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Usage: %s [OPTION] filename.po ... Generate binary message catalog from textual translation description. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Similarly for optional arguments. filename.po ... input files -D, --directory=DIRECTORY add DIRECTORY to list for input files search If input file is -, standard input is read. -j, --java Java mode: generate a Java ResourceBundle class --java2 like --java, and assume Java2 (JDK 1.2 or higher) --csharp C# mode: generate a .NET .dll file --csharp-resources C# resources mode: generate a .NET .resources file --tcl Tcl mode: generate a tcl/msgcat .msg file --qt Qt mode: generate a Qt .qm file --desktop Desktop Entry mode: generate a .desktop file --xml XML mode: generate XML file -o, --output-file=FILE write output to specified file --strict enable strict Uniforum mode If output file is -, output is written to standard output. Output file location in Java mode: -r, --resource=RESOURCE resource name -l, --locale=LOCALE locale name, either language or language_COUNTRY --source produce a .java file, instead of a .class file -d DIRECTORY base directory of classes directory hierarchy The class name is determined by appending the locale name to the resource name, separated with an underscore. The -d option is mandatory. The class is written under the specified directory. Output file location in C# mode: -d DIRECTORY base directory for locale dependent .dll files The -l and -d options are mandatory. The .dll file is written in a subdirectory of the specified directory whose name depends on the locale. Output file location in Tcl mode: -d DIRECTORY base directory of .msg message catalogs The -l and -d options are mandatory. The .msg file is written in the specified directory. --template=TEMPLATE a .desktop file used as a template -d DIRECTORY base directory of .po files -kWORD, --keyword=WORD look for WORD as an additional keyword -k, --keyword do not to use default keywords The -l, -o, and --template options are mandatory. If -D is specified, input files are read from the directory instead of the command line arguments. -L, --language=NAME recognise the specified XML language --template=TEMPLATE an XML file used as a template -P, --properties-input input files are in Java .properties syntax --stringtable-input input files are in NeXTstep/GNUstep .strings syntax -c, --check perform all the checks implied by --check-format, --check-header, --check-domain --check-format check language dependent format strings --check-header verify presence and contents of the header entry --check-domain check for conflicts between domain directives and the --output-file option -C, --check-compatibility check that GNU msgfmt behaves like X/Open msgfmt --check-accelerators[=CHAR] check presence of keyboard accelerators for menu items -f, --use-fuzzy use fuzzy entries in output -a, --alignment=NUMBER align strings to NUMBER bytes (default: %d) --endianness=BYTEORDER write out 32-bit numbers in the given byte order (big or little, default depends on platform) --no-hash binary file will not include the hash table -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit --statistics print statistics about translations -v, --verbose increase verbosity level Report bugs to .   /domain name "%s" not suitable as file namedomain name "%s" not suitable as file name: will use prefix%s: warning: source file contains fuzzy translationwarning: PO file header missing or invalid warning: charset conversion will not work warning: PO file header fuzzy warning: older versions of msgfmt will give an error on this current_domain == domain_list && domain_list->next == ((void *)0)the argument to %s should be a single punctuation characterCopyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. no input file should be given if %s and %s are specified%s and %s are mutually exclusive%s requires a "-d directory" specification%s requires a "-l locale" specification%s requires a "--template template" specification%s requires a "-o file" specification%s and %s are mutually exclusive in %s%s is only valid with %s or %s%s is only