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Target: Transfer Count Mismatch7mptbase: %s: Got non-TURBO reply=%p req_idx=%x cb_idx=%x Function=%x 6mptbase: %s: LogInfo(0x%08x): SubClass={%s}, Value=(0x%06x) 6mptbase: %s: LogInfo(0x%08x): F/W: %s 6mptbase: %s: LogInfo(0x%08x): Originator={%s}, Code={%s}, SubCode={%s} cb_idx %s 6mptbase: %s: LogInfo(0x%08x): Originator={%s}, Code={%s}, SubCode(0x%04x) cb_idx %s 6mptbase: %s: LogInfo(0x%08x): Originator={%s}, Code=(0x%02x), SubCode(0x%04x) cb_idx %s type=%02Xh, page=%02Xh, action=%02Xh, form=%08Xh7mptbase: %s: IOCStatus(0x%04X): %s: %s 7mptbase: %s: IOCStatus(0x%04X): %s 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - %s: Invalid cb_idx (%d)! 7mptbase: %s: Got TURBO reply req_idx=%08x /build/linux-lts-vivid-PmeBs4/linux-lts-vivid-3.19.0/drivers/message/fusion/mptbase.c3mptbase: %s: ERROR - pci_enable_device_mem() failed 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - pci_request_selected_regions() with MEM failed 6mptbase: %s: : 64 BIT PCI BUS DMA ADDRESSING SUPPORTED 6mptbase: %s: : 32 BIT PCI BUS DMA ADDRESSING SUPPORTED 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - no suitable DMA mask for %s 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - : ERROR - Unable to map adapter memory! 6mptbase: %s: mem = %p, mem_phys = %llx 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - IOC is in FAULT state (%04xh)!!! %s: Firmware is halted due to command timeout SAS Initiator Status Change: AddedIntegrated Raid: Volume Settings ChangedIntegrated Raid: Volume Status ChangedIntegrated Raid: Volume Physdisk ChangedIntegrated Raid: Physdisk CreatedIntegrated Raid: Physdisk DeletedIntegrated Raid: Physdisk Settings ChangedIntegrated Raid: Physdisk Status ChangedIntegrated Raid: Domain Validation NeededIntegrated Raid: Replace Action StartedIntegrated Raid: Volume CreatedExpander Status Change: DeletedSAS Initiator Status Change: DeletedIntegrated Raid: Volume DeletedSAS Device Status Change: Added: id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: Deleted: id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: SMART Data: id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: No Persistancy: id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: Unsupported Device Discovered : id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: Internal Device Reset : id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: Internal Task Abort : id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: Internal Abort Task Set : id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: Internal Clear Task Set : id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: Internal Query Task : id=%d channel=%dSAS Device Status Change: Unknown: id=%d channel=%dQueue Full: channel=%d id=%d depth=%dSAS PHY Link Status: Phy=%d: Rate UnknownSAS PHY Link Status: Phy=%d: Phy DisabledSAS PHY Link Status: Phy=%d: Failed Speed NegoSAS PHY Link Status: Phy=%d: Sata OOB CompletedSAS PHY Link Status: Phy=%d: Rate 1.5 GbpsSAS PHY Link Status: Phy=%d: Rate 3.0 GbpsSAS PHY Link Status: Phy=%d: Rate 6.0 GbpsIR Resync Update: Complete = %d:IR2: LD State Changed: id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dIR2: PD State Changed id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dIR2: Bad Block Table Full: id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dIR2: PD Inserted: id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dIR2: PD Removed: id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dIR2: Foreign CFG Detected: id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dIR2: Rebuild Medium Error: id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dIR2: Dual Port Added: