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Cannot understand the %s '%s'. Failed to complete writing to %s after three retries. Failed to determine system page size. Assuming safe default of 4096 bytes. Failed to allocate attribute search context. add_attr_index_root: indexed attribute is $FILE_NAME but collation rule is not COLLATION_FILE_NAME. add_attr_index_root: index block size is not a multiple of the cluster size. add_attr_index_root: index block size is not a power of 2. add_attr_index_root: index block size is smaller than the sector size. add_attr_index_root failed: %s ntfs_index_keys_compare called without supported collation rule. BUG: Standard information not found Too many hardlinks present already. create_hardlink failed adding file name attribute: %s create_hardlink failed inserting index entry: %s Compressed attributes not supported yet. Encrypted/sparse attributes not supported. Failed to allocate scattered clustersFailed to get size for mapping pairs. Error writing non-resident attribute value. insert_non_resident_attr_in_mft_record failed with error %lld. BUG: Allocated size is smaller than data size! insert_positioned_attr_in_mft_record failed with error %i. add_attr_data_positioned failed: %s Creating NTFS volume structures. Failed to layout system mft records. Creating root directory (mft record 5) Failed to get attribute search context. BUG: Standard information attribute not present in file record. add_attr_file_name failed: %s Sector size is bigger than index block size. Setting usa_count to 1. If Windows chkdsk reports this as corruption, please email %s stating that you saw this message and that the filesystem created was corrupt. Thank you.ntfs_mst_pre_write_fixup() failed in upgrade_to_large_index. add_attr_index_alloc failed: %s Failed to allocate attribute search contextBUG: $FILE_NAME attribute not found. Couldn't create root directory: %s add_attr_bitmap_positioned failed: %s Creating $MFTMirr (mft record 1) Creating $LogFile (mft record 2) Creating $AttrDef (mft record 4) Creating $Bitmap (mft record 6) Creating $Boot (mft record 7) BUG: calculated clusters_per_mft_record is wrong (= 0x%x) BUG: calculated clusters_per_index_record is wrong (= 0x%x) FATAL: Generated boot sector is invalid! Couldn't write backup boot sector: %s Couldn't write backup boot sector. This is due to a limitation in the Linux kernel. This is not a major problem as Windows check disk will create the backup boot sector when it is run on your next boot into Windows. Creating $Volume (mft record 3) Setting the volume dirty so check disk runs on next reboot into Windows. Creating $BadClus (mft record 8) Creating $Secure (mft record 9) Creating $UpCase (mft record 0xa) Creating $Extend (mft record 11) Creating system file (mft record 0x%x) Couldn't create system file %i (0x%x): %s Creating $Quota (mft record 24) Creating $ObjId (mft record 25) index_obj_id_insert failed inserting index entry: %s Creating $Reparse (mft record 26) Internal error: invalid parameters to mkntfs_options. You may only specify the label once. Option '%s' requires an argument. Create an NTFS volume on a user specified (block) device. Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Anton Altaparmakov Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Richard Russon Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Szabolcs Szakacsits Copyright (c) 2005 Erik Sornes Copyright (c) 2007 Yura Pakhuchiy Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Jean-Pierre Andre Usage: %s [options] device [number-of-sectors] Basic options: -f, --fast Perform a quick format -Q, --quick Perform a quick format -L, --label STRING Set the volume label -C, --enable-compression Enable compression on the volume -I, --no-indexing Disable indexing on the volume -n, --no-action Do not write to disk Advanced options: -c, --cluster-size BYTES Specify the cluster size for the volume -s, --sector-size BYTES Specify the sector size for the device -p, --partition-start SECTOR