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Consider installing GNU coreutils.WARNING: not restoring timestamps. Consider getting and installing GNU 'touch', distributed in GNU coreutils...failed to create %s lock directoryx - created lock directory %s.x - failed to create lock directory %s.x - failed to create directory %s.End of part %d, continue with part %drestoration warning: size of %s is not %sFile %s is continued in part %dPlease unpack part ${shar_sequence} next!x - SKIPPING %s (file already exists)You have unpacked the last partx - removed lock directory %s.x - failed to remove lock directory %s.-rwxrwxrwxSubmitted-by: %s Archive-name: %s%s%02d LC_ALL=C wc -c < %srom part %02d of %s Db@DbDb@p"'"%* ) %'f=shar-touch.$$ st1=200112312359.59 st2=123123592001.59 st2tr=123123592001.5 # old SysV 14-char limit st3=1231235901 if touch -am -t ${st1} ${f} >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ test ! -f ${st1} && test -f ${f}; then shar_touch='touch -am -t $1$2$3$4$5$6.$7 "$8"' elif touch -am ${st2} ${f} >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ test ! -f ${st2} && test ! -f ${st2tr} && test -f ${f}; then shar_touch='touch -am $3$4$5$6$1$2.$7 "$8"' elif touch -am ${st3} ${f} >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ test ! -f ${st3} && test -f ${f}; then shar_touch='touch -am $3$4$5$6$2 "$8"' else shar_touch=: echo ${echo} %s echo fi rm -f ${st1} ${st2} ${st2tr} ${st3} ${f} # rm -f ${lock_dir}/continued sed 's/^%c//' << '%s' >> %s && if test ! -f ${lock_dir}/continued then ${echo} if test -f ${lock_dir}/continued; then : > ${lock_dir}/continued # Source directory was '%s'. exit 1if %s then ${echo} %s fi if %s ; then : else ${echo} %s%s fi if %s then ${echo} %s else ${echo} %s%s fi (set %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %s eval "${shar_touch}") && \ uudecode ${lock_dir}/uue && \ test -r ${lock_dir}/seq || { ${echo} '%s' >&2 exit 1 } shar_sequence=`cat ${lock_dir}/seq` test "$shar_sequence" = %d || { ${echo} %s >&2 exit 1 } while : ; do answer=${shar_wish} case $shar_wish in all) ${echo} %s ; break ;; none) break ;; *) ${echo} $shar_n "? - %s${ans_list}"$shar_c if test -n "$shar_tty" then read shar_wish < $shar_tty else read shar_wish fi eval "${eval_ans}" ;; esac shar_wish=help for f in ${user_answers} do eval printf "'%%-9s %%s\n'" \"\${ans_${f}}\" \"\${${f}_means}\" done done shar_wish=${answer} case "${shar_wish}" in quit) ${echo} '%s'; exit 1 ;; none) ${echo} 'x - %s' ; shar_skip=yes ;; no) shar_skip=yes ;; yes | all) shar_skip=no ;; esac else shar_skip=no fi if test $shar_skip = yes; then ${echo} 'x - %s' ans_yes='%s' yes_means='%s' ans_no='%s' no_means='%s' ans_all='%s' all_means='%s' ans_none='%s' none_means='%s' ans_help='%s' help_means='%s' ans_quit='%s' quit_means='%s' user_answers='no yes all none help quit' shar_wish='no' ans_list=" [<${ans_no}>, ${ans_yes}, ${ans_all}, ${ans_none}, ${ans_help}, ${ans_quit}] ? " eval_ans=' if test -z "${shar_wish}" ; then answer=no ; else answer='help' case "${ans_yes}" in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=yes ; break ;; esac case "${ans_no}" in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=no ; break ;; esac case "${ans_all}" in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=all ; break ;; esac case "${ans_none}" in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=none ; break ;; esac case "${ans_quit}" in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=quit ; break ;; esac fi' if test -n "${keep_file}" && test -f %s then else begin 600 %s if ${md5check} then ( ${MD5SUM} -c >/dev/null 2>&1 || ${echo} %s: '%s' ) << \%s MD5SUM=${MD5SUM-md5sum} f=`${MD5SUM} --version | egrep '^md5sum .