getEnabled()) {
// Dataverse Study objects
$dataverseStudyDao = new DataverseStudyDAO($this->getName());
$returner =& DAORegistry::registerDAO('DataverseStudyDAO', $dataverseStudyDao);
// Files associated with Dataverse studies
$dataverseFileDao = new DataverseFileDAO($this->getName());
$returner =& DAORegistry::registerDAO('DataverseFileDAO', $dataverseFileDao);
// Handler for public (?) access to Dataverse-related information (i.e., terms of Use)
HookRegistry::register('LoadHandler', array(&$this, 'setupPublicHandler'));
// Add data citation to submissions & reading tools
HookRegistry::register('TemplateManager::display', array(&$this, 'handleTemplateDisplay'));
// Add data citation to article landing page
HookRegistry::register('Templates::Article::MoreInfo', array(&$this, 'addDataCitationArticle'));
// Enable TinyMCEditor in textarea fields
HookRegistry::register('TinyMCEPlugin::getEnableFields', array(&$this, 'getTinyMCEEnabledFields'));
// Include data policy in About page
HookRegistry::register('Templates::About::Index::Policies', array(&$this, 'addPolicyLinks'));
// Add data publication options to author submission suppfile form:
HookRegistry::register('Templates::Author::Submit::SuppFile::AdditionalMetadata', array(&$this, 'suppFileAdditionalMetadata'));
HookRegistry::register('authorsubmitsuppfileform::initdata', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormInitData'));
HookRegistry::register('authorsubmitsuppfileform::readuservars', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormReadUserVars'));
HookRegistry::register('authorsubmitsuppfileform::execute', array(&$this, 'authorSubmitSuppFileFormExecute'));
// Add Dataverse deposit options to suppfile form for completed submissions
HookRegistry::register('Templates::Submission::SuppFile::AdditionalMetadata', array(&$this, 'suppFileAdditionalMetadata'));
HookRegistry::register('suppfileform::initdata', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormInitData'));
HookRegistry::register('suppfileform::readuservars', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormReadUserVars'));
HookRegistry::register('suppfileform::execute', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormExecute'));
// Notify ArticleDAO of additional metadata fields in suppfile form
HookRegistry::register('articledao::getAdditionalFieldNames', array(&$this, 'articleMetadataFormFieldNames'));
// Validate suppfile forms: warn if Dataverse deposit selected but no file uploaded
HookRegistry::register('authorsubmitsuppfileform::Constructor', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormConstructor'));
HookRegistry::register('suppfileform::Constructor', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormConstructor'));
// Metadata form: update cataloguing information. Prevent update if study locked.
HookRegistry::register('metadataform::Constructor', array(&$this, 'metadataFormConstructor'));
HookRegistry::register('metadataform::execute', array(&$this, 'metadataFormExecute'));
// Handle suppfile insertion: prevent duplicate insertion of a suppfile
HookRegistry::register('suppfiledao::_insertsuppfile', array(&$this, 'handleSuppFileInsertion'));
// Handle suppfile deletion: only necessary for completed submissions
HookRegistry::register('suppfiledao::_deletesuppfilebyid', array(&$this, 'handleSuppFileDeletion'));
// Add form validator to check whether submission includes data files
HookRegistry::register('authorsubmitstep4form::Constructor', array(&$this, 'addAuthorSubmitFormValidator'));
// Create study for author submissions
HookRegistry::register('Author::SubmitHandler::saveSubmit', array(&$this, 'handleAuthorSubmission'));
// Release or delete studies according to editor decision
HookRegistry::register('SectionEditorAction::unsuitableSubmission', array(&$this, 'handleUnsuitableSubmission'));
HookRegistry::register('SectionEditorAction::recordDecision', array(&$this, 'handleEditorDecision'));
// Release studies on article publication
HookRegistry::register('articledao::_updatearticle', array(&$this, 'handleArticleUpdate'));
// Get content for plugin notifications
HookRegistry::register('NotificationManager::getNotificationContents', array(&$this, 'getNotificationContents'));
return $success;
* @see PKPPlugin::getDisplayName()
function getDisplayName() {
return __('plugins.generic.dataverse.displayName');
* @see PKPPlugin::getDescription()
function getDescription() {
return __('plugins.generic.dataverse.description');
* @see PKPPlugin::getInstallSchemaFile()
function getInstallSchemaFile() {
return $this->getPluginPath() . '/schema.xml';
* Get page handler path for this plugin.
* @return string Path to plugin's page handler
function getHandlerPath() {
return $this->getPluginPath() . '/pages/';
* @see PKPPlugin::getTemplatePath()
function getTemplatePath() {
return parent::getTemplatePath() . 'templates/';
* @see GenericPlugin::getManagementVerbs()
function getManagementVerbs() {
$verbs = array();
if ($this->getEnabled()) {
$verbs[] = array('connect', __('plugins.generic.dataverse.settings.connect'));
$verbs[] = array('select', __('plugins.generic.dataverse.settings.selectDataverse'));
$verbs[] = array('settings', __('plugins.generic.dataverse.settings'));
return parent::getManagementVerbs($verbs);
* @see GenericPlugin::manage()
function manage($verb, $args, &$message, &$messageParams) {
if (!parent::manage($verb, $args, $message, $messageParams)) return false;
$templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
$templateMgr->register_function('plugin_url', array(&$this, 'smartyPluginUrl'));
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
switch ($verb) {
case 'connect':
$form = new DataverseAuthForm($this, $journal->getId());
if (Request::getUserVar('save')) {
if ($form->validate()) {
Request::redirect(null, 'manager', 'plugin', array('generic', $this->getName(), 'select'));
return false;
} else {
} else {
return true;
case 'select':
$form = new DataverseSelectForm($this, $journal->getId());
if (Request::getUserVar('save')) {
if ($form->validate()) {
Request::redirect(null, 'manager', 'plugin', array('generic', $this->getName(), 'settings'));
return false;
} else {
} else {
return true;
case 'settings':
$form = new SettingsForm($this, $journal->getId());
if (Request::getUserVar('save')) {
if ($form->validate()) {
Request::redirect(null, 'manager', 'plugin', array('generic'));
return false;
} else {
} else {
return true;
// Unknown management verb
return false;
* @see PKPPlugin::smartyPluginUrl()
function smartyPluginUrl($params, &$smarty) {
$path = array($this->getCategory(), $this->getName());
if (is_array($params['path'])) {
$params['path'] = array_merge($path, $params['path']);
} elseif (!empty($params['path'])) {
$params['path'] = array_merge($path, array($params['path']));
} else {
$params['path'] = $path;
if (!empty($params['id'])) {
$params['path'] = array_merge($params['path'], array($params['id']));
return $smarty->smartyUrl($params, $smarty);
* Hook callback: register pages to display terms of use & data policy
* @see PKPPageRouter::route()
function setupPublicHandler($hookName, $params) {
$page =& $params[0];
if ($page == 'dataverse') {
$op =& $params[1];
if ($op) {
$publicPages = array(
if (in_array($op, $publicPages)) {
define('HANDLER_CLASS', 'DataverseHandler');
define('DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_NAME', $this->getName());
$handlerFile =& $params[2];
$handlerFile = $this->getHandlerPath() . '';
* Hook callback: register output filter to add data citation to submission
* summaries; add data citation to reading tools' suppfiles and metadata views.
