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%sApplicationMimeTypeFSDeviceLinkDesktop Action %s: warning: %s%s: hint: %struefalseif-existsunless-exists, or %svalidate.c%s[%s]GenericName%sregexpstringUTF-8Legacy-Mixed0.9.OnlyShowIn/.png.xpm.svg%fKDE Desktop Entrywhile reading the file: %s file is not a regular file file is empty .directory.desktop.kdelnkkf.current_keys == NULLAudioVideoEducationNetworkOfficeSystemUtilityBuildingDebuggerIDEGUIDesignerProfilingRevisionControlTranslationCalendarContactManagementDatabaseDictionaryTextToolsEmailFinanceFlowChartPDAProjectManagementPresentationSpreadsheetWordProcessorVectorGraphicsGraphics;2DGraphicsRasterGraphics3DGraphicsOCRGraphics;ScanningPhotographyPublishingViewerDesktopSettingsHardwareSettingsPrintingHardwareSettings;SettingsPackageManagerDialupInstantMessagingChatIRCClientFeedFileTransferHamRadioNewsP2PRemoteAccessTelephonyTelephonyToolsVideoConferenceWebBrowserWebDevelopmentMidiAudioVideo;AudioMixerSequencerTunerTVAudioVideo;VideoAudioVideoEditingPlayerRecorderDiscBurningActionGameAdventureGameArcadeGameBoardGameBlocksGameCardGameKidsGameLogicGameRolePlayingShooterSimulationSportsGameStrategyGameArtConstructionMusicLanguagesArtificialIntelligenceAstronomyBiologyChemistryDataVisualizationEconomyElectricityGeographyGeologyGeoscienceHistoryHumanitiesImageProcessingLiteratureMapsNumericalAnalysisEducation;MathScience;MathMedicalSoftwarePhysicsRoboticsSpiritualitySportsParallelComputingEducation;ComputerScienceScience;ComputerScienceAmusementCompressionUtility;ArchivingElectronicsEngineeringFileManagerSystem;FileToolsTerminalEmulatorFilesystemMonitorSecurityAccessibilityCalculatorClockTextEditorDocumentationAdultCoreKDEGNOMEGTKXFCEMotifJavaConsoleOnlyScreensaverTrayIconAppletShellApplicationsGNOME3if-sessionunless-sessionGSettingsLXDELXQtMATERazorROXTDEUnityCinnamonEDEOldNotShowInVersionGenericNameNoDisplayCommentHiddenTryExecTerminalCategoriesStartupNotifyStartupWMClassURLKeywordsActionsDBusActivatableServiceTypesDocPathInitialPreferenceDevFSTypeMountPointReadOnlyUnmountIconProtocolsExtensionsBinaryPatternMapNotifyPatternsDefaultAppMiniIconTerminalOptionsEncodingSwallowTitleSwallowExecSortOrderFilePatternAutostartConditionDirectoryServiceServiceTypekey "%s" is present in group "%s", but the type is "%s" while this key is only valid for type "%s" action group "%s%s" exists, but there is no matching action "%s" action "%s" is defined, but there is no matching "%s%s" group value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an invalid field code "%%%c" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an escaped double quote (\\") outside of a quote, but the double quote is a reserved character value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a non-escaped character '%c' in a quote, but it should be escaped with two backslashes ("\\%c") value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a reserved character '%c' outside of a quote value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" may contain at most one "%f", "%u", "%F" or "%U" field code value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a deprecated field code "%%%c" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a quote which is not closed value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a non-complete field code %s: error: (will be fatal in the future): %svalue "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is a reserved value for KDE value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is deprecated value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is not a registered type value ("Application", "Link" and "Directory") value "%s" for boolean key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid characters, boolean values must be "false" or "true" boolean key "%s" in group "%s" has value "%s", which is deprecated: boolean values should be "false" or "true" required key "%s" in group "%s" is not present value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" does not contain a path to a file to test the condition value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a path "%s" that is absolute, while it should be relative (to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME) value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a path "%s" that depends on the value