*(core|text)utils'` test -n "${f}" && md5check=true || md5check=false ${md5check} || \ echo '%s' mkdir ${lock_dir}# Made on %s by <%s>. ${lock_dir}save_IFS="${IFS}" IFS="${IFS}:" gettext_dir= locale_dir= set_echo=false for dir in $PATH do if test -f $dir/gettext \ && ($dir/gettext --version >/dev/null 2>&1) then case `$dir/gettext --version 2>&1 | sed 1q` in *GNU*) gettext_dir=$dir set_echo=true break ;; esac fi done if ${set_echo} then set_echo=false for dir in $PATH do if test -f $dir/shar \ && ($dir/shar --print-text-domain-dir >/dev/null 2>&1) then locale_dir=`$dir/shar --print-text-domain-dir` set_echo=true break fi done if ${set_echo} then TEXTDOMAINDIR=$locale_dir export TEXTDOMAINDIR TEXTDOMAIN=sharutils export TEXTDOMAIN echo="$gettext_dir/gettext -s" fi fi IFS="$save_IFS" #!/bin/sh # This is %s%s archive (produced by GNU %s %s). # To extract the files from this archive, save it to some FILE, remove # everything before the '#!/bin/sh' line above, then type 'sh FILE'. # lock_dir=_sh%05d # %%-%ds # %%-%ds Do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with '/bin/sh'. This is part 1 of a multipart archive. MAY be overwritten. # The unsharer will be INTERACTIVELY queriedWILL be overwrittenwill *not* be overwritten, unless '-c' is specified# # Existing files %s. ${echo} %s if (echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3) | grep c >/dev/null then if (echo -n test; echo 1,2,3) | grep n >/dev/null then shar_n= shar_c=' ' else shar_n=-n shar_c= ; fi else shar_n= shar_c='\c' ; fi mkdir %s if test ! -d %s; then shar_tty= shar_n= shar_c='\n' if test -n "`ls /dev/tty 2>/dev/null`" then shar_tty=/dev/tty else shar_tty= ; fi ---- Cut Here and feed the following to sh ---- #!/bin/sh # This is '%s' (part %d of %s). # Do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with '/bin/sh'. # File '%s' is being continued... # lock_dir=_sh%05d # # This shar contains: # length mode name # ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------ if test "X$1" = "X-c" then keep_file='' else keep_file=true fi echo=echo test ! -d ${lock_dir}test `LC_ALL=C wc -c < %s` -ne %s && \ ${echo} %s # ============= %s ============== test $? -eq 0wrcould not allocate %u bytes of scribble spaceliboptsshar usage error: Cannot reopen %s as stdinshar fatal error: sharNo memory for duping translated strings fserr %d (%s) performing '%s' on %s   @ @3Ashar (GNU sharutils) 4.14 Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc., all rights reserved. This is free software. It is licensed for use, modification and redistribution under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later shar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. shar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Specifying compression:specify compression for input filesINTERMIX_TYPEintermix-typespecify compaction (compression) programCOMPACTORcompactorpass LEVEL for compressionLEVEL_OF_COMPRESSIONlevel-of-compressionbzip2 and uuencode files (deprecated)BZIP2bzip2gzip and uuencode files (deprecated)GZIPgzipcompress and uuencode files (deprecated)COMPRESScompressan alias for the 'level-of-compression' option (deprecated)level-for-gzippass bits (default 12) to compress (deprecated)BITS_PER_CODEbits-per-code12Specifying file encoding methodology:decide uuencoding for each fileMIXED_UUENCODEmixed-uuencodetreat all files as binaryUUENCODEuuencodetreat all files as textTEXT_FILEStext-filesSpecifying file selection and output modes:print output to file PREFIX.nnOUTPUT_PREFIXoutput-prefixsplit archive, not files, to sizeWHOLE_SIZE_LIMITwhole-size-limitsplit archive or files to sizeSPLIT_SIZE_LIMITsplit-size-limitread file list from a fileINPUT_FILE_LISTinput-file-listread file list from standard input (deprecated)STDIN_FILE_LISTstdin-file-listControlling the shar headers:use name to document the archiveARCHIVE_NAMEarchive-nameoverride