* @see TemplateManager::display()
function handleTemplateDisplay($hookName, $args) {
$templateMgr =& $args[0];
$template =& $args[1];
switch ($template) {
case $this->getTemplatePath() .'/termsOfUse.tpl':
$templateMgr->register_outputfilter(array(&$this, 'termsOfUseOutputFilter'));
case 'author/submission.tpl':
case 'sectionEditor/submission.tpl':
$templateMgr->register_outputfilter(array(&$this, 'submissionOutputFilter'));
case 'rt/metadata.tpl':
$templateMgr->register_outputfilter(array(&$this, 'rtMetadataOutputFilter'));
case 'rt/suppFiles.tpl':
$templateMgr->register_outputfilter(array(&$this, 'rtSuppFilesOutputFilter'));
case 'rt/suppFileView.tpl':
$templateMgr->register_outputfilter(array(&$this, 'rtSuppFileViewOutputFilter'));
return false;
* Output filter alters title in Reading Tools' header template, re-used to
* display Dataverse Terms of Use
* @param $output string
* @param $templateMgr TemplateManager
* @return $string Filtered output
function termsOfUseOutputFilter($output, &$templateMgr) {
$title = '
$preMatch .= '13.<\/td>\s*';
$preMatch .= ' | '. preg_quote(__('rt.metadata.dublinCore.relation'), '/') .'<\/td>\s*';
$preMatch .= ' | '. preg_quote(__('rt.metadata.pkp.suppFiles'), '/') .'<\/td>\s*';
$preMatch .= ' | ';
// Match table row following suppfile list
$postMatch .= '<\/td>\s*<\/tr>';
if ($suppFileOutput) {
// Replace with edited list of suppfiles not in Dataverse
$output = preg_replace("/($preMatch).*?($postMatch)/s", "$1${suppFileOutput}$2", $output);
else {
// All suppfiles are in Dataverse. Remove table row.
$output = preg_replace("/($preMatch).*?($postMatch)/s", "", $output);
} // end if (article has suppfiles in Dataverse)
return $output;
* Output filter. If suppfile is in Dataverse, filter replaces link to view
* or download suppfiles from OJS with link to dataset in Dataverse.
* @param $output string
* @param $templateMgr TemplateManager
* @return string Filtered output
function rtSuppFilesOutputFilter($output, &$templateMgr) {
$article =& $templateMgr->get_template_vars('article');
$currentJournal =& $templateMgr->get_template_vars('currentJournal');
$dvStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dvStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($article->getId());
if (isset($study)) {
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
foreach ($article->getSuppFiles() as $suppFile) {
$dvFile = $dvFileDao->getDataverseFileBySuppFileId($suppFile->getId(), $article->getId());
if (isset($dvFile)) {
// Find and replace local download link w/ dataset URI
$params = array(
'page' => 'article',
'op' => 'downloadSuppFile',
'path' => array($article->getBestArticleId(), $suppFile->getBestSuppFileId($currentJournal))
$suppFileUrl = $templateMgr->smartyUrl($params, $templateMgr);
$pattern = '/.+?<\/a>/';
$replace = ''. __('plugins.generic.dataverse.suppFiles.view') .'';
$output = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $output);
return $output;
* Output filter replaces local suppfile download link in RT suppfile metadata
* page with link to dataset, if suppfile deposited in Dataverse.
* @param $output string
* @param $templateMgr TemplateManager
* @return string Filtered output
function rtSuppFileViewOutputFilter($output, &$templateMgr) {
$article =& $templateMgr->get_template_vars('article');
$suppFile =& $templateMgr->get_template_vars('suppFile');
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFile = $dvFileDao->getDataverseFileBySuppFileId($suppFile->getId(), $article->getId());
if (isset($dvFile)) {
// Get citation for dataset that contains the file
$dvStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dvStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($article->getId());
if (isset($study)) {
// Replace local suppfile information with data citation & link to dataset
$preMatch = '(.+? )';
$postMatch = '(<\/table>\s*<\/div>)';
$replace = '';
$replace .= ''. __('plugins.generic.dataverse.dataCitation') .' | ';
$replace .= ''. $this->_formatDataCitation($study->getDataCitation(), $study->getPersistentUri()) .' | ';
$replace .= ' ';
$output = preg_replace("/$preMatch.+?$postMatch/s", "$1$replace$2", $output);
return $output;
* Output filter adds data citation to submission summary.
* @param $output string
* @param $templateMgr TemplateManager
* @return $string
function submissionOutputFilter($output, &$templateMgr) {
$submission =& $templateMgr->get_template_vars('submission');
if (!isset($submission)) return $output;
$dataverseStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dataverseStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($submission->getId());
$dataCitation = '';
if (isset($study)) {
$dataCitation = $this->_formatDataCitation($study->getDataCitation(), $study->getPersistentUri());
else {
// There may be an external data citation
$dataCitation = $submission->getLocalizedData('externalDataCitation');
if (!$dataCitation) return $output;
$index = strpos($output, ''. __('submission.submitter'));
if ($index !== false) {
$newOutput = substr($output,0,$index);
$newOutput .= ' | '. __('plugins.generic.dataverse.dataCitation') .' | ';
$newOutput .= ''. String::stripUnsafeHtml($dataCitation) .' | ';
$newOutput .= substr($output, $index);
$output = $newOutput;
return $output;
* Hook callback: add data citation to article landing page.
