = $this->getTranslationsByPrecedence($context->getName(null), $journalLocalePrecedence); assert(!empty($journalTitles)); foreach($journalTitles as $locale => $journalTitle) { $serialWorkNode->appendChild($this->createTitleNode($doc, $locale, $journalTitle, O4DOI_TITLE_TYPE_FULL)); } // Publisher $serialWorkNode->appendChild($this->createPublisherNode($doc, $journalLocalePrecedence)); // Country of Publication (mandatory) $serialWorkNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'CountryOfPublication', htmlspecialchars($plugin->getSetting($context->getId(), 'publicationCountry'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); return $serialWorkNode; } /** * Create a title node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $locale string e.g. 'en_US' * @param $localizedTitle string * @param $titleType string One of the O4DOI_TITLE_TYPE_* constants. * @return DOMElement */ function createTitleNode($doc, $locale, $localizedTitle, $titleType) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $titleNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'Title'); // Text format $titleNode->setAttribute('textformat', O4DOI_TEXTFORMAT_ASCII); // Language $language = AppLocale::get3LetterIsoFromLocale($locale); assert(!empty($language)); $titleNode->setAttribute('language', $language); // Title type (mandatory) $titleNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'TitleType', $titleType)); // Title text (mandatory) $titleNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'TitleText', htmlspecialchars(PKPString::html2text($localizedTitle), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); return $titleNode; } /** * Create a publisher node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $journalLocalePrecedence array * @return DOMElement */ function createPublisherNode($doc, $journalLocalePrecedence) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $context = $deployment->getContext(); $publisherNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'Publisher'); // Publishing role (mandatory) $publisherNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'PublishingRole', O4DOI_PUBLISHING_ROLE_PUBLISHER)); // Publisher name (mandatory) $publisher = $context->getSetting('publisherInstitution'); if (empty($publisher)) { // Use the journal title if no publisher is set. // This corresponds to the logic implemented for OAI interfaces, too. $publisher = $this->getPrimaryTranslation($context->getName(null), $journalLocalePrecedence); } assert(!empty($publisher)); $publisherNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'PublisherName', htmlspecialchars($publisher, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); return $publisherNode; } /** * Create a serial version node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $issn string * @param $productForm One of the O4DOI_PRODUCT_FORM_* constants * @param $epubFormat O4DOI_EPUB_FORMAT_* * @return DOMElement */ function createSerialVersionNode($doc, $issn, $productForm, $epubFormat = null) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $context = $deployment->getContext(); $serialVersionNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'SerialVersion'); // Proprietary Journal Identifier if ($productForm == O4DOI_PRODUCT_FORM_ELECTRONIC) { $serialVersionNode->appendChild($this->createIdentifierNode($doc, 'Product', O4DOI_ID_TYPE_PROPRIETARY, $context->getId())); } // ISSN if (!empty($issn)) { $issn = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $issn); $serialVersionNode->appendChild($this->createIdentifierNode($doc, 'Product', O4DOI_ID_TYPE_ISSN, $issn)); } // Product Form $serialVersionNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'ProductForm', $productForm)); if ($productForm == O4DOI_PRODUCT_FORM_ELECTRONIC) { // ePublication Format if ($epubFormat) $serialVersionNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'EpubFormat', $epubFormat)); // ePublication Format Description $serialVersionNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'EpubFormatDescription', 'Open Journal Systems (OJS)')); } return $serialVersionNode; } /** * Create the journal issue node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $issue Issue * @param $journalLocalePrecedence array * @return DOMElement */ function createJournalIssueNode($doc, $issue, $journalLocalePrecedence) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $journalIssueNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'JournalIssue'); // Volume $volume = $issue->getVolume(); if (!empty($volume) && $issue->getShowVolume()) { $journalIssueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'JournalVolumeNumber', htmlspecialchars($volume, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); } // Number $number = $issue->getNumber(); if (!empty($number) && $issue->getShowNumber()) { $journalIssueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'JournalIssueNumber', htmlspecialchars($number, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); } // Identification $identification = $issue->getIssueIdentification(); if (!empty($identification)) { $journalIssueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'JournalIssueDesignation', htmlspecialchars($identification, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); } assert(!(empty($number) && empty($identification))); // Nominal Year $year = (string) $issue->getYear(); $yearlen = strlen($year); if ($issue->getShowYear() && !empty($year) && ($yearlen == 2 || $yearlen == 4)) { $issueDateNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'JournalIssueDate'); $issueDateNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'DateFormat', O4DOI_DATE_FORMAT_YYYY)); // Try to extend the year if necessary. if ($yearlen == 2) { // Assume that the issue date will never be // more than one year in the future. if ((int)$year <= (int)date('y')+1) { $year = '20' . $year; } else { $year = '19' . $year; } } $issueDateNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'Date', $year)); $journalIssueNode->appendChild($issueDateNode); } return $journalIssueNode; } /** * Create a related work or product node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $workOrProduct string * @param $relationCode string One of the O4DOI_RELATION_* constants. * @param $ids array * @return DOMElement */ function createRelatedNode($doc, $workOrProduct, $relationCode, $ids) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $relatedNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), "Related$workOrProduct"); // Relation code (mandatory) $relatedNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'RelationCode', $relationCode)); // Work/Product