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while writing journal superblock.Cannot locate journal device. It was NOT removed Use -f option to remove missing journal device. Filesystem's UUID not found on journal device. Please run e2fsck on the filesystem. Couldn't allocate memory to parse quota options! Bad quota options specified. Following valid quota options are available (pass by separating with comma): [^]usrquota [^]grpquota bad reserved blocks count - %sCouldn't parse date/time specifier: %sInode size must be a power of two- %sInvalid filesystem option set: %s Clearing filesystem feature '%s' not supported. Setting filesystem feature '%s' not supported. The has_journal feature may only be cleared when the filesystem is unmounted or mounted read-only. The needs_recovery flag is set. Please run e2fsck before clearing the has_journal flag. The multiple mount protection feature can't be set if the filesystem is mounted or read-only. Error while enabling multiple mount protection feature.Multiple mount protection has been enabled with update interval %ds. The multiple mount protection feature cannot be disabled if the filesystem is readonly. Magic number in MMP block does not match. expected: %x, actual: %x Clearing the flex_bg flag would cause the the filesystem to be inconsistent. The huge_file feature may only be cleared when the filesystem is unmounted or mounted read-only. Warning: '^quota' option overrides '-Q'arguments. Usage: e2label device [newlabel] If you are sure the filesystem is not in use on any node, run: 'tune2fs -f -E clear_mmp {device}' MMP block magic is bad. Try to fix it by running: 'e2fsck -f %s' Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock. The inode size is already %lu Shrinking inode size is not supported Invalid inode size %lu (max %d) Couldn't allocate memory for tdb filename To undo the tune2fs operation please run the command e2undo %s %s while determining whether %s is mounted.Setting maximal mount count to %d Setting current mount count to %d Setting reserved blocks gid to %lu interval between checks is too big (%lu)Setting interval between checks to %lu seconds Setting reserved blocks percentage to %g%% (%llu blocks) reserved blocks count is too big (%llu)Setting reserved blocks count to %llu The filesystem already has sparse superblocks. Sparse superblock flag set. %s Clearing the sparse superflag not supported. Setting time filesystem last checked to %s Setting reserved blocks uid to %lu Warning: label too long, truncating. Couldn't allocate memory to parse options! Invalid mmp_update_interval: %s mmp_update_interval too big: %lu Setting multiple mount protection update interval to %lu seconds Setting multiple mount protection update interval to %lu second Invalid RAID stripe-width: %s Setting default hash algorithm to %s (%d) Extended mount options too long Bad options specified. Extended options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid extended options are: clear_mmp hash_alg= mount_opts= stride= stripe_width= test_fs ^test_fs Error in using clear_mmp. It must be used with -f The filesystem already has a journal. while trying to open journal on %s Creating journal on device %s: while adding filesystem to journal on %s while trying to create journal fileThe quota feature may only be changed when the filesystem is unmounted. Warning: the quota feature is still under development See https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Quota for more information The UUID may only be changed when the filesystem is unmounted. The inode size may only be changed when the filesystem is unmounted. Changing the inode size not supported for filesystems with the flex_bg feature enabled. Failed to allocate block bitmap when increasing inode size Not enough space to increase inode size Failed to relocate blocks during inode resize Error in resizing the inode size. Run e2undo to undo the file system changes. Setting extended default mount options to '%s' UUIDTEST_IO_FLAGSTEST_IO_BLOCK%s is not a journal device. Journal removed %s (and reboot afterwards!) Q:4-Feb-20141.42.9tune2fs %s (%s) bad mounts count - %scontinueremount-ropanicbad error behavior - %sbad gid/group name - %sbad interval - %sbad reserved block ratio - %s-o may only be specified once-O may only be specified once^usrquota^grpquotanow%Y%m%d%H%M%Sbad uid/user name - %sbad inode size - %sUnable to resolve '%s'while reading journal inodewhile reading bitmapswhile clearing journal inodewhile writing journal inodeError while reading bitmaps while reading MMP block./var/lib/e2fsprogs/usr/share/localee2labelTEST_IO_DEBUGwhile trying to open %sE2FSPROGS_UNDO_DIRnone%s/tune2fs-%s.e2undowhile trying to delete %s%.