id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dIR2: Dual Port Removed: id=%d channel=%d phys_num=%dSAS Broadcase Primative: phy=%d port=%d width=%d primative=0x%02xSAS Initiator Device Table Overflow: max initiators=%02d current initators=%02dSAS SMP Error: port=%d result=0x%02xSAS SMP Error: port=%d : CRC ErrorSAS SMP Error: port=%d : TimeoutSAS SMP Error: port=%d : No DestinationSAS SMP Error: port=%d : Bad DestinationSAS SMP Error: port=%d : status=0x%02x7mptbase: %s: MPT event:(%02Xh) : %s (f/w download boot flag set) CurrentHostMfaHighAddr = 0x%08x CurrentSenseBufferHighAddr = 0x%08x MaxChainDepth = 0x%02x frames MinBlockSize = 0x%02x bytes RequestFrames @ 0x%p (Dma @ 0x%p) {CurReqSz=%d} x {CurReqDepth=%d} = %d bytes ^= 0x%x {MaxReqSz=%d} {MaxReqDepth=%d} Frames @ 0x%p (Dma @ 0x%p) {CurRepSz=%d} x {CurRepDepth=%d} = %d bytes ^= 0x%x {MaxRepSz=%d} {MaxRepDepth=%d} LanAddr = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X %s: %s, %s%08xh%s, Ports=%d, MaxQ=%d, LanAddr=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X7mptbase: %s: %s: MPT_IOC_SETUP_RESET 7mptbase: %s: %s: MPT_IOC_PRE_RESET 7mptbase: %s: %s: MPT_IOC_POST_RESET 6mptbase: %s: RAID STATUS CHANGE for PhysDisk %d id=%d 6mptbase: %s: RAID STATUS CHANGE for VolumeID %d 6mptbase: %s: volume has been created 6mptbase: %s: volume has been deleted 6mptbase: %s: volume settings have been changed 6mptbase: %s: volume is now %s%s%s%s 6mptbase: %s: volume membership of PhysDisk %d has changed 6mptbase: %s: PhysDisk has been created 6mptbase: %s: PhysDisk has been deleted 6mptbase: %s: PhysDisk settings have been changed 6mptbase: %s: PhysDisk is now %s%s%s 6mptbase: %s: Domain Validation needed for PhysDisk %d 6mptbase: %s: SMART data received, ASC/ASCQ = %02xh/%02xh 6mptbase: %s: replacement of PhysDisk %d has started 7mptbase: %s: Routing Event to event handler #%d 7mptbase: %s: EventAck required 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - %s, no msg frames!! 7mptbase: %s: Sending EventAck 7mptbase: %s: SendEventAck returned %d 7mptbase: %s: EventAck reply received 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Unexpected msg function (=%02Xh) reply received! 7mptbase: %s: WaitForDoorbell ACK (count=%d) 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Doorbell ACK timeout (count=%d), IntStatus=%x! 7mptbase: %s: Sending IOC reset(0x%02x)! 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Wait IOC_READY state (0x%x) timeout(%d)! 6mptbase: %s: pci-suspend: pdev=0x%p, slot=%s, Entering operating state [D%d] 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - pci-suspend: IOC msg unit reset failed! - MISSING DOORBELL HANDSHAKE!7mptbase: %s: HandShake request start reqBytes=%d, WaitCnt=%d%s 7mptbase: %s: Handshake request frame (@%p) header 7mptbase: %s: HandShake request post done, WaitCnt=%d%s 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Handshake reply failure! 7mptbase: %s: Got Handshake reply: 7mptbase: %s: WaitForDoorbell REPLY WaitCnt=%d (sz=%d) 7mptbase: %s: HandShake reply count=%d%s 7mptbase: %s: WaitCnt=%d First handshake reply word=%08x%s 3mptbase: ERROR - Can't get IOCFacts, %s NOT READY! (%08x) 7mptbase: %s: Sending get IocFacts request req_sz=%d reply_sz=%d 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - IOC reported invalid 0 request size! 7mptbase: %s: NB_for_64_byte_frame=%x NBShiftFactor=%x BlockSize=%x 7mptbase: %s: reply_sz=%3d, reply_depth=%4d 7mptbase: %s: req_sz =%3d, req_depth =%4d 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Can't get PortFacts NOT READY! (%08x) 7mptbase: %s: Sending get PortFacts(%d) request 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Invalid IOC facts reply, msgLength=%d offsetof=%zd! 7mptbase: %s: Sending EventNotification (%d) request %p 7mptbase: %s: mpt_send_handshake_request start, WaitCnt=%d 7mptbase: %s: free_fw_memory: FW Image @ %p[%p], sz=%d[%x] bytes 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Unable to allocate memory for the cached firmware image! 