#!/bin/bash git config --global user.email "pkp@mailinator.com" git config --global user.name "PKP" echo "1 - Retrieving git user:" gitUser=$(cat .git/config | grep -A2 "remote \"origin\"" | grep "url" | cut -f2 -d":" | cut -f4 -d"/") echo " Gituser: $gitUser" echo "2 - Verifying if we have a merge commit in HEAD:" isMergeCommit=$(git log -m --pretty=oneline -n1 | grep -P "Merge [0-9a-z]{40} into [0-9a-z]{40}") echo " Merge commit message: $isMergeCommit" if [ \( -n "$isMergeCommit" \) -a \( "$gitUser" = "pkp" \) ]; then commitHash=$(git log -m --pretty=oneline -n2 | sed -n 2p | grep -Po "^[0-9a-z]{40}") echo " HEAD points to a merge commit." echo " HEAD^ points to a common commit with hash $commitHash" else commitHash=$(git log -m --pretty=oneline -n1 | grep -Po "^[0-9a-z]{40}") echo " HEAD points to a common commit with hash $commitHash" fi echo "3 - Verifying if last non merge commit is a subproject commit:" libModuleHash=$(git show "$commitHash" | grep "+Subproject commit" | cut -f3 -d" ") strLength=${#libModuleHash} echo " Subproject commit hash: $libModuleHash" if [ \( -n "$libModuleHash" \) -a \( "$strLength" -eq 40 \) ]; then echo " Last non merge commit is subproject commit." echo "4 - Trying to get user and branch from commit message:" userAndBranch=$(git log --pretty=oneline -1 "$commitHash" | grep -o "##.*##" | sed "s:^##\(.*\)##$:\1:") gitUser=$(echo "$userAndBranch" | cut -f1 -d"/") branch=$(echo "$userAndBranch" | cut -f2 -d"/") echo " User and branch: $userAndBranch - User: $gitUser - Branch: $branch" if [ \( -n "$gitUser" \) -a \( -n "$branch" \) ]; then echo " Found user and branch in commit message." echo "5 - Reseting the subproject commit in application." git reset --hard "$commitHash"^ echo "6 - Initializing and updating submodule from official." git submodule update --init --recursive cd lib/pkp echo "7 - Updating pkp-lib with code from $gitUser repository, $branch branch." git remote add "$gitUser" git://github.com/"$gitUser"/pkp-lib git reset --hard HEAD git pull --rebase "$gitUser" "$branch" exit 0 fi fi git submodule update --init --recursive