the submitter nameSUBMITTERsubmitteroutput Submitted-by: & Archive-name: headersNET_HEADERSnet-headersstart the shar with a cut lineCUT_MARKcut-marktranslate messages in the scriptTRANSLATEtranslateProtecting against transmission issues:do not use `wc -c' to check sizeNO_CHARACTER_COUNTno-character-countdo not use md5sum digest to verifyNO_MD5_DIGESTno-md5-digestapply the prefix character on every lineFORCE_PREFIXforce-prefixuse delim to delimit the filesHERE_DELIMITERhere-delimiterSHAR_EOFProducing different kinds of shars:produce very simple sharsVANILLA_OPERATIONvanilla-operationuse temporary files between programsNO_PIPINGno-pipingblindly overwrite existing filesNO_CHECK_EXISTINGno-check-existingask user before overwriting filesQUERY_USERquery-userdo not restore modification timesNO_TIMESTAMPno-timestampavoid verbose messages at unshar timeQUIET_UNSHARquiet-unsharrestore in one directory, despite hierarchyBASENAMEbasenameInternationalization options:do not internationalizeNO_I18Nno-i18nprint directory with shar messagesPRINT_TEXT_DOMAIN_DIRprint-text-domain-dirUser feedback/entertainment:do not output verbose messagesQUIETquietan alias for the 'quiet' optionsilentdisplay extended usage information and exithelpextended usage information passed thru pagermore-helpoutput version information and exitversionsave the option state to a config filesave-optsload options from a config fileLOAD_OPTSno-load-optsnoSHARshar (GNU sharutils) - create a shell archive Usage: %s [ - [] | --[{=| }] ]... [...] $HOME.sharrcbug-gnu-utils@gnu.orgIf no 'file's are specified, the list of input files is read from standard input. Standard input must not be a terminal. 'shar' creates "shell archives" (or shar files) which are in text format and can be emailed. These files may be unpacked later by executing them with '/bin/sh'. The resulting archive is sent to standard out unless the '-o' option is given. A wide range of features provide extensive flexibility in manufacturing shars and in specifying 'shar' "smartness". Archives may be fairly simple ('--vanilla-operation') or essentially a mailable 'tar' archive. Options may be specified in any order until a 'file' argument is recognized. If the '--intermix-type' option has been specified, more compression and encoding options will be recognized between the 'file' arguments. Though this program supports 'uuencode'-d files, they are deprecated. If you are emailing files, please consider mime-encoded files. If you do 'uuencode', base64 is the preferred encoding method. shar (GNU sharutils) 4.14shar (GNU sharutils) - create a shell archive Usage: shar [ - [] | --[{=| }] ]... [...] Specify compression: -p, --intermix-type specify compression for input files - prohibits the option 'vanilla-operation' -C, --compactor=PROG specify compaction (compression) program PROG - prohibits the option 'vanilla-operation' - may appear multiple times - it must be known to shar: xz gzip bzip2 -g, --level-of-compression=LEVEL pass LEVEL for compression - it must be in the range: 1 to 9 Specify file encoding methodology: -M, --mixed-uuencode decide uuencoding for each file -B, --uuencode treat all files as binary - an alternate for mixed-uuencode -T, --text-files treat all files as text - an alternate for mixed-uuencode Specifying file selection and output modes: -o, --output-prefix=str print output to file PREFIX.nn -l, --whole-size-limit=SIZE split archive, not files, to SIZE - requires the option 'output-prefix' - is scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T - it must lie in one of the ranges: 8 to 1023, or 8192 to 4194304 -L, --split-size-limit=SIZE split archive or files to SIZE - requires the option 'output-prefix' - is scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T - it must lie in one of