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indicates criticality) [!]domainScope (domain scope) !dontUseCopy (Don't Use Copy) [!]mv= (RFC 3876 matched values filter) [!]pr=[/prompt|noprompt] (RFC 2696 paged results/prompt) [!]sss=[-][/[-]...] (RFC 2891 server side sorting) [!]subentries[=true|false] (RFC 3672 subentries) [!]sync=ro[/] (RFC 4533 LDAP Sync refreshOnly) rp[/][/] (refreshAndPersist) [!]vlv=/(//|:) (ldapv3-vlv-09 virtual list views) [!]deref=derefAttr:attr[,...][;derefAttr:attr[,...][;...]] [!][=:] (generic control; no response handling) -f file read operations from `file' -F prefix URL prefix for files (default: %s) -l limit time limit (in seconds, or "none" or "max") for search -L print responses in LDIFv1 format -LL print responses in LDIF format without comments -LLL print responses in LDIF format without comments -M enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical) -P version protocol version (default: 3) -s scope one of base, one, sub or children (search scope) -S attr sort the results by attribute `attr' -t write binary values to files in temporary directory -tt write all values to files in temporary directory -T path write files to directory specified by path (default: %s) -u include User Friendly entry names in the output -z limit size limit (in entries, or "none" or "max") for search alias deref should be never, search, find, or always %s: -E incompatible with LDAPv%d ValuesReturnFilter previously specified missing filter in ValuesReturnFilter control PagedResultsControl previously specified PagedResultsControl incompatible with VLV Invalid value for PagedResultsControl, %s/%s. Invalid value for PagedResultsControl, %s. Invalid value for PagedResultsControl. dontUseCopy control previously specified dontUseCopy: no control value expected dontUseCopy: critical flag required domainScope control previously specified domainScope: no control value expected server side sorting control previously specified missing specification of sss control server side sorting control value "%s" invalid subentries control previously specified subentries control value "%s" invalid sync control previously specified missing specification of sync control Unable to parse sync control value "%s" sync control value "%s" invalid virtual list view control previously specified missing specification of vlv control unable to make room for control; out of memory? unable to parse %s control value Invalid search extension name: %s Unable to parse time limit "%s" %s: invalid timelimit (%d) specified scope should be base, one, or sub Unable to parse size limit "%s" %s: invalid sizelimit (%d) specified VLV control requires server side sort control Subentries control encoding error! ldap sync control encoding error! All userApplication attributes # with subentries %scontrol: %s # with valuesReturnFilter %scontrol: %s # with pagedResults %scontrol: size=%d # with server side sorting %scontrol # with virtual list view %scontrol: %d/%dPress [size] Enter for the next {%d|size} entries. Press [before/after(/offset/count|:value)] Enter for the next window.f@j@j@j@g@ h@j@j@j@j@j@Ph@j@j@j@j@j@j@hh@h@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@h@@i@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@`i@j@j@j@j@j@j@i@Pj@hj@j@j@j@j@f@X>@=@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@P;@@>@P;@P;@P;@P;@;@:@P@\O@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@&N@P@&N@&N@&N@&N@iN@M@maina:Ab:cE:F:l:Ls:S:tT:uz:Cd:D:e:f:h:H:IMnNO:o:p:P:QR:U:vVw:WxX:y:Y:Z1. sortResult(%d) %s%s%spagedresults: pagedresultsestimate=%d%scookie=%s%scookie=ppolicy: ppolicyexpire=%d%sgrace=%d%serror=%d (%s)vlvResult[M] what failed:common.ck >= 0ptr <= buf + len==> {m{[W]{m<== Common options: %s: %s (%d)%s matched DN: %s additional info: %s referrals: %s Could not unset controls offldapDNS SRV: out of memory? %s://%sldap_initialize( %s ) ldap_start_tls1. LDAP Password: ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE)ldap_bind parse resultldap_bindNo memory{v}preread attrs encode failed. preread