| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: VectorOp.php 304045 2010-10-05 00:16:53Z clockwerx $ // /** * Vector operation class. * A static class implementing methods to operate on Vector objects. * Originally this class was part of NumPHP (Numeric PHP package) * * @author Jesus M. Castagnetto * @version 1.0 * @access public * @package Math_Vector */ class Math_VectorOp { /** * Checks if object is of Math_Vector class (or a subclass of Math_Vector) * * @access public * @param object $obj * @return boolean true on success */ function isVector($obj) /*{{{*/ { if (function_exists("is_a")) return (is_object($obj) && is_a($obj, "Math_Vector")); else return (is_object($obj) && (strtolower(get_class($obj)) == "math_vector" || is_subclass_of($obj, "Math_Vector"))); }/*}}}*/ /** * Checks if object is of Math_Vector2 class (or a subclass of Math_Vector2) * * @access public * @param object $obj * @return boolean true on success */ function isVector2($obj) /*{{{*/ { if (function_exists("is_a")) return (is_object($obj) && is_a($obj, "Math_Vector2")); else return (is_object($obj) && (strtolower(get_class($obj)) == "math_vector2" || is_subclass_of($obj, "Math_Vector2"))); }/*}}}*/ /** * Checks if object is of Math_Vector3 class (or a subclass of Math_Vector3) * * @access public * @param object $obj * @return boolean true on success */ function isVector3($obj) /*{{{*/ { if (function_exists("is_a")) return (is_object($obj) && is_a($obj, "Math_Vector3")); else return (is_object($obj) && (strtolower(get_class($obj)) == "math_vector3" || is_subclass_of($obj, "Math_Vector3")) ); }/*}}}*/ /** * Creates a vector of a given size in which all elements have the same value * * @access public * @param int $size vector size * @param numeric $value value to assign to the elements * @return object if ($size == 2) Math_Vector2 elseif ($size == 3) Math_Vector3 else Math_Vector */ function create ($size, $value) /*{{{*/ { if ($size == 2) $VClass = "Math_Vector2"; elseif ($size == 3) $VClass = "Math_Vector3"; else $VClass = "Math_Vector"; return new $VClass(Math_VectorOp::_fill(0, $size, $value)); }/*}}}*/ /** * Creates a zero-filled vector of the given size * * @access public * @param int $size vector size * @return object if ($size == 2) Math_Vector2 elseif ($size == 3) Math_Vector3 else Math_Vector * * @see create() */ function createZero ($size) { return Math_VectorOp::create ($size, 0); } /** * Creates a one-filled vector of the given size * * @access public * @param int $size vector size * @return object if ($size == 2) Math_Vector2 elseif ($size == 3) Math_Vector3 else Math_Vector * * @see create() */ function createOne ($size) /*{{{*/ { return Math_VectorOp::create ($size, 1); }/*}}}*/ /** * Creates a basis vector of the given size * A basis vector of size n, has n - 1 elements equal to 0 * and one element equal to 1 * * @access public * @param int $size vector size * @param int $index element to be set at 1 * @return object if ($size == 2) Math_Vector2 elseif ($size == 3) Math_Vector3 else Math_Vector, on error PEAR_Error * * @see createZero() */ function createBasis ($size, $index) /*{{{*/ { if ($index >= $size) return PEAR::raiseError("Incorrect index for size: $index >= $size"); $v = Math_VectorOp::createZero($size); $res =$v->set($index, 1); if (PEAR::isError($res)) return $res; else return $v; }/*}}}*/ /** * Vector addition * v + w = * * @access public * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v1 * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v2 * @return object Math_Vector (or subclass) on success, PEAR_Error otherwise * * @see isVector() */ function add ($v1, $v2) /*{{{*/ { if (Math_VectorOp::isVector($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector($v2)) { $n = $v1->size(); if ($v2->size() != $n) return PEAR::raiseError("Vectors must of the same size"); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) $arr[$i] = $v1->get($i) + $v2->get($i); return new Math_Vector($arr); } else { return PEAR::raiseError("V1 and V2 must be Math_Vector objects"); } }/*}}}*/ /** * Vector substraction * v - w = * * @access public * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v1 * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v2 * @return object Math_Vector (or subclass) on success, PEAR_Error otherwise * * @see isVector() */ function substract ($v1, $v2) /*{{{*/ { if (Math_VectorOp::isVector($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector($v2)) { $n = $v1->size(); if ($v2->size() != $n) return PEAR::raiseError("Vectors must of the same size"); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) $arr[$i] = $v1->get($i) - $v2->get($i); return new Math_Vector($arr); } else { return PEAR::raiseError("V1 and V2 must be Math_Vector objects"); } }/*}}}*/ /** * Vector multiplication * v * w = * * @access public * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v1 * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v2 * @return object Math_Vector (or subclass) on success, PEAR_Error otherwise * * @see isVector() */ function multiply ($v1, $v2) /*{{{*/ { if (Math_VectorOp::isVector($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector($v2)) { $n = $v1->size(); if ($v2->size() != $n) return PEAR::raiseError("Vectors must of the same size"); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) $arr[$i] = $v1->get($i) * $v2->get($i); return new Math_Vector($arr); } else { return PEAR::raiseError("V1 and V2 must be Math_Vector objects"); } }/*}}}*/ /** * Vector scaling * f * w = * * @access public * @param numeric $f scaling factor * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v * @return object Math_Vector (or subclass) on success, PEAR_Error otherwise * * @see isVector() */ function scale ($f, $v) /*{{{*/ { if (is_numeric($f) && Math_VectorOp::isVector($v)) { $n = $v->size(); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) $arr[$i] = $v->get($i) * $f; return new Math_Vector($arr); } else { return PEAR::raiseError("Requires a numeric factor and a Math_Vector object"); } }/*}}}*/ /** * Vector division * v / w = * * @access public * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v1 * @param object Math_Vector (or subclass) $v2 * @return object Math_Vector (or subclass) on success, PEAR_Error otherwise * * @see isVector() */ function divide ($v1, $v2) /*{{{*/ { if (Math_VectorOp::isVector($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector($v2)) { $n = $v1->size(); if ($v2->size() != $n) return PEAR::raiseError("Vectors must of the same size"); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) { $d = $v2->get($i); if ($d == 0) return PEAR::raiseError("Division by zero: Element $i in V2 is zero"); $arr[$i] = $v1->get($i) / $d; } return new Math_Vector($arr); } else { return PEAR::raiseError("V1 and V2 must be Math_Vector objects"); } }/*}}}*/ /** * Vector dot product = v . w = |v| |w| cos(theta) * * @access public * @param object Math_Vector2 or MathVector3 (or subclass) $v1 * @param object Math_Vector2 or MathVector3 (or subclass) $v2 * @return mixed the dot product (float) on success, a PEAR_Error object otherwise * * @see isVector2() * @see isVector3() */ function dotProduct ($v1, $v2)/*{{{*/ { if (Math_VectorOp::isVector2($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector2($v2)) return ( $v1->getX() * $v2->getX() + $v1->getY() * $v2->getY() ); elseif (Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v2)) return ( $v1->getX() * $v2->getX() + $v1->getY() * $v2->getY() + $v1->getZ() * $v2->getZ() ); else return PEAR::raiseError("Vectors must be both of the same type"); }/*}}}*/ /** * Vector cross product = v x w * * @access public * @param object Math_Vector3 (or subclass) $v1 * @param object Math_Vector3 (or subclass) $v2 * @return object the cross product vector (Math_Vector3) on success, a PEAR_Error object otherwise * * @see isVector3() */ function crossProduct ($v1, $v2) { if (Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v2)) { $arr[0] = $v1->getY() * $v2->getZ() - $v1->getZ() * $v2->getY(); $arr[1] = $v1->getZ() * $v2->getX() - $v1->getX() * $v2->getZ(); $arr[2] = $v1->getX() * $v2->getY() - $v1->getY() * $v2->getX(); return new Math_Vector3($arr); } else { return PEAR::raiseError("Vectors must be both of the same type"); } } /** * Vector triple scalar product = v1 . (v2 x v3) * * @access public * @param object Math_Vector3 (or subclass) $v1 * @param object Math_Vector3 (or subclass) $v2 * @param object Math_Vector3 (or subclass) $v3 * @return mixed the triple scalar product (float) on success, a PEAR_Error object otherwise * * @see isVector3() * @see dotProduct() * @see crossProduct() */ function tripleScalarProduct ($v1, $v2, $v3) /*{{{*/ { if (Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v2) && Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v3)) return Math_VectorOp::dotProduct($v1,Math_VectorOp::crossProduct($v2, $v3)); else return PEAR_Error("All three vectors must be of the same type"); }/*}}}*/ /** * Angle between vectors, using the equation: v . w = |v| |w| cos(theta) * * @access public * @param object Math_Vector2 or MathVector3 (or subclass) $v1 * @param object Math_Vector2 or MathVector3 (or subclass) $v2 * @return mixed the angle between vectors (float, in radians) on success, a PEAR_Error object otherwise * * @see isVector2() * @see isVector3() * @see dotProduct() */ function angleBetween($v1, $v2) /*{{{*/ { if ( (Math_VectorOp::isVector2($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector2($v2)) || (Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v1) && Math_VectorOp::isVector3($v2)) ) { $v1->normalize(); $v2->normalize(); return acos( Math_VectorOp::dotProduct($v1,$v2) ); } else { return PEAR::raiseError("Vectors must be both of the same type"); } }/*}}}*/ /** * To generate an array of a given size filled with a single value * If available uses array_fill() * * @access private * @param int $index starting index * @param int $size size of the array * @param numeric $value value to use for filling the array * @return array */ function _fill($index, $size, $value)/*{{{*/ { if (function_exists("array_fill")) return array_fill($index, $size, $value); for ($i=$index; $i < ($index + $size); $i++) $arr[$i] = $value; return $arr; }/*}}}*/ } ?>