{{ get_hidden_inputs(db) }}
{% trans 'Search in database' %}

{% trans 'Find:' %} {# 4th parameter set to true to add line breaks #} {# 5th parameter set to false to avoid htmlspecialchars() escaping in the label since we have some HTML in some labels #} {{ get_radio_fields( 'criteriaSearchType', choices, criteria_search_type, true, false ) }}
{% trans 'Inside tables:' %}

{% trans 'Select all' %} / {% trans 'Unselect all' %}

{# Inputbox for column name entry #}

{# These two table-image and table-link elements display the table name in browse search results #}
{# Div for browsing results #}
{# This browse-results div is used to load the browse and delete results in the db search #}
{# This sqlqueryform div is used to load the delete form in the db search #}
{# Toggle query box link #}