* @see templates/article/article.tpl
function addDataCitationArticle($hookName, $args) {
$templateMgr =& $args[1];
$output =& $args[2];
$article =& $templateMgr->get_template_vars('article');
$dataverseStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dataverseStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($article->getId());
if (isset($study)) {
$templateMgr->assign('dataCitation', $this->_formatDataCitation($study->getDataCitation(), $study->getPersistentUri()));
else {
// Article may have an external data citation
$templateMgr->assign('dataCitation', $article->getLocalizedData('externalDataCitation'));
$output .= $templateMgr->fetch($this->getTemplatePath() . 'dataCitationArticle.tpl');
return false;
* Hook callback: register plugin settings fields with TinyMCE
* @see TinyMCEPlugin::getEnableFields()
function getTinyMCEEnabledFields($hookName, $args) {
$fields =& $args[1];
$application =& Application::getApplication();
$request =& $application->getRequest();
$router =& $request->getRouter();
// TinyMCEPlugin::getEnableFields hook is only invoked on page requests.
$page = $router->getRequestedPage($request);
$op = $router->getRequestedOp($request);
$requestArgs = $router->getRequestedArgs($request);
if ($page == 'manager' && $op == 'plugin' && in_array('dataverseplugin', $requestArgs)) {
$fields = array('dataAvailability', 'termsOfUse');
return false;
* Hook callback: add link to data availability policy to policies section of
* journal's About page
* @see templates/about/index.tpl
function addPolicyLinks($hookName, $args) {
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$dataPAvailability = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dataAvailability');
if (!empty($dataPAvailability)) {
$templateMgr =& $args[1];
$output =& $args[2];
$output .= '';
$output .= __('plugins.generic.dataverse.settings.dataAvailabilityPolicy');
$output .= '';
return false;
* Hook callback: add validators to fields added to metadata form
* @see Form::Form()
function metadataFormConstructor($hookName, $args) {
$form =& $args[0];
$form->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($this, 'metadata', FORM_VALIDATOR_REQUIRED_VALUE, 'plugins.generic.dataverse.metadataForm.studyLocked', array(&$this, 'formValidateStudyState'), array(&$form)));
return false;
* Hook callback: update cataloguing information on form submission, if article
* has a Dataverse study
* @see Form::execute()
function metadataFormExecute($hookName, $args) {
$form =& $args[0];
$dataverseStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dataverseStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($form->article->getId());
if (isset($study)) {
$metadataReplaced = $this->replaceStudyMetadata($form->article, $study);
// Notify success/failure
$user =& Request::getUser();
$notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), $metadataReplaced ? NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_STUDY_UPDATED : NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
* Form validator added to metadata and suppfile forms: prevents form submission
* if article has files in Dataverse that are locked for processing
* @param $field string Field value
* @param $form Article metadata or suppfile form
* @return boolean true if study is NOT locked
function formValidateStudyState($field, $form) {
$articleId = isset($form->article) ? $form->article->getId() : $form->articleId;
$dvStudyDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study = $dvStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($articleId);
// No study for this submission
if (!isset($study)) return true;
// Prevent submission if study is locked
return $this->studyIsLocked($study) ? false : true;
* Hook callback: notify ArticleDAO of fields added to suppfile forms.
* @see ArticleDAO::getAdditionalFieldNames()
function articleMetadataFormFieldNames($hookName, $args) {
$fields =& $args[1];
$fields[] = 'studyDescription';
$fields[] = 'externalDataCitation';
return false;
* Hook callback: add data publication options to suppfile form templates for
* initial & completed submissions.
* @see templates/author/submit/suppFile.tpl
* @see templates/submission/suppFile/suppFile.tpl
function suppFileAdditionalMetadata($hookName, $args) {
$templateMgr =& $args[1];
$output =& $args[2];
$articleId = $templateMgr->get_template_vars('articleId');
// Include Dataverse data citation, if a study exists for this submission.
$dvStudyDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study = $dvStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($articleId);
if (isset($study)) {
$templateMgr->assign('dataCitation', $this->_formatDataCitation($study->getDataCitation(), $study->getPersistentUri()));
$templateMgr->assign('studyLocked', $this->studyIsLocked($study));
$output .= $templateMgr->fetch($this->getTemplatePath() . 'suppFileAdditionalMetadata.tpl');
return false;
* Hook callback: add validators to fields added to suppfile form
* @see Form::Form
function suppFileFormConstructor($hookName, $args) {
$form =& $args[0];
$form->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($this, 'publishData', FORM_VALIDATOR_REQUIRED_VALUE, 'plugins.generic.dataverse.suppFile.publishData.error', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormValidateDeposit'), array(&$form)));
$form->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($this, 'publishData', FORM_VALIDATOR_REQUIRED_VALUE, 'plugins.generic.dataverse.suppFile.studyLocked', array(&$this, 'formValidateStudyState'), array(&$form)));
$form->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($this, 'externalDataCitation', FORM_VALIDATOR_REQUIRED_VALUE, 'plugins.generic.dataverse.suppFile.externalDataCitation.error', array(&$this, 'suppFileFormValidateCitations'), array(&$form)));
return false;
* Suppfile form validator: return false if Dataverse deposit selected but no
* suppfile has been uploaded.
* @param $publishData Field value
* @param $form Suppfile form
* @return boolean true if suppfile has been uploaded
function suppFileFormValidateDeposit($publishData, $form) {
if ($publishData == 'dataverse') {
// If suppfile exists & has a non-zero file ID, a file has been uploaded previously
if ($form->suppFile && $form->suppFile->getFileId()) return true;
// If no file has been uploaded, return false
$articleId = isset($form->article) ? $form->article->getId() : $form->articleId;
$articleFileManager = new ArticleFileManager($articleId);
if (!$articleFileManager->uploadedFileExists('uploadSuppFile')) return false;
return true;
* Suppfile form validator: return false if Dataverse deposit selected and an
* external citation has been provided. Submitters must provide one or the
* other, not both.
