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(y/n)ynPerforming changes.Leaving filesystem unchanged.usage: %s [-aAbflrtvVwy] [-d path -d ...] [-u path -u ...] %15sdevice -a automatically repair the filesystem -A toggle Atari filesystem format -b make read-only boot sector check -c N use DOS codepage N to decode short file names (default: %d) -f salvage unused chains to files -n no-op, check non-interactively without changing -p same as -a, for compat with other *fsck -r interactively repair the filesystem -t test for bad clusters -u path try to undelete that (non-directory) file -V perform a verification pass -w write changes to disk immediately -y same as -a, for compat with other *fsck %s: %u files, %lu/%lu clusters S@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@K@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@n@O@,@ @@n@@n@n@n@n@n@@n@@n@O@n@@n@@@s@g@n@O@Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt.1) Remove dirty bit 2) No action Automatically removing dirty bit.Logical sector size (%d bytes) is not a multiple of the physical sector size.Currently, only 1 or 2 FATs are supported, not %d. Checking we can access the last sector of the filesystemFilesystem has no space for any data clustersWarning: FAT32 root dir not in cluster chain! Compatibility mode...Warning: FAT32 root dir is in a cluster chain, but a separate root dir area is defined. Cannot fix this easily.Warning: Filesystem is FAT32 according to fat_length and fat32_length fields, but has only %lu clusters, less than the required minimum of %d. This may lead to problems on some systems. There is no backup boot sector.And there is no space for creating one!1) Create one 2) Do without a backup Auto-creating backup boot block.Created backup of boot sector in sector %d There are differences between boot sector and its backup.This is mostly harmless. Differences: (offset:original/backup) 1) Copy original to backup 2) Copy backup to original 3) No action Not automatically fixing this.1) Create one 2) Do without FSINFO Not automatically creating it.FSINFO sector has bad magic number(s): Offset %llu: 0x%08x != expected 0x%08x Offset %llu: 0x%04x != expected 0x%04x 1) Correct 2) Don't correct (FSINFO invalid then)Too many clusters (%lu) for FAT16 filesystem.Filesystem has %d clusters but only space for %d FAT entries.Root directory (%d entries) doesn't span an integral number of sectors.%10d bytes per logical sector First FAT starts at byte %llu (sector %llu) %10lld bytes per FAT (= %llu sectors) Root directory starts at byte %llu (sector %llu) Root directory start at cluster %lu (arbitrary size) Data area starts at byte %llu (sector %llu) %10lu data clusters (%llu bytes) No free reserved sector found -- no space for FSINFO sector!3,5" 720k floppy 2s/80tr/9sec or 5.25" 1.2M floppy 2s/80tr/15sec5.25" 320k floppy 1s/80tr/8sec5.25" 180k floppy 1s/40tr/9sec5.25" 360k floppy 2s/40tr/9sec5.25" 160k floppy 1s/40tr/8sec5.25" 320k floppy 2s/40tr/8sec?120x41: 0x25: FAT12 FAT16 , undefinedLogical sector size is zero.Cluster size is zero.FAT size is zero.No root directory!%s%u:%02x/%02x 123No FSINFO sector Auto-correcting it.Root directory has zero size.Boot sector contents:System ID "%s" Serial number 0x%x Media byte 0x%02x (%s) %10d bytes per cluster %10d reserved sector%s %10d FATs, %d bit entries %10d root directory entries %u sectors/track, %u heads %10u hidden sectors %10u sectors total 5.25" or 3.5" HD floppyhard disk3.5" 640k floppy 2s/80tr/8sec@@@@@ @@@`@@Oops, deleting FAT32 root dir!%s Directory has non-zero size. Fixing it. %s Start (%lu) does not point to parent (%lu) %s Start (%lu) does not point to .. (%lu) %s Start does point to root directory. Deleting dir. %s Start cluster beyond limit (%lu > %lu). Truncating file. Bad FAT32 root directory! (bad start cluster) %s Contains a %s cluster (%lu). Assuming EOF. FAT32 root dir starts with a bad cluster!%s File size is %u bytes, cluster chain length is > %lu bytes. Truncating file to %u bytes. Truncating second to %llu bytes because first is FAT32 root dir. Truncating first to %llu bytes because second is FAT32 root dir. 1) Truncate first to %llu bytes%s 2) Truncate second to %llu bytes Truncating second to %llu bytes. Internal error: didn't find cluster %d in chain starting at %d%s File size is %u bytes, cluster chain length is %llu bytes. Truncating file to %llu bytes. Warning: Did only undelete %lu of %lu cluster%s. %s Circular cluster chain. Truncating to %lu cluster%s. %s Cluster %lu (%lu) is unreadable. Skipping it. %s Has a large number of bad entries. (%d/%d) Not dropping root directory. Not dropping it in auto-mode.1) Drop it 2) Auto-rename 3) Rename 4) Convert to directoryRoot contains directory "%s". Dropping it. 1) Drop file 2) Rename file 3) Auto-rename 4) Keep it%s Duplicate directory entry. First %s 1) Drop first 2) Drop second 3) Rename first 4) Rename second 5) Auto-rename first 6) Auto-rename second%s "." is missing. Can't fix this yet. %s ".." is missing. Can't fix this yet. Root directory has no cluster allocated!Root directory full and no free clusterPath name too long.badfree and restart. .. %s and %s share clusters. *?