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The association isn't present yet! Cannot %s! Successfully %s the original association %s: Listen failed on socket number No association is present in sk No.%d now!! Usage: %s -H -P [-h ] [-p ] -l|s -H, --local specify one of the local addresses, -P, --local-port specify the port number for local addresses, -h, --remote specify the peer address, -p, --remote-port specify the port number for the peer address, -l, --listen print messages received from the peer, -s, --send send messages to the peer, -B, --bindx-add add the specified address(es) as additional bind addresses to the local socket. Multiple addresses can be specified by using this argument multiple times. For example, '-B -B'. -b, --bindx-rem remove the specified address(es) from the bind addresses of the local socket. Multiple addresses can be specified by using this argument multiple times. For example, '-b -b'. -c, --connectx use the specified address(es) for connection to the peer socket. Multiple addresses can be specified by using this argument multiple times. For example, '-c -c'. This option is incompatible with the -h option. -I use the interactive mode. -i setup the specified number of endpoints by using the specified local host (-H) and local port (-P). The port number will be incremented by one for each additional endpoint. All of these endpoints will be listening. If a remote host (-h) and a remote port are also specified, the first endpoint will start sending fixed sized messages to the remote host. -m specify the sockopt sndbuf/rcvbuf size. -n set the socket(s) to be in the non-blocking mode. collect messages from stdin and deliver them to the peer, --use-poll use system call poll() for polling among the number of endpoints specified by the -i option. Without this option, select() would be used as default. -t use SOCK_STREAM tcp-style sockets. -z specify the message size to be sent. The default message size generated would be 16K. --interface="ifname" select interface for sin6_scope_id. Got control structure of length %zu, not %d Wrong kind of event: %d, not %d %s: pick ONE of listen or send %s: non-option arguments are illegal: %s: You MUST provide a local host. %s: You MUST provide a remote host for sending. %s: You can not provide both -h and -c options. %04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%dGap Acknowledgements Received: %lu TSN received > next expected: %lu Ordered data chunks sent: %lu Ordered data chunks received: %lu Unordered data chunks sent: %lu Unordered data chunks received: %lu Dups received (ordered+unordered): %lu Maximum Observed RTO this period: %lu - Transport: snd= - Do a sendmsg with the specifiedrcv= - Do a recvmsg.The length is ignored for now.bindx-add= - Add a local addressbindx-rem= - Remove a local addressrcvbuf= - Get/Set receive buffer sizesndbuf= - Get/Set send buffer size.primary= - Get/Set association's primarypeer_primary=addr- Set association's peer_primaryheartbeat= - Request a user initiated heartbeatmaxseg= - Get/Set Maximum fragment size.nodelay=<0|1> - Get/Set NODELAY option.shutdown - Shutdown the association.abort - Abort the association.stats - Print GET_ASSOC_STATS (if available in kernel).? - Help. Display this message.%s: error %s peer_primary: %s. %s: error %s peer_addr_params: %s. %s: Error setting/getting nodelay: %s. %s: Error setting/getting maxseg: %s. Use -I for interactive mode with%s:%d-%s:%d Interactive mode> No association is present now!!Old association gone, Starting a new one!