* @param $externalCitation string field value
* @param $form Suppfile form
* @return boolean true if data submitted OR external citation provided
function suppFileFormValidateCitations($externalCitation, $form) {
if ($externalCitation && $form->getData('publishData') == 'dataverse') {
return false;
return true;
* Hook callback: initialize fields added to suppfile form
* @see Form::initData()
function suppFileFormInitData($hookName, $args) {
$form =& $args[0];
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO');
$article =& $form->article;
if (!isset($article)) {
$article = $articleDao->getArticle($form->articleId, $journal->getId());
// Dataset metadata
$form->setData('studyDescription', $article->getLocalizedData('studyDescription'));
$form->setData('externalDataCitation', $article->getLocalizedData('externalDataCitation'));
// Set data publishing option for this suppfile:
// 'none' -- supplementary file, not published (default)
// 'dataverse' -- deposit file in Dataverse and publish data citation with article
$publishData = 'none';
if (isset($form->suppFile) && $form->suppFile->getId()) {
// Check if uploaded file has been deposited in Dataverse
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFile =& $dvFileDao->getDataverseFileBySuppFileId($form->suppFile->getId(), $article->getId());
if (!is_null($dvFile)) { $publishData = 'dataverse'; }
$form->setData('publishData', $publishData);
return false;
* Hook callback: read values submitted in fields added to suppfile form
* @see Form::readUserVars()
function suppFileFormReadUserVars($hookName, $args) {
$form =& $args[0];
$vars =& $args[1];
$vars[] = 'studyDescription';
$vars[] = 'externalDataCitation';
$vars[] = 'publishData';
return false;
* Hook callback: handle suppfile form execution for incomplete submissions
* @see Form::execute()
function authorSubmitSuppFileFormExecute($hookName, $args) {
$form =& $args[0];
// External data citation: field is article metadata, but provided in
// suppfile form as well, at point of data file deposit, to help support
// data publishing decisions.
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO');
$article = $articleDao->getArticle($form->articleId, $journal->getId());
$article->setData('studyDescription', $form->getData('studyDescription'), $form->getFormLocale());
$article->setData('externalDataCitation', $form->getData('externalDataCitation'), $form->getFormLocale());
if (!isset($form->suppFile) || !$form->suppFile->getId()) {
// Suppfile metadata may exist but no file has been uploaded.
return false;
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFile = $dvFileDao->getDataverseFileBySuppFileId($form->suppFile->getId(), $form->articleId);
switch ($form->getData('publishData')) {
case 'none':
// Treat uploaded file as supplementary. If previously marked for deposit, unmark it.
if (isset($dvFile)) {
case 'dataverse':
// Mark file for deposit, if not marked already. File will be deposited
// in Dataverse when submission is completed or accepted for publication.
if (!isset($dvFile)) {
$dvFile = new DataverseFile();
return false;
* Hook callback: handle suppfile form execution for completed submissions
* @see Form::execute()
function suppFileFormExecute($hookName, $args) {
$form =& $args[0];
$articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO');
$article =& $form->article;
// Notify on successful study updates or errors
$notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
$user =& Request::getUser();
// Dataset metadata: fields stored with article metadata, but provided in suppfile
// form, at point of data deposit, to support data publishing
$article->setData('studyDescription', $form->getData('studyDescription'), $form->getFormLocale());
$article->setData('externalDataCitation', $form->getData('externalDataCitation'), $form->getFormLocale());
// Form executed for completed submissions. Draft studies are created on
// submission completion. A study may or may not exist for this submission.
switch ($form->getData('publishData')) {
case 'none':
// Supplementary file: do not deposit.
if ($form->suppFile->getId()) {
// Suppfile exists & may previously have been flagged for deposit /
// deposited in Dataverse
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFile =& $dvFileDao->getDataverseFileBySuppFileId($form->suppFile->getId(), $article->getId());
if (isset($dvFile)) {
// Remove file from pending deposit (if submission is incomplete) or
// dataset previously deposited
$fileDeleted = $this->deleteFile($dvFile);
if ($fileDeleted) {
// Deleting a file may affect study cataloguing information
$dvStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dvStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($article->getId());
if (isset($study)) {
$this->replaceStudyMetadata($article, $study);
// Notify
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), $fileDeleted ? NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_STUDY_UPDATED : NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
case 'dataverse':
// Deposit file. Create a study, if submission doesn't have one already.
$dvStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dvStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($article->getId());
if (!$study) $study = $this->createStudy($article);
if (!$study) {
// If study is not created, warn & exit
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
if (!$form->suppFile->getId()) {
// Suppfile is new, but inserted in db after hook is called. Handle
// insertion here & prevent duplicates in handleSuppFileInsertion() callback
$suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO');
$form->suppFileId = $form->suppFile->getId();
$form->suppFile =& $suppFileDao->getSuppFile($form->suppFileId, $article->getId());
// Add suppfile to study.
$deposited = $this->depositFiles($study, array($form->suppFile));
// File-level metadata may need to be added to study.
$this->replaceStudyMetadata($article, $study);
// & notify:
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), $deposited ? NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_STUDY_UPDATED: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
else {
// Suppfile exists, and uploaded file may be new or a replacement
// (form validator requires file upload if Dataverse option selected).
// Hook is called before suppfile object is updated with details of
// uploaded file, so refresh suppfile object here.
$fileName = 'uploadSuppFile';
$articleFileManager = new ArticleFileManager($article->getId());
if ($articleFileManager->uploadedFileExists($fileName)) {
$fileId = $form->suppFile->getFileId();
if ($fileId != 0) {
$articleFileManager->uploadSuppFile($fileName, $fileId);
else {
$fileId = $articleFileManager->uploadSuppFile($fileName);
// Store form metadata. It may be used to update study cataloguing information.
$suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO');
$form->suppFile =& $suppFileDao->getSuppFile($form->suppFileId, $article->getId());
// The uploaded file may be new, or it may replace a previously-deposited
// file. If it's a replacement, delete the existing file from Dataverse:
// this prevents orphaned files on the Dataverse side, and filename collisions
// described in
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFile =& $dvFileDao->getDataverseFileBySuppFileId($form->suppFileId, $article->getId());
if (isset($dvFile)) {
// Add uploaded suppfile to study.
$deposited = $this->depositFiles($study, array($form->suppFile));
// File-level metadata may need to be added to study.
$this->replaceStudyMetadata($article, $study);
// & notify:
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), $deposited ? NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_STUDY_UPDATED: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
// Unknown option
return false;
* Hook callback: prevent re-insertion of suppfile already handled in suppfile
* form execution callback.
* @see DataversePlugin::suppFileFormExecute()
* @see DAO::update()
function handleSuppFileInsertion($hookName, $args) {
$params =& $args[1];
$fileId = $params[1];
$articleId = $params[2];
$suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO');
return $suppFileDao->suppFileExistsByFileId($articleId, $fileId);
* Hook callback: when suppfile deleted, remove data file from Dataverse
* study, if present
* @see DAO::update()
function handleSuppFileDeletion($hookName, $args) {
$params =& $args[1];
$suppFileId = is_array($params) ? $params[0] : $params;
$submissionId = is_array($params) ? $params[1] : '';
// Suppfile deposited in / marked for deposit in Dataverse?