7mptbase: %s: FW Image @ %p[%p], sz=%d[%x] bytes 7mptbase: %s: upload_fw %d facts.Flags=%x 7mptbase: %s: facts.MsgVersion=%x 7mptbase: %s: host_page_buffer @ %p, dma @ %x, sz=%d bytes 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Failed to alloc memory for host_page_buffer! 7mptbase: %s: Sending IOCInit (req @ %p) 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Sending IOCInit failed(%d)! 7mptbase: %s: Sending PortEnable (req @ %p) 7mptbase: %s: Sending Port(%d)Enable (req @ %p) 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Sending PortEnable failed(%d)! 7mptbase: %s: Wait IOC_OPERATIONAL state (cnt=%d) 7mptbase: %s: downloadboot: fw size 0x%x (%d), FW Ptr %p 7mptbase: %s: RESET_ADAPTER cleared, count=%d 7mptbase: %s: downloadboot failed! Unable to get MPI_DIAG_DRWE mode, diag0val=%x 7mptbase: %s: LoadStart addr written 0x%x 7mptbase: %s: Write FW Image: 0x%x bytes @ %p 7mptbase: %s: Write Ext Image: 0x%x (%d) bytes @ %p load_addr=%x 7mptbase: %s: Write IopResetVector Addr=%x! 7mptbase: %s: Write IopResetVector Value=%x! 7mptbase: %s: downloadboot diag0val=%x, turning off PREVENT_IOC_BOOT, DISABLE_ARM, RW_ENABLE 7mptbase: %s: downloadboot now diag0val=%x 7mptbase: %s: GetIocFacts failed: IocState=%x 7mptbase: %s: downloadboot successful! (count=%d) IocState=%x 7mptbase: %s: downloadboot: SendIocInit failed 7mptbase: %s: downloadboot: SendIocInit successful 7mptbase: %s: downloadboot failed! IocState=%x 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - %s: Doorbell=%p; 1078 reset address=%p 7mptbase: %s: looking for READY STATE: doorbell=%x count=%d 7mptbase: %s: DbG1: diag0=%08x, diag1=%08x 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Enable Diagnostic mode FAILED! (%02xh) 7mptbase: %s: Wrote magic DiagWriteEn sequence (%x) 7mptbase: %s: DbG2: diag0=%08x, diag1=%08x 7mptbase: %s: Diagnostic reset performed 7mptbase: %s: cached_fw: diag0val=%x count=%d 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - firmware downloadboot failure (%d)! 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Failed to come READY after reset! IocState=%x7mptbase: %s: DbG3: diag0=%08x, diag1=%08x 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - ResetHistory bit failed to clear! 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Diagnostic reset FAILED! (%02xh) 7mptbase: %s: DbG4: diag0=%08x, diag1=%08x 7mptbase: %s: Diagnostic reset successful! 7mptbase: %s: KickStart successful! (cnt=%d) 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Failed to come READY after reset! IocState=%x 6mptbase: %s: MakeIocReady [raw] state=%08x 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - Unexpected doorbell active! 6mptbase: %s: IOC is in READY state 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - IOC is in FAULT state!!! 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - FAULT code = %04xh 7mptbase: %s: IOC operational unexpected 6mptbase: %s: whoinit 0x%x statefault %d force %d 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - IOC msg unit reset failed! 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - IO unit reset failed! 6mptbase: %s: Recovered from %s 7mptbase: %s: %s: Pushing FW onto adapter 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - : firmware downloadboot failure (%d)! 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - %s: IOC msg unit reset failed to put ioc in ready state! 