function u3() { var ds_dashboard = new{ proxy: new{ url: BASE_URL + 'c_mastah/gridM_dash', method: 'POST' }), totalProperty: 'results', root: 'data', autoLoad: true, fields: [{ name: 'kdjnsdashboard', mapping: 'kdjnsdashboard' }, { name: 'nmjnsdashboard', mapping: 'nmjnsdashboard' }] }); var kodex; var ds_grid = new{ proxy: new{ url: BASE_URL + 'c_utility/g_JKP', method: 'POST' }), params: { start: 0, limit: 5 }, root: 'data', totalProperty: 'results', autoLoad: true, fields: [{ name: "idklppengguna", mapping: "idklppengguna" },{ name: "kdklppengguna", mapping: "kdklppengguna" }, { name: "nmklppengguna", mapping: "nmklppengguna" }, { name: "deskripsi", mapping: "deskripsi" }, { name: "idjnsdashboard", mapping: "idjnsdashboard" }, //idjnsdashboard { name: "idstatus", mapping: "idstatus" }] }); var sm_nya = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: true, listeners: {} }); var cari_data = [new Ext.ux.grid.Search({ iconCls: 'btn_search', minChars: 1, autoFocus: true, autoHeight: true, position: 'top', mode: 'remote', width: 200 })]; var paging = new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize: 50, store: ds_grid, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: 'Data Kelompok Pengguna Dari {0} - {1} of {2}', emptyMsg: 'No data to display' }); var grid_nya = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: ds_grid, frame: true, //width: 630, height: 530, plugins: cari_data, id: 'grid_det_product', forceFit: true, tbar: [{ hidden: true, text: 'Print', iconCls: 'silk-printer', handler: function() { var parsing = ''; parsing = parsing + 'var1'; parsing = parsing + 'qie' + 'var2'; parsing = parsing + 'qie' + 'var3'; parsing = parsing + 'qie' + 'var4'; var win =; win.location.reload(); win.location = BASE_URL + 'print_topdf/print_Dproducts'; } }, '->'], sm: sm_nya, autoScroll: true, autoSizeColumns: true, enableColumnResize: true, enableColumnHide: false, enableColumnMove: false, enableHdaccess: false, columnLines: true, loadMask: true, columns: [{ header: 'ID', width: 50, hidden:true, dataIndex: 'idklppengguna', sortable: true },{ header: 'Kode', width: 50, dataIndex: 'kdklppengguna', sortable: true }, { header: 'Nama', width: 150, dataIndex: 'nmklppengguna', sortable: true }, { header: 'Deskripsi', width: 150, dataIndex: 'deskripsi', sortable: true }, { header: 'Dashboard', width: 150, dataIndex: 'idjnsdashboard', sortable: true }, { header: 'Status', width: 150, dataIndex: 'idstatus', sortable: true }], bbar: paging, listeners: { rowclick: function rowClick(grid, rowIdx) { var rec = ds_grid.getAt(rowIdx); Ext.getCmp("id").setValue(["idklppengguna"]); Ext.getCmp("kode").setValue(["kdklppengguna"]); kodex =["kdklppengguna"]; Ext.getCmp("nama").setValue(["nmklppengguna"]); Ext.getCmp("deskripsi").setValue(["deskripsi"]); Ext.getCmp("dashboard").setValue(["idjnsdashboard"]); Ext.getCmp("status").setValue(["idstatus"]); Ext.getCmp('btn_simpan').disable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_ubah').enable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_hapus').enable(); Ext.getCmp('form_bp_general').enable(); } } }); var form_bp_general = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ id: 'form_bp_general', forceFit: true, title: 'Kelompok Pengguna', layout: 'column', items: [{ columnWidth: .42, xtype: 'panel', border: false, bodyStyle: 'padding:3px 3px 3px 3px', items: [{ layout: 'form', bodyStyle: 'padding:3px 3px 3px 3px', border: false, items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', title: 'Detail Kelompok Pengguna', defaults: { labelWidth: 100, labelAlign: 'right' }, height: 595, items: [{ columnWidth: 1, border: false, layout: 'form', items: [{ xtype: 'textfield', //fieldLabel: 'ID', id: 'id', width: 70, hidden:true, allowBlank: true, disabled: true, listeners: {} },{ xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Kode', id: 'kode', width: 70, allowBlank: false, disabled: true, listeners: {} }, { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Nama ', id: 'nama', allowBlank: false, width: 250 }, { xtype: 'textarea', fieldLabel: 'Deskripsi', id: 'deskripsi', width: 300 }, { xtype: 'combo', width: 125, height: 50, allowBlank: false, store: ds_dashboard, fieldLabel: 'Dashboard', id: 'dashboard', triggerAction: 'all', editable: false, valueField: 'kdjnsdashboard', displayField: 'nmjnsdashboard', forceSelection: true, submitValue: true, hiddenName: 'h_dashboard', listeners: {}, typeAhead: true, mode: 'local', emptyText: 'Pilih...', selectOnFocus: true }, { xtype: 'combo', width: 125, height: 50, allowBlank: false, store: ds_status, fieldLabel: 'Status', id: 'status', triggerAction: 'all', editable: false, valueField: 'idstatus', displayField: 'nmstatus', forceSelection: true, submitValue: true, hiddenName: 'h_status', listeners: {}, typeAhead: true, mode: 'local', emptyText: 'Pilih...', selectOnFocus: true }, { columnWidth: 1, xtype: 'panel', border: false, buttonAlign: 'left', buttons: [{ text: 'Baru', id: 'btn_baru_product', iconCls: 'silk-add', handler: function() { form_bp_general.getForm().reset(); Ext.getCmp('form_bp_general').enable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_simpan').enable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_hapus').disable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_ubah').disable(); Ext.getCmp('kode').focus(); } }, '->', { text: 'Simpan', id: 'btn_simpan', iconCls: 'silk-save', handler: function() { simpan_grid("form_bp_general"); } }, { text: 'Hapus', id: 'btn_hapus', iconCls: 'silk-delete', handler: function() { hapus_grid("form_bp_general"); } }, { text: 'Ubah', id: 'btn_ubah', iconCls: 'silk-edit', handler: function() { ubah_grid("form_bp_general"); } }] }] }] }] }] }, { columnWidth: .58, xtype: 'panel', border: false, bodyStyle: 'padding:3px 3px 3px 3px', items: [{ layout: 'form', //bodyStyle: 'padding:10px 3px 3px 5px', border: false, items: [grid_nya] }] }], listeners: { afterrender: awal } }); function awal() { form_bp_general.getForm().reset(); Ext.getCmp('form_bp_general').enable(); //Ext.getCmp('btn_simpan').disable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_hapus').disable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_ubah').disable(); } function simpan_grid(namaForm) { var form_nya = Ext.getCmp(namaForm); form_nya.getForm().submit({ url: BASE_URL + 'c_utility/s_JKP', method: 'POST', success: function() { Ext.MessageBox.alert("Informasi", "Simpan Data Berhasil"); ds_grid.load(); form_bp_general.getForm().reset(); Ext.getCmp('form_bp_general').enable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_simpan').enable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_hapus').disable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_ubah').disable(); }, failure: function() { Ext.MessageBox.alert("Informasi", "Simpan Data Gagal"); } }); } function hapus_grid(namaForm) { var form_nya = Ext.getCmp(namaForm);{ title: "Konfirmasi", msg: "Anda Yakin Untuk menghapus Data ini?", buttons: Ext.MessageBox.YESNO, fn: function(btn) { if (btn == 'yes') { form_nya.getForm().submit({ url: BASE_URL + 'c_utility/d_JKP', method: 'POST', success: function() { Ext.MessageBox.alert("Informasi", "Hapus Data Berhasil"); ds_grid.load(); form_bp_general.getForm().reset(); Ext.getCmp('form_bp_general').enable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_simpan').enable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_hapus').disable(); Ext.getCmp('btn_ubah').disable(); }, failure: function() { Ext.MessageBox.alert("Informasi", "Hapus Data Gagal"); } }); } } }) } function ubah_grid(namaForm) { var msgplus; // if (kodex != Ext.getCmp('kode').getValue()) { // msgplus = '