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFile =& $dvFileDao->getDataverseFileBySuppFileId($suppFileId, $submissionId ? $submissionId : '');
if (isset($dvFile)) {
$fileDeleted = $this->deleteFile($dvFile);
if ($fileDeleted) {
// If file belongs to a completed submission & study present in Dataverse,
// replace cataloguing information to remove metadata assoc. w/ deleted file
$dvStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dvStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($dvFile->getSubmissionId());
if (isset($study)) {
$articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO');
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$article =& $articleDao->getArticle($study->getSubmissionId(), $journal->getId());
$this->replaceStudyMetadata($article, $study);
// Notify
$user =& Request::getUser();
$notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), $fileDeleted ? NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_STUDY_UPDATED : NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
* Hook callback: add form validator to verify submissions include data files
* @see Form::Form()
function addAuthorSubmitFormValidator($hookName, $args) {
$form =& $args[0];
$form->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($form, '', FORM_VALIDATOR_REQUIRED_VALUE, 'plugins.generic.dataverse.settings.requireDataError', array(&$this, 'validateRequiredData'), array($form)));
* Form validator: verify data files have been provided, if required in plugin
* settings.
* @param $fieldValue string field value
* @param $form Author submission form, step 4
* @return boolean
function validateRequiredData($fieldValue, $form) {
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
if (!$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'requireData')) return true;
// Data files must be provided.
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFiles =& $dvFileDao->getDataverseFilesBySubmissionId($form->articleId);
return count($dvFiles);
* Hook callback: create draft study if author has uploaded data files
* @see SubmitHandler::saveSubmit()
function handleAuthorSubmission($hookName, $args) {
$step =& $args[0];
$article =& $args[1];
if ($step == 5) {
// Author has completed submission. If suppfiles selected for deposit in
// Dataverse, create a new study.
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFiles =& $dvFileDao->getDataverseFilesBySubmissionId($article->getId());
if ($dvFiles) {
$study = $this->createStudy($article);
if ($study) {
// DataverseFiles act as placeholders until suppfiles deposited.
// Deposit suppfiles, then update DataverseFiles with new study / dataset ID
$suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO');
$suppFiles = array();
foreach ($dvFiles as $dvFile) {
$suppFiles[] = $suppFileDao->getSuppFile($dvFile->getSuppFileId(), $article->getId());
$this->depositFiles($study, $suppFiles);
// notify:
$notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
$user =& Request::getUser();
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), isset($study) ? NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_STUDY_CREATED : NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
* Hook callback: release or delete study based on editor decision
* @see SectionEditorAction::recordDecision()
function handleEditorDecision($hookName, $args) {
$submission =& $args[0];
$decision =& $args[1];
// Plugin may be configured to release on publication: defer decision
if ($this->getSetting($submission->getJournalId(), 'studyRelease') == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_RELEASE_ARTICLE_PUBLISHED) {
return false;
// Find study associated with submission
$dataverseStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dataverseStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($submission->getId());
if (isset($study)) {
// Editor decision on a submission with a draft study in Dataverse
if ($decision['decision'] == SUBMISSION_EDITOR_DECISION_ACCEPT) {
if ($decision['decision'] == SUBMISSION_EDITOR_DECISION_DECLINE) {
// Draft studies will be deleted; released studies will be deaccesioned
return false;
* Hook callback: release study on article publication
* @see DAO::update()
function handleArticleUpdate($hookName, $args) {
$params =& $args[1];
$articleId = $params[count($params)-1];
$status = $params[6];
// If plugin is configured to release studies when accepted for publication,
// editorial actions during review may have created draft versions of study.
// Release all studies on article publication, regardless of plugin settings,
// since it's the last opportunity to do so.
if ($status == STATUS_PUBLISHED) {
$dvStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dvStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($articleId);
if (isset($study)) {
// Data has been deposited for this article. If article is being published,
// update study metadata to add article citation, then release the dataset.
$publishedArticleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO');
$article =& $publishedArticleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($articleId);
if ($article && $article->getStatus() != STATUS_PUBLISHED) {
$this->replaceStudyMetadata($article, $study);
return false;
* Hook callback: delete study if editor rejects submission
* @see SectionEditorAction::unsuitableSubmission()
function handleUnsuitableSubmission($hookName, $args) {
$submission =& $args[0];
$dataverseStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$study =& $dataverseStudyDao->getStudyBySubmissionId($submission->getId());
if (isset($study)) {
return false;
* Request Dataverse Network service document
* @param $journalId int Journal ID
* @return SWORDAPPServiceDocument
function getServiceDocument($journalId) {
// allow insecure SSL connections
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
// Build service doc request. If version not set, assume v1.
$apiVersion = $this->getSetting($journalId, 'apiVersion') ?
$this->getSetting($journalId, 'apiVersion') : '1';
$sdRequest = $this->getSetting($journalId, 'dvnUri');
$sdRequest .= preg_match('/\/dvn$/', $sdRequest) ? '' : '/dvn';
$sdRequest .= '/api/data-deposit/v'. $apiVersion . '/swordv2/service-document';
$sd = $client->servicedocument(
$this->getSetting($journalId, 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journalId, 'password'),
if ($sd && $sd->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_OK && !$this->getSetting($journalId, 'apiVersion')) {
// Check service doc for deprecation warnings & update API.
$newVersion = $this->checkAPIVersion($sd);
if ($newVersion) $apiVersion = $newVersion;
$this->updateSetting($journalId, 'apiVersion', $apiVersion);
return $sd;
* Get terms of use of Dataverse configured for the journal
* @return string
function getTermsOfUse() {
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$sd = $this->getServiceDocument($journal->getId());
$dvTermsOfUse = '';
if ($sd->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
$dvUri = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dvUri');
// Find workspaces defined in service document
foreach ($sd->sac_workspaces as $workspace) {
foreach ($workspace->sac_collections as $collection) {
if ($collection->sac_href[0] == $dvUri) {
// TOU constructed from policies at dataverse, collection, study
// levels and separated by hyphens. Kludge in some line breaks.
$dvTermsOfUse = str_replace(
// Store DV terms of use as a fallback
$this->updateSetting($journal->getId(), 'dvTermsOfUse', $dvTermsOfUse, 'string');
return $dvTermsOfUse;
* Create deposit package of article metadata.
