| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: clieop.php,v 1.14 2003/01/28 14:29:52 zyprexia Exp $ /* Please note that public function names are partly in Dutch. This is because also the clieop data strings has a dutch names. (batchvoorloopinfo, transactieinfo, etc). */ /** * Main clieop class * * @version $Revision: 1.14 $ * @access public * @author Dave Mertens * @package Payment_Clieop */ class ClieopPayment extends clieop_baseobject { /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_SenderIdent; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_FileIdent; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_TransactionType; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_ClieopText; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_PrincipalAccountNumber; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_PrincipalName; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_BatchNumber; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_TransactionCount; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_TotalAmount; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_AccountChecksum; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_Description; /** * @var date (in DDMMYY format) * @access private */ var $_ProcessDate; /** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_Test; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_TransactionText; /** * Constructor for class * @return void * @access public */ function clieopPayment() { //init vars $this->_ProcessDate = "000000"; //process ASAP $this->_BatchNumber = 1; $this->_Test = "T"; return 1; } /** * Adds a payment record to the clieop file * @param object paymentObject - Instance of transactionPayment * @access public * @return void */ function addPayment($paymentObject) { //Only one type of transaction is allowed in a clieop if ($this->_TransactionType == $paymentObject->getPaymentType()) { //transactieinfo (0100) $text = $this->writeTransactieInfo($paymentObject->getTransactionType(), $paymentObject->getAmount(), $paymentObject->getAccountNumberSource(), $paymentObject->getAccountNumberDest()); // Debtor name ans city if (strtoupper($this->_TransactionType) == "DEBTOR") { //name of debtor (0110) $text .= $this->writeNaambetalerInfo($paymentObject->getName()); //city of debtor (0113) $text .= $this->writeWoonplaatsbetalerInfo($paymentObject->getCity()); } //betalings kenmerk (0150) $text .= $this->writeBetalingskenmerkInfo($paymentObject->getInvoiceReference()); //maximum 4 description lines (0160) $descArray = $paymentObject->getDescription(); while(list($id,$desc) = each($descArray)) { $text .= $this->writeOmschrijvingInfo($desc); } //routine splits here into creditor and debtor if (strtoupper($this->_TransactionType) == "CREDITOR") { //name of creditor (0170) $text .= $this->writeNaambegunstigdeInfo($paymentObject->getName()); //city of creditor (0173) $text .= $this->writeWoonplaatsbegunstigdeInfo($paymentObject->getCity()); } //do some calculations $this->_NumberOfTransactions++; //accoutnumber checksum $this->_AccountChecksum += (int)$paymentObject->getAccountNumberSource() + (int)$paymentObject->getAccountNumberDest(); $this->_TotalAmount += $paymentObject->getAmount(); } $this->_TransactionText .= $text; } /** * Writes complete clieop file * @access public * @return string */ function writeClieop() { $text = $this->writeBestandsvoorloopInfo($this->_SenderIdent, $this->_BatchNumber); $text .= $this->writeBatchvoorloopInfo($this->_PrincipalAccountNumber, $this->_BatchNumber); $text .= $this->writeVasteomschrijvingInfo($this->_FixedDescription); $text .= $this->writeOpdrachtgeverInfo($this->_ProcessDate, $this->_PrincipalName); $text .= $this->_TransactionText; $text .= $this->writeBatchsluitInfo(); $text .= $this->writeBestandssluitInfo(); //return clieop file return $text; } /** * property BatchNumber * @param integer Value - Number of batches send to day (including this one) * @return string * @access public */ function getBatchNumber() { return $this->_BatchNumber; } function setBatchNumber($Value) { $this->_BatchNumber = $Value; } /** * property FixedDescription * @param string Value - Description which will be added to each transaction payment * @return string * @access public */ function getFixedDescription() { return $this->_FixedDescription; } function setFixedDescription($Value) { $this->_FixedDescription = $Value; } /** * property SenderIdentification * @param string Value - Identification of sender, free of choice * @return string * @access public */ function getSenderIdentification() { return $this->_SenderIdent; } function setSenderIdentification($Value) { $this->_SenderIdent = $Value; } /** * property PrincipalName * @param string Value - Name of principal * @return string * @access public */ function getPrincipalName() { return $this->_PrincipalName; } function setPrincipalName($Value) { $this->_PrincipalName = $Value; } /** * property PrincipalAccountNumber * @param string Value - Account number of principal * @return string * @access public */ function getPrincipalAccountNumber() { return $this->_PrincipalAccountNumber; } function setPrincipalAccountNumber($Value) { $this->_PrincipalAccountNumber = $Value; } /** * property TransactionType * @param string Value - transaction type * @return string * @access public */ function getTransactionType() { return $this->_TransactionType; } function setTransactionType($Value) { switch($Value) { case "00": //BETALING $this->_TransactionType = "CREDITOR"; $this->_TransactionCode = "00"; break; case "10": //INCASSO $this->_TransactionType = "DEBTOR"; $this->_TransactionCode = "10"; break; } } /** * property Test * @param boolean Value - true = test clieop, false = production clieop * @return string * @access public */ function getTest() { return $this->_Test; } function setTest($Value) { if ($Value == false) $this->_Test = "P"; //production clieop else $this->_Test = "T"; //test clieop } /** * INFOCODE: 0100 * Writes transaction header * @param string transType - Type of transaction ('0000' for betaling, '1002' for incasso) * @param integer amount - Payment amount in Eurocents * @param string accountNumberSource - Source bankaccount number * @param string accountNumberDest - Destination bankaccount number * @access private * @return string */ function writeTransactieInfo($transType, $amount, $accountNumberSource, $accountNumberDest) { $text = "0100"; //infocode $text .= "A"; //variantcode $text .= $this->numFiller($transType, 4); //transactiesoort $text .= $this->numFiller($amount, 12); //Bedrag $text .= $this->numFiller($accountNumberSource, 10); //Reknr betaler $text .= $this->numFiller($accountNumberDest, 10); //Reknr begunstigde $text .= $this->filler(9); //return clieop line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 0150 * Writes invoice reference clieop line * @param string invoiceReference - Reference of invoice * @access private * @return string */ function writeBetalingskenmerkInfo($invoiceReference) { $text = "0150"; //infocode $text .= "A"; //variantcode $text .= $this->alfaFiller($invoiceReference, 16); //betalings kenmerk $text .= $this->filler(29); //return clieop line if (strlen($invoiceReference) > 0) return $text; //only return string if there's really a value } /** * INFOCODE: 0160 * Writes an description for the clieop file * @param string description - Description of payment (Can be called maximum 4 times!) * @access private * @return string */ function writeOmschrijvingInfo($description) { $text = "0160"; //infocode $text .= "A"; //variantcode $text .= $this->alfaFiller($description, 32); //omschrijving van post $text .= $this->filler(13); //return clieop line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 0170 * Write the creditor name record * @param string name - Name of creditor * @access private * @return string */ function writeNaambegunstigdeInfo($name) { $text = "0170"; //infocode $text .= "B"; //variantcode $text .= $this->alfaFiller($name, 35); //naam begunstigde $text .= $this->filler(10); //reurn clieop line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 0173 * Write the creditor city record * @param string city - City of creditor * @access private * @return string */ function writeWoonplaatsbegunstigdeInfo($city) { $text = "0173"; //infocode $text .= "B"; //variantcode $text .= $this->alfaFiller($city, 35); //woonplaats begunstigde $text .= $this->filler(10); //reurn clieop line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 0110 * Write the debtor name record * @param string name - Name of debtor * @access private * @return string */ function writeNaambetalerInfo($name) { $text = "0110"; //infocode $text .= "B"; //variantcode $text .= $this->alfaFiller($name, 35); //naam betaler $text .= $this->filler(10); //reurn clieop line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 0113 * Write the debtor city record * @param string city - City of debtor * @access private * @return string */ function writeWoonplaatsbetalerInfo($city) { $text = "0113"; //infocode $text .= "B"; //variantcode $text .= $this->alfaFiller($city, 35); //woonplaats betaler $text .