the ranges: 8 to 1023, or 8192 to 4194304 - an alternate for 'whole-size-limit' -I, --input-file-list=FILE read file list from FILE Controlling the shar headers: -n, --archive-name=NAME use NAME to document the archive -s, --submitter=NAME override the submitter name with NAME -a, --net-headers output Submitted-by: & Archive-name: headers - requires the option 'archive-name' -c, --cut-mark start the shar with a cut line -t, --translate translate messages in the script Protecting against transmission issues: --no-character-count do not use `wc -c' to check size -D, --no-md5-digest do not use md5sum digest to verify -F, --force-prefix apply the prefix character on every line -d, --here-delimiter=DELIM use DELIM to delimit the files Producing different kinds of shars: -V, --vanilla-operation produce very simple shars -P, --no-piping use temporary files between programs -x, --no-check-existing blindly overwrite existing files -X, --query-user ask user before overwriting files - prohibits the option 'vanilla-operation' -m, --no-timestamp do not restore modification times -Q, --quiet-unshar avoid verbose messages at unshar time -f, --basename restore in one directory, despite hierarchy Internationalization options: --no-i18n do not internationalize --print-text-domain-dir print directory with shar messages User feedback/entertainment: -q, --quiet do not output verbose messages --silent an alias for the 'quiet' option Version, usage and configuration options: -v, --version[=MODE] output version information and exit -h, --help display extended usage information and exit -!, --more-help extended usage information passed thru pager -R, --save-opts[=FILE] save the option state to a config file FILE -r, --load-opts=FILE load options from the config file FILE - disabled with '--no-load-opts' - may appear multiple times Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single hyphen and the flag character. If no 'file's are specified, the list of input files is read from a standard input. Standard input must not be a terminal. The following option preset mechanisms are supported: - reading file $HOME/.sharrc 'shar' creates "shell archives" (or shar files) which are in text format and can be emailed. These files may be unpacked later by executing them with '/bin/sh'. The resulting archive is sent to standard out unless the '-o' option is given. A wide range of features provide extensive flexibility in manufacturing shars and in specifying 'shar' "smartness". Archives may be fairly simple ('--vanilla-operation') or essentially a mailable 'tar' archive. Options may be specified in any order until a 'file' argument is recognized. If the '--intermix-type' option has been specified, more compression and encoding options will be recognized between the 'file' arguments. Though this program supports 'uuencode'-d files, they are deprecated. If you are emailing files, please consider mime-encoded files. If you do 'uuencode', base64 is the preferred encoding method. Please send bug reports to: shar (GNU sharutils) - create a shell archive Usage: shar [ - [] | --[{=| }] ]... [...] Try 'shar --help' for more information. A = \ exit %d keywordset-membershiptruefalse [arg], -%cw exit 0 %s/%sPATH%s=%sYMWD*/-->%s%sreadonly %s_wb# .*reset.c0 == 1AUTOOPTS_USAGEpiperbSHELL/bin/bashfstatfreopen%lu[%s]POSIXLY_CORRECT--helpautooptsno_misuse_usagecomputeamp;lt;gt;ff;ht;cr;vt;bel;nl;space;quot;apos;typewordsmembersuncookedkeepsetboolstringbooleanhierarchynestedinteger@@P@Є@P@@0@Ĵ@@@@@@|@p@д@q@}@@@@@@e@@@@@$@d@@@@F@:@.@.