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contains an invalid character in the subtype"%s" is an old media type that should be replaced with a modern equivalent"%s" a media type that contains an invalid characterthe use of "%s" as media type is strongly discouraged in favor of a subtype of the "application" media type"%s" is a media type that probably does not make sense in this context"%s" is a media type that must not be used"%s" is an unregistered media type"%s" should be replaced with "%s"zz-application/zz-winassoc-123zz-application/zz-winassoc-cabapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedzz-application/zz-winassoc-cdrzz-application/zz-winassoc-doczz-application/zz-winassoc-hlpzz-application/zz-winassoc-inizz-application/zz-winassoc-lwpzz-application/zz-winassoc-lzhzz-application/zz-winassoc-mdbzz-application/zz-winassoc-xlsx-directoryX-multipartexamplemisc/ultravoxmessagemessage/rfc822flv-application/octet-streamvideo/x-flvapplication/vnd.lotus-1-2-3application/vnd.corel-drawapplication/vnd.ms-wordapplication/winhlptext/plainapplication/vnd.lotus-wordproapplication/x-lzh-compressedapplication/vnd.ms-accesszz-application/zz-winassoc-uutext/x-uuencodeapplication/vnd.ms-excelapplicationaudioimagemodeltextvideoinodex-contentx-scheme-handlerchemicalun@n@l@n@l@m@0m@n@Pm@n@pm@n@m@o@m@ o@m@)o@m@Fo@`o@~o@n@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@kf != NULL && format != NULL%s: error: %sApplicationMimeTypeFSDeviceLinkDesktop Action %s: warning: %s%s: hint: %struefalseif-existsunless-exists, or %svalidate.c%s[%s]GenericName%sregexpstringUTF-8Legacy-Mixed0.9.OnlyShowIn/.png.xpm.svg%fKDE Desktop Entrywhile reading the file: %s file is not a regular file file is empty .directory.desktop.kdelnkkf.current_keys == NULLAudioVideoEducationNetworkOfficeSystemUtilityBuildingDebuggerIDEGUIDesignerProfilingRevisionControlTranslationCalendarContactManagementDatabaseDictionaryTextToolsEmailFinanceFlowChartPDAProjectManagementPresentationSpreadsheetWordProcessorVectorGraphicsGraphics;2DGraphicsRasterGraphics3DGraphicsOCRGraphics;ScanningPhotographyPublishingViewerDesktopSettingsHardwareSettingsPrintingHardwareSettings;SettingsPackageManagerDialupInstantMessagingChatIRCClientFeedFileTransferHamRadioNewsP2PRemoteAccessTelephonyTelephonyToolsVideoConferenceWebBrowserWebDevelopmentMidiAudioVideo;AudioMixerSequencerTunerTVAudioVideo;VideoAudioVideoEditingPlayerRecorderDiscBurningActionGameAdventureGameArcadeGameBoardGameBlocksGameCardGameKidsGameLogicGameRolePlayingShooterSimulationSportsGameStrategyGameArtConstructionMusicLanguagesArtificialIntelligenceAstronomyBiologyChemistryDataVisualizationEconomyElectricityGeographyGeologyGeoscienceHistoryHumanitiesImageProcessingLiteratureMapsNumericalAnalysisEducation;MathScience;MathMedicalSoftwarePhysicsRoboticsSpiritualitySportsParallelComputingEducation;ComputerScienceScience;ComputerScienceAmusementCompressionUtility;ArchivingElectronicsEngineeringFileManagerSystem;FileToolsTerminalEmulatorFilesystemMonitorSecurityAccessibilityCalculatorClockTextEditorDocumentationAdultCoreKDEGNOMEGTKXFCEMotifJavaConsoleOnlyScreensaverTrayIconAppletShellApplicationsGNOME3if-sessionunless-sessionGSettingsLXDELXQtMATERazorROXTDEUnityCinnamonEDEOldNotShowInVersionGenericNameNoDisplayCommentHiddenTryExecTerminalCategoriesStartupNotifyStartupWMClassURLKeywordsActionsDBusActivatableServiceTypesDocPathInitialPreferenceDevFSTypeMountPointReadOnlyUnmountIconProtocolsExtensionsBinaryPatternMapNotifyPatternsDefaultAppMiniIconTerminalOptionsEncodingSwallowTitleSwallowExecSortOrderFilePatternAutostartConditionDirectoryServiceServiceTypekey "%s" is present in group "%s", but the type is "%s" while this key is only valid for type "%s" action group "%s%s" exists, but there is no matching action "%s" action "%s" is defined, but there is no matching "%s%s" group value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an invalid field code "%%%c" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an escaped double quote (\\") outside of a quote, but the double quote is a reserved character value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a non-escaped character '%c' in a quote, but it should be escaped with two backslashes ("\\%c") value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a reserved character '%c' outside of a quote value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" may contain at most one "%f", "%u", "%F" or "%U" field code value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a deprecated field code "%%%c" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a quote which is not closed value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a non-complete field code %s: error: (will be fatal in the future): %svalue "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is a reserved value for KDE value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is deprecated