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - %s: IOC msg unit reset failed! 6mptbase: %s: free @ %p, sz=%d bytes 7mptbase: %s: HostPageBuffer free @ %p, sz=%d bytes 6mptbase: %s: free'd %d of %d bytes 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - : %s: host page buffers free failed (%d)! 7mptbase: %s: ReqToChain alloc @ %p, sz=%d bytes 7mptbase: %s: RequestNB alloc @ %p, sz=%d bytes 7mptbase: %s: num_sge=%d numSGE=%d 7mptbase: %s: Now numSGE=%d num_sge=%d num_chain=%d 7mptbase: %s: ChainToChain alloc @ %p, sz=%d bytes 7mptbase: %s: setting 35 bit addressing for Request/Reply/Chain and Sense Buffers 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - failed setting 35 bit addressing for Request/Reply/Chain and Sense Buffers 7mptbase: %s: ReplyBuffer sz=%d bytes, ReplyDepth=%d 7mptbase: %s: ReplyBuffer sz=%d[%x] bytes 7mptbase: %s: RequestBuffer sz=%d bytes, RequestDepth=%d 7mptbase: %s: RequestBuffer sz=%d[%x] bytes 7mptbase: %s: ChainBuffer sz=%d bytes, ChainDepth=%d 7mptbase: %s: ChainBuffer sz=%d[%x] bytes num_chain=%d 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Unable to allocate Reply, Request, Chain Buffers! 7mptbase: %s: Total alloc @ %p[%p], sz=%d[%x] bytes 7mptbase: %s: ReplyBuffers @ %p[%p] 7mptbase: %s: RequestBuffers @ %p[%p] 7mptbase: %s: ChainBuffers @ %p(%p) 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Unable to allocate Sense Buffers! 7mptbase: %s: SenseBuffers @ %p[%p] 7mptbase: %s: restoring 64 bit addressing 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - Owned by PEER..skipping! 6mptbase: %s: alt_ioc reply irq re-enabled 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - NOT READY WARNING! 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - : alt-ioc Not ready WARNING! 7mptbase: %s: Retry IocFacts failed rc=%x 7mptbase: %s: Initial Alt IocFacts failed rc=%x 7mptbase: %s: Retry Alt IocFacts failed rc=%x 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Unable to allocate interrupt %d! 6mptbase: %s: installed at interrupt %d 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - : alt-ioc (%d) FIFO mgmt alloc WARNING! 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - : alt-ioc: (%d) init failure WARNING! 7mptbase: %s: firmware upload required! 6mptbase: %s: : FW Image @ %p[%p], sz=%d[%x] bytes 7mptbase: %s: fw upload failed while allocating memory 7mptbase: %s: Sending FW Upload (req @ %p) fw_size=%d mf_request_size=%d 7mptbase: %s: FW Upload completed rc=%x 7mptbase: %s: : do_upload cmdStatus=%d 7mptbase: %s: fw upload failed, freeing image 7mptbase: %s: mpt_upload: alt_%s has cached_fw=%p 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - firmware upload failure! 6mptbase: %s: SendEventNotification 7mptbase: %s: alt-iocreply irq re-enabled &ioc->raid_data.inactive_list_mutex7mptbase: %s: LanAddr = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X 7mptbase: %s: SCSI device NVRAM settings @ %p, sz=%d 7mptbase: %s: Unable to read PortPage0 minSyncFactor=%x 7mptbase: %s: noQas due to Capabilities=%x 7mptbase: %s: PortPage0 minSyncFactor=%x 7mptbase: %s: HVD or SE detected, minSyncFactor=%x 7mptbase: %s: Headers: 0: version %d length %d 7mptbase: %s: Headers: 1: version %d length %d 6mptbase: %s: PCI-MSI enabled 7mptbase: %s: HardResetHandler Entered! 4mptbase: WARNING - (%d) Cannot recover %s, doorbell=0x%08x 7mptbase: %s: HardResetHandler: completed (%d seconds): %s 7mptbase: %s: SoftResetHandler Entered! 7mptbase: %s: skipping, either in FAULT or RESET state! 7mptbase: %s: skipping, because the bus type is FC! 7mptbase: %s: SoftResetHandler: completed (%d seconds): %s 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - Issuing Reset from %s!!, doorbell=0x%08x 7%s: IOCStatus=0x%X IOCLogInfo=0x%X 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - Config request not allowed in ISR context! 