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Would start %s (as user %s[%d], and group %s[%d]) in directory %s, and add %i to the priorityStarting %s... Detaching to start %s...unable to do first forkunable to do second forkdone./dev/nullunable to open '%s'w%d unable to close pidfile '%s'unable to chdir() to %sunable to chroot() to %sunable to set gid to %dunable to set uid to %sunable to start %sIgnoring --retry in test modeprocess in pidfile '%.200s'process(es) owned by '%.200s'%d pids were not killed select() failed for pausehelpstopstartversionstartasnameoknodoquietsignaltestusergroupchrootverboseexecchuidnicelevelprocschedioschedumaskbackgroundno-closemake-pidfileretrychdirABRTALRMFPEHUPINTKILLPIPEQUITSEGVTERMUSR1USR2CHLDCONTSTOPTSTPTTINTTOU/Try '%s --help' for more information. only one command can be specifiedNo %s found running; none killed. nothing in /proc - not mounted?invalid timeout value in scheduleinvalid schedule item (must be [-], -, or 'forever'HKSVTa:n:op:qr:s:tu:vx:c:N:P:I:k:bCmR:g:d:Usage: start-stop-daemon [