ID (mandatory) foreach($ids as $idType => $id) { $relatedNode->appendChild($this->createIdentifierNode($doc, $workOrProduct, $idType, $id)); } return $relatedNode; } /** * Create a work or product id node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $workOrProduct string "Work" or "Product" * @param $idType string One of the O4DOI_ID_TYPE_* constants * @param $id string The ID. * @return DOMElement */ function createIdentifierNode($doc, $workOrProduct, $idType, $id) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $productIdentifierNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), "${workOrProduct}Identifier"); // ID type (mandatory) $productIdentifierNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), "${workOrProduct}IDType", $idType)); // ID (mandatory) $productIdentifierNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'IDValue', $id)); return $productIdentifierNode; } /** * Create an extent node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $file PKPFile * @return DOMElement */ function createExtentNode($doc, $file) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $extentNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'Extent'); // Extent type $extentNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'ExtentType', O4DOI_EXTENT_TYPE_FILESIZE)); // Extent value $extentNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'ExtentValue', $file->getFileSize())); // Extent unit $extentNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'ExtentUnit', O4DOI_EXTENT_UNIT_BYTES)); return $extentNode; } /** * Create a description text node. * @param $doc DOMDocument * @param $locale string * @param $description string * @return DOMElement */ function createOtherTextNode($doc, $locale, $description) { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $otherTextNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'OtherText'); // Text Type $otherTextNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'TextTypeCode', O4DOI_TEXT_TYPE_MAIN_DESCRIPTION)); // Text $language = AppLocale::get3LetterIsoFromLocale($locale); assert(!empty($language)); $otherTextNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'Text', htmlspecialchars(PKPString::html2text($description), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))); $node->setAttribute('textformat', O4DOI_TEXTFORMAT_ASCII); $node->setAttribute('language', $language); return $otherTextNode; } // // Helper functions // /** * Get DOIStructuralType * @return string */ function getDOIStructuralType() { $deployment = $this->getDeployment(); $context = $deployment->getContext(); $plugin = $deployment->getPlugin(); if ($this->isWork($context, $plugin)) { return 'Abstraction'; } else { return 'DigitalFixation'; } } /** * Identify the locale precedence for this export. * @param $context Context * @param $article PublishedArticle * @param $galley ArticleGalley * @return array A list of valid PKP locales in descending * order of priority. */ function getObjectLocalePrecedence($context, $article, $galley) { $locales = array(); if (is_a($galley, 'ArticleGalley') && AppLocale::isLocaleValid($galley->getLocale())) { $locales[] = $galley->getLocale(); } if (is_a($article, 'Submission')) { // First try to translate the article language into a locale. $articleLocale = $this->translateLanguageToLocale($article->getLanguage()); if (!is_null($articleLocale)) { $locales[] = $articleLocale; } // Use the article locale as fallback only // as this is the primary locale of article meta-data, not // necessarily of the article itself. if(AppLocale::isLocaleValid($article->getLocale())) { $locales[] = $article->getLocale(); } } // Use the journal locale as fallback. $locales[] = $context->getPrimaryLocale(); // Use form locales as fallback. $formLocales = array_keys($context->getSupportedFormLocaleNames()); // Sort form locales alphabetically so that // we get a well-defined order. sort($formLocales); foreach($formLocales as $formLocale) { if (!in_array($formLocale, $locales)) $locales[] = $formLocale; } assert(!empty($locales)); return $locales; } /** * Try to translate an ISO language code to an OJS locale. * @param $language string 2- or 3-letter ISO language code * @return string|null An OJS locale or null if no matching * locale could be found. */ function translateLanguageToLocale($language) { $locale = null; if (strlen($language) == 2) { $language = AppLocale::get3LetterFrom2LetterIsoLanguage($language); } if (strlen($language) == 3) { $language = AppLocale::getLocaleFrom3LetterIso($language); } if (AppLocale::isLocaleValid($language)) { $locale = $language; } return $locale; } /** * Identify the primary translation from an array of * localized data. * @param $localizedData array An array of localized * data (key: locale, value: localized data). * @param $localePrecedence array An array of locales * by descending priority. * @return mixed|null The value of the primary locale * or null if no primary translation could be found. */ function getPrimaryTranslation($localizedData, $localePrecedence) { // Check whether we have localized data at all. if (!is_array($localizedData) || empty($localizedData)) return null; // Try all locales from the precedence list first. foreach($localePrecedence as $locale) { if (isset($localizedData[$locale]) && !empty($localizedData[$locale])) { return $localizedData[$locale]; } } // As a fallback: use any translation by alphabetical // order of locales. ksort($localizedData); foreach($localizedData as $locale => $value) { if (!empty($value)) return $value; } // If we found nothing (how that?) return null. return null; } /** * Re-order localized data by locale precedence. * @param $localizedData array An array of localized * data (key: locale, value: localized data). * @param $localePrecedence array An array of locales * by descending priority. * @return array Re-ordered localized data. */ function getTranslationsByPrecedence($localizedData, $localePrecedence) { $reorderedLocalizedData = array(); // Check whether we have localized data at all. if (!is_array($localizedData) || empty($localizedData)) return $reorderedLocalizedData; // Order by explicit locale precedence first. foreach($localePrecedence as $locale) { if (isset($localizedData[$locale]) && !empty($localizedData[$locale])) { $reorderedLocalizedData[$locale] = $localizedData[$locale]; } unset($localizedData[$locale]); } // Order any remaining values alphabetically by locale // and amend the re-ordered array. ksort($localizedData); $reorderedLocalizedData = array_merge($reorderedLocalizedData, $localizedData); return $reorderedLocalizedData; } } ?>