of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (".." should be avoided) value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" has trailing space(s) value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" does not contain a valid first argument for condition "%s"; valid first arguments are: %s value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" has too many arguments for condition "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is missing a last argument for condition "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" has %d too many arguments for condition "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" has %d too few arguments for condition "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an unregistered value "%s" for the condition; values extending the format should start with "X-" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an empty action value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains action "%s" more than once value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid action identifier "%s", only alphanumeric characters and '-' are allowed only one of "OnlyShowIn" and "NotShowIn" keys may appear in group "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains "%s" more than once value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an unregistered value "%s"; values extending the format should start with "X-" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains value "%s" which is a MIME type that should probably not be used: %s value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains value "%s" which is an invalid MIME type: %s value "%s" for locale string list key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid UTF-8 characters, locale string list values should be encoded in UTF-8 value "%s" for locale string list key "%s" in group "%s" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character value "%s" for locale string list key "%s" in group "%s" has an escaped semicolon (';') as trailing character key "%s" in group "%s" is a localized key, but there is no non-localized key "%s" value "%s" for locale string key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid UTF-8 characters, locale string values should be encoded in UTF-8 value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" looks redundant with value "%s" of key "%s" %s: warning: key "%s" is a list and does not have a semicolon as trailing character, fixing value "%s" for %s list key "%s" in group "%s" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character value "%s" for %s list key "%s" in group "%s" has an escaped semicolon (';') as trailing character value "%s" for %s list key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid character '%c', %s list values may contain all ASCII characters except for control characters value "%s" for string key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid characters, string values may contain all ASCII characters except for control characters value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is not a registered encoding value ("UTF-8", and "Legacy-Mixed") value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is not a known version file contains key "%s" in group "%s", but keys extending the format should start with "X-" file contains key "%s" in group "%s", but "%s" is not defined as a locale string key "%s" in group "%s" is deprecated key "%s" in group "%s" is a reserved key for KDE j != G_N_ELEMENTS (validate_for_type)value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" does not look like an absolute path value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains more than one main category; application might appear more than once in the application menu value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a deprecated value "%s" value item "%s" in key "%s" in group "%s" is a reserved category, so a "OnlyShowIn" key must be included value item "%s" in key "%s" in group "%s" requires another category to be present among the following categories: %s value item "%s" in key "%s" in group "%s" can be extended with another category among the following categories: %s value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" does not contain a registered main category; application might only show up in a "catch-all" section