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Usage: Options: Experimental Options: * Lossless features used: PREDICTION CROSS-COLOR-TRANSFORM SUBTRACT-GREEN PALETTE * Palette size: %d (with alpha)Error! Version mismatch! -longhelp-print_psnr-print_ssim-print_lsim-short-alpha_q-alpha_method-alpha_cleanup-exact-blend_alpha-alpha_filternonefastbest-noalpha-lossless-near_lossless-hintphotopicturegraph-size-psnr-sns-jpeg_like-low_memory-strong-nostrong-sharpness-sharp_yuv-pass-pre-segments-partition_limit-map-crop-resize-noasm-version%d.%d.%d -progress-quiet-presetdefaultdrawingicontext-metadataError! Unknown option '%s' No input file specified! Time to read input: %.3fs wbSaving file '%s' Error! Cannot crop picture Error! Cannot resize picture Error code: %d (%s) P5 %d %d 255 VP8XVP8LICCPEXIFXMP %7d %2.2f File: %s Dimension: %d x %d Output: %d bytes ARGBDimension: %d x %d%s intra4-coeffs: intra16-coeffs: chroma coeffs: macroblocks: | %2d%%| %7d quantizer: filter level: ------------------+--------- segments total: %.2d %3d 0x%.2x %s: %7d %.4f Metadata: * ICC profile: %6d bytes * EXIF data: %6d bytes * XMP data: %6d bytes -help+..-*XPSNRSSIMLSIMalliccOK cwebp [options] -q quality input.png -o output.webp where quality is between 0 (poor) to 100 (very good).Try -longhelp for an exhaustive list of advanced options. cwebp [-preset <...>] [options] in_file [-o out_file] If input size (-s) for an image is not specified, it is assumed to be a PNG, JPEG, TIFF or WebP file. -h / -help ............. short help -H / -longhelp ......... long help -q ............. quality factor (0:small..100:big), default=75 -alpha_q ......... transparency-compression quality (0..100), default=100 -preset ....... preset setting, one of: default, photo, picture, drawing, icon, text -preset must come first, as it overwrites other parameters -z ............... activates lossless preset with given level in [0:fast, ..., 9:slowest] -m ............... compression method (0=fast, 6=slowest), default=4 -segments ........ number of segments to use (1..4), default=4 -size ............ target size (in bytes) -psnr .......... target PSNR (in dB. typically: 42) -s ......... input size (width x height) for YUV -sns ............. spatial noise shaping (0:off, 100:max), default=50 -f ............... filter strength (0=off..100), default=60 -sharpness ....... filter sharpness (0:most .. 7:least sharp), default=0 -strong ................ use strong filter instead of simple (default) -nostrong .............. use simple filter instead of strong -sharp_yuv ............. use sharper (and slower) RGB->YUV conversion -partition_limit . limit quality to fit the 512k limit on the first partition (0=no degradation ... 100=full) -pass ............ analysis pass number (1..10) -crop .. crop picture with the given rectangle -resize ........ resize picture (after any cropping) -mt .................... use multi-threading if available -low_memory ............ reduce memory usage (slower encoding) -map ............. print map of extra info -print_psnr ............ prints averaged PSNR distortion -print_ssim ............ prints averaged SSIM distortion -print_lsim ............ prints local-similarity distortion -d .......... dump the compressed output (PGM file) -alpha_method .... transparency-compression method (0..1), default=1 -alpha_filter . predictive filtering for alpha plane, one of: none, fast (default) or best -exact ................. preserve RGB values in transparent area, default=off -blend_alpha ..... blend colors against background color expressed as RGB values written in hexadecimal, e.g. 0xc0e0d0 for red=0xc0 green=0xe0 and blue=0xd0 -noalpha ............... discard any transparency information -lossless .............. encode image losslessly, default=off -near_lossless ... use near-lossless image preprocessing (0..100=off), default=100 -hint ......... specify image characteristics hint, one of: photo, picture or graph -metadata ..... comma separated list of metadata tocopy from the input to the output if present. Valid values: all, none (default), exif, icc, xmp -short ................. condense printed message -quiet ................. don't print anything -version ............... print version number and exit -noasm ................. disable all assembly optimizations -v ..................... verbose, e.g. print encoding/decoding times -progress .............. report encoding progress -jpeg_like ............. roughly match expected JPEG size -af .................... auto-adjust filter strength -pre ............. pre-processing filterLossless-%s compressed size: %d bytes * Header size: %d bytes, image data size: %d * Precision Bits: histogram=%d transform=%d cache=%d Specified dimension (%d x %d) is out of range. Error! Unrecognized alpha filter: %s Error! Unrecognized image hint: %s Error! Unrecognized preset: %s Error! Could initialize configuration with preset. Invalid lossless preset (-z %d) Encoding for specified size or PSNR is not supported for lossless encoding. Ignoring such option(s)! Partition