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f.ATIUHSHdH%(H$16HHD}/LHv6HH!ʁ t€DHHHDH8/uH8/tH9uHxHHH) 6HH1H$dH3 %(u8H[]A\fHH5HL5H(6A6AWAVAUATUSHHHH Hl$ dH%(H$8 1H|$ /Ƅ$0L$0Lq6HI5I H)LA/L$ Ht3Hv-/.DJADHHIuHt$HA16HI4@HL9#HD$L<H2IHxHD$(3HL$HT$ Ht$LD$(LIHD$1LI3IHD$MLu3@H¹HI^2LL 1?3H1HyH(error)HHd@1Y3HtH(error)H7L0cfk1f.AWAAVIAUIATL% UH- SL)1HH0HtLLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HH %02x%sjunk at descriptor end:1.8V 3.0V 5.0V T=0 T=1 (Invalid values detected) 2-wire 3-wire I2C accept eject capture lock Auto clock change Auto IFSD exchange bClassGetResponse echo %02X bClassEnvelope wlcdLayout none %u cols %u lines verification modification junk %s%s Control read-onlyILLEGAL (0b10)read/write%s%s Control (%s) undefinedDiscreteContinuous(AS_GENERAL) %s (FORMAT_TYPE)(FORMAT_TYPE_I)(FORMAT_TYPE_II)(FORMAT_TYPE_III)(FORMAT_TYPE_IV)(FORMAT_SPECIFIC) Layer I Layer II Layer III MPEG-1 only MPEG-1 dual-channelNot supportedSupported at FsReservedSupported at Fs and 1/2Fsnot supportedsupported but not scalable RF mode Line mode Custom0 mode Custom1 mode Invalid desc subtype:EP_GENERALinvalid Pitch MaxPacketsOnly(??)HeaderCall ManagementACMUnionCountry SelectionMBIMTelephone OperationsNetwork Channel TerminalEthernetWHCM versionMDLMMDLM detailDevice ManagementOBEXCommand SetNCMunrecognized comm descriptorcorrupt comm descriptor%s call management %s use DataInterface %s sends break %d %s computer centric mode %s standalone mode %s simple mode %s 8-byte ntb input size %s crc mode %s max datagram size %s encapsulated commands %s net address %s packet filter %sUNRECOGNIZED CDC: %sINVALID CDC (%s): (synced to SOF)(HEADER)(INPUT_TERMINAL) bmControls 0x%04x (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)(MIXER_UNIT)(SELECTOR_UNIT)(FEATURE_UNIT)(PROCESSING_UNIT) Enable Processing(EXTENSION_UNIT)(CLOCK_SOURCE)(CLOCK_SELECTOR)(CLOCK_MULTIPLIER)(SAMPLE_RATE_CONVERTER_UNIT)(EFFECT_UNIT)UnknownBuffered BytesBitfieldNon_VolatileNull_StateNo_Null_PositionNo_Preferred_StateNon_LinearNo_WrapRelativeAbsoluteVariableConstantreport descriptor too longMainGlobalLocalreserved [ 0x%02x ] %dnone%sUnit Exponent: %i NoneSI LinearSI RotationEnglish LinearEnglish RotationSystem: %s, Unit: (None)^%dPhysicalApplicationLogicalReportNamed ArrayUsage SwitchUsage ModifierVendor definedReserved for future use.CentimeterGramSecondsKelvinAmpereCandelaRadiansInchSlugFahrenheitDegreesInvalidYesNoNot TolerantIntolerantSupportedUnsupportedINOUT(MIDI_IN_JACK)(MIDI_OUT_JACK)(ELEMENT) Undefined MIDI Clock GS MIDI Extension XG MIDI Extension EFX MIDI Patch Bay(INPUT_HEADER)(OUTPUT_HEADER)(STILL_IMAGE_FRAME)(FORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED)(FORMAT_FRAME_BASED) Field 1 first: %s Field pattern: Field 1 onlyField 2 only(FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)(FRAME_MJPEG)(FRAME_FRAME_BASED) Fixed frame-rate(FORMAT_MJPEG)(FORMAT_MPEG2TS)(COLORFORMAT) Will %sDetach Manifestation %s Upload %s Download %s %s (0x%02x) INTERFACE CLASS: DEVICE CLASS: bMaxBurst %15u MaxStreams %14u Mult %20u ** UNRECOGNIZED: C_CONNECT C_ENABLE C_SUSPEND C_OC C_RESET connect enable suspend oc RESET power lowspeed highspeed test indicator C_BH_RESET C_LINK_STATE C_CONFIG_ERROR 5Gbps Unknown Speed Self Powered (Bus Powered) Remote Wakeup Battery Powered U0 U1 U2 SS.disabled Rx.Detect SS.Inactive Polling Recovery Hot Reset Compliance Loopback%sHub Descriptor: %s bLength %3u %s bDescriptorType %3u %s nNbrPorts %3u %s Ganged power switching %s Compound device %s Port indicators %s DeviceRemovable 0x%02x Hub Port Status: %s PortPwrCtrlMask Port %d: %02x%02x.