parentPluginName = $parentPluginName; parent::ArticleHTMLGalley(); } /** * Check if galley is an HTML galley. * @return boolean */ function isHTMLGalley() { switch ($this->getFileType()) { case 'application/xhtml': case 'application/xhtml+xml': case 'text/html': case 'application/xml': case 'text/xml': return true; default: return false; } } /** * Get results of XSLT transform from file cache * @return cache object */ function &_getXSLTCache($key) { static $caches; if (!isset($caches)) { $caches = array(); } if (!isset($caches[$key])) { $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $caches[$key] = $cacheManager->getFileCache( 'xsltGalley', $key, array(&$this, '_xsltCacheMiss') ); // Check to see if the data is outdated $cacheTime = $caches[$key]->getCacheTime(); if ($cacheTime !== null && $cacheTime < filemtime($this->getFilePath())) { $caches[$key]->flush(); } } return $caches[$key]; } /** * Re-run the XSLT transformation on a stale (or missing) cache * @return boolean */ function _xsltCacheMiss(&$cache) { static $contents; if (!isset($contents)) { $journal =& Request::getJournal(); $xmlGalleyPlugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('generic', $this->parentPluginName); $xsltRenderer = $xmlGalleyPlugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'XSLTrenderer'); // get command for external XSLT tool if ($xsltRenderer == "external") $xsltRenderer = $xmlGalleyPlugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'externalXSLT'); // choose the configured stylesheet: built-in, or custom $xslStylesheet = $xmlGalleyPlugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'XSLstylesheet'); switch ($xslStylesheet) { case 'NLM': // if the XML galley is a PDF galley then render the XSL-FO stylesheet if ($this->isPdfGalley()) { $xslSheet = $xmlGalleyPlugin->getPluginPath() . '/transform/nlm/nlm-fo.xsl'; } else { $xslSheet = $xmlGalleyPlugin->getPluginPath() . '/transform/nlm/nlm-xhtml.xsl'; } break; case 'custom'; // get file path for custom XSL sheet import('classes.file.JournalFileManager'); $journalFileManager = new JournalFileManager($journal); $xslSheet = $journalFileManager->filesDir . $xmlGalleyPlugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'customXSL'); break; } // transform the XML using whatever XSLT processor we have available $contents = $this->transformXSLT($this->getFilePath(), $xslSheet, $xsltRenderer); // if all goes well, cache the results of the XSLT transformation if ($contents) $cache->setEntireCache($contents); } return null; } /** * Return string containing an XHTML fragment generated from the XML/XSL source * This function performs any necessary filtering, like image URL replacement. * @param $baseImageUrl string base URL for image references * @return string */ function getHTMLContents() { $xmlGalleyPlugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('generic', $this->parentPluginName); // if the XML Galley plugin is not installed or enabled, // then pass through to ArticleHTMLGalley if ( !$xmlGalleyPlugin ) return parent::getHTMLContents(); if ( !$xmlGalleyPlugin->getEnabled() ) return parent::getHTMLContents(); $cache =& $this->_getXSLTCache($this->getFileName() . '-' . $this->getId()); $contents = $cache->getContents(); // if contents is false/empty, then we have an XSLT error // return the straight XML contents instead if ($contents == "") return parent::getHTMLContents(); // Replace image references $images =& $this->getImageFiles(); $journal =& Request::getJournal(); if ($images !== null) { foreach ($images as $image) { $imageUrl = Request::url(null, 'article', 'viewFile', array($this->getArticleId(), $this->getBestGalleyId($journal), $image->getFileId())); $contents = preg_replace( '/(src|href)\s*=\s*"([^"]*' . preg_quote($image->getOriginalFileName()) . ')"/i', '$1="' . $imageUrl . '"', $contents ); } } // Perform replacement for ojs://... URLs $contents = String::regexp_replace_callback( '/(<[^<>]*")[Oo][Jj][Ss]:\/\/([^"]+)("[^<>]*>)/', array(&$this, '_handleOjsUrl'), $contents ); // Replace supplementary file references $this->suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO'); $suppFiles = $this->suppFileDao->getSuppFilesByArticle($this->getArticleId()); if ($suppFiles) { foreach ($suppFiles as $supp) { $journal =& Request::getJournal(); $suppUrl = Request::url(null, 'article', 'downloadSuppFile', array($this->getArticleId(), $supp->getBestSuppFileId($journal))); $contents = preg_replace( '/href="' . preg_quote($supp->getOriginalFileName()) . '"/', 'href="' . $suppUrl . '"', $contents ); } } // if client encoding is set to iso-8859-1, transcode string to HTML entities // since we transform all XML in utf8 and can't rely on built-in PHP functions if (LOCALE_ENCODING == "iso-8859-1") $contents =& String::utf2html($contents); return $contents; } /** * Output PDF generated from the XML/XSL/FO source to browser * This function performs any necessary filtering, like image URL replacement. * @return string */ function viewFileContents() { import('lib.pkp.classes.file.FileManager'); $fileManager = new FileManager(); $pdfFileName = CacheManager::getFileCachePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'fc-xsltGalley-' . str_replace($fileManager->parseFileExtension($this->getFileName()), 'pdf', $this->getFileName()); // if file does not exist or is outdated, regenerate it from FO if (!$fileManager->fileExists($pdfFileName) || filemtime($pdfFileName) < filemtime($this->getFilePath()) ) { // render XML into XSL-FO $cache =& $this->_getXSLTCache($this->getFileName() . '-' . $this->getId()); $contents = $cache->getContents(); if ($contents == "") return false; // if for some reason the XSLT failed, show original file // Replace image references $images =& $this->getImageFiles(); if ($images !