\/:*?<>|"\/:EA DATA SFWP ROOT SFCannot rename FAT32 root dirNew name: Can't undelete directories.Checking file %s (%s)%H:%M:%S %b %d %Y Size %u bytes, date %s%07luToo many files need repair...Drop directory ? (y/n)%s Is a non-directory. Auto-renaming it.1234 Renamed to %s Bad short file name (%s). Second %s Auto-renaming second.123456Unable to create unique nameRoot directory is full.vL@ZL@TL@L@L@iK@;Zx0N:%s malloc%s Invalid input.Bad FAT entry size: %d bits.Checking for bad clusters.Cluster %lu is unreadable. Checking for unused clusters.FSCK%04dREC1) Correct 2) Don't correct Auto-correcting. Auto-setting.FATs differ - using first FAT.FATs differ - using second FAT.FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT ? 1) Use first FAT 2) Use second FATFATs differ but appear to be intact. Using first FAT.Both FATs appear to be corrupt. Giving up.Cluster %ld out of range (1). Setting to EOF. Cluster %ld out of range (%ld > %ld). Setting to EOF. Internal error: next_cluster on bad clusterInternal error: attempt to set owner in non-existent tableInternal error: attempt to change file ownerReclaimed %d unused cluster%s (%llu bytes). Reclaiming unconnected clusters.Internal error: num_refs going below zeroBroke cycle at cluster %lu in free chain. Reclaimed %d unused cluster%s (%llu bytes) in %d chain%s. Checking free cluster summary.Free cluster summary wrong (%ld vs. really %ld) Free cluster summary uninitialized (should be %ld) 1) Set it 2) Leave it uninitializeddropundeleteWarning: did not %s file %s *?<>|"/Duplicate dots in name.Invalid octal character.%s: Absolute path required.Ambiguous name: "%s"Dropping %s Undeleting %s Internal error: file_modifyInvalid character in name. Use \ooo for special characters.Internal error: file_find failedopenfstat %sSeek to %lldRead %d bytes at %lldWrite %d bytes at %lldclosing filesystemGot %d bytes instead of %d at %lldWrote %d bytes instead of %d at %lldSeek to %lld failed: %s Did not write %d bytes. Writing %d bytes at %lld failed: %s Wrote %d bytes instead of %d bytes at %lld. lfn_get called with LFN directory entryUnfinished long file name "%s". (Start may have been overwritten by %s) 1: Delete LFN 2: Leave it as it is. 3: Fix numbering (truncates long name and attaches it to short name %s) Wrong checksum for long file name "%s". (Short name %s may have changed without updating the long name) 1: Delete LFN 2: Leave it as it is. 3: Fix checksum (attaches to short name %s) Orphaned long file name part "%s" lfn_add_slot called with non-LFN directory entryA new long file name starts within an old one. It could be that the LFN start bit is wrong here if "%s" seems to match "%s". 1: Delete previous LFN 2: Leave it as it is.3: Clear start bit and concatenate LFNsLong filename fragment "%s" found outside a LFN sequence. (Maybe the start bit is missing on the last fragment) 1: Delete fragment 2: Leave it as it is. 3: Set start bitUnexpected long filename sequence number (%d vs. expected %d). It could be that just the number is wrong if "%s" seems to match "%s". 1: Delete LFN 2: Leave it as it is (and ignore LFN so far)Checksum in long filename part wrong (%02x vs. expected %02x). 1: Delete LFN 2: Leave it as it is. 3: Correct checksumReserved field in VFAT long filename slot is not 0 (but 0x%02x). Start cluster field in VFAT long filename slot is not 0 (but 0x%04x). Not auto-correcting this.1: Delete. 2: Leave it. Auto-deleting.3: Correct sequence number1: Fix. 2: Leave it.Auto-setting to 0.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+-CP%dTrying to set fallback DOS codepage %d ;TI _Pbepfh( iHipkyzP|0}}@P@p`@(ФХ(@`XxШ( `@ 0 p 8 X p 0 P @@ @ лH p  PP p 0 @ Hx0``Xp  Hh` 0xzRx uc*zRx $x\0FJ w?;*3$"DdDD\h_BLE A(C0G  0A(A BBEA eMDg E X$etDL H i O <(fTBBA D(JF (A ABBA L,HgBGB B(A0A8L  8A0A(B BBBF L|uBBB D(D0] (A BBBF u (A BBBD 4HvgBGA G`-  AABF <wBDE D(C0 (A BBBH 4D`xAAG T FAD c FAF L|xL BBE B(A0A8Gp 8C0A(B BBBE LBLH B(A0A8O@ 8A0A(B BBBJ ,8`ADD` AAA <Lh*BEA D(D` (A ABBI LXhBEB E(D0A8G 8A0A(B BBBF $xAW AA LpBBB B(A0D8DP 8A0A(B BBBD LTBBB B(A0A8Dpe 8A0A(B BBBC dBBB B(A0A8G`3 8F0A(B BBBE D 8C0A(B BBBH L XBBE B(D0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA D\BAD D0  FABK S  AABI GHG DQ A ,3BDI `AB$$@ADD tAAL(<d BED D(D0 (C ABBA XPDBBE A(C0G@P 0A(A BBBD LLBEB B(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBJ TaAL RA$txAL ] AA HPCDh A <'BBA D(D@ (A ABBF <,xBBA D(D@ (A ABBA LlXBBB B(A0D8GQ 8A0A(B BBBA <BBD D(D@! 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