%02x%02x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s%s%sbuf[0] = %u Remote Wakeup Enabled Test Mode U2 Enabled HNP Enabled HNP Capable ALT port is HNP Capable Debug Mode U1 EnabledCannot open %s Device: ID %04x:%04x %s %s lsusb (usbutils) 007D:vtP:p:s:d:Vh/var/lib/usbutils/usb.ids/var/lib/usbutils/usb.ids.gz%s: cannot open "%s", %s Command pipeStatus pipeData-in pipeData-out pipeVendor specificControlIsochronousBulkInterruptAsynchronousAdaptiveSynchronousFeedbackImplicit feedback Data(reserved)1x3xMillisecondsDecoded PCM samplesUnspecifiedBT.709FCCBT.470-2 (B,G)SMPTE 170M (BT.601)SMPTE 240MBT.470-2 (M)SMPTE 170MBT.709,sRGBNTSC - 525/60PAL - 625/50SECAM - 625/50NTSC - 625/50PAL - 525/60BrightnessContrastHueSaturationSharpnessGammaWhite Balance TemperatureWhite Balance ComponentBacklight CompensationPower Line FrequencyHue, AutoWhite Balance Component, AutoDigital MultiplierDigital Multiplier LimitAnalog Video StandardAnalog Video Lock StatusScanning ModeAuto-Exposure ModeAuto-Exposure PriorityExposure Time (Absolute)Exposure Time (Relative)Focus (Absolute)Focus (Relative)Iris (Absolute)Iris (Relative)Zoom (Absolute)Zoom (Relative)PanTilt (Absolute)PanTilt (Relative)Roll (Absolute)Roll (Relative)Focus, AutoPrivacyEmbeddedExternalTYPE_III_UNDEFINEDIEC1937_AC-3IEC1937_MPEG-1_Layer1IEC1937_MPEG-Layer2/3/NOEXTIEC1937_MPEG-2_EXTIEC1937_MPEG-2_Layer1_LSIEC1937_MPEG-2_Layer2/3_LSTYPE_II_UNDEFINEDMPEGTYPE_I_UNDEFINEDPCMPCM8IEEE_FLOATALAWMULAWInternal fixedInternal variableInternal programmableLeft Front (L)Right Front (R)Center Front (C)Left Surround (LS)Right Surround (RS)Left of Center (LC)Right of Center (RC)Surround (S)Side Left (SL)Side Right (SR)Top (T)verbosehelptreeData OverrunData UnderrunActive Alternate SettingValid Alternate SettingFront Left (FL)Front Right (FR)Front Center (FC)Low Frequency Effects (LFE)Back Left (BL)Back Right (BR)Front Left of Center (FLC)Front Right of Center (FRC)Back Center (BC)Top Center (TC)Top Front Left (TFL)Top Front Center (TFC)Top Front Right (TFR)Top Back Left (TBL)Top Back Center (TBC)Top Back Right (TBR)Top Side Left (TSL)Top Side Right (TSR)Bottom Center (BC)Back Left of Center (BLC)Back Right of Center (BRC)Clock NumeratorClock DenominatorClock SelectorClock FrequencyClock ValidityEnableClusterUnderflowOverflowCopy ProtectConnectorOverloadMuteVolumeBassMidTrebleGraphic EqualizerAutomatic GainDelayBass BoostLoudnessInput gainInput gain padPhase inverterLatency controlUNSECUREWIREDCCM_1RSA_1RESERVED{%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x} Warning: Descriptor too short ChipCard Interface Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bcdCCID %2x.