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H= Hw H=((1q}mE1AN It$hAT$@;}H-?~ D$4HEP+y/}P |$0 t$0Hz;H-} +@H=QwH=](wH} HhhHt)HEP( wHmHuH} HhpHt'fDHEP( vHmHuHO} H@xP( vHG} H@(Ht H=T Ћ|$ H-2} H=%1|L5^U D$H=1{D|$H5| HD{;1EH=)D$H| H@xHuOH(xHH=| |y;t7D$H=|| D$H5M| xy;uf.H=I| E1G(D9QHW0N$MID$8HH9tIELHffEIy;iEH={ ffEHI9l$8uG(IHL$T$BH=1zH= 1zHcH=3Ht1pzlH=1XzTH=1@znentriesr+bCould not open file %sFile %s is corruptFile %s has wrong sizeHmm, what is wrong??? bug#1*totalcnt >= u_repl->nentriesCan't find udc for jumpWrong total nentriesebt_translate_watcherebt_translate_matchebt_translate_entryebt_translate_chainsretrieve_from_kernelretrieve_from_fileebt_get_tableebt_deliver_countersstore_table_in_filetranslate_user2kernelebtables v2.0.10-4 (December 2011)Loaded userspace extensions: Loaded tables:Ebtables: libebtc.c %s %d :Out of memory. ebtables v2.0.10-4:%s:%d:--BUG--: ebt_rename_chain: entries == NULLUnable to create lock file /var/lib/ebtables/lockThe kernel doesn't support the ebtables '%s' tableThe specified rule number is incorrectbegin and end should be either both zero, either both non-zeroLoop from chain '%s' to chain '%s'Can't delete the chain '%s', it's referenced in chain '%s', rule %dYou can't remove a standard chain Loaded targets: Loaded matches: Loaded watchers:/proc/sys/kernel/modprobeCouldn't load standard targetlibebtc.cWrong policy: %d. Bad table name '%s'/var/lib/ebtables/lockTrying to obtain lock %s /var/lib/ebtables/Sorry, wrong rule numbersSorry, rule does not existiterate_entries: udc = %d < 0ACCEPTDROPCONTINUERETURNPREROUTINGINPUTFORWARDOUTPUTPOSTROUTINGBROUTINGebt_register_targetebt_register_watcherebt_register_matchebt_add_watcherebt_add_matchebt_check_for_loopsebt_double_chainsebt_new_chainebt_add_ruleebt_reinit_extensions%02x%sUnicastMulticastBroadcastBGADouble use of '!' not allowedProblem with the IP mask '%s'/%d/%d.%d.%d.%dEthernet protocols have values >= 0x0600Ethernet protocols have values <= 0xffffMultiple use of same option not allowedProblem with the IP address '%s'Invalid IPv6 Mask '%s' specifiedInvalid IPv6 Address '%s' specifiedmerge wrongebtables.cebtables -t %s -P %s %s %d. ebtables -t %s -A %s -p ! Length 0x%x -s -d -i --logical-in --logical-out -o Match not found-j Watcher not foundTarget '%s' not found-c %lu %lu, pcnt = %lu -- bcnt = %luEBTABLES_ATOMIC_FILENo chain name specifiedChain %s already existsTarget with name %s existsChain '%s' doesn't existNo new chain name specifiedChain '%s' already existsTarget with name '%s' existsPacket counter '%s' invalidNo policy specifiedlist_extensionsExtension '%s' not foundNo command specified-i--logical-in-o--logical-outIllegal target name '%s'Unexpected '!' after -cOption -c needs 2 argumentsLENGTHUse --Lc with -LUse --Ln with -LUse --Lx with -LUse --Lmac2 with -LNo atomic file specifiedBad argument : '%s'Unknown argument: '%s'Bad table nameBridge table: %s ebtables -t %s -N %s ebtables -t %s -E %s %s whoops Wrong policy '%s'Unknown policy '%s'appendinsertdeletelistLcLnLxLmac2zeroflushpolicyin-interfacein-ifout-interfaceout-ifversionhelpset-counterschange-countersprotoprotocoldbsourcesrcdestinationdstnew-chainrename-chaindelete-chainatomic-initatomic-commitatomic-fileatomic-saveinit-tableconcurrentEbtables: ebtables.c %s %d :Out of memory. Bridge chain: %s, entries: %d, policy: %s Multiple commands are not allowedChain name length can't exceed %dUse of ' ' not allowed in chain namesNo extra options allowed with -XNo extra options allowed with -EChain name length can't exceed %d charactersNo extra options allowed with -D start_nr[:end_nr]The command -C needs at least 2 argumentsNo extra options allowed with -C start_nr[:end_nr] pcnt bcntIncrementing rule counters (%s) not allowed in daemon modeDecrementing rule counters (%s) not allowed in daemon modeProblem with the specified rule number '%s'Command -Z only allowed together with command -Lebtables v2.0.10-4 (December 2011) Please put the -M option earlierSorry, you can only see help for one target extension at a timePlease put the -t option firstTable name length cannot exceed %d charactersCommand and option do not matchUse -i only in INPUT, FORWARD, PREROUTING and BROUTING chainsOption without (mandatory) argumentInterface name length cannot exceed %d charactersSpurious characters after '+' wildcard for '%s'Use --logical-in only in INPUT, FORWARD, PREROUTING and BROUTING chainsUse -o only in OUTPUT, FORWARD and POSTROUTING chainsUse --logical-out only in OUTPUT, FORWARD and POSTROUTING chainsReturn target only for user defined chainsDon't jump to a standard chainProblem with specified source mac '%s'Problem with specified destination mac '%s'Problem with the specified protocolProblem with the specified Ethernet protocol '%s', perhaps /etc/ethertypes is missingSorry, protocols have values above or equal to 0x0600--Lx is not compatible with --Ln--atomic-commit is not supported in daemon mode--atomic-init is not supported in daemon mode--atomic-save is not supported in daemon mode--init-table is not supported in daemon mode--atomic is not supported in daemon mode--atomic has to come before the commandUnknown argument: don't forget the -t optionTarget-specific option does not correspond with specified targetExtensions only for -A, -I, -D and -C-A:D:C:I:N:E:X::L::Z::F::P:Vhi:o:j:c:p:s:d:t:M:Usage: ebtables -[ADI] chain rule-specification [options] ebtables -P chain target ebtables -[LFZ] [chain] ebtables -[NX] [chain] ebtables -E old-chain-name new-chain-name Commands: --append -A chain : append to chain --delete -D chain : delete matching rule from chain --delete -D chain rulenum : delete rule at position rulenum from chain --change-counters -C chain [rulenum] pcnt bcnt : change counters of existing rule --insert -I chain rulenum : insert rule at position rulenum in chain --list -L [chain] : list the rules in a chain or in all chains --flush -F [chain] : delete all rules in chain or in all chains --init-table : replace the kernel table with the initial table --zero -Z [chain] : put counters on zero in chain or in all chains --policy -P chain target : change policy on chain to target --new-chain -N chain : create a user defined chain --rename-chain -E old new : rename a chain --delete-chain -X [chain] : delete a user