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tHH1DM\HH1DMAHhH tHH1DMHH1DM11$ALHHHHCXu@iDhEu6Euƃƃ1DLH߈AO%HclHHHD@@ DHMeH3 %(tH0[A\A]A^]UHSQ~ ~ H1H1=I55tH1HHtH1Ht H1HHHHHuZHHu.HH1tbHHHHHHHHZ[]UHHHHHHHHHHHH1]tape0x%08x %d 0x%02x 20101219[%s] nonauton3st%d: Device not attached. %s%s%s%s3st%d: device_create failed LUnl[%s] %socking drive door. 5%socking drive door. backwardforwardSpacing tape %s over %d %s. 6[%s] debugging: %d debugging: %d readwriteioctl4Recovered %s error (%d). 3[%s] Can't get SCSI request. Can't get SCSI request. &x->waitCompression state is %d. Compression not supported. Compression change failed. filemarksblockssetmarks[%s] Writing %d filemarks. Writing %d filemarks. [%s] Writing %d setmarks. Writing %d setmarks. [%s] Rewinding tape. Rewinding tape. [%s] No op on tape. No op on tape. [%s] Retensioning tape. Retensioning tape. [%s] Erasing tape. Erasing tape. [%s] Illegal block size. Illegal block size. Setting density code to %x. Default block size disabled. Density default disabled. Density default set to %x Stepping over filemark %s. Can't read tape position. Mode change from %d to %d. Block limits %d - %d bytes. Can't read block limits. [%s] No Mode Sense. No Mode Sense. [%s] Write protected Write protected [%s] Device already in use. Device already in use. un Enhanced %sload slot %2d. [%s] Unloading tape. Unloading tape. [%s] Loading tape. Loading tape. [%s] Incorrect device. Incorrect device. [%s] Flushing %d bytes. Flushing %d bytes. [%s] Error on flush. Error on flush. Number of partitions %d. Partitioning of tape failed. [%s] Incorrect block size. Incorrect block size. Tape error while reading. [%s] Error on write: Error on write: EOM with %d bytes unwritten. [%s] EOM with lost data. EOM with lost data. 7Error on write filemark. yesnounknown&tpnt->lockst%dAttached scsi tape %s Found incompatible tape st6st: Unloaded. optionsdefault_compressiondefault_densitydefault_blksizedefinedversionmax_sg_segsfixed_buffer_sizetry_direct_ioOnStreamSC-osstDI-DP-FW-USBrksltoumvpxayqzscsi_tape3st%d: out of memory. Device not attached. 3st%d: Can't add %s-rewind mode %d [%s] Spacing tape %s over %d %s. [%s] Mode %d options: buffer writes: %d, async writes: %d, read ahead: %d Mode %d options: buffer writes: %d, async writes: %d, read ahead: %d [%s] can bsr: %d, two FMs: %d, fast mteom: %d, auto lock: %d, can bsr: %d, two FMs: %d, fast mteom: %d, auto lock: %d, [%s] defs for wr: %d, no block limits: %d, partitions: %d, s2 log: %d defs for wr: %d, no block limits: %d, partitions: %d, s2 log: %d [%s] sysv: %d nowait: %d sili: %d nowait_filemark: %d sysv: %d nowait: %d sili: %d nowait_filemark: %d [%s] Error: %x, cmd: %x %x %x %x %x %x Error: %x, cmd: %x %x %x %x %x %x [%s] Error %x (driver bt 0x%x, host bt 0x%x). Error %x (driver bt 0x%x, host bt 0x%x). [%s] Recovered %s error (%d). [%s] Async write error %x, return value %d. Async write error %x, return value %d. [%s] Can't allocate %d byte tape buffer. Can't allocate %d byte tape buffer. /build/linux-lts-vivid-whAhIw/linux-lts-vivid-3.19.0/include/linux/kref.h[%s] Async command already active. Async command already active. [%s] Compression mode page not supported. Compression mode page not supported. [%s] Compression state is %d. [%s] Compression not supported. [%s] Compression change failed. [%s] Compression state changed to %d. Compression state changed to %d. [%s] Spacing to end of recorded medium. Spacing to end of recorded medium. [%s] Setting block size to %d bytes. Setting block size to %d bytes. [%s] Setting density code to %x. [%s] Setting drive buffer code to %d. Setting drive buffer code to %d. /build/linux-lts-vivid-whAhIw/linux-lts-vivid-3.19.0/drivers/scsi/st.c[%s] Can't set default block size to %d bytes and density %x. Can't set default block size to %d bytes and density %x. [%s] Initialized mode %d definition from mode 0 Initialized mode %d definition from mode 0 [%s] Default block size disabled. [%s] Default block size set to %d bytes. Default block size set to %d bytes. [%s] Long timeout set to %d seconds. Long timeout set to %d seconds. [%s] Normal timeout set to %d seconds. Normal timeout set to %d seconds. [%s] Cleaning request mode %d, mask %02x, value %02x Cleaning request mode %d, mask %02x, value %02x [%s] Density default disabled. [%s] Density default set to %x [%s] Drive buffer default disabled. Drive buffer default disabled. [%s] Drive buffer default set to %x Drive buffer default set to %x [%s] Compression default disabled. Compression default disabled. [%s] Compression algorithm set to 0x%x. Compression algorithm set to 0x%x. [%s] Compression default set to %x Compression default set to %x [%s] Stepping over filemark %s. [%s] Stepping over filemark %s failed. Stepping over filemark %s failed. [%s] Can't read tape position. [%s] Got tape pos. blk %d part %d. Got tape pos. blk %d part %d. [%s] Mode change from %d to %d. [%s] Block limits %d - %d bytes. [%s] Can't read block limits. [%s] Mode sense. Length %d, medium %x, WBS %x, BLL %d Mode sense. Length %d, medium %x, WBS %x, BLL %d [%s] Density %x, tape length: %x, drv buffer: %d Density %x, tape length: %x, drv buffer: %d [%s] non-buffered tape: disabling writing immediate filemarks non-buffered tape: disabling writing immediate filemarks [%s] Block size: %d, buffer size: %d (%d blocks). Block size: %d, buffer size: %d (%d blocks). [%s] Updating partition number in status. Updating partition number in status. [%s] Can't set default drive buffering to %d. Can't set default drive buffering to %d. [%s] Can't allocate one page tape buffer. Can't allocate one page tape buffer. [%s] Enhanced %sload slot %2d. [%s] Setting block to %d and partition to %d. Setting block to %d and partition to %d. [%s] Visited block %d for partition %d saved. Visited block %d for partition %d saved. [%s] Trying to change partition from %d to %d Trying to change partition from %d to %d [%s] MTSETDRVBUFFER only allowed for root. MTSETDRVBUFFER only allowed for root. [%s] Can't read medium partition page. Can't read medium partition page. [%s] Number of partitions %d. [%s] Can't read partition mode page. Can't read partition mode page. [%s] Partition page length is %d bytes. Partition page length is %d bytes. [%s] psd_cnt %d, max.parts %d, nbr_parts %d psd_cnt %d, max.parts %d, nbr_parts %d [%s] Formatting tape with one partition. Formatting tape with one partition. [%s] Formatting tape with two partitions (1 = %d MB). Formatting tape with two partitions (1 = %d MB). [%s] Partitioning of tape failed. [%s] EOF/EOM flag up (%d). Bytes %d EOF/EOM flag up (%d). Bytes %d [%s] Sense: %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x Sense: %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x [%s] Failed to read %d byte block with %d byte transfer. Failed to read %d byte block with %d byte transfer. [%s] ILI but enough data received %ld %d. ILI but enough data received %ld %d. [%s] EOF detected (%d bytes read). EOF detected (%d bytes read). [%s] EOM detected (%d bytes read). EOM detected (%d bytes read). [%s] Tape error while reading. [%s] Zero returned for first BLANK CHECK after EOF. Zero returned for first BLANK CHECK after EOF. [%s] EOF up (%d). Left %d, needed %d. EOF up (%d). Left %d, needed %d. 4st: from_buffer offset overflow. [%s] Write not multiple of tape block size. Write not multiple of tape block size. [%s] Can't set default compression. Can't set default compression. 