/** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('table/operations.js', function () { $(document).off('submit', '#copyTable.ajax'); $(document).off('submit', '#moveTableForm'); $(document).off('submit', '#tableOptionsForm'); $(document).off('submit', '#partitionsForm'); $(document).off('click', '#tbl_maintenance li a.maintain_action.ajax'); $(document).off('click', '#drop_tbl_anchor.ajax'); $(document).off('click', '#drop_view_anchor.ajax'); $(document).off('click', '#truncate_tbl_anchor.ajax'); }); /** * jQuery coding for 'Table operations'. Used on tbl_operations.php * Attach Ajax Event handlers for Table operations */ AJAX.registerOnload('table/operations.js', function () { /** *Ajax action for submitting the "Copy table" **/ $(document).on('submit', '#copyTable.ajax', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this); Functions.prepareForAjaxRequest($form); var argsep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator'); $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + argsep + 'submit_copy=Go', function (data) { if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) { if ($form.find('input[name=\'switch_to_new\']').prop('checked')) { CommonParams.set( 'db', $form.find('select[name=\'target_db\'],input[name=\'target_db\']').val() ); CommonParams.set( 'table', $form.find('input[name=\'new_name\']').val() ); CommonActions.refreshMain(false, function () { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.message); }); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.message); } // Refresh navigation when the table is copied Navigation.reload(); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() });// end of copyTable ajax submit /** *Ajax action for submitting the "Move table" */ $(document).on('submit', '#moveTableForm', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this); Functions.prepareForAjaxRequest($form); var argsep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator'); $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + argsep + 'submit_move=1', function (data) { if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) { CommonParams.set('db', data.params.db); CommonParams.set('table', data.params.table); CommonActions.refreshMain('tbl_sql.php', function () { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.message); }); // Refresh navigation when the table is copied Navigation.reload(); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() }); /** * Ajax action for submitting the "Table options" */ $(document).on('submit', '#tableOptionsForm', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var $form = $(this); var $tblNameField = $form.find('input[name=new_name]'); var $tblCollationField = $form.find('select[name=tbl_collation]'); var collationOrigValue = $('select[name="tbl_collation"] option[selected]').val(); var $changeAllColumnCollationsCheckBox = $('#checkbox_change_all_collations'); var question = Messages.strChangeAllColumnCollationsWarning; if ($tblNameField.val() !== $tblNameField[0].defaultValue) { // reload page and navigation if the table has been renamed Functions.prepareForAjaxRequest($form); if ($tblCollationField.val() !== collationOrigValue && $changeAllColumnCollationsCheckBox.is(':checked')) { $form.confirm(question, $form.attr('action'), function () { submitOptionsForm(); }); } else { submitOptionsForm(); } } else { if ($tblCollationField.val() !== collationOrigValue && $changeAllColumnCollationsCheckBox.is(':checked')) { $form.confirm(question, $form.attr('action'), function () { $form.removeClass('ajax').trigger('submit').addClass('ajax'); }); } else { $form.removeClass('ajax').trigger('submit').addClass('ajax'); } } function submitOptionsForm () { $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize(), function (data) { if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) { CommonParams.set('table', data.params.table); CommonActions.refreshMain(false, function () { $('#page_content').html(data.message); Functions.highlightSql($('#page_content')); }); // Refresh navigation when the table is renamed Navigation.reload(); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() } }); /** *Ajax events for actions in the "Table maintenance" **/ $(document).on('click', '#tbl_maintenance li a.maintain_action.ajax', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $link = $(this); if ($('.sqlqueryresults').length !== 0) { $('.sqlqueryresults').remove(); } if ($('.result_query').length !== 0) { $('.result_query').remove(); } // variables which stores the common attributes var params = $.param({ 'ajax_request': 1, 'server': CommonParams.get('server') }); var postData = $link.getPostData(); if (postData) { params += CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + postData; } $.post($link.attr('href'), params, function (data) { function scrollToTop () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); } var $tempDiv; if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true && data.sql_query !== undefined) { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.message); $('
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