addLocaleData(); if ($success && $this->getEnabled()) { $this->import('classes.BookForReviewDAO'); $this->import('classes.BookForReviewAuthorDAO'); // PHP4 Requires explicit instantiation-by-reference if (checkPhpVersion('5.0.0')) { $bfrAuthorDao = new BookForReviewAuthorDAO($this->getName()); } else { $bfrAuthorDao =& new BookForReviewAuthorDAO($this->getName()); } $returner =& DAORegistry::registerDAO('BookForReviewAuthorDAO', $bfrAuthorDao); // PHP4 Requires explicit instantiation-by-reference if (checkPhpVersion('5.0.0')) { $bfrDao = new BookForReviewDAO($this->getName()); } else { $bfrDao =& new BookForReviewDAO($this->getName()); } $returner =& DAORegistry::registerDAO('BookForReviewDAO', $bfrDao); $journal =& Request::getJournal(); if ($journal) { $mode = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'mode'); $coverPageIssue = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'coverPageIssue'); $coverPageAbstract = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'coverPageAbstract'); } // Handler for editor books for review pages HookRegistry::register('LoadHandler', array($this, 'setupEditorHandler')); // Editor link to books for review pages HookRegistry::register('Templates::Editor::Index::AdditionalItems', array($this, 'displayEditorHomeLink')); // Editor link to book for review metadata in submission view HookRegistry::register('Templates::Submission::Metadata::Metadata::AdditionalEditItems', array($this, 'displayEditorMetadataLink')); // Append book metadata to book review article HookRegistry::register('Templates::Article::Header::Metadata', array($this, 'displayBookMetadata')); // Enable TinyMCE for book for review text fields HookRegistry::register('TinyMCEPlugin::getEnableFields', array($this, 'enableTinyMCE')); // Ensure book for review user assignments are transferred when merging users HookRegistry::register('UserAction::mergeUsers', array($this, 'mergeBooksForReviewAuthors')); // If using book for review cover page as article cover page // then include cover page handlers for issue toc and article abstract views if ($coverPageIssue) { HookRegistry::register('Templates::Issue::Issue::ArticleCoverImage', array($this, 'displayArticleCoverPageIssue')); } if ($coverPageAbstract) { HookRegistry::register('Templates::Article::Article::ArticleCoverImage', array($this, 'displayArticleCoverPageAbstract')); } // If publishing books available for review and managing book reviewers // then include additional links, pages, and handlers if ($mode == BFR_MODE_FULL) { // Handler for public books for review pages HookRegistry::register('LoadHandler', array($this, 'setupPublicHandler')); // Navigation bar link to books for review page HookRegistry::register('Templates::Common::Header::Navbar::CurrentJournal', array($this, 'displayHeaderLink')); // Handler for author books for review pages HookRegistry::register('LoadHandler', array($this, 'setupAuthorHandler')); // Display author's books for review during submission HookRegistry::register('Author::SubmitHandler::saveSubmit', array($this, 'saveSubmitHandler')); HookRegistry::register('Templates::Author::Submit::Step5::AdditionalItems', array($this, 'displayAuthorBooksForReview')); // Author link to books for review pages HookRegistry::register('Templates::Author::Index::AdditionalItems', array($this, 'displayAuthorHomeLink')); } } return $success; } function getDisplayName() { return __('plugins.generic.booksForReview.displayName'); } function getDescription() { return __('plugins.generic.booksForReview.description'); } /** * Get the filename of the ADODB schema for this plugin. */ function getInstallSchemaFile() { return $this->getPluginPath() . '/xml/schema.xml'; } /** * Get the filename of the email keys for this plugin. */ function getInstallEmailTemplatesFile() { return $this->getPluginPath() . '/xml/emailTemplates.xml'; } /** * Get the filename of the email locale data for this plugin. */ function getInstallEmailTemplateDataFile() { return $this->getPluginPath() . '/locale/{$installedLocale}/emailTemplates.xml'; } /** * Get the template path for this plugin. */ function getTemplatePath() { return parent::getTemplatePath() . 