@"@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@8@H@@@@X@@@@@@@@h@@@@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b@@@9@9@9@9@9@9@&@@@d@@@@@8@@@@@ @@40.1%%-%us %%s optionResetOptLONGUSAGEUSAGEVERSIONAAABA@A A,ApAPA4A&9A<=A>AA EA IA MA QAVA ZA aA"gA'AO_CURRENT:AO_REVISION:AO_AGE   &amp;<lt;>gt;"quot;'apos;genshellopt 1 Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Bruce Korb, all rights reserved. This is free software. It is licensed for use, modification and redistribution under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2 or later The genshellopt library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, see Output Script FileSCRIPTscriptShell name (follows "#!" magic)SHELLno-shellnodisplay extended usage information and exithelpextended usage information passed thru pagermore-helpoutput version information and exitversionGENSHELLOPTgenshellopt - Generate Shell Option Processing Script - Ver. 1 Usage: %s [ - [] | --[{=| }] ]... autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.netNote that 'shell' is only useful if the output file does not already exist. If it does, then the shell name and optional first argument will be extracted from the script file. If the script file already exists and contains Automated Option Processing text, the second line of the file through the ending tag will be replaced by the newly generated text. The first '#!' line will be regenerated. genshellopt 1elAelAelAelAmArAAxAAAelA elA elA AAelA AAelA A elA A1AelA 9AelA elA A-_^ %s%s auto-optionsprogram%%-%ds %%s %s =file=Mbr=Cplx[=arg]--%2$s%1$s=Timnone# preset/initialization file # %s# %3s %-14s %s%sT/F %s %sFilKWdMbrCpxno NumoptYESStrTim - -- and %s all :=%s_%s_%d='' ;; ' %s %%-%ds export %s_%s_%d false -* ) flagINVALID-%d*INVALID*\n\ --* ) --LONGUSAGE %s \%03omore<%s type=nested> %s %s OPT_ARG_NEEDED=NO<%s/> OPT_ARG_NEEDED=OK <%s>option export %s_%s %s_%s= | PAGER + puts(_(%s)); \''%s' -- %s%s_%s_TEXT='#! %s env | grep '^%s_' =%1$lu # 0x%1$lX stdout%A %B %e, %Y at %r %Z%s/use-%u.XXXXXXtrue<%s type=%s>VERSION#x%02X;OPT_ARG_NEEDED=YES'\'' '%s' OPTION_CT=0 set -- ;; '%c' ) '%s' ) '%s' | \ TMPDIR/tmp%1$s %2$s ; rm -f %2$s<%1$s type=boolean>%2$s # From the %s option definitions # echo 'Warning: Cannot load options files' >&2echo 'Warning: Cannot save options files' >&2echo 'Warning: Cannot suppress the loading of options files' >&2<%1$s type=integer>0x%2$lX %1$s_%2$s_TEXT='no %2$s text' %1$s_%2$s_MODE='%3$s' export %1$s_%2$s_MODE %1$s_%2$s='%3$s' export %1$s_%2$s %1$s_%2$s_CT=%3$d export %1$s_%2$s_CT OPTION_CT=%d export OPTION_CT %1$s_%2$s=%3$s export %1$s_%2$s %1$s_%2$s=%3$d # 0x%3$X export %1$s_%2$s case "${OPT_CODE}" in if [ $%1$s_%2$s_CT -gt %3$u ] ; then echo 'Error: more than %3$d %2$s options' echo "$%1$s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 fi >&2 test ${%1$s_%2$s_CT-0} -ge %3$u || { echo %1$s_%2$s has not been set exit 1 } 1>&2 test -n "$%1$s_%2$s" || { echo %1$s_%2$s has not been set exit 1 } 1>&2 echo "$%s_%s_TEXT" exit 0 # # # # # # # # # # # # END OF AUTOMATED OPTION PROCESSING # # # # # # # # # # # -- do not modify this marker -- if [ -n "${OPT_ARG_VAL}" ] then eval %1$s_${OPT_NAME}${OPT_ELEMENT}="'${OPT_ARG_VAL}'" export %1$s_${OPT_NAME}${OPT_ELEMENT} fi done OPTION_COUNT=`expr $ARG_COUNT - $#` OPERAND_COUNT=$# unset OPT_PROCESS || : unset OPT_ELEMENT || : unset OPT_ARG || : unset OPT_ARG_NEEDED || : unset OPT_NAME || : unset OPT_CODE || : unset OPT_ARG_VAL || : OPT_CODE=`echo "X${OPT_ARG}"|sed 's/^X-*//'` shift OPT_ARG=$1 case "${OPT_CODE}" in *=* ) OPT_ARG_VAL=`echo "${OPT_CODE}"|sed 's/^[^=]*=//'` OPT_CODE=`echo "${OPT_CODE}"|sed 's/=.*$//'` ;; esac OPT_CODE=`echo "X${OPT_ARG}" | sed 's/X-\(.\).*/\1/'` OPT_ARG=` echo "X${OPT_ARG}" | sed 's/X-.