* @param $article Article
* @return DataversePackager
function createMetadataPackage($article) {
$journalDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('JournalDAO');
$journal =& $journalDao->getById($article->getJournalId());
$package = new DataversePackager();
// Add article metadata, in language of article locale
$package->addMetadata('title', $article->getTitle($article->getLocale()));
// If study description not provided, use article abstract
$article->getData('studyDescription', $article->getLocale()) ?
$article->getData('studyDescription', $article->getLocale()) :
foreach ($article->getAuthors() as $author) {
$package->addMetadata('creator', $author->getFullName(true), array('affiliation' => $this->_formatAffiliation($author, $article->getLocale())));
// Article metadata: fields with multiple values
$pattern = '/\s*'. DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_SUBJECT_SEPARATOR .'\s*/';
foreach(String::regexp_split($pattern, $article->getCoverageGeo($article->getLocale())) as $coverage) {
if ($coverage) $package->addMetadata('coverage', $coverage);
// Article metadata: filter subject(s) to prevent repeated values in dataset subject field
$subjects = array();
foreach(String::regexp_split($pattern, $article->getDiscipline($article->getLocale())) as $subject) {
if ($subject) $subjects[String::strtolower($subject)] = $subject;
foreach(String::regexp_split($pattern, $article->getSubjectClass($article->getLocale())) as $subject) {
if ($subject) $subjects[String::strtolower($subject)] = $subject;
foreach(String::regexp_split($pattern, $article->getSubject($article->getLocale())) as $subject) {
if ($subject) $subjects[String::strtolower($subject)] = $subject;
// Article metadata: filter contributors(s) to prevent repeated values in dataset contributor field
$contributors = array();
foreach(String::regexp_split($pattern, $article->getSponsor($article->getLocale())) as $contributor) {
if ($contributor) $contributors[String::strtolower($contributor)] = $contributor;
// Published article metadata
$pubIdAttributes = array();
if ($article->getStatus() == STATUS_PUBLISHED) {
// publication date
$publishedArticleDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO');
$publishedArticle =& $publishedArticleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($article->getId(), $article->getJournalId());
$datePublished = $publishedArticle->getDatePublished();
if (!$datePublished) {
// If article has no pub date, use issue pub date
$issueDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO');
$issue =& $issueDao->getIssueByArticleId($article->getId(), $article->getJournalId());
$datePublished = $issue->getDatePublished();
$package->addMetadata('date', strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($datePublished)));
// isReferencedBy: add persistent URL to citation using specified pubid plugin
$pubIdPlugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('pubIds', $this->getSetting($article->getJournalId(), 'pubIdPlugin'));
if ($pubIdPlugin && $pubIdPlugin->getEnabled()) {
$pubIdAttributes['agency'] = $pubIdPlugin->getDisplayName();
$pubIdAttributes['IDNo'] = $article->getPubId($pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType());
$pubIdAttributes['holdingsURI'] = $pubIdPlugin->getResolvingUrl($article->getJournalId(), $pubIdAttributes['IDNo']);
// If no pubIdP plugin selected or enabled, provide OJS URL
if(!array_key_exists('holdingsURI', $pubIdAttributes)) {
$pubIdAttributes['holdingsURI'] = Request::url($journal->getPath(), 'article', 'view', array($article->getId()));
// Add copyright notice.
if ($article->getCopyrightYear() && $article->getCopyrightHolder($article->getLocale())) {
$package->addMetadata('rights', __('submission.copyrightStatement', array('copyrightYear' => $article->getCopyrightYear(), 'copyrightHolder' => $article->getCopyrightHolder($article->getLocale()))));
// Journal metadata
$package->addMetadata('publisher', $journal->getSetting('publisherInstitution'));
$package->addMetadata('isReferencedBy', String::html2text($this->getCitation($article)), $pubIdAttributes);
// Suppfile metadata
$suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO');
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dvFiles =& $dvFileDao->getDataverseFilesBySubmissionId($article->getId());
// Filter type field to prevent repeated values in dataset 'Kind of data' field
$suppFileTypes = array();
foreach ($dvFiles as $dvFile) {
$suppFile =& $suppFileDao->getSuppFile($dvFile->getSuppFileId(), $article->getId());
if ($suppFile) {
// Split & filter subjects and/or contributors that may be repeated in article metadata
foreach (String::regexp_split($pattern, $suppFile->getSubject($article->getLocale())) as $subject) {
$subjects[String::strtolower($subject)] = $subject;
foreach (String::regexp_split($pattern, $suppFile->getSponsor($article->getLocale())) as $contributor) {
if ($contributor) $contributors[String::strtolower($contributor)] = $contributor;
// File type has single value but possibly repeated across suppfiles
if ($suppFile->getType()) $suppFileTypes[String::strtolower($suppFile->getType())] = $suppFile->getType();
if ($suppFile->getTypeOther($article->getLocale())) $suppFileTypes[String::strtolower($suppFile->getTypeOther($article->getLocale()))] = $suppFile->getTypeOther($article->getLocale());
// Add subjects, contributors & types to entry
foreach (array_values($subjects) as $subject) { $package->addMetadata('subject', $subject); }
foreach (array_values($contributors) as $contributor) { $package->addMetadata('contributor', $contributor, array('type' => 'funder')); }
foreach (array_values($suppFileTypes) as $type) { $package->addMetadata('type', $type); }
// Write metadata as Atom entry
// Return package for deposit
return $package;
* Create a Dataverse study: create deposit package with journal-, article-,
* and suppfile-level metadata, then deposit in Dataverse to create study.
* @param $article Article
* @return DataverseStudy
function createStudy($article) {
$package = $this->createMetadataPackage($article);
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$depositReceipt = $client->depositAtomEntry(
$this->getSetting($article->getJournalId(), 'dvUri'),
$this->getSetting($article->getJournalId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($article->getJournalId(), 'password'),
'', // on behalf of: no one
$study = null;
if ($depositReceipt->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_CREATED) {
$study = new DataverseStudy();
// Persistent URI may be present, as an altenate
foreach ($depositReceipt->sac_links as $link) {
if ($link->sac_linkrel == 'alternate') {
// Insert new Dataverse study for this submission
$dataverseStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
return $study;
* Update cataloguing information for an existing study. Metadata in the Atom
* entry replaces all cataloguing information currently defined for the
* study.