of the application menu value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is an absolute path to a directory, instead of being an absolute path to an icon or an icon name value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" looks like a relative path, instead of being an absolute path to an icon or an icon name value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is an icon name with an extension, but there should be no extension as described in the Icon Theme Specification if the value is not an absolute path value "%s" for numeric key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid characters, numeric values must be valid floating point numbers file contains multiple keys named "%s" in group "%s" file contains key "%s" in group "%s", but key names must contain only the characters A-Za-z0-9- (they may have a "[LOCALE]" postfix) file contains lines that are not UTF-8 encoded. There is no guarantee the validator will correctly work. line "%s" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored. line "%s" ends with a space, but looks like a group. The validation will continue, with the trailing spaces ignored. first group is not "Desktop Entry" file contains multiple groups named "%s", but multiple groups may not have the same name file contains group "%s", but group names may contain all ASCII characters except for [ and ] and control characters file contains groups "%s" and "%s", which play the same role file contains group "%s", which is deprecated in favor of "%s" file contains group "%s", which is an action group with no action name file contains group "%s", but groups extending the format should start with "X-" file contains entry "%s" before the first group, but only comments are accepted before the first group file contains group "%s", which has an invalid action identifier, only alphanumeric characters and '-' are allowed file contains line "%s", which is not a comment, a group or an entry file contains at least one line ending with a carriage return before the line feed, while lines should only be separated by a line feed character. First such line is: "%s" file contains at least one line ending with a carriage return, while lines should only be separated by a line feed character. First such line is: "%s" file is of type "Directory", but filename does not have a .directory extension filename has a .kdelnk extension, which is deprecated in favor of .desktop filename does not have a .desktop extension %s: warning: renaming deprecated "%s" group to "%s" C@C@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@`B@yB@@C@C@C@pC@C@C@C@C@C@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@C@C@yB@C@C@yB@yB@yB@yB@C@yB@@B@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@C@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@@B@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@C@yB@yB@yB@C@yB@yB@B@C@yB@@B@yB@yB@B@yB@B@yB@C@C@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@@B@C@yB@yB@yB@yB@yB@C@yB@C@s@`s@pu@u@u@u@v@pv@Pu@validate_type_keysvalidate_known_keyhandle_mime_keyprint_hintprint_future_fatalvalidate_keys_for_current_groupprint_warningprint_fataldesktop_file_validatex@@x@@x@Ԏ@@@@@@C@-@@@@Ԏ@@Ԏ@@Ԏ@@Ԏ@@Ԏ@@Ԏ@͌@Ԏ@׌@Ԏ@@Ԏ@@@@@@@Ԏ@x@@@"@>@@,@@@2@@:@@D@@H@@Ԏ@Z@@g@@s@@@@@@@@@@ˍ@@@@ԍ@@@@@@@@@"@@@-@@-@@@6@-@E@@L@@]@@b@@l@@q@@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ǝ@@ю@@Ԏ@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@x@2@@@x@9@@@x@B@@@x@N@@Y@@g@@r@@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@͏@@ڏ@@C@ޏ@@C@@x@@@@C@@@C@@@C@@@C@$@@C@;@@C@.@@C@@@@C@H@@C@T@@C@^@@C@f@@C@q@@C@y@@C@@@C@@@C@@@C@@͐@@C@@@Ő@Ґ@@C@@@C@@@C@@@C@@@@C@@@3@K@i@@U@a@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@đ@@@̑@-@@Ց@-@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@"@&@"@"@@+@1@6@B@N@W@^@ @d@@q@x@@@@@@@@@@@@&@@Ȓ@̒@Y@U@G@e@Y@Y@T@ @)@\@f@n@ @@set-keyset-valueset-namecopy-generic-name-to-nameset-generic-namecopy-name-to-generic-nameset-commentset-iconadd-categoryremove-categoryadd-mime-typeremove-mime-typeadd-only-show-inremove-only-show-inadd-not-show-inremove-not-show-inremove-keyUnknown option "%s"Can only specify --dir oncevendorCould not stat "%s": %s action != NULLinstall.cdesktop-file-editEdit a desktop file.Install desktop files.installDESKTOP_FILE_VENDORDESKTOP_FILE_INSTALL_DIRRPM_BUILD_ROOTapplications/usr/share0.22update-desktop-database-qError