%02x (Warning: Only accurate for version 1.0) nMaxSlotIndex %5u bVoltageSupport %5u %s%s%s dwProtocols %5u dwDefaultClock %5u dwMaxiumumClock %5u bNumClockSupported %5u dwDataRate %7u bps dwMaxDataRate %7u bps bNumDataRatesSupp. %5u dwMaxIFSD %5u dwSyncProtocols %08X dwMechanical %08X dwFeatures %08X Auto configuration based on ATR Auto activation on insert Auto voltage selection Auto baud rate change Auto parameter negotation made by CCID Auto PPS made by CCID WARNING: conflicting negotation features CCID can set ICC in clock stop mode NAD value other than 0x00 accepted TPDU level exchange Short APDU level exchange Short and extended APDU level exchange WARNING: conflicting exchange levels dwMaxCCIDMsgLen %5u bPINSupport %5u bMaxCCIDBusySlots %5u Warning: Invalid descriptor AudioStreaming Interface Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDescriptorSubtype %5u bTerminalLink %5u bDelay %5u frames wFormatTag %5u %s bTerminalLink %5u bmControls 0x%02x bFormatType %5u bmFormats 0x%08x bNrChannels %5u bmChannelConfig 0x%08x iChannelNames %5u %s bFormatType %5u bNrChannels %5u bSubframeSize %5u bBitResolution %5u bSamFreqType %5u %s tLowerSamFreq %7u tUpperSamFreq %7u tSamFreq[%2u] %7u wMaxBitRate %5u wSamplesPerFrame %5u bSamFreqType %5u %s (unknown) Invalid desc format type: bSubslotSize %5u bBitResolution %5u wMaxBitRate %5u wSlotsPerFrame %5u wFormatTag %5u %s bmMPEGCapabilities 0x%04x MPEG-2 second stereo MPEG-2 7.1 channel augmentation Adaptive multi-channel prediction MPEG-2 multilingual support: bmMPEGFeatures 0x%02x Internal Dynamic Range Control: scalable, common boost and cut scaling valuescalable, separate boost and cut scaling value bmBSID 0x%08x bmAC3Features 0x%02x AudioControl Endpoint Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDescriptorSubtype %5u (%s) bmAttributes 0x%02x Sampling Frequency bLockDelayUnits %5u %s wLockDelay %5u %s bmControls 0x%02x bLockDelayUnits %5u %s wLockDelay %5u %sCDC Header: %s bcdCDC %x.%02x %sCDC Call Management: %s bmCapabilities 0x%02x %s bDataInterface %d %sCDC ACM: %s bmCapabilities 0x%02x %s connection notifications %s line coding and serial state %s get/set/clear comm features %sCDC Union: %s bMasterInterface %d %s bSlaveInterface %sCountry Selection: %s iCountryCodeRelDate %4d %s %s wCountryCode 0x%02x%02x %sCDC Telephone operations: %s bmCapabilities 0x%02x %sNetwork Channel Terminal: %s bEntityId %3d %s iName %3d %s %s bChannelIndex %3d %s bPhysicalInterface %3d %sCDC Ethernet: %s iMacAddress %10d %s %s bmEthernetStatistics 0x%08x %s wMaxSegmentSize %10d %s wNumberMCFilters 0x%04x %s bNumberPowerFilters %10d %sCDC WHCM: %s bcdVersion %x.%02x %sCDC MDLM: %s bcdCDC %x.%02x %s bGUID %s %sCDC MDLM detail: %s bGuidDescriptorType %02x %s bDetailData %sCDC Device Management: %s bcdVersion %x.%02x %s wMaxCommand %d %sCDC OBEX: %s bcdVersion %x.%02x %sCDC Command Set: %s bcdVersion %x.%02x %s iCommandSet %4d %s %s bGUID %s %sCDC NCM: %s bcdNcmVersion %x.%02x %s bmNetworkCapabilities 0x%02x %sCDC MBIM: %s bcdMBIMVersion %x.%02x %s wMaxControlMessage %d %s bNumberFilters %d %s bMaxFilterSize %d %s wMaxSegmentSize %d %s bmNetworkCapabilities 0x%02x Interface Association: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bFirstInterface %5u bInterfaceCount %5u bFunctionClass %5u %s bFunctionSubClass %5u %s bFunctionProtocol %5u %s iFunction %5u %s Device Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bcdUSB %2x.%02x bDeviceClass %5u %s bDeviceSubClass %5u %s bDeviceProtocol %5u %s bMaxPacketSize0 %5u idVendor 0x%04x %s idProduct 0x%04x %s bcdDevice %2x.