Specify the partition start sector -H, --heads NUM Specify the number of heads -S, --sectors-per-track NUM Specify the number of sectors per track -z, --mft-zone-multiplier NUM Set the MFT zone multiplier -T, --zero-time Fake the time to be 00:00 UTC, Jan 1, 1970 -F, --force Force execution despite errors Output options: -q, --quiet Quiet execution -v, --verbose Verbose execution --debug Very verbose execution Help options: -V, --version Display version -l, --license Display licensing information -h, --help Display this help Could not create attrdef structureThe device doesn't exist; did you specify it correctly? Error getting information about %sRefusing to make a filesystem here! You must specify the number of sectors. %s is entire device, not just one partition. Failed to determine whether %s is mountedmkntfs forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. The sector size was not specified for %s and it could not be obtained automatically. It has been set to 512 bytes. The sector size is invalid. It must be a power of two, e.g. 512, 1024. The sector size is invalid. The minimum size is 256 bytes and the maximum is 4096 bytes. Couldn't determine the size of %s. Please specify the number of sectors manually. The partition start sector was not specified for %s and it could not be obtained automatically. It has been set to 0. The partition start sector specified for %s and the automatically determined value is too large. It has been set to 0. Invalid partition start sector. Maximum is 4294967295 (2^32-1). The number of sectors per track was not specified for %s and it could not be obtained automatically. It has been set to 0. The number of sectors per track was not specified for %s and the automatically determined value is too large. It has been set to 0. Invalid number of sectors per track. Maximum is 65535. The number of heads was not specified for %s and it could not be obtained automatically. It has been set to 0. The number of heads was not specified for %s and the automatically determined value is too large. It has been set to 0. Invalid number of heads. Maximum is 65535. Device is too small (%llikiB). Minimum NTFS volume size is 1MiB. Device is too large to hold an NTFS volume (maximum size is 256TiB). Cluster size has been automatically set to %u bytes. The cluster size is invalid. It must be a power of two, e.g. 1024, 4096. The cluster size is invalid. It must be equal to, or larger than, the sector size. The cluster size is invalid. It cannot be more that 128 times the size of the sector size. The cluster size is invalid. The maximum cluster size is 65536 bytes (64kiB). Windows cannot use compression when the cluster size is larger than 4096 bytes. Windows cannot use compression when the cluster size is larger than 4096 bytes. Compression has been disabled for this volume. Illegal combination of volume/cluster/sector size and/or cluster/sector number. Number of clusters exceeds 32 bits. Please try again with a larger cluster size or leave the cluster size unspecified and the smallest possible cluster size for the size of the device will be used. Mft record size (%u bytes) exceeds system page size (%li bytes). You will not be able to mount this volume using the NTFS kernel driver. Index record size (%u bytes) exceeds system page size (%li bytes). You will not be able to mount this volume using the NTFS kernel driver. To boot from a device, Windows needs the 'partition start sector', the 'sectors per track' and the 'number of heads' to be set. Windows will not be able to boot from this device. $LogFile would be created with invalid size. This is not allowed as it would cause Windows to blue screen and during boot. Initializing device with zeroes: 0%%Error: Cluster zero is bad. Cannot create NTFS file system. Reallocating memory for bad blocks list failed Found bad cluster (%lld). Adding to list of bad blocks. Initializing device with zeroes: %3.0f%%Error: Bad cluster found in location reserved for system file $Boot. Syncing root directory index record. BUG: $INDEX_ALLOCATION attribute not found. Failed to decompress runlist of $INDEX_ALLOCATION attribute. BUG: $INDEX_ALLOCATION attribute too short. ntfs_mst_pre_write_fixup() failed while syncing index block. Error writing $INDEX_ALLOCATION. Could not create an attribute search contextBUG: $DATA attribute not found. ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress() failed Error : the global bitmap is resident mkntfs completed successfully. Have a nice day. mkntfs.cBitmap allocation error Not enough memoryError writing to %sCorrupt inode. add_attr_std_info failedBUG: Unnamed data not found add_attr_data failed: %s add_attr_sd failed: %s unknown errorFailed to layout mft record. .$I30add_attr_bitmap failed: %s ntfs-3g-devel@lists.sf.netCreating $MFT (mft record 0) $MFTCouldn't create $MFT: %s $MFTMirrCouldn't create $MFTMirr: %s $LogFileCouldn't create $LogFile: %s $AttrDefCouldn't create $AttrDef: %s Couldn't create $Bitmap: %s $BootCouldn't create $Boot: %s Creating backup boot sector. Seek failed$Volumeadd_attr_vol_name failed: %s add_attr_vol_info failed: %s Couldn't create $Volume: %s $Bad$BadClusCouldn't create $BadClus: %s $Secure$SDS$SDH$SIICouldn't create $Secure: %s $Info$UpCaseCouldn't create $UpCase: %s $ExtendCouldn't create $Extend: %s $Quota$Q$OCouldn't create $Quota: %s $ObjIdCouldn't create $ObjId: %s $Reparse$RCouldn't create $Reparse: %s number of sectorscluster sizeheadspartition startsector sizesectors per trackmft zone multiplierUnknown option '%s'. -c:CfFhH:IlL:np:qQs:S:TUvVz:You must specify a device. %s v%s (libntfs-3g) 2013.1.13AR.1 %s %s%s Could not create volumeCould not copy volume nameCould not create deviceRunning in READ-ONLY mode! Could not open %s%s is not a block device. mkntfs forced anyway. %s is mounted. %3.0f%%This should not happen. 100%% - Done. ntfs_rlwrite: %s Syncing $MFT. ntfs_mst_pwrite: %s Updating $MFTMirr. ntfs_mft_usn_decSyncing device. Syncing device. FAILEDWarning: Could not close %sSyncing $Bitmap. cluster-sizedebugenable-compressionfastforcehelplabellicensemft-zone-multiplierno-actionno-indexingpartition-startquickquietsector-sizesectors-per-trackwith-uuidverboseversionzero-timeej6pejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejej'pejej;qejqqejejpejejejejpejp|pmpoejejejoejejejejejejejejgoejejpejjejejej^oejoejooej5oejejpejejejomkntfs_cleanupntfs_rlwritemkntfs_sync_index_recordadd_attr_index_rootcreate_hardlink_resindex_obj_id_insertadd_attr_sdadd_attr_datanon_resident_unnamed_datastdinfo_timecreate_hardlinkntfs_index_keys_compareinsert_index_entry_in_res_dir_indexadd_attr_data_positionedadd_attr_object_idadd_attr_vol_infoadd_attr_vol_namecreate_file_volumecreate_backup_boot_sectorinsert_non_resident_attr_in_mft_recordinsert_positioned_attr_in_mft_recordadd_attr_bitmap_positionedinsert_file_link_in_dir_indexadd_attr_index_allocadd_attr_bitmapupgrade_to_large_indexadd_attr_file_nameinsert_resident_attr_in_mft_recordadd_attr_std_infomkntfs_create_root_structuresmkntfs_writeappend_to_bad_blocksmkntfs_fill_device_with_zeroesmkntfs_initialize_rl_logfilebitmap_allocatemkntfs_get_page_sizemkntfs_override_vol_paramsmkntfs_open_partitionmkntfs_redirectmkntfs_usagemkntfs_licensemkntfs_versionmkntfs_parse_longmkntfs_parse_llongmkntfs_parse_optionsB?utils.cThe device %s doesn't exist Forced to continue. Failed to mount '%s'Invalid size '%s'. Invalid number '%.