'templates/'; } /** * Get the handler path for this plugin. */ function getHandlerPath() { return $this->getPluginPath() . '/pages/'; } /** * Get the stylesheet for this plugin. */ function getStyleSheet() { return $this->getPluginPath() . '/styles/booksForReview.css'; } /** * Set the page's breadcrumbs, given the plugin's tree of items * to append. * @param $subclass boolean */ function setBreadcrumbs($isSubclass = false) { $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager(); $pageCrumbs = array( array( Request::url(null, 'user'), 'navigation.user' ), array( Request::url(null, 'manager'), 'user.role.manager' ) ); if ($isSubclass) $pageCrumbs[] = array( Request::url(null, 'manager', 'plugin', array('generic', $this->getName(), 'booksForReview')), $this->getDisplayName(), true ); $templateMgr->assign('pageHierarchy', $pageCrumbs); } /** * Allow author to specify book for review during article submission. */ function saveSubmitHandler($hookName, $params) { $article =& $params[1]; $journal =& Request::getJournal(); $user =& Request::getUser(); if ($journal && $user) { $journalId = $journal->getId(); $userId = $user->getId(); $bookId = Request::getUserVar('bookForReviewId') == null ? null : (int) Request::getUserVar('bookForReviewId'); if ($bookId) { $bfrDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('BookForReviewDAO'); // Ensure book for review is for this journal if ($bfrDao->getBookForReviewJournalId($bookId) == $journalId) { $book =& $bfrDao->getBookForReview($bookId); $authorId = $book->getUserId(); // Ensure book for review is assigned to author if ($authorId == $userId) { $status = $book->getStatus(); $this->import('classes.BookForReview'); // Ensure book for review is assigned or mailed if ($status == BFR_STATUS_ASSIGNED || $status == BFR_STATUS_MAILED) { $book->setStatus(BFR_STATUS_SUBMITTED); $book->setDateSubmitted(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())); $book->setArticleId($article->getId()); $bfrDao->updateObject($book); } } } } } } /** * Enable editor book for review management. */ function setupEditorHandler($hookName, $params) { $page =& $params[0]; if ($page == 'editor') { $op =& $params[1]; if ($op) { $editorPages = array( 'createBookForReview', 'editBookForReview', 'updateBookForReview', 'deleteBookForReview', 'booksForReview', 'booksForReviewSettings', 'selectBookForReviewAuthor', 'selectBookForReviewSubmission', 'assignBookForReviewAuthor', 'assignBookForReviewSubmission', 'denyBookForReviewAuthor', 'notifyBookForReviewMailed', 'removeBookForReviewAuthor', 'removeBookForReviewCoverPage' ); if (in_array($op, $editorPages)) { define('HANDLER_CLASS', 'BooksForReviewEditorHandler'); define('BOOKS_FOR_REVIEW_PLUGIN_NAME', $this->getName()); AppLocale::requireComponents(LOCALE_COMPONENT_APPLICATION_COMMON, LOCALE_COMPONENT_PKP_USER, LOCALE_COMPONENT_OJS_EDITOR); $handlerFile =& $params[2]; $handlerFile = $this->getHandlerPath() . ''; } } } } /** * Enable author book for review management. */ function setupAuthorHandler($hookName, $params) { $page =& $params[0]; if ($page == 'author') { $op =& $params[1]; if ($op) { $authorPages = array( 'booksForReview', 'requestBookForReview' ); if (in_array($op, $authorPages)) { define('HANDLER_CLASS', 'BooksForReviewAuthorHandler'); define('BOOKS_FOR_REVIEW_PLUGIN_NAME', $this->getName()); AppLocale::requireComponents(LOCALE_COMPONENT_APPLICATION_COMMON, LOCALE_COMPONENT_PKP_USER, LOCALE_COMPONENT_OJS_AUTHOR); $handlerFile =& $params[2]; $handlerFile = $this->getHandlerPath() . ''; } } } } /** * Enable public book for review pages. */ function setupPublicHandler($hookName, $params) { $page =& $params[0]; if ($page == 'booksForReview') { $op =& $params[1]; if ($op) { $publicPages = array( 'index', 'viewBookForReview' ); if (in_array($op, $publicPages)) { define('HANDLER_CLASS', 'BooksForReviewHandler'); define('BOOKS_FOR_REVIEW_PLUGIN_NAME', $this->getName()); AppLocale::requireComponents(LOCALE_COMPONENT_APPLICATION_COMMON); $handlerFile =& $params[2]; $handlerFile = $this->getHandlerPath() . ''; } } } } /** * Enable TinyMCE support for book for review text fields. */ function enableTinyMCE($hookName, $params) { $fields =& $params[1]; $page = Request::getRequestedPage(); $op = Request::getRequestedOp(); if ($page == 'editor' && ($op == 'createBookForReview' || $op == 'editBookForReview' || $op == 'updateBookForReview')) { $fields[] = 'description'; $fields[] = 'notes'; } elseif ($page == 'editor' && $op == 'booksForReviewSettings') { $fields[] = 