%02x iManufacturer %5u %s iProduct %5u %s iSerial %5u %s bNumConfigurations %5u AudioControl Interface Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDescriptorSubtype %5u bcdADC %2x.%02x wTotalLength %5u bInCollection %5u baInterfaceNr(%2u) %5u bcdADC %2x.%02x bCategory %5u wTotalLength %5u bmControl 0x%02x bTerminalID %5u wTerminalType 0x%04x %s bAssocTerminal %5u bNrChannels %5u wChannelConfig 0x%04x iChannelNames %5u %s iTerminal %5u %s bTerminalID %5u wTerminalType 0x%04x %s bAssocTerminal %5u bCSourceID %5d bNrChannels %5u bmChannelConfig 0x%08x bTerminalID %5u wTerminalType 0x%04x %s bAssocTerminal %5u bSourceID %5u iTerminal %5u %s bTerminalID %5u wTerminalType 0x%04x %s bAssocTerminal %5u bSourceID %5u bCSourceID %5u bmControls 0x%04x iTerminal %5u %s Warning: mixer with %5u input and %5u output channels. bUnitID %5u bNrInPins %5u bNrChannels %5u wChannelConfig 0x%04x baSourceID(%2u) %5u iMixer %5u %s bmControls 0x%02x bUnitID %5u bNrPins %5u bNrChannels %5u bmChannelConfig 0x%08x bmControls %02x iMixer %5u %s baSource(%2u) %5u iSelector %5u %s bUnitID %5u bSourceID %5u bControlSize %5u iFeature %5u %s bmaControls(%2u) 0x%02x bUnitID %5u bSourceID %5u bmaControls(%2u) 0x%08x bUnitID %5u wProcessType %5u bNrPins %5u iChannelNames %5u %s bControlSize %5u bmControls(%2u) 0x%02x iProcessing %5u %s Process-Specific iChannelNames %5u %s bmControls 0x%04x bUnitID %5u wExtensionCode %5u bNrPins %5u bNrChannels %5u wChannelConfig %5u iExtension %5u %s iChannelNames %5u %s bmControls 0x%02x Warning: CLOCK_SOURCE descriptors are illegal for UAC1 bClockID %5u bmAttributes 0x%02x %s Clock %s bAssocTerminal %5u iClockSource %5u %s Warning: CLOCK_SELECTOR descriptors are illegal for UAC1 baCSourceID(%2u) %5u iClockSelector %5u %s Warning: CLOCK_MULTIPLIER descriptors are illegal for UAC1 bClockID %5u bCSourceID %5u iClockMultiplier %5u %s Warning: SAMPLE_RATE_CONVERTER_UNIT descriptors are illegal for UAC1 bUnitID %5u bSourceID %5u bCSourceInID %5u bCSourceOutID %5u iSRC %5u %s bUnitID %5u wEffectType %5u bSourceID %5u iEffect %5u %s (unknown) Invalid desc subtype:Device Qualifier (for other device speed): bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bcdUSB %2x.%02x bDeviceClass %5u %s bDeviceSubClass %5u %s bDeviceProtocol %5u %s bMaxPacketSize0 %5u bNumConfigurations %5u HID Device Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bcdHID %2x.%02x bCountryCode %5u %s bNumDescriptors %5u bDescriptorType %5u %s wDescriptorLength %5u Report Descriptors: ** UNAVAILABLE ** Warning: incomplete report descriptor Report Descriptor: (length is %d) Item(%-6s): %s, data=System: Vendor defined, Unit: (unknown)System: Reserved, Unit: (unknown)%s%s %s %s %s %s %s%s %s %s %s Interface Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bInterfaceNumber %5u bAlternateSetting %5u bNumEndpoints %5u bInterfaceClass %5u %s bInterfaceSubClass %5u %s bInterfaceProtocol %5u %s iInterface %5u %s MIDIStreaming Interface Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDescriptorSubtype %5u bcdADC %2x.