valid with %s, %s or %scannot locate ITS rules for %sInput file location: Operation mode: Output file location: Desktop Entry mode options: XML mode options: Input file syntax: Input file interpretation: Output details: Informative output: .mo.gmo'domain %s' directive ignoredempty 'msgstr' entry ignoredfuzzy 'msgstr' entry ignored%s: LINGUAS%s does not exist%s exists but cannot read.pomsgfmt.cfound %d fatal errorsfound %d fatal error--desktop--xml/opt/lampp/share/localegettext-toolsbison-runtime--check-acceleratorslittleinvalid endianness: %sa:cCd:D:fhjl:L:o:Pr:vVx0.19.8.1%s (GNU %s) %s 1995-1998, 2000-2016Ulrich DrepperWritten by %s. no input file given-d--output-file--java--csharp--tcl-l--resource--localeits, %d translated messages%d translated message, %d fuzzy translations, %d fuzzy translation, %d untranslated messages, %d untranslated message--csharp-resources--qtalignmentcheckcheck-compatibilitycheck-domaincheck-formatcheck-headerdirectoryendiannesshelpjava2keywordlanguageno-hashproperties-inputstatisticsstrictstringtable-inputtemplateuse-fuzzyuse-untranslatedverboseversion06@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@:@:@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@9@<@<@<@9@<@<@9@<@<@9@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@9@<@8@8@<@8@<@8@<@9@a9@29@<@<@9@<@<@f;@<@<@<@Z;@<@N;@<@<@<@<@<@<@<@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@~:@r:@f:@#:@9@9@8@msgfmt_operand_list_add_from_directory@@@@@@@@a@c @@C@@@@@@@D@@h@j@@k@L@l@@o'@P@@r@8@6aC@SJ@@\@e@fo@@v@V@xwberror while writing "%s" fileerror while opening "%s" for writing\n\r\"\\\u%c%c%c%c { if (found == null) return null; for (;;) { idx += incr; if (idx >= %d) idx -= %d; return table[idx + 1]; new java.lang.String[] { }truefalse(! < > <= >= == != && || ? : != 0)%lu * / %% + - ? 1 : 0)java.lang.Objectjava.lang.Stringpackage ; public class %s static { %s[] t = new %s[%d]; t[%d] = table = t; clinit_part_%u(t); return private int idx = 0; return (idx < %d); } return key; }; t.put( return p; return table.get(msgid); p.put( return table.keys(); return return parent; Messages%s_%s_%s.javawfailed to create "%s"1.11.3 int hash_val = msgid.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff; int idx = (hash_val %% %d) << 1; java.lang.Object found = table[idx]; if (msgid.equals(found)) return table[idx + 1]; int incr = ((hash_val %% %d) + 1) << 1; java.lang.Object found = table[idx]; if (found != null && msgid.equals(found)) /* Automatically generated by GNU msgfmt. Do not modify! */ extends java.util.ResourceBundle { private static final %s[] table; static void clinit_part_%u (%s[] t) { public static final java.lang.String[] get_msgid_plural_table () { return new java.lang.String[] { public java.lang.Object lookup (java.lang.String msgid) { public java.lang.Object handleGetObject (java.lang.String msgid) throws java.util.MissingResourceException { java.lang.Object value = lookup(msgid); return (value instanceof java.lang.String[] ? ((java.lang.String[])value)[0] : value); public java.util.Enumeration getKeys () { new java.util.Enumeration() { { while (idx < %d && table[idx] == null) idx += 2; } public boolean hasMoreElements () { public java.lang.Object nextElement () { java.lang.Object key = table[idx]; do idx += 2; while (idx < %d && table[idx] == null); private static final java.util.Hashtable table; java.util.Hashtable t = new java.util.Hashtable(); static void clinit_part_%u (java.util.Hashtable t) { public static final java.util.Hashtable get_msgid_plural_table () { java.util.Hashtable p = new java.util.Hashtable(); java.lang.Object value = table.get(msgid); public static long pluralEval (long n) { public java.util.ResourceBundle getParent () { compilation of Java class failed, please try --verbose or set $JAVACcompilation of Java class failed, please try to set $JAVACnot a valid Java class name: %s@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0@@P@\@@@@@@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@h@Ѓ@x@@Ѓ@Ѓ@Ѓ@Ѓ@Ѓ@@Є@@@@x@@@0@@P@0@@@@P@ @ȁ@@@@@@@@@h@0123456789abcdef\0\a\b\t\v\f\U%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c/opt/lampp/libsr-CS@latin@cyrillicsr-SPsr-SP-Latnuz-UZuz-UZ-Latn.resources.dllresset.csusing