* @param $article Article
* @param $study DataverseStudy
* @return boolean Cataloguing information updated
function replaceStudyMetadata($article, $study) {
$package = $this->createMetadataPackage($article);
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$depositReceipt = $client->replaceMetadata(
$this->getSetting($article->getJournalId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($article->getJournalId(), 'password'),
'', // on behalf of
$metadataReplaced = ($depositReceipt->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_OK);
if ($metadataReplaced) {
// Data citation may have changed on updating cataloguing information
$dataverseStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
return $metadataReplaced;
* Deposit suppfiles in Dataverse study.
* @param $study DataverseStudy Study associated with author submission
* @param $suppFiles array Array of suppfiles
* @return boolean Files deposited
function depositFiles($study, $suppFiles) {
$packager = new DataversePackager();
foreach ($suppFiles as $suppFile) {
$suppFile->setFileStage(ARTICLE_FILE_SUPP); // workaround for #8444
$packager->addFile($suppFile->getFilePath(), $suppFile->getOriginalFileName());
// Deposit the package
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$depositReceipt = $client->deposit(
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'),
'', // on behalf of: no one
false); // in progress? false
$deposited = ($depositReceipt->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_CREATED);
if ($deposited) {
// Get the study statement & update the local file list
try {
$studyStatement = $client->retrieveAtomStatement(
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'),
'' // on behalf of
if ($studyStatement) {
// Associate Dataverse-side file with OJS-side file
$dvFileIndex = array();
foreach ($studyStatement->sac_entries as $entry) {
if (strrpos($entry->sac_content_source, '/')) {
$dvUriFileName = substr($entry->sac_content_source, strrpos($entry->sac_content_source, '/')+1);
$dvFileIndex[$dvUriFileName] = $entry->sac_content_source;
// Create or update DataverseFile linking suppfile with deposited file
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
foreach ($suppFiles as $suppFile) {
$suppFileKey = str_replace(' ', '_', $suppFile->getOriginalFileName());
if (array_key_exists($suppFileKey, $dvFileIndex)) {
$dvFile =& $dvFileDao->getDataverseFileBySuppFileId($suppFile->getId());
if (!$dvFile) {
$dvFile = new DataverseFile();
else {
catch (Exception $e) {
$application =& PKPApplication::getApplication();
error_log($application->getName() .': '. $e->getMessage() .': '. $e->getFile() . ': '. $e->getLine());
return $deposited;
* Indicate whether Dataverse has been released.
* @param $journalId int Journal id
* @return boolean True if journal's Dataverse has been released
function dataverseIsReleased($journalId) {
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$depositReciept = $client->retrieveDepositReceipt(
$this->getSetting($journalId, 'dvUri'),
$this->getSetting($journalId, 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journalId, 'password'),
''); // on behalf of
$released = false;
if ($depositReciept->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
$depositReceiptXml = @new SimpleXMLElement($depositReciept->sac_xml);
$releasedNodes = $depositReceiptXml->children('')->dataverseHasBeenReleased;
if (!empty($releasedNodes) && $releasedNodes[0] == 'true') {
$released = true;
return $released;
* Release draft Dataverse associated with this journal. Supported in SWORD
* API v1.1 / Dataverse 4.0.
* @param $journalId int Journal id
* @return boolean Dataverse released
function releaseDataverse($journalId) {
$released = false;
if (version_compare($this->getSetting($journalId, 'apiVersion'), '1.1', '>=')) {
// To release a Dataverse, a complete-incomplete-deposit request is issued
// on a collection-level edit IRI. Identify Dataverse by alias.
if(preg_match("/.+\/(\w+)$/", $this->getSetting($journalId, 'dvUri'), $matches)) {
$request = $this->getSetting($journalId, 'dvnUri');
$request .= preg_match('/\/dvn$/', $request) ? '' : '/dvn';
$request .= '/api/data-deposit';
$request .= '/v'. ($this->getSetting($journalId, 'apiVersion') ? $this->getSetting($journalId, 'apiVersion') : '1');
$request .= '/swordv2/edit/dataverse/'. $matches[1];
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$response = $client->completeIncompleteDeposit(
$this->getSetting($journalId, 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journalId, 'password'),
''); // on behalf of
if ($response->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
$released = true;
return $released;
* Report whether study has been released
* @param $study DataverseStudy
* @return boolean Study released
function studyIsReleased($study) {
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$studyReleased = false;
try {
$statement = $client->retrieveAtomStatement(
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'),
if ($statement && $statement->sac_xml) {
$sac_xml = @new SimpleXMLElement($statement->sac_xml);
foreach ($sac_xml->children()->category as $category) {
if ($category->attributes()->term == 'latestVersionState') {
if ($category == 'RELEASED') $studyReleased = true;
catch (Exception $e) {
$application =& PKPApplication::getApplication();
error_log($application->getName() .': '. $e->getMessage() .': '. $e->getFile() . ': '. $e->getLine());
return $studyReleased;
* Release draft study.
* @param $study DataverseStudy
* @return boolean Study released
function releaseStudy($study) {
$notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$user =& Request::getUser();
// Dataverse released?
$dvReleased = $this->dataverseIsReleased($journal->getId());
if (!$dvReleased) {
// Try to release Dataverse via API
$dvReleased = $this->releaseDataverse($journal->getId());
// If release via API has failed or is not supported, notify JMs
if (!$dvReleased) {
$request =& Application::getRequest();
$roleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RoleDAO');
$journalManagers =& $roleDao->getUsersByRoleId(ROLE_ID_JOURNAL_MANAGER, $journal->getId());
while ($journalManagers && !$journalManagers->eof()) {
$journalManager =& $journalManagers->next();
$notification = $notificationManager->createNotification($request, $journalManager->getId(), NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_UNRELEASED, $journal->getId(), ASSOC_TYPE_JOURNAL, $journal->getId(), NOTIFICATION_LEVEL_NORMAL);
$notificationManager->sendNotificationEmail($request, $notification);
} // end notifying JMs
// In API v1.1, publishing datasets in unpublished datverses is not supported.
if (version_compare($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'apiVersion'), '1.1', '>=')) {
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
return $dvReleased;
// Attempt to release/publish the study/dataset.
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$response = $client->completeIncompleteDeposit(
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'),
''); // on behalf of
$studyReleased = ($response->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_OK);
if ($studyReleased) {
// Retrieve deposit receipt & store updated data citation
$depositReceipt = $client->retrieveDepositReceipt(
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'),
if ($depositReceipt->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
$dataverseStudyDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
// Include citation & link to study in notification
$params = array('dataCitation' => $this->_formatDataCitation($study->getDataCitation(), $study->getPersistentUri()));
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_STUDY_RELEASED, $params);
else {
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
return $studyReleased;
* Delete draft study or deaccession released study.