%02x wTotalLength %5u bJackType %5u %s bJackID %5u iJack %5u %s bJackType %5u %s bJackID %5u bNrInputPins %5u baSourceID(%2u) %5u BaSourcePin(%2u) %5u iJack %5u %s bElementID %5u bNrInputPins %5u bNrOutputPins %5u bInTerminalLink %5u bOutTerminalLink %5u bElCapsSize %5u bmElementCaps 0x%08lx MTC (MIDI Time Code) MMC (MIDI Machine Control) GM1 (General MIDI v.1) GM2 (General MIDI v.2) DLS1 (Downloadable Sounds Level 1) DLS2 (Downloadable Sounds Level 2) iElement %5u %s Invalid desc subtype: VideoControl Interface Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDescriptorSubtype %5u bcdUVC %2x.%02x wTotalLength %5u dwClockFrequency %5u.%06uMHz bInCollection %5u bTerminalID %5u wTerminalType 0x%04x %s bAssocTerminal %5u wObjectiveFocalLengthMin %5u wObjectiveFocalLengthMax %5u wOcularFocalLength %5u bControlSize %5u bmControls 0x%08x bUnitID %5u bSourceID %5u wMaxMultiplier %5u bControlSize %5u bmControls 0x%08x iProcessing %5u %s bmVideoStandards 0x%2x bUnitID %5u guidExtensionCode %s bNumControl %5u bNrPins %5u VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDescriptorSubtype %5u bNumFormats %5u wTotalLength %5u bEndPointAddress %5u bmInfo %5u bTerminalLink %5u bStillCaptureMethod %5u bTriggerSupport %5u bTriggerUsage %5u bControlSize %5u bmaControls(%2u) %5u bNumFormats %5u wTotalLength %5u bEndpointAddress %5u bTerminalLink %5u bControlSize %5u bmaControls(%2u) %5u bEndpointAddress %5u bNumImageSizePatterns %3u bNumCompressionPatterns %3u wWidth(%2u) %5u wHeight(%2u) %5u bCompression(%2u) %5u bFormatIndex %5u bNumFrameDescriptors %5u guidFormat %s bBitsPerPixel %5u bDefaultFrameIndex %5u bAspectRatioX %5u bAspectRatioY %5u bmInterlaceFlags 0x%02x Interlaced stream or variable: %s Fields per frame: %u fields Regular pattern of fields 1 and 2Random pattern of fields 1 and 2 bCopyProtect %5u bVariableSize %5u bFrameIndex %5u bmCapabilities 0x%02x Still image %ssupported wWidth %5u wHeight %5u dwMinBitRate %9u dwMaxBitRate %9u dwDefaultFrameInterval %9u bFrameIntervalType %5u dwBytesPerLine %9u dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize %9u dwDefaultFrameInterval %9u bFrameIntervalType %5u dwMinFrameInterval %9u dwMaxFrameInterval %9u dwFrameIntervalStep %9u dwFrameInterval(%2u) %9u bFormatIndex %5u bNumFrameDescriptors %5u bFlags %5u Fixed-size samples: %s bDefaultFrameIndex %5u bAspectRatioX %5u bAspectRatioY %5u bmInterlaceFlags 0x%02x bFormatIndex %5u bDataOffset %5u bPacketLength %5u bStrideLength %5u guidStrideFormat %s bColorPrimaries %5u (%s) bTransferCharacteristics %5u (%s) bMatrixCoefficients %5u (%s) Device Firmware Upgrade Interface Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bmAttributes %5u (unknown attributes!) wDetachTimeout %5u milliseconds wTransferSize %5u bytes bcdDFUVersion %x.%02x Radio Control Interface Class Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bcdRCIVersion %2x.%02x Wire Adapter Class Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bcdWAVersion %2x.