# Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 Canonical Ltd. # Author: Martin Pitt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for # the full text of the license. import tempfile, shutil, os, subprocess, signal, time, stat, sys import resource, errno, grp, unittest, pwd import apport.fileutils test_executable = '/usr/bin/yes' test_package = 'coreutils' test_source = 'coreutils' # (core ulimit (kb), expect core signal, expect core file, expect report) core_ulimit_table = [(1, False, False, False), (10, True, False, True), (10000, True, True, True), (-1, True, True, True)] required_fields = ['ProblemType', 'CoreDump', 'Date', 'ExecutablePath', 'ProcCmdline', 'ProcEnviron', 'ProcMaps', 'Signal', 'UserGroups'] orig_home = os.getenv('HOME') if orig_home is not None: del os.environ['HOME'] ifpath = os.path.expanduser(apport.report._ignore_file) if orig_home is not None: os.environ['HOME'] = orig_home # did we enable suid_dumpable? suid_dumpable = False try: with open('/proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable') as f: if f.read().strip() != '0': suid_dumpable = True except IOError: pass class T(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # use local report dir self.report_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ['APPORT_REPORT_DIR'] = self.report_dir self.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # move aside current ignore file if os.path.exists(ifpath): os.rename(ifpath, ifpath + '.apporttest') # do not write core files by default resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (0, -1)) # that's the place where to put core dumps, etc. os.chdir('/tmp') # expected report name for test executable report self.test_report = os.path.join( apport.fileutils.report_dir, '%s.%i.crash' % (test_executable.replace('/', '_'), os.getuid())) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.report_dir) shutil.rmtree(self.workdir) # clean up our ignore file if os.path.exists(ifpath): os.unlink(ifpath) orig_ignore_file = ifpath + '.apporttest' if os.path.exists(orig_ignore_file): os.rename(orig_ignore_file, ifpath) # permit tests to leave behind test_report, but nothing else if os.path.exists(self.test_report): apport.fileutils.delete_report(self.test_report) unexpected_reports = apport.fileutils.get_all_reports() for r in unexpected_reports: apport.fileutils.delete_report(r) self.assertEqual(unexpected_reports, []) def test_empty_core_dump(self): '''empty core dumps do not generate a report''' test_proc = self.create_test_process() try: app = subprocess.Popen([apport_path, str(test_proc), '42', '0', '1'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) app.stdin.close() assert app.wait() == 0, app.stderr.read() app.stderr.close() finally: os.kill(test_proc, 9) os.waitpid(test_proc, 0) self.assertEqual(self.get_temp_all_reports(), []) def test_crash_apport(self): '''report generation with apport''' self.do_crash() # check crash report self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), [self.test_report]) st = os.stat(self.test_report) self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o640, 'report has correct permissions') self.assertEqual(st.st_uid, os.geteuid(), 'report has correct owner') # a subsequent crash does not alter unseen report self.do_crash() st2 = os.stat(self.test_report) self.assertEqual(st, st2, 'original unseen report did not get overwritten') # a subsequent crash alters seen report apport.fileutils.mark_report_seen(self.test_report) self.do_crash() st2 = os.stat(self.test_report) self.assertNotEqual(st, st2, 'original seen report gets overwritten') pr = apport.Report() with open(self.test_report, 'rb') as f: pr.load(f) self.assertTrue(set(required_fields).issubset(set(pr.keys())), 'report has required fields') self.assertEqual(pr['ExecutablePath'], test_executable) self.assertEqual(pr['ProcCmdline'], test_executable) self.assertEqual(pr['Signal'], '%i' % signal.SIGSEGV) # check safe environment subset allowed_vars = ['SHELL', 'PATH', 'LANGUAGE', 'LANG', 'LC_CTYPE', 'LC_COLLATE', 'LC_TIME', 'LC_NUMERIC', 'LC_MONETARY', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LC_PAPER', 'LC_NAME', 'LC_ADDRESS', 'LC_TELEPHONE', 'LC_MEASUREMENT', 'LC_IDENTIFICATION', 'LOCPATH', 'TERM', 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR', 'LD_PRELOAD'] for l in pr['ProcEnviron'].splitlines(): (k, v) = l.split('=', 1) self.assertTrue(k in allowed_vars, 'report contains sensitive environment variable %s' % k) # UserGroups only has system groups for g in pr['UserGroups'].split(): self.assertLess(grp.getgrnam(g).gr_gid, 500) self.assertFalse('root' in pr['UserGroups'], 'collected system groups are not those from root') def test_parallel_crash(self): '''only one apport instance is ran at a time''' test_proc = self.create_test_process() test_proc2 = self.create_test_process(False, '/bin/dd') try: app = subprocess.Popen([apport_path, str(test_proc), '42', '0', '1'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(0.5) # give it some time to grab the lock app2 = subprocess.Popen([apport_path, str(test_proc2), '42', '0', '1'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # app should wait indefinitely for stdin, while app2 should terminate # immediately (give it 5 seconds) timeout = 50 while timeout >= 0: if app2.poll(): break time.sleep(0.1) timeout -= 1 self.assertGreater(timeout, 0, 'second apport instance terminates immediately') self.assertFalse(app.poll(), 'first apport instance is still running') # properly terminate app and app2 app2.stdin.close() app2.stderr.close() app.stdin.write(b'boo') app.stdin.close() self.assertEqual(app.wait(), 0, app.stderr.read()) app.stderr.close() finally: os.kill(test_proc, 9) os.waitpid(test_proc, 0) os.kill(test_proc2, 9) os.waitpid(test_proc2, 0) def test_lock_symlink(self): '''existing .lock file as dangling symlink does not create the file This would be a vulnerability, as users could overwrite system files. ''' # prepare a symlink trap lockpath = os.path.join(self.report_dir, '.lock') trappath = os.path.join(self.report_dir, '0wned') os.symlink(trappath, lockpath) # now call apport test_proc = self.create_test_process() try: app = subprocess.Popen([apport_path, str(test_proc), '42', '0', '1'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) app.stdin.write(b'boo') app.stdin.close() self.assertNotEqual(app.wait(), 0, app.stderr.read()) app.stderr.close() finally: os.kill(test_proc, 9) os.waitpid(test_proc, 0) self.assertEqual(self.get_temp_all_reports(), []) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(trappath)) def test_unpackaged_binary(self): '''unpackaged binaries do not create a report''' local_exe = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'mybin') with open(local_exe, 'wb') as dest: with open(test_executable, 'rb') as src: dest.write(src.read()) os.chmod(local_exe, 0o755) self.do_crash(command=local_exe) self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) def test_unpackaged_script(self): '''unpackaged scripts do not create a report''' local_exe = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'myscript') with open(local_exe, 'w') as f: f.write('#!/bin/sh\nkill -SEGV $$') os.chmod(local_exe, 0o755) self.do_crash(command=local_exe) # absolute path self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) # relative path os.chdir(self.workdir) self.do_crash(command='./myscript') self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) def test_ignore_sigquit(self): '''apport ignores SIGQUIT''' self.do_crash(sig=signal.SIGQUIT) self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) def test_leak_inaccessible_files(self): '''existence of user-inaccessible files does not leak''' local_exe = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'myscript') with open(local_exe, 'w') as f: f.write('#!/usr/bin/perl\nsystem("mv $0 $0.exe");\nsystem("ln -sf /etc/shadow $0");\n$0="..$0";\nsleep(10);\n') os.chmod(local_exe, 0o755) self.do_crash(check_running=False, command=local_exe, sleep=2) leak = os.path.join(apport.fileutils.report_dir, '_usr_bin_perl.%i.crash' % (os.getuid())) pr = apport.Report() with open(leak, 'rb') as f: pr.load(f) # On a leak, no report is created since the executable path will be replaced # by the symlink path, and it doesn't belong to any package. self.assertEqual(pr['ExecutablePath'], '/usr/bin/perl') self.assertFalse('InterpreterPath' in pr) apport.fileutils.delete_report(leak) def test_flood_limit(self): '''limitation of crash report flood''' count = 0 while count < 7: sys.stderr.write('%i ' % count) sys.stderr.flush() self.do_crash() reports = apport.fileutils.get_new_reports() if not reports: break apport.fileutils.mark_report_seen(self.test_report) count += 1 self.assertGreater(count, 1, 'gets at least 2 repeated crashes') self.assertLess(count, 7, 'stops flooding after less than 7 repeated crashes') @unittest.skipIf(os.access('/run', os.W_OK), 'this test needs to be run as user') def test_nonwritable_cwd(self): '''core dump works for non-writable cwd''' os.chdir('/run') resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) self.do_crash() pr = apport.Report() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.test_report)) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('/run/core')) with open(self.test_report, 'rb') as f: pr.load(f) assert set(required_fields).issubset(set(pr.keys())) @unittest.skipIf(os.access('/run', os.W_OK), 'this test needs to be run as user') def test_nonwritable_cwd_nonreadable_exe(self): '''no core file for non-readable exe in non-writable cwd''' # CVE-2015-1324: if a user cannot read an executable, it behaves much # like a suid root binary in terms of writing a core