limit option is not required for lossless encoding. Ignoring this option! Error! Invalid configuration. Error! Could not process file %s Error! Cannot read input picture file '%s' input data doesn't have the expected size (%d instead of %d) Error! Cannot open output file '%s' No output file specified (no -o flag). Encoding will be performed, but its results discarded. Time to crop/resize picture: %.3fs Error! Cannot encode picture as WebP Time to encode picture: %.3fs Warning: can't dump file (-d option) in lossless mode.Error! Addition of metadata would exceed container size limit. Error writing WebP file with metadata! Output: %d bytes Y-U-V-All-PSNR %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f dB block count: intra4: %d intra16: %d (-> %.2f%%) skipped block: %d (%.2f%%) bytes used: header: %6d (%.1f%%) mode-partition: %6d (%.1f%%) transparency: %6d (%.1f dB) Residuals bytes |segment 1|segment 2|segment 3|segment 4| total +---------+---------+---------+----------------- Error while computing the distortion. B:%.2f G:%.2f R:%.2f A:%.2f Total:%.2f Error! Unknown metadata type '%.*s' Warning, couldn't dump picture %s OUT_OF_MEMORY: Out of memory allocating objectsBITSTREAM_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Out of memory re-allocating byte bufferNULL_PARAMETER: NULL parameter passed to functionINVALID_CONFIGURATION: configuration is invalidBAD_DIMENSION: Bad picture dimension. Maximum width and height allowed is 16383 pixels.PARTITION0_OVERFLOW: Partition #0 is too big to fit 512k. To reduce the size of this partition, try using less segments with the -segments option, and eventually reduce the number of header bits using -partition_limit. More details are available in the manual (`man cwebp`)PARTITION_OVERFLOW: Partition is too big to fit 16MBAD_WRITE: Picture writer returned an I/O errorFILE_TOO_BIG: File would be too big to fit in 4GUSER_ABORT: encoding abort requested by userVP8X I@N@S@X@@e@\@{@`@@@`@@ȝ@ @8@p@@؟@BB.A(null)Error! '%s' is not an integer. Error! '%s' is not a floating point number. Could not read from stdin rbcannot open input file '%s' Could not read %d bytes of data from file %s [ICCP] size (%d) / count (%d) / sequence number (%d) cannot be 0! [ICCP] Inconsistent segment count (%d / %d)! [ICCP] Duplicate segment number (%d)! [ICCP] Discontinuous segments, expected: %d actual: %d! [ICCP] Segment count: %d does not match expected: %d! Ignoring additional '%s' marker Error extracting JPEG metadata! ExifICC_PROFILEhttp://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ReadFunc: invalid read length (overflow)!Malformed raw profile, expected '\n' got '\x%.2X' Error extracting PNG metadata! libpng error: %s 1.6.37Ignoring additional '%s' Failed to process: '%s' Raw profile type exifRaw profile type xmpRaw profile type APP1XML:com.adobe.xmpMemoryError! Cannot parse TIFF file Warning: multi-directory TIFF files are not supported. Only the first will be used, %d will be ignored. Error! Cannot retrieve TIFF image dimensions. Error allocating TIFF RGBA memory! Error extracting TIFF metadata! Warning: EXIF extraction from TIFF is unsupported. s Decoding of %s failed. Status: %d(%s)Library version mismatch! input dataOUT_OF_MEMORYINVALID_PARAMBITSTREAM_ERRORUNSUPPORTED_FEATURESUSPENDEDUSER_ABORTNOT_ENOUGH_DATAError! Decoding of an animated WebP file is not supported. Use webpmux to extract the individual frames or vwebp to view this image. Failed during WebPINewDecoder(). Warning: metadata extraction from WebP is unsupported. ;9w }XPH`Ъ0HhPXp8 P`ж0p @( @@X`pP @`@` P ` p( P 0  P p  zRx `*zRx $u FJ w?;*3$"D*De$\MADF lFA<@BEE D(C0K (A BBB\ -TUȨWD O4BAD R0^  AABA ,h:DqDDdQAI AA$PcAy S A A "L zh+BBB B(A0D8G  8A0A(B BBBD <`BDA G0h  CABD C CAB<TBDA G0e  CABG A CABdBBB B(A0A8GP 8A0A(B BBBC D 8D0A(B BBBA 4hADG@n AAD NAA4Ю\LȮ3BBB B(A0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBK c8F0A(B BBB|bBBB B(D0D8GPT 8G0A(B BBBE K 8A0A(B BBBK  8A0A(B BBGC <,BED D(D0c (C ABBA <l8HBKE D(E0e(A BBBH@8X ($<زTDRlALBGB B(A0A8G9 8A0A(B BBBI ("D]<8TDO4\xWBGA v AGH AAD<ZBED D(D0q (A ABBA EDlTFB B(D0A8Dg 8A0A(B BBBH HL\(PBDB B(A0A8G3 8A0A(B BBBH ( JP H$$@JADG xDALLhgBBB B(A0A8G- 8C0A(B BBBF $kAPD JFALBED D(G`u (A ABBG ` (C ABBH 4 pbBDA \ ABJ A AGG ,L BIA C ABF L| (BBB B(A0D8G 8C0A(B BBBC D eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB R@Q@`@~@@@@@Ȧ@Ӧ@T@k@j@k@ @k@@j@ i. @ @``o@H @@  ` x@@ o@oo0@x`@@@@ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @!@!@&!@6!@F!@V!@f!@v!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@"@"@&"@6"@F"@V"@f"@v"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@#@#@&#@6#@F#@V#@f#@v#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@$@$@&$@6$@F$@V$@f$@v$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@%@%@&%@6%@F%@V%@f%@v%@%@%@%@%@%@GCC: (GNU) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11).shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.comment 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@H> @h FH @H No0@0[o@j@tBx@x  ~@y@ %@%Y@ @( @@\ ```` x`x@`0`  ` 0`$(0$-Q