4st: append_to_buffer offset overflow. [%s] EOM with %d bytes unwritten. [%s] Retry write of %d bytes at EOM. Retry write of %d bytes at EOM. [%s] switch_partition at close failed. switch_partition at close failed. [%s] Number of r/w requests %d, dio used in %d, pages %d. Number of r/w requests %d, dio used in %d, pages %d. [%s] Async write waits %d, finished %d. Async write waits %d, finished %d. [%s] Error on write filemark. [%s] Buffer flushed, %d EOF(s) written Buffer flushed, %d EOF(s) written 5st: Can't allocate new tape buffer. st: out of memory. Device not attached. st: Can't allocate device descriptor. 4st: idr allocation failed: %d %s: try direct i/o: %s (alignment %d B) st: The suggested driver is %s. st: Can't allocate new tape buffer. Device not attached. 6st: Version %s, fixed bufsize %d, s/g segs %d 6st: Debugging enabled debug_flag = %d 3Unable register sysfs class for SCSI tapes 3Unable to get major %d for SCSI tapes try_wdiotry_rdiodebug_flagtry_direct_iomax_sg_segsbuffer_kbsparm=try_wdio:Try direct write i/o when possibleparmtype=try_wdio:intparm=try_rdio:Try direct read i/o when possibleparmtype=try_rdio:intparm=debug_flag:Enable DEBUG, same as setting debugging=1parmtype=debug_flag:intparm=try_direct_io:Try direct I/O between user buffer and tape drive (1)parmtype=try_direct_io:intparm=max_sg_segs:Maximum number of scatter/gather segments to use (256)parmtype=max_sg_segs:intparm=buffer_kbs:Default driver buffer size for fixed block mode (KB; 32)parmtype=buffer_kbs:intalias=scsi:t-0x01*alias=char-major-9-*license=GPLdescription=SCSI tape (st) driverauthor=Kai Makisarasrcversion=D6151ECC6CA6DC78299017Fdepends=intree=Yvermagic=3.19.0-25-generic SMP mod_unload modversions module_layoutQparam_ops_intΜnoop_llseek$class_unregister^tunregister_chrdev_regiondriver_unregister?driver_remove_fileQ:driver_create_filescsi_register_driverregister_chrdev_region2G__class_registerp[blk_put_queueksysfs_create_linkSqsprintfGidr_allocidr_preload__mutex_initYblk_get_queuealloc_diskZstrncmpSMustrlenmemmovecapable @kO_copy_from_user]O_copy_to_user+scsi_ioctldscsi_cmd_ioctl8Ebscsi_ioctl_block_when_processing_errors j mutex_lock_interruptiblexscsi_block_when_processing_errors\[scsi_device_get{//idr_find_slowpathPmsleep_interruptibleblk_queue_rq_timeoutR0warn_slowpath_null!z=kmem_cache_alloc_trace"kmalloc_cachesA ,blk_put_requestZblk_execute_rq_nowait8߬imemcpyN4scsi_command_size_tbl zblk_rq_map_userblk_rq_set_block_pcc{blk_get_request=2__init_waitqueue_headsidr_remove`Yscsi_autopm_get_device~scsi_autopm_put_deviceC>_raw_spin_unlock+_raw_spin_lock^Omutex_unlockvscsi_device_putNmutex_lockŏWmemsetaOup_read1get_user_pagesdown_read>xscurrent_task地__kmalloc4 mwait_for_completion +scsi_sense_desc_findoyscsi_get_sense_info_fldL[<__scsi_print_senseHscsi_normalize_sensegput_pagegz<alloc_pages_currentB __blk_put_requestzblk_rq_unmap_userKcompleteQscsi_set_medium_removal&IFdev_printkI'printks__stack_chk_fail(;device_createƃcdev_addcdev_alloc1(snprintf~device_unregister cdev_delp2sysfs_remove_linkF put_disk zkfree__free_pagesm__fentry__$$$$$$$$$stGCC: (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.rela.text.rela.text.unlikely.rela.init.text.rela.exit.text.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.8.rela.smp_locks.rela.rodata.modinfo.rela__param.rela__mcount_loc__versions.rela.data.data.unlikely.rela.gnu.linkonce.this_module.bss.comment.note.GNU-stack@$3p.@U> T9eRtMtb/]ym2|2xy{x   {ph~@ @ Ȅ ` 0@ 0J"2@H     5@"4PAN(X4q0B00*) @)$ p) .> F Q@x`mh; Z !*0W8@(ElP(\f,t(pp 0m1w 2(0#; 2P3<05I73X08 cC*kz GLcpL@N9P,QaqP`#/;C<N8Z4eq` @      0  / H e` v11  G0w  &:?\@ o I(` CH ' ; SIk  - 9"[o#1 BO c7 y`  . = L S Y n }          - > P c u            ! / ; G R e m            - ? 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