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WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '%s'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted. Partition %d has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?): Partition %d has different physical/logical endings: Partition %i does not end on cylinder boundary. Warning: bad start-of-data in partition %d Warning: partition %d contains sector 0 Partition %d: head %d greater than maximum %d Partition %d: sector %d greater than maximum %llu Partitions %d: cylinder %d greater than maximum %d Partition %d: previous sectors %d disagrees with total %d Warning: partition %d overlaps partition %d. Warning: partition %d is empty Logical partition %d not entirely in partition %d Total allocated sectors %llu greater than the maximum %llu Remaining %lld unallocated %d-byte sectors Disk %s: %d heads, %llu sectors, %d cylinders Nr AF Hd Sec Cyl Hd Sec Cyl Start Size ID %2d %02x%4d%4d%5d%4d%4d%5d%11lu%11lu %02x Note: sector size is %d (not %d) You will not be able to write the partition table. Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel Ignoring extra extended partition %d Bad offset in primary extended partition Warning: omitting partitions after #%d. They will be deleted if you save this partition table. Warning: extra link pointer in partition table %d Warning: ignoring extra data in partition table %d omitting empty partition (%d) WARNING: The size of this disk is %d.%d TB (%llu bytes). DOS partition table format can not be used on drives for volumes larger than (%llu bytes) for %d-byte sectors. Use parted(1) and GUID partition table format (GPT). The device presents a logical sector size that is smaller than the physical sector size. Aligning to a physical sector (or optimal I/O) size boundary is recommended, or performance may be impacted. WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to switch off the mode (with command 'c'). WARNING: cylinders as display units are deprecated. Use command 'u' to change units to sectors. This disk has both DOS and BSD magic. Give the 'b' command to go to BSD mode. Warning: invalid flag 0x%04x of partition table %d will be corrected by w(rite) Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x%08x. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. Supported: 10^N: KB (KiloByte), MB (MegaByte), GB (GigaByte) 2^N: K (KibiByte), M (MebiByte), G (GibiByte) Hex code (type L to list codes): Warning: partition %d has empty type All primary partitions have been defined already! Disk %s: %ld.%ld GB, %llu bytes %d heads, %llu sectors/track, %d cylindersUnits = %s of %d * %d = %d bytes Sector size (logical/physical): %u bytes / %lu bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): %lu bytes / %lu bytes %*s Boot Start End Blocks Id System %s %c %11lu %11lu %11lu%c %2x %s Partition table entries are not in disk order This doesn't look like a partition table Probably you selected the wrong device. Disk %s doesn't contain a valid partition table Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. Sector %llu is already allocated Last %1$s, +%2$s or +size{K,M,G} Sorry - this fdisk cannot handle AIX disk labels. If you want to add DOS-type partitions, create a new empty DOS partition table first. (Use o.) WARNING: This will destroy the present disk contents. Sorry - this fdisk cannot handle Mac disk labels. If you want to add DOS-type partitions, create a new empty DOS partition table first. (Use o.) WARNING: This will destroy the present disk contents. The maximum number of partitions has been created All primary partitions are in use If you want to create more than four partitions, you must replace a primary partition with an extended partition first. All logical partitions are in use l logical (numbered from 5)Partition type: p primary (%d primary, %d extended, %d free) %s Select (default %c): Changing display/entry units to cylinders (DEPRECATED!) Changing display/entry units to sectors Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error %d: %s. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8) WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additional information. The partition table has been altered! Warning: the -b (set sector size) option should be used with one specified device Detected an OSF/1 disklabel on %s, entering disklabel mode. WARNING: Partition %d is an extended partition The current boot file is: %s Please enter the name of the new boot file: DOS Compatibility flag is set (DEPRECATED!) DOS Compatibility flag is not set Partition %d does not exist yet! Type 0 means free space to many systems (but not to Linux). Having partitions of type 0 is probably unwise. You can delete a partition using the `d' command. You cannot change a partition into an extended one or vice versa Delete it first. Consider leaving partition 3 as Whole disk (5), as SunOS/Solaris expects it and even Linux likes it. Consider leaving partition 9 as volume header (0), and partition 11 as entire volume (6), as IRIX expects it. Changed system type of partition %d to %x (%s) System type of partition %d is unchanged: %x (%s) Sorry, no experts menu for SGI partition tables available. Partition %d has no data area Nothing to do. Ordering is correct already. New disk identifier (current 0x%08x): Warning: setting sector offset for DOS compatiblity a change number of alternate cylinders c change number of cylinders d print the raw data in the partition table e change number of extra sectors per cylinder i change interleave factor o change rotation speed (rpm) s change number of sectors/track y change number of physical cylinders b move beginning of data in a partition e list extended partitions g create an IRIX (SGI) partition table i change the disk identifierW@W@W@W@W@b@e@e@%c@%c@:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@u@>@@@@@2@@@@*@@@@@@@"@@X@@"@^"@u"@-"@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@U#@E#@e#@"@!@%@u#@$@*#@5#@"@*@)@(@K(@(@E'@5'@%@F&@*@*@*@*@*@%@%@"@!@:%@*@*@,%@"%@*@ %@Partition (a-%c): (%d): ... %s Syncing disks. wd/usr/ucb/mdec%s/%sboot%s/boot%sBootstrap installed on %s. %d partitions: # %s: type: %s type: %d disk: %.*s label: %.*s flags: removable ecc badsectbytes/sector: %ld sectors/track: %ld tracks/cylinder: %ld sectors/cylinder: %ld cylinders: %ld rpm: %d interleave: %d trackskew: %d cylinderskew: %d drivedata: %ld %c: %8ld%c %8ld%c %8ld%c %c: %8ld %8ld %8ld %8.8s%8x %5ld %5ld %5.5s %5ld %5ld %5d %22.22s BSD label for device: %s %s contains no disklabel. /dev/sdsectors/cylinderrpminterleavetrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seekWriting disklabel to %s. d delete a BSD partition e edit drive data i install bootstrapunusedVersion 6Version 7System V4.1BSDEighth Edition4.2BSDMS-DOS4.4LFSunknownHPFSISO-9660ADOSHFSAdvFSSMDMSCPold DECSCSIESDIST506HP-IBHP-FLtype 9floppyThis partition already exists. Last %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeKBootstrap: %sboot -> boot%s (%s): Bootstrap overlaps with disk label! Warning: too many partitions (%d, maximum is %d). # start end size fstype [fsize bsize cpg] headswitch: %ld # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds Partition %s has invalid starting sector 0. Reading disklabel of %s at sector %d. Do you want to create a disklabel? (y/n) BSD disklabel command (m for help): Must be <= sectors/track * tracks/cylinder (default). l list known filesystem types n add a new BSD partition p print BSD partition table s show complete disklabel t change a partition's filesystem id u change units (cylinders/sectors) w write disklabel to disk x link BSD partition to non-BSD partitionThere is no *BSD partition on %s. @{@@@@0@@@@@@@@P@@@@h@@@@@@(A )A)A)A)A!)A&)A,)A2)A8)A?)A Invalid Bootfile! The bootfile must be an absolute non-zero pathname, e.g. "/unix" or "/unix.save". Name of Bootfile too long: 16 bytes maximum. Bootfile must have a fully qualified pathname. Be aware, that the bootfile is not checked for existence. SGI's default is "/unix" and for backup "/unix.save". Detected sgi disklabel with wrong checksum. Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %llu sectors %d cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * %d bytes Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %llu sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * %d bytes ----- partitions ----- Pt# %*s Info Start End Sectors Id System ----- Bootinfo ----- Bootfile: %s ----- Directory Entries ----- %2d: %s %4s %9ld %9ld %9ld %2x %s Bootfile is changed to "%s". More than one entire disk entry present. IRIX likes when Partition 11 covers the entire disk. The entire disk partition should start at block 0, not at diskblock %d. One Partition (#11) should cover the entire disk. The Partition %d and %d overlap by %d sectors. Unused gap of %8u sectors - sectors %8u-%u The boot partition does not exist. The swap partition does not exist. The swap partition has no swap type. You have chosen an unusual boot file name. Do You know, You got a partition overlap on the disk? Sorry, only for non-empty partitions you can change the tag. It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is of type "SGI volhdr", the IRIX system will rely on it to retrieve from its directory standalone tools like sash and fx. Only the "SGI volume" entire disk section may violate this. Type YES if you are sure about tagging this partition differently. Attempting to generate entire disk entry automatically. The entire disk is already covered with partitions. You got a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first! It is highly recommended that eleventh partition covers the entire disk and is of type `SGI volume' You will get a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first! Building a new SGI disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content will be unrecoverably lost. Warning: BLKGETSIZE ioctl failed on %s. Using geometry cylinder value of %d. This value may be truncated for devices > 33.8 GB. Trying to keep parameters of partition %d. two_s_complement_32bit_sum( (unsigned int*)((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer), sizeof(*((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer))) == 0 %2d: %-10s sector%5u size%8u No partitions defined /unixYES Last %sfdisksgilabel.csgilabelSGI volhdrSGI trkreplSGI secreplSGI rawSGI bsdSGI sysvSGI volumeSGI efsSGI lvolSGI rlvolSGI xfsSGI xfslogSGI xlvSGI xvmLinux swapLinux nativeLinux LVMLinux RAIDsgi_write_tableDetected sun disklabel with wrong checksum. Probably you'll have to set all the values, e.g. heads, sectors, cylinders and partitions or force a fresh label (s command in main menu) Detected sun disklabel with wrong version [0x%08x]. Detected sun disklabel with wrong sanity [0x%08x]. Detected sun disklabel with wrong num_partitions [%u]. Warning: Wrong values need to be fixed up and will be corrected by w(rite) Building a new sun disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. Linux cyl %d alt %d hd %d sec %lluPartition %d doesn't end on cylinder boundary Partition %d overlaps with others in sectors %d-%d Other partitions already cover the whole disk. Delete some/shrink them before retry. It is highly recommended that the third partition covers the whole disk and is of type `Whole disk' Sector %d is already allocated You haven't covered the whole disk with the 3rd partition, but your value %d %s covers some other partition. Your entry has been changed to %d %s If you want to maintain SunOS/Solaris compatibility, consider leaving this partition as Whole disk (5), starting at 0, with %u sectors It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is UFS, EXT2FS filesystem or SunOS swap. Putting Linux swap there may destroy your partition table and bootblock. Type YES if you're very sure you would like that partition tagged with 82 (Linux swap): Disk %s (Sun disk label): %u heads, %llu sectors, %d rpm %u cylinders, %d alternate cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 Label ID: %s Volume ID: %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Disk %s (Sun disk label): %u heads, %llu sectors, %u cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes %*s Flag Start End Blocks Id System %s %c%c %9lu %9lu %9lu%c %2x %s HeadsSectors/trackCylindersUnused gap - sectors 0-%d Unused gap - sectors %d-%d Number of alternate cylindersExtra sectors per cylinderInterleave factorRotation speed (rpm)Number of physical cylindersUnassignedSunOS rootSunOS swapSunOS usrWhole diskSunOS standSunOS varSunOS homeSunOS alt sectorsSunOS cachefsSunOS reservedLinux raid autodetect There is a valid AIX label on this disk. Unfortunately Linux cannot handle these disks at the moment. Nevertheless some advice: 1. fdisk will destroy its contents on write. 