7mptbase: %s: %s: busy with host reset 7mptbase: %s: %s: ioc not operational, %d, %xh 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - mpt_config: no msg frames! 7mptbase: %s: Sending Config request type 0x%x, page 0x%x and action %d 7mptbase: %s: Failed Sending Config request type 0x%x, page 0x%x, action %d, status %xh, time left %ld 6mptbase: %s: %s: host reset in progress mpt_config timed out.!! 6mptbase: %s: Retry completed ret=0x%x timeleft=%ld 7IOCStatus=%04xh, IOCLogInfo=%08xh 6mptbase: %s: Attempting Retry Config request type 0x%x, page 0x%x, action %d 7mptbase: %s: Coalescing Enabled Timeout = %d 7mptbase: %s: Reset Current Coalescing Timeout to = %d 7mptbase: %s: Reset NVRAM Coalescing Timeout to = %d 7mptbase: %s: Reset NVRAM Coalescing Timeout Failed 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - Reset of Current Coalescing Timeout Failed! 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - Coalescing Disabled 6mptbase: %s: %s: IOC is non-operational !!!! 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - %s: Running mpt_dead_ioc thread success ! 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - IOC is in FAULT state (%04xh)!!! 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - Issuing HardReset from %s!! 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - %s: HardReset: %s 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - IOC is in FAULT state after reset (%04xh) 7mptbase: %s: clearing discovery_quiesce_io flag 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - %s: Running mpt_dead_ioc thread failed ! 3mptbase: ERROR - Insufficient memory to add adapter! 4mptbase: mpt_adapter_install 6mptbase: %s: : mpt_adapter_install 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - Insufficient memory to add adapter! 6mptbase: %s: facts @ %p, pfacts[0] @ %p 7mptbase: %s: PCI device %s devfn=%x/%x, searching for devfn match on %x or %x 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - Oops, already bound (%s <==> %s)! 7mptbase: %s: FOUND! binding %s <==> %s 3mptbase: %s: ERROR - didn't initialize properly! (%d) 6mptbase: %s: pci-resume: pdev=0x%p, slot=%s, Previous operating state [D%d] 6mptbase: %s: pci-resume: ioc-state=0x%x,doorbell=0x%x 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - pci-resume: Cannot recover 6mptbase: %s: Sending mpt_do_ioc_recovery 4mptbase: %s: WARNING - pci-resume: Cannot recover, error:[%x] 6mptbase: %s: pci-resume: success 6Copyright (c) 1999-2008 LSI Corporation Volume Creation Failed: Data Passed too LargeVolume Creation Failed: Duplicate Volumes AttemptedVolume Creation Failed: Max Number Supported Volumes ExceededVolume Creation Failed: DMA ErrorVolume Creation Failed: Invalid Volume TypeVolume Creation Failed: Error Reading MFG Page 4Volume Creation Failed: Creating Internal StructuresActivation failed: Already Active VolumeActivation failed: Unsupported Volume TypeActivation failed: Too Many Active VolumesActivation failed: Volume ID in UseActivation failed: Reported FailureActivation failed: Importing a VolumePhys Disk failed: Too Many Phys DisksPhys Disk failed: Data Passed too LargePhys Disk failed: Invalid Phys Disk failed: Creating Phys Disk Config PageCompatibility Error: IR DisabledCompatibility Error: Inquiry Command FailedCompatibility Error: Device not Direct Access Device Compatibility Error: Removable Device FoundCompatibility Error: Device SCSI Version not 2 or HigherCompatibility Error: SATA Device, 48 BIT LBA not SupportedCompatibility Error: Device doesn't have 512 Byte Block SizesCompatibility Error: Volume Type Check FailedCompatibility