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Extra field 0x%04x: len %d, data 0x%02xcan't add directory '%s': %s %lld entr%s in archive Extra field count: %d invalid option -%cceghl:no:rsttoo few argumentsunknown command '%s' addname contentadd_diradd directoryadd_filename file_to_add offset lenadd_from_zipcatindexcount_extracount_extra_by_idindex extra_id flagsdeleteremove entrydelete_extraindex extra_idx flagsremove extra fielddelete_extra_by_idget_archive_commentshow archive commentget_extraindex extra_index flagsshow extra fieldget_extra_by_idget_file_commentget file commentget_num_entriesname_locatename flagsfind entry in archiveprint_progressrenameindex namerename entryreplace_file_contentsindex datareplace entry with dataset_archive_commentset archive commentset_extraset extra fieldset_file_commentindex commentset file commentset_file_compressionset file compression methodset_file_encryptionindex method passwordset file encryption methodset_file_mtimeindex timestampset file modification timeset_file_mtime_allset_passwordstatprint information about entryzip_stat_index failed on '%llu' failed: %s can't set file mtime at index '%llu' to '%ld': %s can't set file encryption method at index '%llu' to '%s': %s can't set file compression method at index '%llu' to '%s', flags '%d': %s can't set file comment at index '%llu' to '%s': %s error replacing file data: %s can't rename file at index '%llu' to '%s': %s can't get comment for '%s': %s can't delete file at index '%llu': %s can't open file at index '%llu': %s can't write file contents to stdout: %s can't read file at index '%llu': %s can't close file at index '%llu': %s can't open zip archive '%s': %s error creating file source from '%s' index '%llu': %s can't create zip_source from stdin: %s can't create zip_source from file: %s usage: %s [-ceghnrst] [-l len] [-o offset] archive command1 [args] [command2 [args] ...] Supported options are: -c check consistency -e error if archive already exists (only useful with -n) -g guess file name encoding (for stat) -h display this usage -l len only use len bytes of file -n create archive if it doesn't exist -o offset start reading file at offset -r print raw file name encoding without translation (for stat) -s follow file name convention strictly (for stat) -t disregard current archive contents, if any Supported commands and arguments are: Supported flags are: 0 (no flags) C ZIP_FL_NOCASE c ZIP_FL_CENTRAL d ZIP_FL_NODIR l ZIP_FL_LOCAL u ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED Supported compression methods are: default bzip2 deflate store Supported compression methods are: none AES-128 AES-192 AES-256 can't get extra field data for file at index %llu, extra field id %d, ef index %d, flags %u: %s can't set default password to '%s' can't get number of entries: %s can't set archive comment to '%s': %s can't create zip_source from buffer: %s can't find entry with name '%s' using flags '%s' name '%s' using flags '%s' found at index %lld can't get extra field count for file at index '%llu': %s can't delete extra field data for file at index '%llu', extra field id '%d': %s can't get extra field count for file at index '%llu' and for id '%d': %s can't delete extra field data for file at index '%llu', extra field id '%d', extra field idx '%d': %s can't set extra field data for file at index '%llu', extra field id '%d', index '%d': %s can't get extra field data for file at index %llu, extra field %d, flags %u: %s not enough arguments for command '%s': %d available, %d needed can't close zip archive '%s': %s add file called name using contentadd file to archive, len bytes starting from offsetname archivename index offset lenadd file from another archive, len bytes starting from offsetoutput file contents to stdoutshow number of extra fields for archive entryshow number of extra fields of type extra_id for archive entryindex extra_id extra_index flagsremove extra field of type extra_idshow extra field of type extra_idget number of entries in archiveprint progress during 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