== null) { // TODO: this should "smart replace" the file path ($this->getFilePath()) in the XSL-FO // in lieu of requiring XSL parameters, and transparently for FO that are hardcoded foreach ($images as $image) { $contents = preg_replace( '/src\s*=\s*"([^"]*)' . preg_quote($image->getOriginalFileName()) . '([^"]*)"/i', 'src="${1}' . dirname($this->getFilePath()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $image->getFileName() . '$2"', $contents ); } } // Replace supplementary file references $this->suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO'); $suppFiles = $this->suppFileDao->getSuppFilesByArticle($this->getArticleId()); if ($suppFiles) { $journal =& Request::getJournal(); foreach ($suppFiles as $supp) { $suppUrl = Request::url(null, 'article', 'downloadSuppFile', array($this->getArticleId(), $supp->getBestSuppFileId($journal))); $contents = preg_replace( '/external-destination\s*=\s*"([^"]*)' . preg_quote($supp->getOriginalFileName()) . '([^"]*)"/i', 'external-destination="' . $suppUrl . '"', $contents ); } } // create temporary FO file and write the contents import('classes.file.TemporaryFileManager'); $temporaryFileManager = new TemporaryFileManager(); $tempFoName = $temporaryFileManager->filesDir . $this->getFileName() . '-' . $this->getId() . '.fo'; $temporaryFileManager->writeFile($tempFoName, $contents); // perform %fo and %pdf replacements for fully-qualified shell command $journal =& Request::getJournal(); $xmlGalleyPlugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('generic', $this->parentPluginName); $fopCommand = str_replace(array('%fo', '%pdf'), array($tempFoName, $pdfFileName), $xmlGalleyPlugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'externalFOP')); // check for safe mode and escape the shell command if( !ini_get('safe_mode') ) $fopCommand = escapeshellcmd($fopCommand); // run the shell command and get the results exec($fopCommand . ' 2>&1', $contents, $status); // if there is an error, spit out the shell results to aid debugging if ($status != false) { if ($contents != '') { echo implode("\n", $contents); $cache->flush(); // clear the XSL cache in case it's a FO error return true; } else return false; } // clear the temporary FO file $fileManager->deleteFile($tempFoName); } // use FileManager to send file to browser $fileManager->downloadFile($pdfFileName, $this->getFileType(), true); return true; } /** * Return string containing the transformed XML output. * This function applies an XSLT transform to a given XML source. * @param $xmlFile pathname to the XML source file (absolute) * @param $xslFile pathname to the XSL stylesheet (absolute) * @param (optional) $xsltType type of XSLT renderer to use (PHP4, PHP5, or XSLT shell command) * @param (optional) $arguments array of param-value pairs to pass to the XSLT * @return string */ function transformXSLT($xmlFile, $xslFile, $xsltType = "", $arguments = null) { // if either XML or XSL file don't exist, then fail without trying to process XSLT $fileManager = new FileManager(); if (!$fileManager->fileExists($xmlFile) || !$fileManager->fileExists($xslFile)) return false; // Determine the appropriate XSLT processor for the system if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5','>=') && extension_loaded('xsl') && extension_loaded('dom') ) { // PHP5.x with XSL/DOM modules present if ( $xsltType == "PHP5" || $xsltType == "" ) { // load the XML file as a domdocument $xmlDom = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); // these are required for external entity resolution (eg.  ) // it slows loading substantially (20-100x), often up to 60s // this can be solved by use of local catalogs to speed resolution // // // //putenv("XML_CATALOG_FILES=/Users/mj/Sites/ojs2/plugins/generic/xmlGalley/transform/Publishing-2_2-dtd-June/catalog.ent"); $xmlDom->substituteEntities = true; $xmlDom->resolveExternals = true; $xmlDom->load($xmlFile); // create the processor and import the stylesheet $xslDom = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); $xslDom->load($xslFile); $proc = new XsltProcessor(); $proc->importStylesheet($xslDom); // set XSL parameters foreach ((array) $arguments as $param => $value) { $proc->setParameter(null, $param, $value); } // transform the XML document to an XHTML fragment $contents = $proc->transformToXML($xmlDom); return $contents; } } if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5','<') && extension_loaded('xslt') ) { // PHP4.x with XSLT module present if ( $xsltType == "PHP4" || $xsltType == "" ) { // create the processor $proc = xslt_create(); // transform the XML document to an XHTML fragment $contents = xslt_process($proc, $xmlFile, $xslFile, null, null, $arguments); return $contents; } } if ( $xsltType != "" ) { // external command-line renderer // parse the external command to check for %xsl and %xml parameter substitution if ( strpos($xsltType, '%xsl') === false ) return false; // perform %xsl and %xml replacements for fully-qualified shell command $xsltCommand = str_replace(array('%xsl', '%xml'), array($xslFile, $xmlFile), $xsltType); // check for safe mode and escape the shell command if( !ini_get('safe_mode') ) $xsltCommand = escapeshellcmd($xsltCommand); // run the shell command and get the results exec($xsltCommand . ' 2>&1', $contents, $status); // if there is an error, spit out the shell results to aid debugging if ($status != false) { if ($contents != '') { echo implode("\n", $contents); return true; } else return false; } return implode("\n", $contents); } else { // No XSLT processor available return false; } } } ?>