Error: Volume Type is Unsupported by FWCompatibility Error: Disk Drive too Small for use in VolumeCompatibility Error: Phys Disk for Create Volume not FoundCompatibility Error: Too Many or too Few Disks for Volume TypeCompatibility Error: Disk stripe Sizes Must be 64KBCompatibility Error: IME Size Limited to < 2TBWrong Relative Offset or Frame LengthSATA Read Log Receive Data ErrorSATA NCQ Fail All Commands After ErrorSATA Error in Receive Set Device Bit FISReceive Context Message Valid ErrorReceive Frame Current Frame ErrorPersistent Reservation Out Not Affiliation OwnerIO Cancelled Due to Receive Error,6%s: %s: Capabilities={Initiator%sTarget%sLAN} ioctlSCSI targetLANSAS hostFC hostSPI host3.04.20mptlinux%s-%s Fusion MPT base driver Fusion MPT %s driver unknownFCP InitiatorFCP TargetMPI Message LayerFC LinkContext ManagerInvalid Field OffsetState Change Infobug! MID not foundParity ErrorASYNC Outbound OverrunSYNC Offset ErrorBM ChangeMsg In OverflowDMA ErrorOutbound DMA OverrunTask ManagementDevice ProblemInvalid Phase ChangeUntagged Table SizeOthersSAS: SMP Data OverrunSAS: SMP Request FailedLAN: CanceledLAN: Partial PacketLAN: Receive AbortedLAN: Receive ErrorLAN: Transmit AbortedLAN: Transmit ErrorLAN: Device FailureLAN: Device not FoundFC: Exchange CanceledFC: Node Logged OutFC: DID InvalidFC: RX ID InvalidFC: AbortedTarget: Nak ReceivedTarget: ACK NAK TimeoutTarget: IU Too ShortTarget: Too Much Write DataTarget: Data Offset ErrorTarget: STS Data not SentTarget: No ConnectionTarget: No Conn RetryableTarget: AbortedTarget Invalid IO Index:Target: Invalid PortTarget: Priority IOInvalid StateInvalid FieldInsufficient ResourcesReservedInternal ErrorInvalid SGLBusyInvalid Functionmpt%s: IOC Fault (%04xh)!!! Expander Status ChangeExpander Status Change: AddedSAS Initiator Status ChangeSAS Discovery: StartIR2Integrated Raid; Smart DataIntegrated RaidEvents ONLoop State(LPB) ChangeLoop State(LIP) ChangeLink Status(FAILURE) ChangeUnknownSAS Log Entry AddedSAS Discovery: StopSAS Discovery ErrorPersistent Table FullSAS SES EventBus Timer ExpiredSCSI Device Status ChangeEvents OFFLogoutLoop State(LPE) ChangeLink Status(ACTIVE) ChangeBus Rescan EventExternal Bus ResetIOC Bus ResetUnit AttentionState ChangeLog DataNoneSAS PHY Link Status: Phy=%d7mptbase: Event data: %08x7 (Exp %02d%02d)%s: ProductID = 0x%04x (%s) FWVersion = 0x%08x%s (fw_size=%d) MsgVersion = 0x%04x FirstWhoInit = 0x%02x EventState = 0x%02x MaxDevices = %d MaxBuses = %d PortNumber = %d (of %d) WWN = %08X%08X:%08X%08X FwRev=, IRQ=%d, resync in progress, quiesced, enabledoptimalstate unknowndegradedfailed, out of synconlinemissingnot compatibleinitializingoffline requestedfailed requestedoffline - MISSING DOORBELL ACK! - MISSING DOORBELL REPLY! (disabled)7mptbase: %s: KickStarting! stuck handshakeIOC FAULTmpt/%s/summarympt/%s/infompt/%sbringuprecovery6mptbase: %s: Initiating %s 6mptbase: %s: PrimeIocFifos 6mptbase: %s: SendIocInit SUCCESSFAILED7%s: persist_opcode=%x 7%s: no msg frames! 7%s: failed 7%s: success successmpt_dead_ioc_%dBRE040 A0BRE040 A1BRE040LSIFC909 B1LSIFC919 B0LSIFC929 B0LSIFC919X A0LSIFC919XL A1LSIFC929X A0LSIFC929XL A1LSIFC939X A1LSIFC949X A1LSIFC949E A0LSIFC949E A1LSIFC949ELSI53C1030 A0LSI53C1030 B0LSI53C1030 B1LSI53C1030 B2LSI53C1030 C0LSI53C1030T A0LSI53C1030T A2LSI53C1030T A3LSI53C1020A A1LSI53C1030LSI53C1035 A2LSI53C1035 B0LSI53C1035LSISAS1064LSISAS1064ELSISAS1068LSISAS1068ELSISAS1078ioc%d6mpt_debug_level=%xh &ioc->internal_cmds.mutex&x->wait&ioc->mptbase_cmds.mutex&ioc->taskmgmt_cmds.mutexmpt_poll_%d%smpt/%dinfosummaryFusion MPT base driver6%s %s mptbase_replyversionConfig Page Invalid ActionConfig Page Invalid TypeConfig Page Invalid PageConfig Page Invalid DataConfig