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Version number mismatched (old=%d new=%d) # id base leng %2d %02llX %8llX %8llX Part Fs: %02X (%s) Part Leng: %llu Can't seek to the start sectorNum of heads: %d Sectors per track: %d Not enough room to install mbrCan't seek to the first partitionCan't write the whole MBR to the save fileThe MBR/BS has been successfully installed Usage: grubinst [OPTIONS] DEVICE_OR_FILE OPTIONS: --help,-h Show usage information --pause Pause before exiting --version Show version information --verbose,-v Verbose output --list-part,-l List all logical partitions in DEVICE_OR_FILE --save=FN,-s=FN Save the orginal MBR/BS to FN --restore=FN,-r=FN Restore MBR/BS from previously saved FN --restore-prevmbr,-r Restore previous MBR saved in the second sector of DEVICE_OR_FILE --read-only,-t do everything except the actual write to the specified DEVICE_OR_FILE. (test mode) --no-backup-mbr do not copy the old MBR to the second sector of DEVICE_OR_FILE. --force-backup-mbr force the copy of old MBR to the second sector of DEVICE_OR_FILE.(default) --mbr-enable-floppy enable the search for GRLDR on floppy.(default) --mbr-disable-floppy disable the search for GRLDR on floppy. --mbr-enable-osbr enable the boot of PREVIOUS MBR with invalid partition table (usually an OS boot sector). (default) --mbr-disable-osbr disable the boot of PREVIOUS MBR with invalid partition table (usually an OS boot sector). --duce disable the feature of unconditional entrance to the command-line. --boot-prevmbr-first try to boot PREVIOUS MBR before the search for GRLDR. --boot-prevmbr-last try to boot PREVIOUS MBR after the search for GRLDR.(default) --preferred-drive=D preferred boot drive number, 0 <= D < 255. --preferred-partition=P preferred partition number, 0 <= P < 255. --time-out=T,-t=T wait T seconds before booting PREVIOUS MBR. if T is 0xff, wait forever. The default is 5. before booting PREVIOUS MBR. K is a word value, just as the value in AX register returned from int16/AH=1. The high byte is the scan code and the low byte is ASCII code. The default is 0x3920 for space bar. --key-name=S Specify the name of the hot key. --floppy,-f if DEVICE_OR_FILE is floppy, use this option. --floppy=N if DEVICE_OR_FILE is a partition on a hard drive, use this option. N is used to specify the partition number: 0,1,2 and 3 for the primary partitions, and 4,5,6,... for the logical partitions. --sectors-per-track=S specifies sectors per track for --floppy. 1 <= S <= 63, default is 63. --heads=H specifies number of heads for --floppy. 1 <= H <= 256, default is 255. --start-sector=B specifies hidden sectors for --floppy=N. --total-sectors=C specifies total sectors for --floppy. default is 0. --lba use lba mode for --floppy. If the floppy BIOS has LBA support, you can specify --lba here. It is assumed that all floppy BIOSes have CHS support. So you would rather specify --chs. If neither --chs nor --lba is specified, then the LBA indicator(i.e., the third byte of the boot sector) will not be touched. --chs use chs mode for --floppy. You should specify --chs if the floppy BIOS does not support LBA. We assume all floppy BIOSes have CHS support. So it is likely you want to specify --chs. If neither --chs nor --lba is specified, then the LBA indicator(i.e., the third byte of the boot sector) will not be touched. --install-partition=I Install the boot record onto the boot area of -p=I partition number I of the specified hard drive or harddrive image DEVICE_OR_FILE. --boot-file=F,-b=F Change the name of boot file. --load-seg=S Change load segment for boot file. --grub2,-2 Load grub2 kernel g2ldr instead of grldr. --output,-o Save embeded grldr.mbr to DEVICE_OR_FILE. --edit,-e Edit external grldr/grldr.mbr. Invalid preferred drive numberInvalid preferred partition numberInvalid option, please use --help to see all valid optionsCan't use device name while using --output optionFATUnknownOtherFAT12/FAT16EXT2/EXT3ExtendedExtendedX(H)FAT12(H)FAT16(H)FAT16B(H)NTFS(H)FAT32(H)FAT32X(H)FAT16XSwapExt2FBSD歉$?t)Hؿh 1`as `1aOu0 rw1RXr $?tA뾾 м܏faȴ.<u Missing MBR-helper.UXGRLDR )c NO NAME FAT32 u1ؽ|ЍfV@AUrUu t}Bf1fFDFfFfFHfFLfFff$fFLfF,fP}/Ğ1 }t ;~ uJufX)&u &ufX1fPJsV@ZJufXSff^ ffFH`1f;FDtfFD*&gb&gf[f=rfHfHfV RfZfFLf`f1fRfPSjjf1fvYfBYR1fYV@afarRf@^ s R€Zdisk errorNo GRLDR Y}<uUt!r1.faf`AUrUu tBfaf``u RyswfDfDf1fDr?uf@fр?ΆBff\f\ft$>BuXPfRfSRj?jBarZa`RZafaf`V1y<rNPfd$ t0%G0Xy,G t0%G0f): 1>8S:f1f9.f9%f9 f9(ffffK.&fLg)XPR 1B⑒1ZX.&1.y%.^Vf1y .fD.fD&fG.&G&f&G &G&fGf&fGSRZ[r?t &O@&G&f(&fG(&f@&fG,=u H1^| D wjDa?ZDHP|H.>BuD<D<,DDDDt"fD ffD$fXfD fD^Vf1y .fD.fDf$ R1Ϲ)&y&=u H1DtiDtb w_Wf1y .fE.fEf1Ϲ)&y&=u H1'^V&<t"&<t&<t&<t&wIu~&>&ffffff<t<t<t <t ~u.^Q>DQ18w .>%1؊6u΀Vs}$ 00ĉD B8SRr?tZ[QR~0Z[_russf1fff fff fff fff g؊DsD$?dD$?UfDfDfDf3뇁t.6x.;tfaà LN .>t.hHh f`s1z>}U>{U}}s1ffru$?t$?tffsffr.trSr {}$.t- p.> 9t. 9#0.rf|.u  þsfVfRf.f @Fx@x+No@:[o@@j @ Hth@hp ~ @ y @  @ ,t8@t8 8@8 @Q@@QlQ@QL^`^^`^ ^` ^(^`(^_`_```a`a  `   4