'additionalInformation'; } return false; } /** * Transfer book for review user assignments when merging users. */ function mergeBooksForReviewAuthors($hookName, $params) { $oldUserId =& $params[0]; $newUserId =& $params[1]; $journal =& Request::getJournal(); $bfrDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('BookForReviewDAO'); $oldUserBooksForReview =& $bfrDao->getBooksForReviewByAuthor($journal->getId(), $oldUserId); while ($bookForReview =& $oldUserBooksForReview->next()) { $bookForReview->setUserId($newUserId); $bfrDao->updateObject($bookForReview); unset($bookForReview); } return false; } /** * Display an author's books for review during submission step 5. */ function displayAuthorBooksForReview($hookName, $params) { if ($this->getEnabled()) { $smarty =& $params[1]; $output =& $params[2]; $journal =& Request::getJournal(); $user =& Request::getUser(); if ($journal && $user) { $bfrDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('BookForReviewDAO'); $rangeInfo =& Handler::getRangeInfo('booksForReview'); $booksForReview =& $bfrDao->getBooksForReviewAssignedByAuthor($journal->getId(), $user->getId(), $rangeInfo); if (!$booksForReview->wasEmpty()) { $smarty->assign('booksForReview', $booksForReview); $output .= $smarty->fetch($this->getTemplatePath() . 'author' . '/' . 'submissionBooksForReview.tpl'); } } } return false; } /** * Display book for review cover page in issue toc. */ function displayArticleCoverPageIssue($hookName, $params) { if ($this->getEnabled()) { $smarty =& $params[1]; $output =& $params[2]; $journal =& Request::getJournal(); if ($journal) { $journalId = $journal->getId(); } else { return false; } $article =& $smarty->get_template_vars('article'); if ($article) { $articleId = $article->getId(); } else { return false; } $bfrDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('BookForReviewDAO'); $book =& $bfrDao->getSubmittedBookForReviewByArticle($journalId, $articleId); if ($book) { $smarty->assign('book', $book); $output .= $smarty->fetch($this->getTemplatePath() . 'coverPageIssue.tpl'); } else { return false; } } return false; } /** * Display book for review cover page in article abstract. */ function displayArticleCoverPageAbstract($hookName, $params) { if ($this->getEnabled()) { $smarty =& $params[1]; $output =& $params[2]; $journal =& Request::getJournal(); if ($journal) { $journalId = $journal->getId(); } else { return false; } $article =& $smarty->get_template_vars('article'); if ($article) { $articleId = $article->getId(); } else { return false; } $bfrDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('BookForReviewDAO'); $book =& $bfrDao->getSubmittedBookForReviewByArticle($journalId, $articleId); if ($book) { import('classes.file.PublicFileManager'); $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager(); $baseCoverPagePath = Request::getBaseUrl() . '/'; $baseCoverPagePath .= $publicFileManager->getJournalFilesPath($journalId) . '/'; $smarty->assign('baseCoverPagePath', $baseCoverPagePath); $smarty->assign('locale', AppLocale::getLocale()); $smarty->assign('book', $book); $output .= $smarty->fetch($this->getTemplatePath() . 'coverPageAbstract.tpl'); } else { return false; } } return false; } /** * Append book for review metadata to article metadata. */ function displayBookMetadata($hookName, $params) { if ($this->getEnabled()) { $smarty =& $params[1]; $output =& $params[2]; $journal =& Request::getJournal(); if ($journal) { $journalId = $journal->getId(); } else { return false; } $article =& $smarty->get_template_vars('article'); if ($article) { $articleId = $article->getId(); } else { return false; } $bfrDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('BookForReviewDAO'); $book =& $bfrDao->getSubmittedBookForReviewByArticle($journalId, $articleId); if ($book) { $smarty->assign('book', $book); $citation = trim(trim($smarty->fetch($this->getTemplatePath() . 'citation.tpl'))); $smarty->assign('citation', $citation); $output .= $smarty->fetch($this->getTemplatePath() . 'metadata.tpl'); } else { return false; } } return false; } /** * Display books for review link in header menu bar. */ function displayHeaderLink($hookName, $params) { if ($this->getEnabled()) { $smarty =& $params[1]; $output =& $params[2]; $templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager(); $output .= '