dump # create a non-readable executable in a path we can modify which apport # regards as likely packaged (fd, myexe) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='/var/tmp') self.addCleanup(os.unlink, myexe) with open(test_executable, 'rb') as f: os.write(fd, f.read()) os.close(fd) os.chmod(myexe, 0o111) os.chdir('/run') resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) self.do_crash(True, command=myexe, expect_corefile=False) # check crash report reports = apport.fileutils.get_new_system_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) report = reports[0] st = os.stat(report) # FIXME: we would like to clean up this, but don't have privileges for that # os.unlink(report) self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o640, 'report has correct permissions') # this must be owned by root as it is an unreadable binary self.assertEqual(st.st_uid, 0, 'report has correct owner') # no user reports self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) def test_core_dump_packaged(self): '''packaged executables create core dumps on proper ulimits''' # for SEGV and ABRT we expect reports and core files for sig in (signal.SIGSEGV, signal.SIGABRT): for (kb, exp_sig, exp_file, exp_report) in core_ulimit_table: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (kb, -1)) self.do_crash(expect_coredump=exp_sig, expect_corefile=exp_file, expect_corefile_owner=os.geteuid(), sig=sig) if exp_report: self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), [self.test_report]) self.check_report_coredump(self.test_report) apport.fileutils.delete_report(self.test_report) else: self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) # creates core file with existing crash report, too self.do_crash(expect_corefile=True) apport.fileutils.delete_report(self.test_report) # for SIGQUIT we only expect core files, no report resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (10000, -1)) self.do_crash(expect_corefile=True, sig=signal.SIGQUIT) self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) def test_core_dump_unpackaged(self): '''unpackaged executables create core dumps on proper ulimits''' local_exe = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'mybin') with open(local_exe, 'wb') as dest: with open(test_executable, 'rb') as src: dest.write(src.read()) os.chmod(local_exe, 0o755) for sig in (signal.SIGSEGV, signal.SIGABRT, signal.SIGQUIT): for (kb, exp_sig, exp_file, exp_report) in core_ulimit_table: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (kb, -1)) self.do_crash(expect_coredump=exp_sig, expect_corefile=exp_file, expect_corefile_owner=os.geteuid(), command=local_exe, sig=sig) self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) def test_core_file_injection(self): '''cannot inject core file''' # CVE-2015-1325: ensure that apport does not re-open its .crash report, # as that allows us to intercept and replace the report and tinker with # the core dump with open(self.test_report + '.inject', 'w') as f: # \x01pwned f.write('''ProblemType: Crash CoreDump: base64 H4sICAAAAAAC/0NvcmVEdW1wAA== Yywoz0tNAQBl1rhlBgAAAA== ''') # crash our test process and let it write a core file resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) pid = self.create_test_process() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGSEGV) # replace report with the crafted one above as soon as it exists and # becomes deletable for us; this is a busy loop, we need to be really # fast to intercept while True: try: os.unlink(self.test_report) break except OSError: pass os.rename(self.test_report + '.inject', self.test_report) os.waitpid(pid, 0) time.sleep(0.5) os.sync() # verify that we get the original core, not the injected one with open('core', 'rb') as f: core = f.read() self.assertNotIn(b'pwned', core) self.assertGreater(len(core), 10000) os.unlink('core') def test_limit_size(self): '''core dumps are capped on available memory size''' # determine how much data we have to pump into apport in order to make sure # that it will refuse the core dump r = apport.Report() with open('/proc/meminfo', 'rb') as f: r.load(f) totalmb = int(r['MemFree'].split()[0]) + int(r['Cached'].split()[0]) totalmb = int(totalmb / 1024) r = None test_proc = self.create_test_process() try: app = subprocess.Popen([apport_path, str(test_proc), '42', '0', '1'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # pipe an entire total memory size worth of spaces into it, which must be # bigger than the 'usable' memory size. apport should digest that and the # report should not have a core dump; NB that this should error out # with a SIGPIPE when apport aborts reading from stdin onemb = b' ' * 1048576 while totalmb > 0: if totalmb & 31 == 0: sys.stderr.write('.') sys.stderr.flush() try: app.stdin.write(onemb) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: break else: raise totalmb -= 1 app.stdin.close() self.assertEqual(app.wait(), 0, app.stderr.read()) app.stderr.close() onemb = None finally: os.kill(test_proc, 9) os.waitpid(test_proc, 0) reports = self.get_temp_all_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) pr = apport.Report() with open(reports[0], 'rb') as f: pr.load(f) os.unlink(reports[0]) self.assertEqual(pr['Signal'], '42') self.assertEqual(pr['ExecutablePath'], test_executable) self.assertFalse('CoreDump' in pr) def test_ignore(self): '''ignoring executables''' self.do_crash() reports = apport.fileutils.get_all_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) pr = apport.Report() with open(reports[0], 'rb') as f: pr.load(f) os.unlink(reports[0]) pr.mark_ignore() self.do_crash() self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) def test_modify_after_start(self): '''ignores executables which got modified after process started''' # create executable in a path we can modify which apport regards as # likely packaged (fd, myexe) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='/var/tmp') self.addCleanup(os.unlink, myexe) with open(test_executable, 'rb') as f: os.write(fd, f.read()) os.close(fd) os.chmod(myexe, 0o755) time.sleep(1) try: test_proc = self.create_test_process(command=myexe) # bump mtime of myexe to make it more recent than process start # time; ensure this works with file systems with only second # resolution time.sleep(1.1) os.utime(myexe, None) app = subprocess.Popen([apport_path, str(test_proc), '42', '0', '1'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) app.stdin.write(b'boo') app.stdin.close() err = app.stderr.read().decode() self.assertNotEqual(app.wait(), 0, err) app.stderr.close() finally: os.kill(test_proc, 9) os.waitpid(test_proc, 0) self.assertEqual(self.get_temp_all_reports(), []) def test_logging_file(self): '''outputs to log file, if available''' test_proc = self.create_test_process() log = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'apport.log') try: env = os.environ.copy() env['APPORT_LOG_FILE'] = log app = subprocess.Popen([apport_path, str(test_proc), '42', '0', '1'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = app.communicate(b'hel\x01lo') finally: os.kill(test_proc, 9) os.waitpid(test_proc, 0) self.assertEqual(out, b'') self.assertEqual(err, b'') self.assertEqual(app.returncode, 0, err) with open(log) as f: logged = f.read() self.assertTrue('called for pid' in logged, logged) self.assertTrue('wrote report' in logged, logged) self.assertFalse('Traceback' in logged, logged) reports = self.get_temp_all_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) pr = apport.Report() with open(reports[0], 'rb') as f: pr.load(f) os.unlink(reports[0]) self.assertEqual(pr['Signal'], '42') self.assertEqual(pr['ExecutablePath'], test_executable) self.assertEqual(pr['CoreDump'], b'hel\x01lo') def test_logging_stderr(self): '''outputs to stderr if log is not available''' test_proc = self.create_test_process() try: env = os.environ.copy() env['APPORT_LOG_FILE'] = '/not/existing/apport.log' app = subprocess.Popen([apport_path, str(test_proc), '42', '0', '1'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = app.communicate(b'hel\x01lo') err = err.decode('UTF-8') finally: os.kill(test_proc, 9) os.waitpid(test_proc, 0) self.assertEqual(out, b'') self.assertEqual(app.returncode, 0, err) self.assertTrue('called for pid' in err, err) self.assertTrue('wrote report' in err, err) self.assertFalse('Traceback' in err, err) reports = self.get_temp_all_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) pr = apport.Report() with open(reports[0], 'rb') as f: pr.load(f) os.unlink(reports[0]) self.assertEqual(pr['Signal'], '42') self.assertEqual(pr['ExecutablePath'], test_executable) self.assertEqual(pr['CoreDump'], b'hel\x01lo') @unittest.skipIf(os.geteuid() != 0, 'this test needs to be run as root') def test_crash_setuid_keep(self): '''report generation for setuid program which stays root''' # create suid root executable in a path we can modify which apport # regards as likely packaged (fd, myexe) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='/var/tmp') self.addCleanup(os.unlink, myexe) with open(test_executable, 'rb') as f: os.write(fd, f.read()) os.close(fd) os.chmod(myexe, 0o4755) # run test program as user "mail" resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) # if a user can crash a suid root binary, it should not create core files self.do_crash(command=myexe, uid=8) # check crash report reports = apport.fileutils.get_all_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) report = reports[0] st = os.stat(report) os.unlink(report) self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o640, 'report has correct permissions') # this must not be owned by root as it is a setuid binary self.assertEqual(st.st_uid, 0, 