articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO'); $this->authorDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('AuthorDAO'); $this->userDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO'); $this->editAssignmentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('EditAssignmentDAO'); $this->articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO'); $this->articleFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleFileDAO'); $this->articleCommentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleCommentDAO'); $this->suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO'); $this->galleyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleGalleyDAO'); } /** * Retrieve a copyeditor submission by article ID. * @param $articleId int * @return CopyeditorSubmission */ function &getCopyeditorSubmission($articleId) { $primaryLocale = AppLocale::getPrimaryLocale(); $locale = AppLocale::getLocale(); $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT a.*, e.editor_id, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM articles a LEFT JOIN edit_assignments e ON (a.article_id = e.article_id) LEFT JOIN sections s ON (s.section_id = a.section_id) LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?) WHERE a.article_id = ?', array( 'title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, $articleId ) ); $returner = null; if ($result->RecordCount() != 0) { $returner =& $this->_returnCopyeditorSubmissionFromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Internal function to return a CopyeditorSubmission object from a row. * @param $row array * @return CopyeditorSubmission */ function &_returnCopyeditorSubmissionFromRow(&$row) { $copyeditorSubmission = new CopyeditorSubmission(); // Article attributes $this->articleDao->_articleFromRow($copyeditorSubmission, $row); // Editor Assignment $editAssignments =& $this->editAssignmentDao->getEditAssignmentsByArticleId($row['article_id']); $copyeditorSubmission->setEditAssignments($editAssignments->toArray()); // Comments $copyeditorSubmission->setMostRecentCopyeditComment($this->articleCommentDao->getMostRecentArticleComment($row['article_id'], COMMENT_TYPE_COPYEDIT, $row['article_id'])); $copyeditorSubmission->setMostRecentLayoutComment($this->articleCommentDao->getMostRecentArticleComment($row['article_id'], COMMENT_TYPE_LAYOUT, $row['article_id'])); // Files // Information for Layout table access $copyeditorSubmission->setSuppFiles($this->suppFileDao->getSuppFilesByArticle($row['article_id'])); $copyeditorSubmission->setGalleys($this->galleyDao->getGalleysByArticle($row['article_id'])); HookRegistry::call('CopyeditorSubmissionDAO::_returnCopyeditorSubmissionFromRow', array(&$copyeditorSubmission, &$row)); return $copyeditorSubmission; } /** * Get all submissions for a copyeditor of a journal. * @param $copyeditorId int * @param $journalId int optional * @param $searchField int SUBMISSION_FIELD_... constant * @param $searchMatch String 'is' or 'contains' or 'startsWith' * @param $search String Search string * @param $dateField int SUBMISSION_FIELD_DATE_... constant * @param $dateFrom int Search from timestamp * @param $dateTo int Search to timestamp * @return array CopyeditorSubmissions */ function &getCopyeditorSubmissionsByCopyeditorId($copyeditorId, $journalId = null, $searchField = null, $searchMatch = null, $search = null, $dateField = null, $dateFrom = null, $dateTo = null, $active = true, $rangeInfo = null, $sortBy = null, $sortDirection = SORT_DIRECTION_ASC) { $locale = AppLocale::getLocale(); $primaryLocale = AppLocale::getPrimaryLocale(); $params = array( 'title', // Section title $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', // Section abbrev $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, 'cleanTitle', // Article clean title 'cleanTitle', // Article clean title $locale, 'title', // Article title 'title', // Article title $locale, ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, 'SIGNOFF_COPYEDITING_FINAL', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, 'SIGNOFF_LAYOUT', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, 'SIGNOFF_PROOFREADING_PROOFREADER', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, 'SIGNOFF_COPYEDITING_INITIAL' ); if (isset($journalId)) $params[] = $journalId; $params[] = $copyeditorId; $searchSql = ''; if (!empty($search)) switch ($searchField) { case SUBMISSION_FIELD_ID: switch ($searchMatch) { case 'is': $params[] = (int) $search; $searchSql = ' AND a.article_id = ?'; break; case 'contains': $search = '%' . $search . '%'; $params[] = $search; $searchSql = ' AND CONCAT(a.article_id) LIKE ?'; break; case 'startsWith': $search = $search . '%'; $params[] = $search; $searchSql = 'AND CONCAT(a.article_id) LIKE ?'; break; } break; case SUBMISSION_FIELD_TITLE: if ($searchMatch === 'is') { $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(atl.setting_value) = LOWER(?)'; } elseif ($searchMatch === 'contains') { $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(atl.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?)'; $search = '%' . $search . '%'; } else { // $searchMatch === 'startsWith' $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(atl.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?)'; $search = $search . '%'; } $params[] = $search; break; case SUBMISSION_FIELD_AUTHOR: $searchSql = $this->_generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, 'aa.', $params); break; case SUBMISSION_FIELD_EDITOR: $searchSql = $this->_generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, 'ed.', $params); break; } if (!empty($dateFrom) || !empty($dateTo)) switch($dateField) { case SUBMISSION_FIELD_DATE_SUBMITTED: if (!empty($dateFrom)) { $searchSql .= ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom); } if (!empty($dateTo)) { $searchSql .= ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo); } break; case SUBMISSION_FIELD_DATE_COPYEDIT_COMPLETE: if (!empty($dateFrom)) { $searchSql .= ' AND scp.date_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom); } if (!empty($dateTo)) { $searchSql .