%02x bNumPorts %5u bmAttributes %5u wNumRPRipes %5u wRPipeMaxBlock %5u bRPipeBlockSize %5u bPwrOn2PwrGood %5u bNumMMCIEs %5u DeviceRemovable %5u Endpoint Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bEndpointAddress 0x%02x EP %u %s bmAttributes %5u Transfer Type %s Synch Type %s Usage Type %s wMaxPacketSize 0x%04x %s %d bytes bInterval %5u bRefresh %5u bSynchAddress %5u MIDIStreaming Endpoint Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDescriptorSubtype %5u (%s) bNumEmbMIDIJack %5u baAssocJackID(%2u) %5u HNP (Host Negotiation Protocol) SRP (Session Request Protocol) Couldn't open device, some information will be missing Couldn't get configuration descriptor 0, some information will be missing OTG Descriptor: bLength %3u bDescriptorType %3u bmAttributes 0x%02x %s%sCouldn't get configuration descriptor %d, some information will be missing Configuration Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u wTotalLength %5u bNumInterfaces %5u bConfigurationValue %5u iConfiguration %5u %s bmAttributes 0x%02x (Missing must-be-set bit!) MaxPower %5umA Security Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u wTotalLength %5u bNumEncryptionTypes %5u Encryption Type Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bEncryptionType %5u %s bEncryptionValue %5u bAuthKeyIndex %5u incomplete hub descriptor, %d bytes %s wHubCharacteristic 0x%04x %s Per-port power switching %s No power switching (usb 1.0) %s Ganged overcurrent protection %s Per-port overcurrent protection %s No overcurrent protection %s TT think time %d FS bits Binary Object Store Descriptor: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u wTotalLength %5u bNumDeviceCaps %5u Couldn't get device capability descriptors FIXME: alloc bigger buffer for device capability descriptors USB 2.0 Extension Device Capability: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDevCapabilityType %5u bmAttributes 0x%08x (Missing must-be-set LPM bit!) Link Power Management (LPM) Supported Bad SuperSpeed USB Device Capability descriptor. SuperSpeed USB Device Capability: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDevCapabilityType %5u bmAttributes 0x%02x Latency Tolerance Messages (LTM) Supported wSpeedsSupported 0x%02x%02x Device can operate at Low Speed (1Mbps) Device can operate at Full Speed (12Mbps) Device can operate at High Speed (480Mbps) Device can operate at SuperSpeed (5Gbps) bFunctionalitySupport %3u Lowest fully-functional device speed is Low Speed (1Mbps) Lowest fully-functional device speed is Full Speed (12Mbps) Lowest fully-functional device speed is High Speed (480Mbps) Lowest fully-functional device speed is SuperSpeed (5Gbps) Lowest fully-functional device speed is at an unknown speed! bU1DevExitLat %4u micro seconds bU2DevExitLat %8u micro seconds Bad Container ID Device Capability descriptor. Container ID Device Capability: bLength %5u bDescriptorType %5u bDevCapabilityType %5u bReserved %5u ContainerID %s Debug descriptor: bLength %4u bDescriptorType %4u bDebugInEndpoint 0x%02x bDebugOutEndpoint 0x%02x Device Status: 0x%02x%02x Latency Tolerance Messaging (LTM) Enabled%s bPwrOn2PwrGood %3u * 2 milli seconds %s bHubContrCurrent %4u milli Ampere %s bHubDecLat 0.%1u micro seconds %s wHubDelay %4u nano seconds %s bHubContrCurrent %3u milli Ampere Bus %03u Device %03u: ID %04x:%04x %s %s Usage: lsusb [options]... List USB devices -v, --verbose Increase verbosity (show descriptors) -s [[bus]:][devnum] Show only devices with specified device and/or bus numbers (in decimal) -d vendor:[product] Show only devices with the specified vendor and product ID numbers (in hexadecimal) -D device Selects which device lsusb will examine -t, --tree Dump the physical USB device hierarchy as a tree -V, --version Show version of program -h, --help Show usage and help unable to initialize libusb: %i White Balance Temperature, AutoLow Freqency Enhancement (LFE)Top Front Left of Center (TFLC)Top Front Right of Center (TFRC)Left Low Frequency Effects (LLFE)Right Low Frequency Effects (RLFE)l4,D\$udSB1xXh\6!