'report has correct owner') @unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists('/bin/ping'), 'this test needs /bin/ping') @unittest.skipIf(os.geteuid() != 0, 'this test needs to be run as root') def test_crash_setuid_drop(self): '''report generation for setuid program which drops root''' # run ping as user "mail" resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) # if a user can crash a suid root binary, it should not create core files self.do_crash(command='/bin/ping', args=[''], uid=8) # check crash report reports = apport.fileutils.get_all_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) report = reports[0] st = os.stat(report) os.unlink(report) self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o640, 'report has correct permissions') # this must not be owned by root as it is a setuid binary self.assertEqual(st.st_uid, 0, 'report has correct owner') @unittest.skipIf(os.geteuid() != 0, 'this test needs to be run as root') def test_crash_setuid_unpackaged(self): '''report generation for unpackaged setuid program''' # create suid root executable in a path we can modify which apport # regards as not packaged (fd, myexe) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='/tmp') self.addCleanup(os.unlink, myexe) with open(test_executable, 'rb') as f: os.write(fd, f.read()) os.close(fd) os.chmod(myexe, 0o4755) # run test program as user "mail" resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) # if a user can crash a suid root binary, it should not create core files self.do_crash(command=myexe, expect_corefile=False, uid=8) # there should not be a crash report self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) @unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists('/bin/ping'), 'this test needs /bin/ping') @unittest.skipIf(os.geteuid() != 0, 'this test needs to be run as root') def test_crash_setuid_drop_and_kill(self): '''process started by root as another user, killed by that user no core''' # override expected report file name self.test_report = os.path.join( apport.fileutils.report_dir, '%s.%i.crash' % ('_usr_bin_crontab', os.getuid())) # edit crontab as user "mail" resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) if suid_dumpable: user = pwd.getpwuid(8) # if a user can crash a suid root binary, it should not create core files orig_editor = os.getenv('EDITOR') os.environ['EDITOR'] = '/usr/bin/yes' self.do_crash(command='/usr/bin/crontab', args=['-e', '-u', user[0]], expect_corefile=False, core_location='/var/spool/cron/', killer_id=8) if orig_editor is not None: os.environ['EDITOR'] = orig_editor # check crash report reports = apport.fileutils.get_all_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) report = reports[0] st = os.stat(report) os.unlink(report) self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o640, 'report has correct permissions') # this must be owned by root as it is a setuid binary self.assertEqual(st.st_uid, 0, 'report has correct owner') else: # no cores/dump if suid_dumpable == 0 self.do_crash(False, command='/bin/ping', args=[''], uid=8) self.assertEqual(apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(), []) @unittest.skipIf(os.geteuid() != 0, 'this test needs to be run as root') def test_crash_setuid_nonwritable_cwd(self): '''report generation and core dump for setuid program, non-writable cwd''' # create suid root executable in a path we can modify which apport # regards as likely packaged (fd, myexe) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='/var/tmp') self.addCleanup(os.unlink, myexe) with open(test_executable, 'rb') as f: os.write(fd, f.read()) os.close(fd) os.chmod(myexe, 0o4755) # run test program as user "mail" in /run (which should only be # writable to root) os.chdir('/run') resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) # we expect a report, but no core file self.do_crash(command=myexe, expect_corefile=False, uid=8) # check crash report reports = apport.fileutils.get_all_reports() self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1) report = reports[0] st = os.stat(report) os.unlink(report) self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o640, 'report has correct permissions') # this must be owned by root as it is a setuid binary self.assertEqual(st.st_uid, 0, 'report has correct owner') # # Helper methods # @classmethod def create_test_process(klass, check_running=True, command=test_executable, uid=None, args=[]): '''Spawn test_executable. Wait until it is fully running, and return its PID. ''' assert os.access(command, os.X_OK), command + ' is not executable' if check_running: assert subprocess.call(['pidof', command]) == 1, 'no running test executable processes' pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: if uid is not None: os.setuid(uid) # set UTF-8 environment variable, to check proper