defined chain --atomic-commit : update the kernel w/t table contained in --atomic-init : put the initial kernel table into --atomic-save : put the current kernel table into --atomic-file file : set to file Options: --proto -p [!] proto : protocol hexadecimal, by name or LENGTH --src -s [!] address[/mask]: source mac address --dst -d [!] address[/mask]: destination mac address --in-if -i [!] name[+] : network input interface name --out-if -o [!] name[+] : network output interface name --logical-in [!] name[+] : logical bridge input interface name --logical-out [!] name[+] : logical bridge output interface name --set-counters -c chain pcnt bcnt : set the counters of the to be added rule --modprobe -M program : try to insert modules using this program --concurrent : use a file lock to support concurrent scripts --version -V : print package version Environment variable: EBTABLES_ATOMIC_FILE : if set (see above) will equal its value Policy RETURN only allowed for user defined chainsProblem with the specified rule number(s) '%s'Something is wrong with the rule number specification '%s'h8P888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh@h@@@hh@hhh@h@hhhhhh@hhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhdo_commandmerge_options;lLHCHJKLhLN(8O`OV\(8ixijjj8lxln8ophq(rr(8sHstxy8hzp{| h}H ~x ~   H@ p  ؃ X ؄@ h h x  ` Ȕ xP(h@xx8 @8(إP(pHH88HzRx $@FJ w?;*3$"$DHiAF { AE l(ITD J A ,hI/AAD0 AAA 4hKBAD D0  AABA $KnAF0` AA LLBBB B(A0A8Do 8A0A(B BBBE LlRrBEB B(A0A8G@ 8A0A(B BBBB LW) BGB B(A0F8J 8A0A(B BBBA , dgADD0V AAA ,<dgADD0V AAA ,l8egADD0V AAA ,xegADD0V AAA <e BIA A(D@ (A ABBA  fD@z A ,DVD q A V E $LfAD  AA 4thBDA D0  AABE LiABEE E(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBA <jBBA D(DPt (A ABBI <<jzBBA A(D@] (A ABBC <|8kBBA A(D@` (A ABBH krD r J h E 4kBDA D0  AABA DPlBAA G0  AABI \  AABA L\mBBB B(A0A8G, 8A0A(B BBBA xp$D  I 4qBAA G0c  AABA <q#BED D(D@ (A ABBG dDr0BEE B(D0A8DPp 8A0A(B BBBG ~ 8D0A(B BBBH ,sAEG0c AAA ,tAEG0c AAA $ tAG  AA $4@uAG  AA $\uAG  AA v?D u A ,vZADD0I AAA ,wZADD0I AAA ,0wZADD0I AAA 4`wAAG$T xAG  AE ,|xsACF0B AAB $8y{AG z HN $yAG AA DzBEE A(A0D`p 0A(A BBBF LD @|BBA F(G@ (A ABBK X (J ABBI d ~BBBB E(D0C8F`G 8A0A(B BBBG  8C0A(B BBBE d sBBB B(A0A8G` 8D0A(B BBBF T 8A0A(B BBBB Dd BBB A(D0D@ 0A(A BBBC D h BBB A(D0D@ 0A(A BBBC L 0.BED C(F` (A ABBF  (C ABBE LD BBA A(G@ (A ABBI T (A ABBE L BBB E(A0A8F`6 8A0A(B BBBA 4 ADD0v IAG k AAC D BDA D0y  KABN L  HABS Dd AIG0  AAH ^ DAE [ HAL $ ؋kAF B CL 4 BDD N0  AABJ $ AD0 AJ ,4 QACG0~ AAA Ld jBBB B(D0I8D 8A0A(B BBBG  D@ A D BEE D(A0G@b 0A(A BBBF $BAG s AA $D0EAK r AA 4lXBHA G0  AABE <BBA G(O (A ABBC FD x E D LBEB E(A0A8D`l 8A0A(B BBBF lhID  A ID  A ȖID  A LBEB B(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBE QK | E L<J(BBB B(D0D8G 8A0A(B BBBF @99u 1 ` !h !o   p !h &( oo0ooo6 !F1V1f1v11111111122&262F2V2f2v22222222233&363F3V3f3v33333333344&464F4V4f4v44444444455&565F5V5f5v55555555566&666F6V6f6v66666666677&767F7V7f7v77777777788&8!$+6<DKW!AIDL ZFPii*ooVhLjcC p&p/b2s9s=dIdtMMNWEdXq} .shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss $o( `0  8oHEo00PT(^&&h  h11c0101n0808t z%lXX` !` h !h x !x  ! p !p ! !P#