You have successfully installed XAMPP on this system! Now you can start using Apache, MariaDB, PHP and other components. You can find more info in the Häufig gestellte Fragen section or check the HOW-TO Guides for getting started with PHP applications.
XAMPP is meant only for development purposes. It has certain configuration settings that make it easy to develop locally but that are insecure if you want to have your installation accessible to others. If you want have your XAMPP accessible from the internet, make sure you understand the implications and you checked the Häufig gestellte Fragen to learn how to protect your site. Alternatively you can use WAMP, MAMP or LAMP which are similar packages which are more suitable for production.
Start the XAMPP Control Panel to check the server status.
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Apache Friends and Bitnami are cooperating to make dozens of open source applications available on XAMPP, for free. Bitnami-packaged applications include Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla! and dozens of others and can be deployed with one-click installers. Visit the Bitnami XAMPP page for details on the currently available apps.