%s: A non-0 remote port number is required for connectx to work! %s: error connecting to addrs: %s. sctp_getpaddrs failed, no peers. sctp_getpaddrs failed %s(%d). New connection, peer addresses%s: Please specify a command. required for bindx to work! Invalid address family %s: error adding addrs: %s. Recieved SCTP_COMM_UPRecieved SCTP_COMM_LOSTRecieved SCTP_RESTARTRecieved SCTP_SHUTDOWN_COMPRecieved SCTP_CANT_STR_ASSOC%s: Can't allocate memory. %s: recvmsg: %s %s: bad hostname: %s Invalid address type. SCTP_EVENTS: error: %d bindx_func (add) failed. bindx_func (remove) failed. %s: error fcntl: %s. ABORTSHUTDOWNFailure: %s. setsockopt failed %s close failed %s %s failed %s listening... %d: %s. Cannot allocate out message. sent a message, msglen = %d %s: error: %s. B:H:IP:b:h:i:p:lm:nstz:ec:option %s with arg %sInterface %s unknown No memory to add Too many sockets for for polling Bad message size. %s: unrecognized option 0%c %s %d.%d.%d.%d:%dNo association present yetget_assoc_stats() failed %s Retransmitted Chunks: %lu SACKs sent: %lu SACKs received: %lu Control chunks sent: %lu Control chunks received: %lu Packets sent: %lu Packets received: %lu settinggettingInteractive commands: length. with bindx. Invalid input.sndbuf is %d. rcvbuf is %d. %s: error %s primary: %s. nodelay is %d. maxseg is %d. listen Failure: %s. -n nonblocking%s:%d-?:%d Interactive mode> %s ready to send... %s:%d-%s:%d> XXXXXX:%dConnection refusedconnectx failed. %s: illegal command %d locallocal-portremoteremote-portlistensendbindx-addbindx-remuse-pollechointerfaceconnectxsndrcvsndbufrcvbufpeer_primaryshutdownabortnodelaymaxsegheartbeatstatseth0sctp_darn.cP@`@p@@8@4@4@h4@P4@04@3@4@4@4@4@3@3@4@4@4@p3@@3@3@4@4@3@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@1@4@4@p3@4@4@4@4@4@4@2@4@4@4@4@4@4@h4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@@3@3@4@2@4@4@P4@`2@4@4@3@@2@02@4@04@4@4@3@ 2@4@4@4@4@4@1@u<@<@<@J=@=@=@?@?@6>@N>@c>@>@H;@Y<@test_verify_assoc_changetest_recv_assoc_changeINIT sinit_num_ostreams %d sinit_max_instreams %d sinit_max_attempts %d sinit_max_init_timeo %d SNDRCV sinfo_stream %u sinfo_ssn %u sinfo_flags 0x%x sinfo_ppid %u sinfo_context %x sinfo_tsn %u sinfo_cumtsn %u sinfo_assoc_id %u UNKNOWN CMSG: %d DATA(%d): exitNOTIFICATION: ASSOC_CHANGE - COMM_UPASSOC_CHANGE - COMM_LOSTASSOC_CHANGE - RESTARTASSOC_CHANGE - SHUTDOWN_COMPASSOC_CHANGE - CANT_STR_ASSOCASSOC_CHANGE - UNEXPECTED(%d)%s %2d BROK : sctputil.cDUMP_CORE %s: %d malloc failedsetsockopt(%d): %s./sctputil.hsctp_getpaddrs: %sinvalid address type %dpeer address %d not foundsGot a datamsg, expecting notificationGot a notification of unexpected length:%d, expected length:%dUnexpected notification:%dexpected:%dUnexpected sac_state:%d expected:%dGot a notification, expecting adatamsgGot a datamsg of unexpected length:%d, expected length:%dUnexpected msg_flags:0x%x expecting:0x%xNull sinfo, but expected stream:%d expected ppid:%dstream mismatch: expected:%x got:%xppid mismatch: expected:%x got:%x peer count %d mismatch, expected %d;$#8p @8X8`XxȪx8hhȳ88hHP(HhP( HzRx *zRx $PFJ w?;*3$",DH.BDD0 ABA tHfAdGJ G x8A8AHwGj A ,AHG AAA D4xBBB D(C0Ga 0A(A BBBC <|BED F(G (A ABBG L~BBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA  У$أD^ A LDHBBB B(D0A8Gp< 8A0A(B BBBF ,ئ'ACG0$ AAA ثsAq A ,8AD@ FB uF,^AAG  AAK LD(e BBE B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBE LHBBB B(I0A8G 8A0A(B BBBH ,4BDE eABL? 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