parsing in apport os.putenv('utf8trap', b'\xc3\xa0\xc3\xa4') os.dup2(os.open('/dev/null', os.O_WRONLY), sys.stdout.fileno()) sys.stdin.close() os.setsid() os.execv(command, [command] + args) assert False, 'Could not execute ' + command # wait until child process has execv()ed properly while True: with open('/proc/%i/cmdline' % pid) as f: cmdline = f.read() if 'test_signal' in cmdline: time.sleep(0.1) else: break time.sleep(0.3) # needs some more setup time return pid def do_crash(self, expect_coredump=True, expect_corefile=False, sig=signal.SIGSEGV, check_running=True, sleep=0, command=test_executable, uid=None, expect_corefile_owner=None, core_location=None, killer_id=False, args=[]): '''Generate a test crash. This runs command (by default test_executable) in cwd, lets it crash, and checks that it exits with the expected return code, leaving a core file behind if expect_corefile is set, and generating a crash report if expect_coredump is set. If check_running is set (default), this will abort if test_process is already running. ''' self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('core'), '%s/core already exists, please clean up first' % os.getcwd()) pid = self.create_test_process(check_running, command, uid=uid, args=args) if sleep > 0: time.sleep(sleep) if killer_id: user = pwd.getpwuid(killer_id) # testing different editors via VISUAL= didn't help kill = subprocess.Popen(['sudo', '-s', '/bin/bash', '-c', "/bin/kill -s %i %s" % (sig, pid), '-u', user[0]]) # 'mail']) kill.communicate() # need to clean up system state if command == '/usr/bin/crontab': os.system('stty sane') if kill.returncode != 0: self.fail("Couldn't kill process %s as user %s." % (pid, user[0])) else: os.kill(pid, sig) result = os.waitpid(pid, 0)[1] self.assertFalse(os.WIFEXITED(result), 'test process did not exit normally') self.assertTrue(os.WIFSIGNALED(result), 'test process died due to signal') self.assertEqual(os.WCOREDUMP(result), expect_coredump) self.assertEqual(os.WSTOPSIG(result), 0, 'test process was not signaled to stop') self.assertEqual(os.WTERMSIG(result), sig, 'test process died due to proper signal') # wait max 10 seconds for apport to finish timeout = 50 while timeout >= 0: pidof = subprocess.Popen(['pidof', '-x', 'apport'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) pidof.communicate() if pidof.returncode != 0: break time.sleep(0.2) timeout -= 1 self.assertGreater(timeout, 0) if command == '/usr/bin/crontab': subprocess.Popen(['sudo', '-s', '/bin/bash', '-c', "/usr/bin/pkill -9 -f crontab", '-u', 'mail']) if check_running: self.assertEqual(subprocess.call(['pidof', command]), 1, 'no running test executable processes') core_path = '%s/' % os.getcwd() if core_location: core_path = '%s/' % core_location core_path += 'core' if expect_corefile: self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(core_path), 'leaves wanted core file') try: # check core file permissions st = os.stat(core_path) self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o600, 'core file has correct permissions') if expect_corefile_owner is not None: self.assertEqual(st.st_uid, expect_corefile_owner, 'core file has correct owner') # check that core file is valid gdb = subprocess.Popen(['gdb', '--batch', '--ex', 'bt', command, core_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = gdb.communicate() self.assertEqual(gdb.returncode, 0) out = out.decode() err = err.decode().strip() finally: os.unlink(core_path) else: if os.path.exists(core_path): try: os.unlink(core_path) except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write( 'WARNING: cannot clean up core file %s: %s\n' % (core_path, str(e))) self.fail('leaves unexpected core file behind') def get_temp_all_reports(self): '''Call apport.fileutils.get_all_reports() for our temp dir''' old_dir = apport.fileutils.report_dir apport.fileutils.report_dir = self.report_dir reports = apport.fileutils.get_all_reports() apport.fileutils.report_dir = old_dir return reports def check_report_coredump(self, report_path): '''Check that given report file has a valid core dump''' r = apport.Report() with open(report_path, 'rb') as f: r.load(f) self.assertTrue('CoreDump' in r) self.assertGreater(len(r['CoreDump']), 5000) r.add_gdb_info() self.assertTrue('\n#2' in r.get('Stacktrace', ''), r.get('Stacktrace', 'no Stacktrace field')) # # main # with open('/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern') as f: core_pattern = f.read().strip() if core_pattern[0] != '|': sys.stderr.write('kernel crash dump helper is not active; please enable before running this test.\n') sys.exit(0) apport_path = core_pattern[1:].split()[0] if apport.fileutils.get_all_reports(): sys.stderr.write('Please remove all crash reports from /var/crash/ for this test suite:\n %s\n' % '\n '.join(os.listdir('/var/crash'))) sys.exit(1) unittest.main()