flatten failed (%d) flatten failed (%d){eN} not set %scontrols true false1.2.840.113556.1.4.4742.16.840.1.113730. -D previously specified assertassertion == ((void *)0)authzidproxydnrelaxmanageDITmanageDSAitnoopprereadpostreadchainingchainingPreferredchainingRequiredreferralsPreferredreferralsRequiredsessiontrackingabandoncancelignore%s: no memory? %s: -f previously specified %s: -h previously specified %s: -H previously specified nettimeoutldif-wrapno%s: -p previously specified %s: unrecognized option -%c OpenLDAP%s: %s (LDAP library: %s %d) %s: -H incompatible with -h %s: -H incompatible with -p %s: -%c incompatible with -w -D binddn bind DN -R realm SASL realm -Y mech SASL mechanism Session tracking control encoding error! pos=%d count=%d context=%s (%d) %s -d level set LDAP debugging level to `level' Could not set LBER_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL %d Could not set LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL %d Could not parse LDAP URI(s)=%s (%d) DNS SRV: Could not turn DN="%s" into a domain DNS SRV: Could not turn domain=%s into a hostlist DNS SRV: Could not parse hostlist="%s" Could not create LDAP session handle for URI=%s (%d): %s Could not set LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS %s Could not set LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION %d Could not set LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT %ld passwd.bv_val == ((void *)0) && passwd.bv_len == 0%s: not compiled with SASL support (Password expires in %d seconds) (Password expired, %d grace logins remain)Unable to create assertion value "%s" (%d) postread attrs encode failed. Chaining behavior control encoding error! got interrupt, cancel got %d: %s got interrupt, abandon got %d: %s %s: unable to parse debug value "%s" assert control previously specified assert: control value expected authzid control previously specified authzid control incompatible with proxydn authzid: control value expected authzid: must be marked critical proxydn control previously specified proxydn control incompatible with authzid proxydn: control value expected proxydn: must be marked critical relax control previously specified relax: no control value expected manageDSAit control previously specified manageDSAit: no control value expected noop control previously specified noop: no control value expected ppolicy control previously specified ppolicy: no control value expected ppolicy: critical flag not allowed preread control previously specified postread control previously specified chaining behavior control continuation value "%s" invalid chaining behavior control resolve value "%s" invalid %s: session tracking can be only specified once sessiontracking: critical flag not allowed Unable to parse value of general control %s Invalid general control name: %s %s: was not compiled with SASL support nettimeout option previously specified nettimeout: option value expected Unable to parse network timeout "%s" %s: invalid network timeout (%ld) specified Unable to parse ldif-wrap="%s" Invalid general option name: %s %s: unable to parse port number "%s" %s: unable to parse protocol version "%s" %s: -P 2 incompatible with version %d %s: protocol version should be 2 or 3 %s: incompatible with previous authentication choice %s: ldap_get_option(API_INFO) failed LDAP APIInfo version mismatch: library %d, header %d LDAP API version mismatch: library %d, header %d LDAP vendor name mismatch: library %s, header %s LDAP vendor version mismatch: library %d, header %d %s: -p without -h is invalid. %s: -e/-M incompatible with LDAPv2 %s: -Z incompatible with LDAPv2 -e [!][=] general extensions (! indicates criticality) [!]assert= (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string) [!]authzid= (RFC 4370; "dn:" or "u:") [!]chaining[=[/]] one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired", "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired" [!]manageDSAit (RFC 3296) [!]noop ppolicy [!]postread[=] (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list) [!]preread[=] (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list) [!]relax [!]sessiontracking abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel, or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT. not really controls) -h host LDAP server -H URI LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s) -I use SASL Interactive mode -n show what would be done but don't actually do it -N do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name -O props SASL security properties -o [=] general options nettimeout= (in seconds, or "none" or "max") ldif-wrap= (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping) -p port port on LDAP server -Q use SASL Quiet mode -U authcid SASL authentication identity -v run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output) -V print version info (-VV only) -w passwd bind password (for simple authentication) -W prompt for bind password -x Simple authentication -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:" or "u:") -y file Read password from file -Z Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response) ت@@p@p@p@@@@p@p@p@X@h@@@@@p@p@@p@@@@@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@@@@@@p@0@p@p@p@p@p@`@8@@p@p@p@p@p@`@@@x@print_dereftool_bindtool_args0@@Ax A A A A` A A AAHApA@AAA@AxAAAA@8A@@@@@x@9@z@@w@*@|@8@~@C@}@@@@(#) $OpenLDAP: ldapsearch 2.4.48 (Dec 1 2020 10:28:09) $ root@linux:/bitnami/xamppunixinstaller74stack-linux-x64/src/openldap-2.4.48/clients/tools base64.coutput[0] < 64output[1] < 64output[2] < 64lutil_b64_ntopABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/Warning: Password file %s is publicly readable/writeable /dev/ttyGETATTRSETATTR%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ%02ld%02ldutils.cv != ((void *)0)%lu%cbuf != ((void *)0)bufsize > 0fmt != ((void *)0)lutil_snprintflutil_atoullxlutil_atollxlutil_atoulxlutil_atolxlutil_atouxlutil_atoix;Zx0N;?P= >x@PA E8 FpIJKO ^^p_0`Pac ef@gxjm( m@0mX@mp`mmo@opo0w} `  P `@ h 0  `h P p8 PP ` 0 PP 0  @иP@HP 0zRx ;*zRx $xFJ w?;*3$"4D`<AHG@ AAA s CAI 4|H=GBAA G`  AABG L`>BEB E(A0A8I  8A0A(B BBBA 4ABDA DP  AABF 4<BSBDA Gm  AABA <tE'BBA D(GP{ (A ABBG FIJWBF~DdXKBEB B(A0A8Dps 8A0A(B BBBB  8F0A(B BBBE LT_!BBB B(I0D8GЂf 8F0A(B BBBA Y <YBJD C(D^ (A ABBE 8Z<D7,X[AAG@CADL\ BGB A(A0G@ 0C(A BBBG 4]uBAA G@;  CABA <_BRA A(G@ (C ABBH 4 h`BEA D@  AABA LDPaBBB B(A0A8Dpm 8A0A(B BBBA \cnBEB A(I0DP 0A(A BBBA  0C(A BBBA e  e $e<eTeH| D ALt@f BGE E(D0F8G@ 8A0A(B BBBB g<Av g.DL8gBBB B(A0A8I 8A0A(B BBBJ 4LnBAA J  AABF dPtBBB B(A0D8G  8A0A(B BBBE  8D0A(B BBBL <AAD ` CAF n CAF sCAL,HZBBB B(A0E8GP 8A0A(B BBBJ |X7Hg A FxAb E ^LuBBB B(A0C8G 8A0A(B BBBF $ E A  A d4BEE E(D0A8DP 8F0A(B BBBE I 8D0A(B BBBB 4XlAJGD AAH GCA\BBB I(A0J 0C(A BBBG o 0A(A BBBI L4 BLB B(A0A8GQ 8A0A(B BBBA  )H_\ BBA A(G0J (C ABBA  (E ABBB D (D ABBC  04 AAG < DCA G FAE T Ц'l B AM 3, 8AAG0 AAF , AAG0C AAB L BBA A(G@t (C ABBG L (F ABBA Ll BBA A(G@p (C ABBK L (F ABBA L BBA A(G@t (C ABBG L (F ABBA L BBA A(G@p (C ABBK L (F ABBA L\ 8BBB B(A0A8Gj 8A0A(B BBBA d hBEE B(A0A8D` 8F0A(B BBBE J 8C0A(B BBBA L BUJ N(JP (C ABBD D(F ABBLd _BED D(J (A ABBF S (C ABBE D eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB U@U@Hhv *@ @-a-ao@@@ 0a @@ op@oo8@-a*@*@*@+@+@&+@6+@F+@V+@f+@v+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@,@,@&,@6,@F,@V,@f,@v,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@-@-@&-@6-@F-@V-@f-@v-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@.@.@&.@6.@F.@V.@f.@v.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@/@/@&/@6/@F/@V/@f/@v/@/@/@/@/@/@/@/@/@0@0@&0@60@F0@V0@f0@v0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@1@1@&1@61@F1@V1@f1@v1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@2@2@&2@62@F2@V2@f2@v2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@3@3@&3@63@F3@V3@f3@v3@@@dhmsGCC: (GNU) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11).shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.comment 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@d> @F@ No8@88[op@pPj@tB@  ~*@*y*@*3@3@  @ ; AAD-a--a--a--a-0/a/0a0pp4ap4`5aL5H 0L5-y5