* @param $study DataverseStudy
* @return boolean Study deleted
function deleteStudy($study) {
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$apiVersion = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'apiVersion');
// Deaccessioning is not supported in Dataverse 4 / SWORD API v1.1. Only
// draft datasets can be deleted.
$studyDeleted = false;
if (version_compare($apiVersion, '1.1', '<') || !$this->studyIsReleased($study)) {
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$response = $client->deleteContainer(
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'),
''); // on behalf of
if ($response->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT) {
$studyDeleted = true;
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
$dataverseStudyDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseStudyDAO');
$notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
$user =& Request::getUser();
$notificationManager->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), $studyDeleted ? NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATAVERSE_STUDY_DELETED : NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR);
return $studyDeleted;
* Delete a file from a study
* @param $dvFile DataverseFile
* @return boolean File deleted
function deleteFile(&$dvFile) {
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
if (!$dvFile->getContentSourceUri()) {
// File hasn't been deposited in Dataverse yet
$dvFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('DataverseFileDAO');
return $dvFileDao->deleteDataverseFile($dvFile);
// File is in Dataverse. Remove from study & db.
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$response = $client->deleteResourceContent(
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'),
'' // on behalf of
$fileDeleted = ($response->sac_status == DATAVERSE_PLUGIN_HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT);
return $fileDeleted;
* Hook callback: add content to custom notifications
* @see NotificationManager::getNotificationContents()
function getNotificationContents($hookName, $args) {
$notification =& $args[0];
$message =& $args[1];
$type = $notification->getType();
$notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
switch ($type) {
$message = __('plugins.generic.dataverse.notification.error');
$message = __('plugins.generic.dataverse.notification.fileAdded');
$message = __('plugins.generic.dataverse.notification.fileDeleted');
$message = __('plugins.generic.dataverse.notification.studyCreated');
$message = __('plugins.generic.dataverse.notification.studyUpdated');
$message = __('plugins.generic.dataverse.notification.studyDeleted');
$notificationSettingsDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('NotificationSettingsDAO');
$params = $notificationSettingsDao->getNotificationSettings($notification->getId());
$message = __('plugins.generic.dataverse.notification.studyReleased', $notificationManager->getParamsForCurrentLocale($params));
$notificationSettingsDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('NotificationSettingsDAO');
$params = $notificationSettingsDao->getNotificationSettings($notification->getId());
$message = __('plugins.generic.dataverse.notification.releaseDataverse', $notificationManager->getParamsForCurrentLocale($params));
* Wrapper function initializes SWORDv2 client with cURL option to allow
* connections to servers with self-signed certificates.
* @param $options array
* @return SWORDAPPClient
function _initSwordClient($options = array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => FALSE)) {
return new SWORDAPPClient($options);
* Indicates whether study is locked for processing
* @param $study DataverseStudy
* @return boolean
function studyIsLocked($study) {
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$client = $this->_initSwordClient();
$locked = false;
try {
$statement = $client->retrieveAtomStatement(
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'),
$this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'),
if ($statement && $statement->sac_xml) {
$statementXml = new SimpleXMLElement($statement->sac_xml);
foreach ($statementXml->category as $category) {
if ($category->attributes()->term == 'locked') {
if ($category == 'true') $locked = true;
catch (Exception $e) {
$application =& PKPApplication::getApplication();
error_log($application->getName() .': '. $e->getMessage() .': '. $e->getFile() . ': '. $e->getLine());
return $locked;
* Returns article citation to include in study cataloguing metadata.
* @param $article Article to be cited
* @return string
function getCitation($article) {
$citationFormat = $this->getSetting($article->getJournalId(), 'citationFormat');
$journal =& Request::getJournal();
$issueDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO');
$issue =& $issueDao->getIssueByArticleId($article->getId(), $article->getJournalId());
$templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
$templateMgr->assign_by_ref('article', $article);
if ($article->getStatus() == STATUS_PUBLISHED) {
$publishedArticleDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO');
$publishedArticle =& $publishedArticleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($article->getId(), $article->getJournalId(), TRUE);
$templateMgr->assign_by_ref('publishedArticle', $publishedArticle);
$templateMgr->assign_by_ref('issue', $issue);
$templateMgr->assign_by_ref('journal', $journal);
return $templateMgr->fetch($this->getTemplatePath() .'citation'. $citationFormat .'.tpl');
* Check service document for deprecation warnings returned in requests made
* against outdated versions of Dataverse SWORD API.
* @param $serviceDocument SWORDAPPServiceDocument Service document
* @return string Current API version parsed from deprecation warning
function checkAPIVersion($serviceDocument) {
// Look for current version in deprecation message in warning attribute on workspace
$newAPIVersion = '';
$pattern = 'current\s+version.+?'. preg_quote('/dvn/api/data-deposit/', '/') .'v(\d+(\.\d+)?)';
$sd_xml = new SimpleXMLElement($serviceDocument->sac_xml);
$workspaces = $sd_xml->children('')->workspace;
if ($workspaces) {
foreach ($workspaces[0]->attributes() as $attr => $value) {
if ($attr == 'warning' && preg_match("/deprecated/i", $value)) {
if (preg_match("/$pattern/i", $value, $matches)) {
// New version available
$newAPIVersion = $matches[1];
return $newAPIVersion;
* Deposit receipt sent back by Data Deposit API contains a plain-text data
* citation and a persistent URI. Replace URI in citation with markup to link
* to cited study.
* @param $dataCitation string Plain-text data citation
* @param $persistentUri string Persistent URI for study
* @return string HTML formatted citation
function _formatDataCitation($dataCitation, $persistentUri) {
return str_replace($persistentUri, ''. $persistentUri .'', strip_tags($dataCitation));
* Format author bio statement, affiliation, and/or country as affiliation statement
* @param $author Author
* @param $locale string Get affiliation for locale
* @return string Author affiliation
function _formatAffiliation($author, $locale) {
$affiliation = '';
if ($author) {
if ($author->getAffiliation($locale)) {
// Affiliation is a block of plain text. Split into lines & trim punctuation
$lines = array_map("String::trimPunctuation", String::regexp_split('/\s*[\r\n]+/s', $author->getAffiliation($locale)));
$affiliation .= implode(', ', $lines);
// Append country, if affiliation present
if ($author->getCountry()) $affiliation .= ', '. $author->getCountry();
return $affiliation;