*s'. Couldn't open inode %llu. %c%sPathname was truncated. (%s)Couldn't open $BitmapCouldn't read $BitmapCouldn't read $MFT/$BITMAPError reading inode %llu. Out of memory. Aborting. Couldn't open $MFT/$DATACouldn't read MFT Record %lluError closing inode %llu. Failed to set locale, using default '%s'. Use the force option to ignore this error. Access is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command. You can use force option to avoid this check, but this is not recommended and may lead to data corruption. The device '%s' doesn't have a valid NTFS. Maybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around? NTFS is inconsistent. Run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot it TWICE! The usage of the /f parameter is very IMPORTANT! No modification was made to NTFS by this software. The NTFS partition is hibernated. Please resume Windows and turned it off properly, so mounting could be done safely. Access is denied because the NTFS journal file is unclean. Choices are: A) Shutdown Windows properly. B) Click the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows taskbar notification area before disconnecting the device. C) Use 'Eject' from Windows Explorer to safely remove the device. D) If you ran chkdsk previously then boot Windows again which will automatically initialize the journal. E) Submit 'force' option (WARNING: This solution it not recommended). F) ntfsmount: Mount the volume read-only by using the 'ro' mount option. You seem to have a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware and must use an activated, different device under /dev/mapper, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1) to mount NTFS. Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for help. Volume is scheduled for check. Please boot into Windows TWICE, or use the 'force' option. NOTE: If you had not scheduled check and last time accessed this volume using ntfsmount and shutdown system properly, then init scripts in your distribution are broken. Please report to your distribution developers (NOT to us!) that init scripts kill ntfsmount or mount.ntfs-fuse during shutdown instead of proper umount. WARNING: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option. Internal error, strtoll didn't return a suffix. Invalid size suffix '%s'. Use T, G, M, or K. Couldn't create a search context. Couldn't translate filename to current locale. The directory structure is too deep (over %d) nested directories. Couldn't translate attribute type to current locale. Unknown attribute type 0x%02x Attribute type was truncated. Couldn't translate attribute name to current locale. Attribute name was truncated. Error reading inode %llu. Aborting. This program is free software, released under the GNU General Public License and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details read the GNU General Public License to be found in the file "COPYING" distributed with this program, or online at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html Developers' email address: ntfs-3g-devel@lists.sf.net mft_next_recordutils_mftrec_in_useutils_cluster_in_useutils_attr_get_nameutils_inode_get_namefind_first_attributeutils_parse_sizeutils_mount_volumeutils_valid_deviceutils_set_locale;2|, l T[d<d "*T*t^+000ST|} <$< T<,<LlL| ̏t | l $ ld   ܞ< \ \ ̣ zRx {*zRx $FJ w?;*3$"D{N\~fth[0DhL BFB E(A0E8G`|8A0A(B BBB$ 4AAF iAATPBAD D@W  AABJ D  CABF b  FABE TtBAD D@W  AABJ D  CABF b  FABE <&BBE D(H0 (A BBEA D ' BEE E(D0D8DP8D0A(B BBBLT qBBB B(A0A8GU8A0A(B BBB؆WDS A L BEE E(D0D8Dp8A0A(B BBB,_UE{ E OLLBEB E(A0G8Dp8A0A(B BBBLF BEE E(I0D8D`8C0A(B BBB4BDD F AABL$kBBB E(D0D8DI8A0A(B BBB$tAFA tADL0yBDE E(K0D8DpK8A0A(B BBBLYBDE I(D0A8G8A0A(B BBBL<=BHB B(A0A8G8A0A(B BBB"AD CH#AD CL#BEE H(A0A8D8A0A(B BBBD(gAD ^CL<(#B_G B(A0A8G"8A0A(B BBBL@K.)BBB E(A0D8G 8C0A(B BBBA mK W F BDBAA G@V  AABK i  AABC dDhABAA J  CABH D  CABF R  CCBF G  FCBF 4P-AAG0q DAA F DAE \HBBA A(GP_ (A ABBF  (F ABBE q (C ABBG lDBBB A(A0G@b 0A(A BBGB O 0C(A BBBG d 0C(A BBBB $WAG n AI ,}AAD r AAF L +BBB B(A0A8Gg 8A0A(B BBBA <\ BBBA A(GPT (C ABBG < JBBA A(D0 (A ABBA , ADD [ AAJ , БDZ B O A R A Q< T x?Da K Nt "DW E At DBBA A(G@b (A ABBK  (C ABBC | (A ABDA m (F ABBA D eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBT p0cZ Cf!FH'h,L2l:zNnXIdptQzqsSUvVT  ((!0(!ox  r -!(  ooooo+!Vfv  & 6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!!!!!!!!!""&"6"F"V"f"v"""""""""##&#6#F#V#f#v########0!mkntfs`78f09bbad313848565a67779eef6ae60d34460.debug.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4oL>  Fx x rNo[oPj t(( ~y@@## !\ `` ((!((0(!0(8(!8(@(!@( +!+-!-0!08@0!80  804l0