on file "%s": %s KEYVALUESet the "Name" key to NAMEGENERIC-NAMECOMMENTSet the "Icon" key to ICONCATEGORYMIME-TYPEENVIRONMENTdirMODEdelete-originalrebuild-mime-info-cacheedit-modeForce edit mode[FILE...]Option "--%s" used without a prior "--%s" optionCould not parse mode string "%s"Can only specify --vendor onceOption "--%s" used without a following "--%s" optionShow desktop file installation optionsInstallation options for desktop fileShow desktop file edition optionsEdition options for desktop fileRun '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options. Only one desktop file can be processed at once. Must specify one or more desktop files to process. Failed to fix the content of the desktop fileX-Desktop-File-Install-VersionFailed to validate the created desktop fileFailed to set permissions %o on "%s": %sError removing original file "%s": %s Must specify a desktop file to process. Set the KEY key to VALUE passed to next --set-value optionSet the KEY key from previous --set-key option to VALUECopy the value of the "GenericName" key to the "Name" keySet the "GenericName" key to GENERIC-NAMECopy the value of the "Name" key to the "GenericName" keySet the "Comment" key to COMMENTAdd CATEGORY to the list of categoriesRemove CATEGORY from the list of categoriesAdd MIME-TYPE to the list of MIME typesRemove MIME-TYPE from the list of MIME typesAdd ENVIRONMENT to the list of desktop environment where the desktop files should be displayedRemove ENVIRONMENT from the list of desktop environment where the desktop files should be displayedAdd ENVIRONMENT to the list of desktop environment where the desktop files should not be displayedRemove ENVIRONMENT from the list of desktop environment where the desktop files should not be displayedRemove the KEY key from the desktop files, if presentInstall desktop files to the DIR directorySet the permissions of the destination files to MODEAdd a vendor prefix to the desktop files, if not already presentDelete the source desktop files, leaving only the target files (effectively "renames" the desktop files)Rebuild the MIME types application database after processing desktop filesL-@!-@,@,@,@d,@process_one_filedfu_edit_action_free@y@@@@y@(@ @@y@@'@@y@`@@y@@,@@y@@(@y@@9@4@y@A@W@=@y@8@\@J@y@`@\@Z@y@@e@h@y@@e@y@y@@o@@y@H@o@@y@@o@@y@@o@@y@@@{@@@@@m@@@@@ @@@ah@@a@@a@4@a@;$C)p0P9@: <BEE D(A0U (A BBBA , AMBGA zAG4<AAAJt AAF _AAtB B B B BB4BAAJt AAF UAAL<hCBBB E(A0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBE 4(FAAJt AAF UAA4FAAJt AAF \AAdGBEE E(A0C8I@E 8C0A(B BBBA @ 8F0A(B BBBA d0HGd E LHBJJ G(A0A8I@ 8D0A(B BBBA pI#AaI#AaI#Aa4I#AaLTIBBB E(D0D8Dp 8D0A(B BBBH ,@N$BDD RABL@NBEE B(D0A8DPf 8C0A(B BBBG L$OBBB B(D0A8Dpw 8A0A(B BBBF LtQBBB E(A0A8GpL 8A0A(B BBBF \RaBBD D(G0 (A ABBG ^ (C ABBJ d (C ABBD L$SBEA D(G0J (F ABBH c (C ABBE \tTBGF H(A0A8LPv 8F0A(B BBBF i8C0A(B BBB,TlBAD _ADL TBLD D(D0` (D ABBM P (A ABBJ $T PUD c I ^ B T D | V  V  UjDA K Y HVaD\ VtDf F C| WBEE E(D0D8FP| 8A0A(B BBBK  8F0A(B BBBE D 8C0A(B BBBH , `X?BDD lAG, pX?BDD lAG, X?BDD lAGL XBBB B(A0A8Gi 8A0A(B BBBA Ld ^BDG e ABK s ADH Z ADA | ADG , _RBKG G0p CABL _BGB E(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBI t4 cEBBB D(A0o (A BBBG  (A BBBK  (A BBBA c (A GBBM  Xh@AY F _D xhuBBJ D(A0G! 0A(A BBBA 4 j^BDC IG AABLL oDBBB E(A0A8D` 8F0A(B BBBA 4 pIBJD D(D0g(D ABB< p BMI } ABH  AGE TvBHD H0  CABH l  AABH J  FABE 4lHxAGO| AAK w FAB xLD` L 4 yAAD D FAG }CALxBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA DL8yeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB`y`2@@2@ !@ 4@aao@ @@  aP H@@0 o@oo@a!@!@!@"@"@&"@6"@F"@V"@f"@v"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@#@#@&#@6#@F#@V#@f#@v#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@$@$@&$@6$@F$@V$@f$@v$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@%@%@&%@6%@F%@V%@f%@v%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@&@&@&&@6&@F&@V&@f&@v&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@'@'@&'@6'@F'@V'@f'@v'@'@'@'@'@'@'@'@'@(@(@&(@6(@F(@V(@f(@v(@(@(@(@@@d@̋@P@В@P@.@A@@F@ڒ@Z@@@@@V@@d@@̋@P@В@P@@J@.@ O@u@]@@J@@R@@]@#@J@1@J@@@I@D@M@PO@U@e@r@z@@`]@@I@@ ]@@I@@I@@@̓@ړ@@I@@I@@@@PZ@@'@3@=@I@@J@f7263dbc64dae7bd9c5695caf5194a134b6b20.debuga6.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@H> @@ F @ No@[o@@j@0tH@HP  ~!@!y!@!(@(Z4@4 @@@t @$@aaaaaaa a@4