// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: Fibonacci.php,v 1.1 2003/01/02 01:56:59 jmcastagnetto Exp $
include_once 'PEAR.php';
include_once 'Math/IntegerOp.php';
include_once 'Math/Fibonacci/_fibonacciTable.php';
// PHI and phi are the roots of: x^2 - x - 1 = 0
// PHI is called the golden ratio. Also phi = -1/PHI = 1 - PHI
* MATH_PHI: The golden ratio = (1 + sqrt(5))/2
define ('MATH_PHI', (1 + sqrt(5))/2);
* MATH_PHI_x100000: (int) (MATH_PHI * 100000)
define ('MATH_PHI_x100000', intval(MATH_PHI * 100000));
* MATH_phi: The reciprocal of PHI = (1 - sqrt(5))/2
define ('MATH_phi', (1 - sqrt(5))/2);
* MATH_phi_x100000: (int) (MATH_phi * 100000)
define ('MATH_phi_x100000', intval(MATH_phi * 100000));
* MATH_SQRT5_x100000: (int) (sqrt(5) * 100000)
define ('MATH_SQRT5_x100000', intval(sqrt(5) * 100000));
* MATH_LNSQRT5: ln(sqrt(5))
define ('MATH_LNSQRT5', log(sqrt(5)));
define ('MATH_LNPHI', log(MATH_PHI));
* Math_Fibonacci: class to calculate, validate, and decompose into Fibonacci numbers
* Examples:
* include_once 'Math/Fibonacci.php';
* $idx = 20;
* echo "Calculate F($idx), fast equation = ";
* $fib =& Math_Fibonacci::term($idx);
* echo $fib->toString()."\n";
* // Calculate F(20), fast equation = 6765
* $idx = 55;
* echo "Calculate F($idx), lookup table = ";
* $fib =& Math_Fibonacci::term($idx);
* echo $fib->toString()."\n";
* // Calculate F(55), lookup table = 139583862445
* $idx = 502;
* echo "Calculate F($idx), addition loop = ";
* $fib = Math_Fibonacci::term($idx);
* echo $fib->toString()."\n";
* // Calculate F(502), addition loop = 365014740723634211012237077906479355996081581501455497852747829366800199361550174096573645929019489792751
* echo "\nSeries from F(0) to F(10):\n";
* $series = Math_Fibonacci::series(10);
* foreach ($series as $n=>$fib) {
* echo "n = $n, F(n) = ".$fib->toString()."\n";
* }
* // Series from F(0) to F(10):
* // n = 0, F(n) = 0
* // n = 1, F(n) = 1
* // n = 2, F(n) = 1
* // n = 3, F(n) = 2
* // n = 4, F(n) = 3
* // n = 5, F(n) = 5
* // n = 6, F(n) = 8
* // n = 7, F(n) = 13
* // n = 8, F(n) = 21
* // n = 9, F(n) = 34
* // n = 10, F(n) = 55
* echo "\nand now from F(11) to F(19):\n";
* $series = Math_Fibonacci::series(11, 19);
* foreach ($series as $n=>$fib) {
* echo "n = $n, F(n) = ".$fib->toString()."\n";
* }
* // and now from F(11) to F(19):
* // n = 11, F(n) = 89
* // n = 12, F(n) = 144
* // n = 13, F(n) = 233
* // n = 14, F(n) = 377
* // n = 15, F(n) = 610
* // n = 16, F(n) = 987
* // n = 17, F(n) = 1597
* // n = 18, F(n) = 2584
* // n = 19, F(n) = 4181
* echo "\nChecking if 26 and 4181 are Fibonacci numbers\n";
* $verb = Math_Fibonacci::isFibonacci(new Math_Integer(26)) ? 'is' : 'is not';
* echo "26 $verb a Fibonacci number\n";
* // 26 is not a Fibonacci number
* $verb = Math_Fibonacci::isFibonacci(new Math_Integer(4181)) ? 'is' : 'is not';
* echo "4181 $verb a Fibonacci number\n";
* // 4181 is a Fibonacci number
* echo "\nDecompose 34512\n";
* $decarr = Math_Fibonacci::decompose(new Math_Integer(34512));
* foreach ($decarr as $fib) {
* $index = Math_Fibonacci::getIndexOf($fib);
* echo "F(".$index->toString().") = ".$fib->toString()."\n";
* }
* // Decompose 34512
* // F(23) = 28657
* // F(19) = 4181
* // F(17) = 1597
* // F(10) = 55
* // F(8) = 21
* // F(2) = 1
* echo "\nF(n) closest to 314156 is: ";
* $fib = Math_Fibonacci::closestTo(new Math_Integer(314156));
