{** * templates/frontend/pages/aboutThisPublishingSystem.tpl * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Simon Fraser University * Copyright (c) 2003-2018 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * @brief Display the page to view details about the OJS software. * * @uses $currentJournal Journal The journal currently being viewed * @uses $appVersion string Current version of OJS * @uses $pubProcessFile string Path to image of OJS publishing process *} {include file="frontend/components/header.tpl" pageTitle="about.aboutThisPublishingSystem"}
{include file="frontend/components/breadcrumbs.tpl" currentTitleKey="about.aboutThisPublishingSystem"}

{if $currentJournal} {translate key="about.aboutOJSJournal" ojsVersion=$appVersion} {else} {translate key="about.aboutOJSSite" ojsVersion=$appVersion} {/if}

{translate key=
{include file="frontend/components/footer.tpl"}