2. Be sure that this disk is NOT a still vital part of a volume group. (Otherwise you may erase the other disks as well, if unmirrored.) 3. Before deleting this physical volume be sure to remove the disk logically from your AIX machine. (Otherwise you become an AIXpert). There is a valid Mac label on this disk. Unfortunately fdisk(1) cannot handle these disks. Use either pdisk or parted to modify the partition table. Nevertheless some advice: 1. fdisk will destroy its contents on write. 2. Be sure that this disk is NOT a still vital part of a volume group. (Otherwise you may erase the other disks as well, if unmirrored.) -partdisc/dev/disk/by-id/dev/disk/by-path%*.*s%s%-2u%.*s%s%-2uEmptyXENIX rootXENIX usrExtendedHPFS/NTFS/exFATAIXAIX bootableOS/2 Boot ManagerW95 Ext'd (LBA)OPUSHidden FAT12Compaq diagnosticsHidden FAT16 <32MHidden FAT16Hidden HPFS/NTFSAST SmartSleepHidden W95 FAT32Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden W95 FAT16 (LBA)NEC DOSHidden NTFS WinREPlan 9PartitionMagic recoveryVenix 80286PPC PReP BootSFSQNX4.xQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.x 3rd partOnTrack DMOnTrack DM6 Aux1CP/MOnTrack DM6 Aux3OnTrackDM6EZ-DriveGolden BowPriam EdiskSpeedStorGNU HURD or SysVNovell Netware 286Novell Netware 386DiskSecure Multi-BootPC/IXOld MinixMinix / old LinuxLinux swap / SolarisOS/2 hidden C: driveLinux extendedNTFS volume setLinux plaintextAmoebaAmoeba BBTBSD/OSIBM Thinkpad hibernationFreeBSDOpenBSDNeXTSTEPDarwin UFSNetBSDDarwin bootHFS / HFS+BSDI fsBSDI swapBoot Wizard hiddenSolaris bootDRDOS/sec (FAT-12)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16)SyrinxNon-FS dataCP/M / CTOS / ...Dell UtilityBootItDOS accessDOS R/OBeOS fsGPTEFI (FAT-12/16/32)Linux/PA-RISC bootDOS secondaryVMware VMFSVMware VMKCORELANsteplast_lba() could not stat: %s last_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode %o %d.%d.%d/sys/block/%s/dm/name/dev/mapper/%s/dm-;DlT$<\$|T,DdTt $DDd d |  $ D   $ T T d l   $ d | t" #D T#d # ( D) T) 4*L + + + , .L2D546d>?C D,ElGG DHDHIIKNL4OtTOU4Vt_$`L4`dT`|a$aDada a$a<dbdDgtgggh4h,ThDth\ht$idiq,$rLrdst$t<x}}}}}~,Lt$dă$T$4<lĕDԚ $D$dDԝ$Ԟ4TԠt$$TLlTd,ĥD\4|TDĬ<  zRx *zRx $xFJ w?;*3$"DP\`G' R $| YS DC ,QBLA ~AB< RMF a ABG FAEX4PkUT4TBJC ~ ABP [AB8WHHx&A^4sADG g FAF nCA41AAD0 FAA D CAH d<BEJ E(O0 (A BBBG @ (A BBEE A (A BBEE 0HAKI `D M `WgA_CDO E _|<(%RBB B(A0A8D 8G0A(B BBBS T8A0A(B BBBB,AC M F LBQB B(A0A8D8A0A(B BBB<8,$TPAO AA |8@ H PG-D^ A ,<ADF d AAA ,D\t\<8BEA A(G (A ABBA 7<BBA D(FP  (A ABBA <x LT I BGB B(A0A8FpQ 8C0A(B BBBF < uBKA A(DP[(A ABB4`AFL m AAF D CAA :Au<fAG \AL\8BBB B(A0A8G' 8A0A(B BBBF ,BAD  ABG 8,0BFH z ABC L$BDB D(A0r (A BBBJ A (A JBBE <t`BGF ^ AEE A ANE 5<BBA A(N0| (F ABBE $ 0 CBBB B(A0A8FN 8A0A(B BBBH ` 8I0A(B BBBN d 8A0A(B BBBJ l 8A0A(B BBBE D 8C0A(B BBBE 4 #kBAA G  AABD , &XAKG AAA ,< 8'%AC FM A $l 8/AAD FAL /BBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBH  p3vDT H < 3BBA H(Gi (A ABBE ,D 5uAAD  FAK 4t 4BBB E(D0I8N4 86BQA G  AABA 4 6{ADF Q CAH PAAL 6BGF D(D0A (A ABBB S (C ABBE l 877Dn$ `7I} J j F < 7BBA A(G (A ABBF 4 x9xBKA L  AABG $$ ;Ft F  K L <DP<d <BBA A(DPZ (A ABBF  CDAB4 @C6 BAA F0S  AABG $ HLAJ E c E f$L<LDTLBHF A({  ABDE @ DGD8M@MHMPM*hM$pMDX D W I L<MBBB B(D0A8D 8A0A(B BBBA R-R-R-R%R%SS4S LLSBBD A(D0g (H ABBO D(A ABBXS>LSBBB B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBJ P[DP D }L$[BBA A(D0m (A ABBK D(A ABBLt \BBA A(D0k (A ABBE D(E ABB4p\"BDG z ABF } ADF h] D`]BBE G(A0G 0A(A BBBE ,\8aAMDp AAB eeeeeewD H $$0gUG E n J ,Lhh9UAH  ABB |xi7i$8jG~ K } C j<j=AAD  CAA  AFA ,,mAMD` AAA \(r0Lt@r4BBB B(A0A8G1 8A0A(B BBBA L0uBEB E(A0C8G 8A0A(B BBBA ,yIGI \ ABH ,DzIII { ABG Lt {tBBB B(A0C8G 8A0A(B BBBG PIO H l)IP G mHIR E o<IR E o\(IO H l$|Dl E D A 0 Dg E t Dq K mL,H*BEE B(A0F8G` 8F0A(B BBBG 4|(BDH D0`  DABG DAFIp AAF  FAF G CAE $0AED cAA$4AH fDLD BLE D(H0t (A GBBA L(A BBBDADID AAD ` AAF f CAF $X7AG ^ AI pDSx"D Z47D d H F$TbAG g AH ^A,|6BHD aAE,bBAA V ABA <HBEB D(A0Z (D BBBF LBEB E(D0D8Dt 8D0A(B BBBE lXGP I 45BYA G  AABC LBBB B(A0A8JA 8A0A(B BBBF DPeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB\x7@p7@K @ @nanao@ @@ : pa8`@@ o@ooR@na@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@(AQIA(A(A(A(A(A(A(A (A (A (A (A .JA(A)A)A8A8A8A8A8A8A9A 9A9A 9A &9A .9A 99A A9AI9AT9Aa9Ak9AAAqGAAAAABABABA'BA1BA @@F @ :NoR@R[o@j@t`@`8 ~@y@@b@  @ M JAJOAOnannannannanoaopaprar |a| A | |