* echo $fib->toString()."\n\n";
* // F(n) closest to 314156 is: 317811
* echo 'The index for 1597 is : ';
* $idx = Math_Fibonacci::getIndexOf(new Math_Integer(1597));
* echo $idx->toString()."\n\n";
* // The index for 1597 is : 17
* $bigint = '3141579834521345220291';
* echo "Finding the Fibonacci numbers that add up to $bigint\n";
* $series = Math_Fibonacci::decompose(new Math_Integer($bigint));
* foreach ($series as $fib) {
* $index = Math_Fibonacci::getIndexOf($fib);
* echo "F(".$index->toString().") = ".$fib->toString()."\n";
* }
* // Finding the Fibonacci numbers that add up to 3141579834521345220291
* // F(104) = 2427893228399975082453
* // F(101) = 573147844013817084101
* // F(98) = 135301852344706746049
* // F(91) = 4660046610375530309
* // F(86) = 420196140727489673
* // F(83) = 99194853094755497
* // F(81) = 37889062373143906
* // F(79) = 14472334024676221
* // F(76) = 3416454622906707
* // F(74) = 1304969544928657
* // F(71) = 308061521170129
* // F(68) = 72723460248141
* // F(63) = 6557470319842
* // F(60) = 1548008755920
* // F(57) = 365435296162
* // F(53) = 53316291173
* // F(51) = 20365011074
* // F(49) = 7778742049
* // F(44) = 701408733
* // F(37) = 24157817
* // F(31) = 1346269
* // F(26) = 121393
* // F(20) = 6765
* // F(16) = 987
* // F(13) = 233
* // F(8) = 21
* // F(6) = 8
* // F(3) = 2
* @author Jesus M. Castagnetto
* @version 0.8
* @access public
* @package Math_Fibonacci
class Math_Fibonacci {/*{{{*/
* Calculates a Fibonacci number using the (exact) golden ratio equation:
* F(n) = (PHI^n - phi^n)/sqrt(5) [Lucas formula]
* for terms from [0,46]
* from [47,500] it uses a lookup table
* from then on uses the recursive addition
* @param mixed $n the index of the Fibonacci number to calculate, as an integer or a Math_Integer number
* @return mixed numeric on success, PEAR_Error otherwise
* @access public
function &term($n) {/*{{{*/
if (Math_IntegerOp::isMath_Integer($n)) {
$idx =& $n;
} elseif (is_numeric($n) && $n >= 0) {
$idx =& new Math_Integer($n);
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError("The parameter $n is not a Math_Integer object");
$table =& $GLOBALS['_fibonacciTable'];
// shortcut and check if it is already a cached value
if (isset($table[$idx->toString()])) {
return new Math_Integer($table[$idx->toString()]);
// from index [0,46] use the fast algorithm
$cmp_0 = Math_IntegerOp::compare($idx, new Math_Integer(0));
$cmp_46 = Math_IntegerOp::compare($idx, new Math_Integer(46));
if ( ($cmp_0 >= 0) && ($cmp_46 <= 0) ) {
$val = intval($idx->toString());
$fn = (pow(MATH_PHI, $val) - pow(MATH_phi, $val))/sqrt(5);
// add to lookup table
$table[$val] = $fn;
return new Math_Integer(strval($fn));
// from [47,500] use the lookup table
$cmp_500 = Math_IntegerOp::compare($idx, new Math_Integer(500));
if ( ($cmp_46 > 0) && ($cmp_500 <= 0) ) {
return new Math_Integer($table[$idx->toString()]);
} else {
// calculate and cache the values
$a = new Math_Integer($table['499']);
$b = new Math_Integer($table['500']);
$pos = new Math_Integer('501');
$one = new Math_Integer('1');
while (Math_IntegerOp::compare($pos,$idx) <= 0) {
$c = Math_IntegerOp::add($a, $b);
$table[$pos->toString()] = $c->toString();
$a = $b;
$b = $c;
$pos = Math_IntegerOp::add($pos, $one);
return $c;
* Returns a series of Fibonacci numbers using the given limits.
