A. 当作者提供的是参考文献的链接的时候
- While the submission is still in its word processing format (e.g., Word), add the phrase VIEW ITEM to the end of the reference that has a URL.
- Turn that phrase into a hyperlink by highlighting it, and using Word's Insert Hyperlink tool and the URL prepared in #2.
B. 激活Google学术搜索
- While the submission is still in its word processing format (e.g., Word), copy the title of the work referenced in the References list (if it appears to be too common a title – e.g., "Peace" – then copy author and title).
- Paste the reference's title between the %22's, placing a + between each word: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22PASTE+TITLE+HERE%22&hl=en&lr=&btnG=Search
- Add the phrase GS SEARCH to the end of each citation in the submission's References list.
- Turn that phrase into a hyperlink by highlighting it, and using Word's Insert Hyperlink tool and the URL prepared in #2.
C. 激活DOI检索功能
- While the submission is still in Word, copy a batch of references into CrossRef Text Query http://www.crossref.org/freeTextQuery/
- Paste each DOI that the Query provides in the following URL (between = and &): http://www.cmaj.ca/cgi/external_ref?access_num=PASTE DOI#HERE&link_type=DOI
- Add the phrase CrossRef to the end of each citation in the submission's References list.
- Turn that phrase into a hyperlink by highlighting the phrase and using Word's Insert Hyperlink tool and the appropriate URL prepared in #2.