{** * templates/frontend/objects/article_summary.tpl * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Simon Fraser University * Copyright (c) 2003-2018 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * @brief View of an Article summary which is shown within a list of articles. * * @uses $article Article The article * @uses $hasAccess bool Can this user access galleys for this context? The * context may be an issue or an article * @uses $showDatePublished bool Show the date this article was published? * @uses $hideGalleys bool Hide the article galleys for this article? * @uses $primaryGenreIds array List of file genre ids for primary file types *} {assign var=articlePath value=$article->getBestArticleId()} {if (!$section.hideAuthor && $article->getHideAuthor() == $smarty.const.AUTHOR_TOC_DEFAULT) || $article->getHideAuthor() == $smarty.const.AUTHOR_TOC_SHOW} {assign var="showAuthor" value=true} {/if}
{if $article->getLocalizedCoverImage()}
getLocalizedCoverImageAltText() != ''} alt="{$article->getLocalizedCoverImageAltText()|escape}"{else} alt="{translate key="article.coverPage.altText"}"{/if}>
{$article->getLocalizedTitle()|strip_unsafe_html} {if $article->getLocalizedSubtitle()} {$article->getLocalizedSubtitle()|escape} {/if}
{if $showAuthor || $article->getPages() || ($article->getDatePublished() && $showDatePublished)}
{if $showAuthor}
{/if} {* Page numbers for this article *} {if $article->getPages()}
{/if} {if $showDatePublished && $article->getDatePublished()}
{/if} {if !$hideGalleys} {/if} {call_hook name="Templates::Issue::Issue::Article"}