GNU.Gettext; )] namespace public %s () : base () { if (!TableInitialized) { lock (this) { if (Table == null) t.Add(new System.String[] { return t; GETTEXTCSHARPLIBDIRGNU.Gettext`@p@P@`@`@`@`@`@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@@`@@@`@`@`@`@`@@@@@@@@@@ @ȣ@@ @ @ @ @ @@ @X@@Ȣ@@8@@`@@@@@@П@@p@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdeffailed to create directory "%s"[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCulture(public class %s : GettextResourceSet { private bool TableInitialized; protected override void ReadResources () { if (!TableInitialized) { Table = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); System.Collections.Hashtable t = Table; TableInitialized = true; public static System.Collections.Hashtable GetMsgidPluralTable () { System.Collections.Hashtable t = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); protected override long PluralEval (long n) { compilation of C# class failed, please try --verbosecompilation of C# class failedfdopen() failed/opt/lampp/lib/gettextGETTEXTCSHARPEXEDIR.exemsgfmt.neterror while writing to %s subprocess%s subprocess failed with exit code %dmessage catalog has context dependent translations but the C# .resources format doesn't support contexts message catalog has plural form translations but the C# .resources format doesn't support plural handling \$\[\].msgset ::msgcat::header ::msgcat::mcset %s message catalog has context dependent translations but the Tcl message catalog format doesn't support contexts message catalog has plural form translations but the Tcl message catalog format doesn't support plural handling 0123456789abcdefwrite-qt.cq - result <= lengthq - result <= 2 * lengthmessage catalog has plural form translations but the Qt message catalog format doesn't support plural handling message catalog has msgctxt strings containing characters outside ISO-8859-1 but the Qt message catalog format supports Unicode only in the translated strings, not in the context strings message catalog has msgid strings containing characters outside ISO-8859-1 but the Qt message catalog format supports Unicode only in the translated strings, not in the untranslated strings conv_to_utf16conv_to_iso_8859_1333333?C[%s] %s[%s]=%s %s=%s error while opening "%s" for readingcannot create output file "%s";6h(# H#6707HH@h@hAB0BPHCDEF(HxhNxN(cHdxdhfhhiHHjx8lnHo tȇHxؑ0 X x X 8  P 8p x ؽ x 8 x X zRx 5*zRx $XFJ w?;*3$"D5 \5GAFF $|=}AAG nDAL0>BEA D(D0q (D ABBA B(A ABBL>HBHA _ ABK  ABG g ABE UABD?AW4d?aBED A(F0D(A ABB4?NA E j F X H x H U@iAp G hD AAAG d AAA X FAI XFAL<ABEB B(A0D8G 8A0A(B BBBJ LCWBBB B(A0A8I 8A0A(B BBBA 4xBEH E(D0C8J`I ,,XIAC P A ,\]BAA o ABJ ^<^LBBA G(G@ (A ABBI 4`0BLH v ABQ AB<bBDD s AOS ] ABE ,\cAC BGJ G ,cAC DH F ,eUAC BGF I DgAAG ` AAE D CAH L AAB l4 h5ADG s IAG  IAU H FAQ D IAJ  IAX  AAL Ll BBB J(G0I8L  8A0A(B BBBE ,yAF Iv J 4$<BGA GP2  AABI ,\AC BGJ G DhAAG ` AAE D CAH L AAB lЃ5ADG s IAG  IAU H FAQ D IAJ  IAX  AAL LDq BDE B(A0A8GN 8A0A(B BBBB LДBKB E(A0A8Ip 8C0A(B BBBF DAAGP CAA D CAH u FAD <,X<BBG A(G@ (A ABBJ 4lXAE FF H d D xALpBMB B(A0A8J2 8A0A(B BBBE <$ BDA  ABA ~ ADJ d AY$ :ADG bFA ذd 5BBB E(D0A8G`Y 8A0A(B BBBF z 8A0A(B BBBD \, 4BEJ D(D0D@y 0A(A BBBB F 0F(A BBBE \ tBEE D(F0Gp 0A(A BBBG F 0F(A BBBE \ BBE A(D0G@ 0A(A BBBA N 0F(A BBBA <L x`BEE D(F0G`z0A(A BBB 8D eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB  J@I@Rv   ,@ <@-a-ao@@@ 0a @@h o@oo@-a,@,@,@,@-@-@&-@6-@F-@V-@f-@v-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@.@.@&.@6.@F.@V.@f.@v.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@/@/@&/@6/@F/@V/@f/@v/@/@/@/@/@/@/@/@/@0@0@&0@60@F0@V0@f0@v0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@1@1@&1@61@F1@V1@f1@v1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@2@2@&2@62@F2@V2@f2@v2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@3@3@&3@63@F3@V3@f3@v3@3@3@3@3@3@3@3@3@4@4@&4@64@F4@V4@f4@v4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@5@5@&5@65@F5@V5@f5@U@,@0.@PW@`/@-@0@-@p2@V@S@PX@U@& @0F@ No@D[o@@j@htB@  ~,@,y,@,p5@p5̟<@< `@`< HAHAL -a--a--a--a-@/a/0a0p4a4 5ax58 0x5-5