* Method accepts two parameters, of which the second one is
* optional. If two parameters are passed, the first one will be
* lower bound and the second one the upper bound. If only one
* parameter is passed, it will be the upper bound, and the lower
* bound will be 0 (zero).
* @param integer $idx1 the lower index for the series (if two parameters) were passed, or the upper index if only one was given.
* @param optional integer $idx2 the upper index for the series
* @return mixed on success, an array of integers where the keys correspond to the indexes of the corresponding Fibonacci numbers, or PEAR_Error othewise
* @access public
function series($idx1, $idx2=null) {/*{{{*/
if (is_integer($idx1) && $idx1 > 0) {
if ($idx2 == null) {
$lower_bound = 0;
$upper_bound = $idx1;
} elseif (is_integer($idx2)) {
if ($idx2 < 0) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Upper limit $idx2 cannot be negative");
} elseif ($idx2 < $idx1) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Upper limit cannot be smaller than lower limit");
} else {
$lower_bound = $idx1;
$upper_bound = $idx2;
$fibSeries = array();
for ($i=$lower_bound; $i <= $upper_bound; $i++) {
$fibSeries[$i] =& Math_Fibonacci::term($i);
return $fibSeries;
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError("The parameter $idx1 is not a valid integer");
* Determines if a particular integer is part of the Fibonacci series
* @param integer $num
* @return mixed TRUE if it is a Fibonacci number, FALSE if not, PEAR_Error if the parameter was not an integer
* @access public
* @see Math_Fibonacci::term
function isFibonacci($num) {/*{{{*/
if (!Math_IntegerOp::isMath_Integer($num)) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Not a valid Math_Integer object');
$n = Math_Fibonacci::_estimateN($num);
$intcalc =& Math_Fibonacci::term($n);
$cmp = Math_IntegerOp::compare($num, $intcalc);
return ($cmp == 0);
* Decomposes an integer into a sum of Fibonacci numbers
* @param integer $num
* @return mixed an array of Fibonacci numbers on success, PEAR_Error otherwise
* @access public
function decompose($num) {/*{{{*/
if (!Math_IntegerOp::isMath_Integer($num)) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Not a valid Math_Integer object');
$err = Math_Fibonacci::_recDecompose($num, &$sum);
if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
return $err;
$check = new Math_Integer(0);
foreach($sum as $fib) {
if (PEAR::isError($fib)) {
return $fib;
} else {
$check = Math_IntegerOp::add($check, $fib);
$int =& new Math_Integer($num);
if (Math_IntegerOp::compare($num,$check) == 0) {
return $sum;
} else {
$numstr = $num->toString();
$sumsrt = $check->toString;
return PEAR::raiseError("Number and sum do not match: $numstr != $sumstr");
* Finds the Fibonacci number closest to an given integer
* @param integer $num
* @return mixed a Fibonacci number (integer) on success, PEAR_Error otherwise
* @access public
function closestTo($num) {/*{{{*/
if (!Math_IntegerOp::isMath_Integer($num)) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid parameter: not a Math_Integer object");
$n = Math_Fibonacci::_estimateN($num);
$fib1 =& Math_Fibonacci::term($n);
$cmp = Math_IntegerOp::compare($fib1,$num);
if ($cmp == 0) {
return $fib1;
} elseif ($cmp == 1) { // overshoot, see n - 1
$new_n = Math_IntegerOp::sub($n, new Math_Integer(1));
} else { // undeshoot, try n + 1
$new_n = Math_IntegerOp::add($n, new Math_Integer(1));
$fib2 = Math_Fibonacci::term($new_n);
$d1 = Math_IntegerOp::abs(Math_IntegerOp::sub($fib1, $num));
$d2 = Math_IntegerOp::abs(Math_IntegerOp::sub($fib2, $num));
$cmp = Math_IntegerOp::compare($d1, $d2);
if ($cmp == -1 || $cmp == 0) {
return $fib1;
} else {
return $fib2;
* Gets the index in the Fibonacci series of a given number.