/t.@-{+[)'[)\6\6N'\6\6h&\6\6{+[)543,3~2p1/t%s/%s/../driver|__ %*s%s/%s/%sbAlternateSettingbInterfaceClassbInterfaceNumberbInterfaceProtocolbInterfaceSubClassbNumEndpoints%s/%s/driverbConfigurationValuebDeviceClassbDeviceProtocolbDeviceSubClassbMaxPacketSize0bMaxPowerbNumConfigurationsbNumInterfacesbcdDevicebmAttributesconfigurationdevnumidProductidVendormaxchildmanufacturerproductserialroot_hubignoring '%s' Can not read driver link for '%s': %d Port %u: Dev %u, If %u, Class=%s, Driver=%s/%up, %sM Port %u: Dev %u, If %u, Class=%s, Driver=%s, %sM warning: '%s' truncated to '%s' 'bDeviceClass 0x%02x not yet handled'/: Bus %02u.Port %u: Dev %u, Class=%s, Driver=%s/%up, %sM /sys/bus/usb/devicesInvalid Physdes type at line %u Duplicate Physdes type spec at line %u terminal type %04x %s Duplicate PHY type spec at line %u terminal type %04x %s Duplicate BIAS type spec at line %u terminal type %04x %s Invalid LANGID spec at line %u Duplicate LANGID spec at line %u language-id %04x %s Invalid class spec at line %u Invalid audio terminal type at line %u Invalid video terminal type at line %u Invalid HID country code at line %u Duplicate HID country code at line %u country %02u %s Invalid vendor spec at line %u Invalid product/subclass spec at line %u Duplicate HUT Usage Spec at line %u Duplicate LANGID Usage Spec at line %u Product/Subclass spec without prior Vendor/Class spec at line %u Invalid protocol spec at line %u Protocol spec without prior Class and Subclass spec at line %u Duplicate HID type spec at line %u terminal type %04x %s Duplicate HUT type spec at line %u terminal type %04x %s Invalid Report type at line %u Duplicate Report type spec at line %u terminal type %04x %s Duplicate class spec at line %u class %04x %s Duplicate audio terminal type spec at line %u terminal type %04x %s Duplicate video terminal type spec at line %u terminal type %04x %s Duplicate vendor spec at line %u vendor %04x %s Duplicate product spec at line %u product %04x:%04x %s Duplicate subclass spec at line %u class %02x:%02x %s Duplicate protocol spec at line %u class %02x:%02x:%02x %s Invalid PHY type at line %u Invalid BIAS type at line %u Invalid HID type at line %u Invalid HUT type at line %u Unknown line at line %u /dev/bus/usb%s/%03u/%03uUTF-16LE;=ܳ<3 ,d< 4l,|<<,D|  1ElFHDIlJL N4 O|QR V\ \ |\ L] ,ud |u u u u u u u$ u< uT |vl v lw w |x x |y y, @X@p@@@@TA@@@@@@-@@@W@p@@@@@@@@@@!@ @ @1@=@@E@N@W@j@w@@@@@@@r@@@@!@,@1@N@7@F@X@n@}@@TA@@@@@@ @@@V"@v*@h/@t@4@A@O@h@@@@@@@@ @%@@ @6@F@[@r@@@@TATAUA8UA@@@@@`@8@H@Z@i@y@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ !@ ,@ ;@ J@Z@c@i@o@u@ @ @8|a@|ao@ @@  a @@x oH@oo @a@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@@*@/@7@>@E@R@R@M@*@/@7@>@E@R@R@U@Z@/@_@>@E@R@R@j@Z@/@_@>@E@R@`a`apapalsusb.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@8> @F @ No @ [oH@H`j@xt @  ~@y@@2@  @ |$aA$acAc\ 8|a8|@|a@|H|aH|`|a`| a؏a؏(aa a