value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is not a registered type value ("Application", "Link" and "Directory") value "%s" for boolean key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid characters, boolean values must be "false" or "true" boolean key "%s" in group "%s" has value "%s", which is deprecated: boolean values should be "false" or "true" required key "%s" in group "%s" is not present value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" does not contain a path to a file to test the condition value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a path "%s" that is absolute, while it should be relative (to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME) value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a path "%s" that depends on the value of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (".." should be avoided) value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" has trailing space(s) value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" does not contain a valid first argument for condition "%s"; valid first arguments are: %s value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" has too many arguments for condition "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is missing a last argument for condition "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" has %d too many arguments for condition "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" has %d too few arguments for condition "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an unregistered value "%s" for the condition; values extending the format should start with "X-" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an empty action value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains action "%s" more than once value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid action identifier "%s", only alphanumeric characters and '-' are allowed only one of "OnlyShowIn" and "NotShowIn" keys may appear in group "%s" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains "%s" more than once value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains an unregistered value "%s"; values extending the format should start with "X-" value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains value "%s" which is a MIME type that should probably not be used: %s value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains value "%s" which is an invalid MIME type: %s value "%s" for locale string list key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid UTF-8 characters, locale string list values should be encoded in UTF-8 value "%s" for locale string list key "%s" in group "%s" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character value "%s" for locale string list key "%s" in group "%s" has an escaped semicolon (';') as trailing character key "%s" in group "%s" is a localized key, but there is no non-localized key "%s" value "%s" for locale string key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid UTF-8 characters, locale string values should be encoded in UTF-8 value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" looks redundant with value "%s" of key "%s" %s: warning: key "%s" is a list and does not have a semicolon as trailing character, fixing value "%s" for %s list key "%s" in group "%s" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character value "%s" for %s list key "%s" in group "%s" has an escaped semicolon (';') as trailing character value "%s" for %s list key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid character '%c', %s list values may contain all ASCII characters except for control characters value "%s" for string key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid characters, string values may contain all ASCII characters except for control characters value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is not a registered encoding value ("UTF-8", and "Legacy-Mixed") value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is not a known version file contains key "%s" in group "%s", but keys extending the format should start with "X-" file contains key "%s" in group "%s", but "%s" is not defined as a locale string key "%s" in group "%s" is deprecated key "%s" in group "%s" is a reserved key for KDE j != G_N_ELEMENTS (validate_for_type)value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" does not look like an absolute path value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains more than one main category; application might appear more than once in the application menu value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" contains a deprecated value "%s" value item "%s" in key "%s" in group "%s" is a reserved category, so a "OnlyShowIn" key must be included value item "%s" in key "%s" in group "%s" requires another category to be present among the following categories: %s value item "%s" in key "%s" in group "%s" can be extended with another category among the following categories: %s value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" does not contain a registered main category; application might only show up in a "catch-all" section of the application menu value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is an absolute path to a directory, instead of being an absolute path to an icon or an icon name value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" looks like a relative path, instead of being an absolute path to an icon or an icon name value "%s" for key "%s" in group "%s" is an icon name with an extension, but there should be no extension as described in the Icon Theme Specification if the value is not an absolute path value "%s" for numeric key "%s" in group "%s" contains invalid characters, numeric values must be valid floating point numbers file contains multiple keys named "%s" in group "%s" file contains key "%s" in group "%s", but key names must contain only the characters A-Za-z0-9- (they may have a "[LOCALE]" postfix) file contains lines that are not UTF-8 encoded. There is no guarantee the validator will correctly work. line "%s" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored. line "%s" ends with a space, but looks like a group. The validation will continue, with the trailing spaces ignored. first group is not "Desktop Entry" file contains multiple groups named "%s", but multiple groups may not have the same name file contains group "%s", but group names may contain all ASCII characters except for [ and ] and control characters file contains groups "%s" and "%s", which play the same role file contains group "%s", which is deprecated in favor of "%s" file contains group "%s", which is an action group with no action name file contains group "%s", but groups extending the format should start with "X-" file contains entry "%s" before the first group, but only comments are accepted before the first group file contains group "%s", which has an invalid action identifier, only alphanumeric characters and '-' are allowed file contains line "%s", which is not a comment, a group or an entry file contains at least one line ending with a carriage return before the line feed, while lines should only be separated by a line feed character. First such line is: "%s" file contains at least one line ending with a carriage return, while lines should only be separated by a line feed character. First such line is: "%s" file is of type "Directory", but filename does not have a .directory extension filename has a .kdelnk extension, which is deprecated in favor of .desktop filename does not have a .desktop extension %s: warning: renaming deprecated "%s" group to "%s" 3@3@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@3@3@3@3@3@3@3@3@3@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@3@3@2@3@3@2@2@2@2@@3@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@@3@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@(4@2@2@2@3@2@2@03@@3@2@2@2@2@03@2@03@2@@3@@3@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@@3@2@2@2@2@2@3@2@3@c@c@e@e@e@e@Pf@f@e@validate_type_keysvalidate_known_keyhandle_mime_keyprint_hintprint_future_fatalvalidate_keys_for_current_groupprint_warningprint_fataldesktop_file_validater@0u@r@Zu@r@u@r@u@s@r@r@w@mt@r@r@0u@u@Zu@u@r@u@r@u@r@u@s@u@ s@u@s@u@'s@u@3s@r@...;=0L@QRSh@UU pXpYZX\\@`0``aaaab b@b( c`0fgh iijj k8PkXkx`pp rH s u 0wH x x `y( zx { { { { | |( `~ ~ ~ 8 0X@8p`HzRx P*zRx $I`FJ w?;*3$"tD`QbBBB B(A0D8DPc 8A0A(B BBBB  8F0A(B BBBG U8C0A(B BBB<XRBGE A(A0G@~0A(A BBBLRBBB B(A0A8GpI 8D0A(B BBBI |LTBBB B(D0A8D@T 8D0A(B BBBN T 8D0A(B BBBE ^8K0A(B BBBdUIBBB B(A0A8D` 8I0A(B BBBJ d 8K0A(B BBBG t4VBBA A(D@G (A ABBI v (C ABBB U (C ABBC U (C ABBC (WyD0g E <WBEE D(A0U (A BBBA , [MBGA zAG4<([AAJt AAF _AAt[ [ [ [ \\4\AAJt AAF UAAL<\BBB E(A0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBE 4x_AAJt AAF UAA4 `AAJt AAF \AAd`BEE E(A0C8I@E 8C0A(B BBBA @ 8F0A(B BBBA daGd E L bBJJ G(A0A8I@ 8D0A(B BBBA b#Aab#Aab#Aa4b#AaLTcBBB E(D0D8Dp 8D0A(B BBBH ,g$BDD RABLgBEE B(D0A8DPf 8C0A(B BBBG L$hBBB B(D0A8Dpw 8A0A(B BBBF LtPjBBB E(A0A8GpL 8A0A(B BBBF \kaBBD D(G0 (A ABBG ^ (C ABBJ d (C ABBD L$lBEA D(G0J (F ABBH c (C ABBE \t`mBGF H(A0A8LPv 8F0A(B BBBF i8C0A(B BBB,mlBAD _ADL 0nBLD D(D0` (D ABBM P (A ABBJ $T nD c I ^ B T D | Xo  Po  HojDA K Y oaD\ otDf F C| PpBEE E(D0D8FP| 8A0A(B BBBK  8F0A(B BBBE D 8C0A(B BBBH , q?BDD lAG, q?BDD lAG, q?BDD lAGL qBBB B(A0A8Gi 8A0A(B BBBA Ld 0xBDG e ABK s ADH Z ADA | ADG , xRBKG G0p CABL yBGB E(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBI t4 |EBBB D(A0o (A BBBG  (A BBBK  (A BBBA c (A GBBM  @AY F _D ȁuBBJ D(A0G! 0A(A BBBA 4 ^BDC IG AABLL (DBBB E(A0A8D` 8F0A(B BBBA < APBBA A(DP (A ABBA D eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB$"@"@W @ di@``o@ @@  `@@0 o@oo@`F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @)y@ @F @ No@[o@@j@0t@ ~@y0@0` @ Hdi@di i@ie @@l``````` `(4