* If the integer given is not a Fibonacci number a PEAR_Error object
* will be returned.
* @param integer $num the Fibonacci number
* @return mixed the index of the number in the series on success, PEAR_Error otherwise.
* @access public
function getIndexOf($num) {/*{{{*/
if (!Math_IntegerOp::isMath_Integer($num)) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid parameter: not a Math_Integer object");
// check in the lookup table
$n = Math_Fibonacci::_estimateN($num);
$fibn = Math_Fibonacci::term($n);
$cmp = Math_IntegerOp::compare($num, $fibn);
if ($cmp == 0) {
return $n;
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError("Integer $num is not a Fibonacci number");
* Recursive utility method used by Math_Fibonacci::decompose()
* @param integer $num
* @param array $sum array of Fibonacci numbers
* @return mixed null on success, PEAR_Error otherwise
* @access private
function _recDecompose($num, &$sum) {/*{{{*/
if (!Math_IntegerOp::isMath_Integer($num)) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Not a valid Math_Integer object');
if (!is_array($sum)) {
$sum = array();
$n = Math_Fibonacci::_estimateN($num);
if (PEAR::isError($n)) {
return $n;
$fibn = Math_Fibonacci::term($n);
if (PEAR::isError($fibn)) {
return $fibn;
$cmp = Math_IntegerOp::compare($fibn, $num);
if ($cmp == 0) {
$sum[] = $fibn;
return null;
} elseif ($cmp == -1) {
$sum[] = $fibn;
$newnum = Math_IntegerOp::sub($num, $fibn);
Math_Fibonacci::_recDecompose($newnum, &$sum);
} elseif ($cmp == 1) {
$n_1 = Math_IntegerOp::sub($n, new Math_Integer(1));
if (PEAR::isError($n_1)) {
return $n_1;
$fibn_1 = Math_Fibonacci::term($n_1);
if (PEAR::isError($fibn_1)) {
return $fibn_1;
$sum[] = $fibn_1;
$newnum = Math_IntegerOp::sub($num, $fibn_1);
Math_Fibonacci::_recDecompose($newnum, &$sum);
* Estimates the approximate index for a given number
* It uses the approximate formula:
* F(n) ~ (PHI^n)/sqrt(5), where '~' means the 'closest integer to'
* This equation is based on the relation: phi = -1/PHI
* Which turns Lucas' formula into:
* F(n) = (PHI^2n + 1)/(PHI^n * sqrt(5))
* From which we get the formula above, after making the approximation:
* (PHI^2n + 1) -> (PHI^2n)
* @param integer $num
* @return integer the approximate index
* @access private
function &_estimateN(&$num) {/*{{{*/
if (Math_IntegerOp::isMath_Integer($num)) {
$f = $num->toString();
} else {
$f = $num;
return Math_Fibonacci::_closestInt((log($f) + MATH_LNSQRT5) / MATH_LNPHI);
* Finds the closest integer to a given number
* @param numeric $num
* @return integer
* @access private
function &_closestInt($num) {/*{{{*/
$f = floor($num);
$c = ceil($num);
return new Math_Integer(($num - $f) < ($c - $num) ? $f : $c);
}/* End of Math_Fibonacci }}}*/
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