#!/opt/lampp/bin/perl # Computes and prints to stdout the CRC-32 values of the given files use strict; use lib qw( blib/lib lib ); use Archive::Zip; use FileHandle; my $totalFiles = scalar(@ARGV); foreach my $file (@ARGV) { if ( -d $file ) { warn "$0: ${file}: Is a directory\n"; next; } my $fh = FileHandle->new(); if ( !$fh->open( $file, 'r' ) ) { warn "$0: $!\n"; next; } binmode($fh); my $buffer; my $bytesRead; my $crc = 0; while ( $bytesRead = $fh->read( $buffer, 32768 ) ) { $crc = Archive::Zip::computeCRC32( $buffer, $crc ); } printf( "%08x", $crc ); print("\t$file") if ( $totalFiles > 1 ); print("\n"); }