= ' AND scp.date_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo); } break; case SUBMISSION_FIELD_DATE_LAYOUT_COMPLETE: if (!empty($dateFrom)) { $searchSql .= ' AND sle.date_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom); } if (!empty($dateTo)) { $searchSql .= ' AND sle.date_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo); } break; case SUBMISSION_FIELD_DATE_PROOFREADING_COMPLETE: if (!empty($dateFrom)) { $searchSql .= ' AND spr.date_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom); } if (!empty($dateTo)) { $searchSql .= 'AND spr.date_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo); } break; } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT a.*, scpi.date_notified AS date_assigned, scpf.date_completed AS date_completed, SUBSTRING(COALESCE(atl.setting_value, atpl.setting_value) FROM 1 FOR 255) AS submission_clean_title, aap.last_name AS author_name, SUBSTRING(COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) FROM 1 FOR 255) AS section_title, SUBSTRING(COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) FROM 1 FOR 255) AS section_abbrev FROM articles a LEFT JOIN published_articles pa ON (a.article_id = pa.article_id) LEFT JOIN issues i ON (pa.issue_id = i.issue_id) LEFT JOIN authors aa ON (aa.submission_id = a.article_id) LEFT JOIN authors aap ON (aap.submission_id = a.article_id AND aap.primary_contact = 1) LEFT JOIN sections s ON (s.section_id = a.section_id) LEFT JOIN edit_assignments e ON (e.article_id = a.article_id) LEFT JOIN users ed ON (e.editor_id = ed.user_id) LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN article_settings actpl ON (actpl.article_id = a.article_id AND actpl.setting_name = ? AND actpl.locale = a.locale) LEFT JOIN article_settings actl ON (a.article_id = actl.article_id AND actl.setting_name = ? AND actl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN article_settings atpl ON (atpl.article_id = a.article_id AND atpl.setting_name = ? AND atpl.locale = a.locale) LEFT JOIN article_settings atl ON (a.article_id = atl.article_id AND atl.setting_name = ? AND atl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN signoffs scpf ON (a.article_id = scpf.assoc_id AND scpf.assoc_type = ? AND scpf.symbolic = ?) LEFT JOIN signoffs sle ON (a.article_id = sle.assoc_id AND sle.assoc_type = ? AND sle.symbolic = ?) LEFT JOIN signoffs spr ON (a.article_id = spr.assoc_id AND spr.assoc_type = ? AND spr.symbolic = ?) LEFT JOIN signoffs scpi ON (a.article_id = scpi.assoc_id AND scpi.assoc_type = ? AND scpi.symbolic = ?) WHERE ' . (isset($journalId)?'a.journal_id = ? AND':'') . ' scpi.user_id = ? AND (' . ($active?'': 'NOT ') . ' (i.date_published IS NULL AND a.status = ' . STATUS_QUEUED . ')) '; $result =& $this->retrieveRange( $sql . ' ' . $searchSql . ($sortBy?(' ORDER BY ' . $this->getSortMapping($sortBy) . ' ' . $this->getDirectionMapping($sortDirection)) : ''), count($params)==1?array_shift($params):$params, $rangeInfo); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnCopyeditorSubmissionFromRow'); return $returner; } /** * FIXME Move this into somewhere common (SubmissionDAO?) as this is used in several classes. */ function _generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, $prefix, &$params) { $first_last = $this->concat($prefix.'first_name', '\' \'', $prefix.'last_name'); $first_middle_last = $this->concat($prefix.'first_name', '\' \'', $prefix.'middle_name', '\' \'', $prefix.'last_name'); $last_comma_first = $this->concat($prefix.'last_name', '\', \'', $prefix.'first_name'); $last_comma_first_middle = $this->concat($prefix.'last_name', '\', \'', $prefix.'first_name', '\' \'', $prefix.'middle_name'); if ($searchMatch === 'is') { $searchSql = " AND (LOWER({$prefix}last_name) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER($first_last) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER($first_middle_last) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER($last_comma_first) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER($last_comma_first_middle) = LOWER(?))"; } elseif ($searchMatch === 'contains') { $searchSql = " AND (LOWER({$prefix}last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER($first_last) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER($first_middle_last) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER($last_comma_first) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER($last_comma_first_middle) LIKE LOWER(?))"; $search = '%' . $search . '%'; } else { // $searchMatch === 'startsWith' $searchSql = " AND (LOWER({$prefix}last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER($first_last) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER($first_middle_last) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER($last_comma_first) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER($last_comma_first_middle) LIKE LOWER(?))"; $search = $search . '%'; } $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $search; return $searchSql; } /** * Get count of active and complete assignments * @param copyeditorId int * @param journalId int */ function getSubmissionsCount($copyeditorId, $journalId) { $sectionEditorSubmissionDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SectionEditorSubmissionDAO'); $stats = $sectionEditorSubmissionDao->getCopyeditorStatistics($journalId, $copyeditorId); return array( 0 => isset($stats[$copyeditorId]['incomplete'])?$stats[$copyeditorId]['incomplete']:0, 1 => isset($stats[$copyeditorId]['complete'])?$stats[$copyeditorId]['complete']:0 ); } /** * Map a column heading value to a database value for sorting * @param string * @return string */ function getSortMapping($heading) { switch ($heading) { case 'id': return 'a.article_id'; case 'assignDate': return 'date_assigned'; case 'dateCompleted': return 'date_completed'; case 'section': return 'section_abbrev'; case 'authors': return 'author_name'; case 'title': return 'submission_clean_title'; case 'status': return 'a.status'; default: return null; } } } ?>