Page No DefaultsConfig Page Can't CommitLSISAS1078 A0LSISAS1078 B0LSISAS1078 C0LSISAS1078 C1LSISAS1078 C2LSISAS1068E A0LSISAS1068E B0LSISAS1068E B1LSISAS1068E B2LSISAS1068E B3LSISAS1068 A0LSISAS1068 B0LSISAS1068 B1LSISAS1064E A0LSISAS1064E B0LSISAS1064E B1LSISAS1064E B2LSISAS1064E B3LSISAS1064 A1LSISAS1064 A2LSISAS1064 A3LSISAS1064 A4Phys Disk failed: DMA ErrorRaid Action ErrorOpen FailureInvalid Scatter Gather ListFrame Transfer ErrorTransmit Frame Connected LowSATA Non-NCQ RW Error Bit SetReceive Frame Invalid MessageSATA Link DownDiscovery SATA Init W IOSConfig Invalid PageDiscovery SATA Init TimeoutResetAbortIO Not Yet ExecutedIO ExecutedOpen Transmit DMA AbortIO Device Missing Delay RetryEnclosure ManagementInvalid SAS AddressInvalid PageDiag Message ErrorTask TerminatedTarget ModeIOPPLIRSendEventAckmpt_ioc_resetmpt_configmptbase_sas_persist_operationmpt_adapter_disablempt_diag_resetmpt_turbo_replympt_replympt_fault_reset_workmpt_fwfault_debugmpt_debug_levelmpt_channel_mappingmpt_msi_enable_sasmpt_msi_enable_fcmpt_msi_enable_spimpt_raid_phys_disk_pg0mptbase_sas_persist_operationmpt_free_fw_memorympt_alloc_fw_memorympt_findImVolumesmpt_configmpt_HardResetHandlermpt_print_ioc_summarympt_GetIocStatempt_verify_adaptermpt_send_handshake_requestmpt_free_msg_framempt_put_msg_frame_hi_primpt_put_msg_framempt_get_msg_framempt_device_driver_deregistermpt_device_driver_registermpt_reset_deregistermpt_reset_registermpt_event_deregistermpt_event_registermpt_deregistermpt_registerioc_listmpt_suspendmpt_resumempt_detachmpt_attachmpt_Soft_Hard_ResetHandlermpt_halt_firmwarempt_clear_taskmgmt_in_progress_flagmpt_set_taskmgmt_in_progress_flagmpt_raid_phys_disk_pg1mpt_raid_phys_disk_get_num_pathsmpt_fwfault_debugparm=mpt_fwfault_debug:Enable detection of Firmware fault and halt Firmware on fault - (default=0)parmtype=mpt_fwfault_debug:intparm=mpt_debug_level: debug level - refer to mptdebug.h - (default=0)parm=mpt_channel_mapping: Mapping id's to channels (default=0)parmtype=mpt_channel_mapping:intparm=mpt_msi_enable_sas: Enable MSI Support for SAS controllers (default=0)parmtype=mpt_msi_enable_sas:intparm=mpt_msi_enable_fc: Enable MSI Support for FC controllers (default=0)parmtype=mpt_msi_enable_fc:intparm=mpt_msi_enable_spi: Enable MSI Support for SPI controllers (default=0)parmtype=mpt_msi_enable_spi:intversion=3.04.20license=GPLdescription=Fusion MPT base driverauthor=LSI Corporationsrcversion=3E76AD75785DB0CB046A6FBdepends=intree=Yvermagic=3.19.0-80-generic SMP mod_unload modversions {_5module_layout-kmalloc_cachespci_bus_read_config_byte地__kmallocmsleepsingle_openճparam_get_intQparam_ops_intSMustrlen57C__alloc_workqueue_keyZdma_set_maskbbpci_stop_and_remove_bus_device_locked1Û single_release\ipci_get_slot\Ypci_disable_devicekdelayed_work_timer_fnpseq_printfp remove_proc_entryx86_dma_fallback_dev__const_udelayinit_timer_keyrPpmutex_unlock>pci_bus_write_config_wordICparam_set_intL3)F__preempt_countSqsprintf)޷seq_readB,kthread_create_on_nodeh}jiffies=2__init_waitqueue_headdma_get_required_mask5PDE_DATA;b*pci_set_masterŏWmemset!Ycancel_delayed_work:proc_mkdir 9pci_restore_stateJ_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestorep7jiffies_to_msecsY$__mutex_initI'printkr|panicfstrncpyEnseq_putcHWstrlcpy_l__pci_enable_wakemutex_lock destroy_workqueuer request_threaded_irqu#synchronize_irqҦpci_select_bars5Bioremap_nocacheβ|pci_bus_read_config_word&queue_delayed_work_ons__stack_chk_fail;msecs_to_jiffieswake_up_processm__fentry__59;p"N-UI="^`0Y>"mhxEH" w2J2y@*S H!"; j0";h>+Aj"XBP`l"D @Y@ Ps`"Y` s0""[ '0[X08\@8\H\Of%# H!     8PD`Vd x0e@` PP3 /-CxC /Y%o   .   ` @0 H @  " 1B LXpto$Q %m*- + P2# 3805HM:Ym? 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