*s ext2fs_check_if_mountSetting error behavior to %d Invalid mount option set: %s clear-mmpclear_mmpmmp_update_intervalSetting test filesystem flag^test_fsClearing test filesystem flagstrideInvalid RAID stride: %s stripe-widthstripe_widthhash_alghash-algInvalid hash algorithm: %s mount_optsjournaldone Creating journal inode: nullcleartimerandomInvalid UUID format Failed to read inode bitmap Failed to read block bitmap blocks to be movedSetting inode size %lu Failed to change inode size Setting stride size to %d Setting stripe width to %d tune2fsd@g@c@g@g@g@c@pc@g@@c@c@g@b@g@`e@g@g@d@d@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@Pd@g@f@@f@Pf@g@`b@@b@g@(b@a@g@a@g@g@Pa@ a@g@`@I@Y@CyYProceed anyway? (y,n) Could not stat %s --- %s %s is mounted; will not make a %s here! mke2fs forced anyway. devicesizelocationv1_superblockMMP check failed: %s The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? %s is not a block special device. %s is entire device, not just one partition! mke2fs forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. %s is apparently in use by the system; Couldn't allocate memory to parse journal options! Could not find journal device matching %s Bad journal options specified. Journal options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid journal options are: size= device= location= The journal size must be between 1024 and 10240000 filesystem blocks. Filesystem too small for a journal The requested journal size is %d blocks; it must be between 1024 and 10240000 blocks. Aborting. Journal size too big for filesystem. This filesystem will be automatically checked every %d mounts or %g days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. MMP error info: last update: %s node: %s device: %s @/build/e2fsprogs-W2qnWo/e2fsprogs-1.42.9/lib/quota/mkquota.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Unable to allocate dquot [QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID %d:actual (%llu, %llu) != expected (%llu, %llu) [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Couldn't read bitmaps: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Couldn't write bitmaps: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot initialize io on quotafile [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot finish IO on new quotafile: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Unable to allocate quota handle: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Failed to allocate quota context [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Failed to allocate dictionary [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: while opening inode scan. ret=%ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: while getting next inode. ret=%ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Open quota file failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Unable to allocate quota handle [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Error scanning dquots quota_compare_and_updatequota_update_limitsquota_compute_usageget_dqquota_init_contextquota_write_inodequota_remove_inode/build/e2fsprogs-W2qnWo/e2fsprogs-1.42.9/lib/quota/quotaio.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_llseek failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_read failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_write failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_open failed: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: qh_ops->check_file failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: qh_ops->init_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ex2fs_read_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_write_new_inode failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: init_new_quota_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_open failed: %d [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: qh_ops->new_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Failed to allocate dquot %s.%saquotausergroupget_empty_dquotquota_inode_init_newquota_file_createquota_write_nomountquota_read_nomountquota_file_open@@@@@@@/build/e2fsprogs-W2qnWo/e2fsprogs-1.42.9/lib/quota/quotaio_v2.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Not Implemented. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Your quota file is stored in wrong endianity v2_check_filev2_report/build/e2fsprogs-W2qnWo/e2fsprogs-1.42.9/lib/quota/quotaio_tree.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot write block (%u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot read block %u: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Illegal reference (%u >= %u) in %s quota file. Quota file is probably corrupted. Please run e2fsck (8) to fix it. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot allocate new quota block (out of disk space). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Failed to allocate dqbuf [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota for id %u referenced but not present. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Inserting already present quota entry (block %u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: find_free_dqentry(): Data block full unexpectedly. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota structure has offset to other block (%u) than it should (%u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot write quota (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota write failed (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot read quota structure for id %u: %s check_referencefind_block_dqentryqtree_read_dquotfree_dqentrywrite_blkfind_free_dqentryread_blkget_free_dqblkgetdqbufdo_insert_treedq_insert_treeqtree_write_dquot; cLl ULU$x<y,zz}D\~d~\t ܒ l\ \,lDd<ܛ  $Ldl l , , | L, \D  ܨ L L | L 4 L l ܲ ܳ, @F @  No@B[o@j@t@P  ~,@,y -@ -6@6~@ @B, @$(@(```` `aa `aH( H T