= $this->filler(10); //reurn clieop line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 0001 * Write clieop header * @param string identifier - 5 char sender identification (free of choice) * @param integer batchCount - Numbers of clieop batches send today + 1 * @access private * @return string */ function writeBestandsvoorloopInfo($identifier, $batchCount) { $text = "0001"; //infocode $text .= "A"; //variantcode $text .= date("dmy"); //aanmaak datum $text .= "CLIEOP03"; //bestands naam $text .= $this->alfaFiller($identifier, 5); //afzender identificatie $text .= date("d") . $this->numFiller($batchCount, 2); //bestands identificatie $text .= "1"; //duplicaat code $text .= $this->filler(21); //return cliep line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 9999 * Write clieop footer * @access private * @return string */ function writeBestandssluitInfo() { $text = "9999"; //infocode $text .= "A"; //variantcode $text .= $this->filler(45); //return cleip line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 0010 * Write clieop batchvoorloopinfo * @param string principalAccountNumber - Account number of principal * @param integer batchCount - Number of batches send this month (including this one) * @access private * @return string */ function writeBatchvoorloopInfo($principalAccountNumber, $batchCount) { $text = "0010"; //infocode $text .= "B"; //variantcode $text .= $this->numFiller($this->_TransactionCode, 2); //transactiegroep (00 = betaling, 10 = incasso) $text .= $this->numFiller($principalAccountNumber, 10); //rekening nummer opdrachtgever $text .= $this->numFiller($batchCount, 4); //batch volgnummer $text .= "EUR"; //aanlevering muntsoort $text .= $this->filler(26); //return clieop line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 0020 * Write clieop batchvoorloopinfo * @access string description - Fixed description for all payments * @access private * @return string */ function writeVasteomschrijvingInfo($description) { $text = "0020"; //infocode $text .= "A"; //variantcode $text .= $this->alfaFiller($description, 32); //vaste omschrijving $text .= $this->filler(13); //return clieop line if (strlen($description) > 0) return $text; //only return string if there is REALLY a description } /** * INFOCODE: 0030 * Write opdrachtegever clieop line * @param date processDate - Process date in DDMMYY-format * @param string principalName - Name of pricipal * @access private * @return string */ function writeOpdrachtgeverInfo($processDate, $principalName) { $text = "0030"; //infocode $text .= "B"; //variantcode $text .= "1"; //NAWcode $text .= $this->numFiller($processdate, 6); //verwerkings datum $text .= $this->alfaFiller($principalName, 35); //naam opdracht gever $text .= $this->_Test; //TESTcode (T = Test, P = Productie) $text .= $this->filler(2); //return clieop line return $text; } /** * INFOCODE: 9990 * Write clieop batchsluitinfo * @access private * @return string */ function writeBatchsluitInfo() { $text = "9990"; //infocode $text .= "A"; //variantcode $text .= $this->numFiller($this->_TotalAmount, 18); //Totaalbedrag clieop $text .= $this->numFiller($this->_AccountChecksum, 10); //checksum van rekeningnummers $text .= $this->numFiller($this->_NumberOfTransactions, 7); //Aantal transactie posten $text .= $this->filler(10); //return clieop line return $text; } } /** * master object for clieop objects * * @version $Revision: 1.14 $ * @access private * @author Dave Mertens * @package Payment_Clieop */ class clieop_baseobject { /** * Alfa numeric filler * @param string text - Text which needs to filled up * @param integer length - The length of the required text * @return string * @access public */ function alfaFiller($text, $length) { //how many spaces do we need? $alfaLength = abs($length - strlen($text)); //return string with spaces on right side return substr($text . str_repeat(" ", $alfaLength), 0, $length); } /** * Numeric filler * @param string number - number which needs to filled up (Will be converted to a string) * @param integer length - The length of the required number * @return string * @access public */ function numFiller($number, $length) { //how many zeros do we need settype($number, "string"); //We need to be sure that number is a string. 001 will otherwise be parsed as 1 $numberLength = abs($length - strlen($number)); //return original number woth zeros on the left return substr(str_repeat("0", $numberLength) . $number, -$length); } /** * filler * @param integer length - How many filler spaces do we need * @return string * @access public */ function filler($Length) { return str_repeat(" ", $Length) . "\n"; } } ?>