//'` ARG_COUNT=$# OPT_PROCESS=true OPT_ARG=$1 while ${OPT_PROCESS} && [ $# -gt 0 ] do OPT_ELEMENT='' OPT_ARG_VAL='' case "${OPT_ARG}" in -- ) OPT_PROCESS=false shift ;; case "${OPT_ARG_NEEDED}" in NO ) OPT_ARG_VAL='' ;; YES ) if [ -z "${OPT_ARG_VAL}" ] then if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo No argument provided for ${OPT_NAME} option echo "$%s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 fi >&2 OPT_ARG_VAL=${OPT_ARG} shift OPT_ARG=$1 fi ;; OK ) if [ -z "${OPT_ARG_VAL}" ] && [ $# -gt 0 ] then case "${OPT_ARG}" in -* ) ;; * ) OPT_ARG_VAL=${OPT_ARG} shift OPT_ARG=$1 ;; esac fi ;; esac %1$s_%2$s_CT=`expr ${%1$s_%2$s_CT} + 1` OPT_ELEMENT="_${%1$s_%2$s_CT}" OPT_NAME='%2$s' if test -z "${%1$s_%2$s}" then %1$s_%2$s_CT=0 export %1$s_%2$s_CT else %1$s_%2$s_CT=1 %1$s_%2$s_1=${%1$s_%2$s} export %1$s_%2$s_CT %1$s_%2$s_1 fi * ) OPT_PROCESS=false ;; esac %1$s_%2$s_CT=0 OPT_ELEMENT='' %1$s_%2$s='%3$s' export %1$s_%2$s OPT_NAME='%2$s' if [ -n "${%1$s_%2$s}" ] && ${%1$s_%2$s_set} ; then echo 'Error: duplicate %2$s option' echo "$%1$s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 fi >&2 %1$s_%2$s_set=true %1$s_%2$s='%3$s' export %1$s_%2$s OPT_NAME='%2$s' ARG_COUNT=$# OPT_ARG=$1 while [ $# -gt 0 ] do OPT_ELEMENT='' OPT_ARG_VAL='' OPT_ARG=${1} case "${OPT_ARG_NEEDED}" in NO ) if [ -n "${OPT_ARG}" ] then OPT_ARG=-${OPT_ARG} else shift OPT_ARG=$1 fi ;; YES ) if [ -n "${OPT_ARG}" ] then OPT_ARG_VAL=${OPT_ARG} else if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo No argument provided for ${OPT_NAME} option echo "$%s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 fi >&2 shift OPT_ARG_VAL=$1 fi shift OPT_ARG=$1 ;; OK ) if [ -n "${OPT_ARG}" ] then OPT_ARG_VAL=${OPT_ARG} shift OPT_ARG=$1 else shift if [ $# -gt 0 ] then case "$1" in -* ) ;; * ) OPT_ARG_VAL=$1 shift ;; esac OPT_ARG=$1 fi fi ;; esac echo "$%s_LONGUSAGE_TEXT" | ${PAGER-more} exit 0 %s OF %s # # From here to the next `-- do not modify this marker --', # the text has been generated %s eval %1$s_%2$s${OPT_ELEMENT}=true export %1$s_%2$s${OPT_ELEMENT} if [ -n "${%1$s_%2$s}" ] && ${%1$s_%2$s_set} ; then echo 'Error: duplicate %2$s option' echo "$%1$s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 fi >&2 %1$s_%2$s_set=true OPT_NAME='%2$s' %1$s_%2$s=${%1$s_%2$s-'%3$s'} %1$s_%2$s_set=false export %1$s_%2$s %1$s_%2$s=${%1$s_%2$s} %1$s_%2$s_set=false export %1$s_%2$s # # # # # # # # # # -- do not modify this marker -- # # DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION * ) echo Unknown %s: "${OPT_CODE}" >&2 echo "$%s_USAGE_TEXT" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac allocation of %d bytes failed AutoOpts function called without option descriptor This exceeds the compiled library version: Automated Options Processing Error! %s called AutoOpts function with structure version %d:%d:%d. realloc of %d bytes at 0x%p failed This is less than the minimum library version: Automated Options version %s Copyright (C) 1999-2013 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved (AutoOpts bug): %s. optionResetOpt() called, but reset-option not configuredcould not locate the 'help' optionoptionProcess() was called with invalid datainvalid argument type specifieddefaulted to option with optional argaliasing option is out of range.%s error: the keyword '%s' is ambiguous for %s The following options match: %s: ambiguous option name: %s (matches %d options) %s: Command line arguments required %d %s%s options allowed %s error %d (%s) calling %s for '%s' interprocess pipeerror: version option argument '%c' invalid. Use: 'v' - version only 'c' - version and copyright 'n' - version and full copyright notice %s error: the '%s' and '%s' options conflict %s: The '%s' option has been disabled.-equivalence%s: illegal option -- %c %s: illegal option -- %s %s: unknown vendor extension option -- %s or an integer from %d through %d %s error: invalid option descriptor for %s %s: invalid option name: %s %s: The '%s' option requires an argument. (AutoOpts bug): Equivalenced option '%s' was equivalenced to both '%s' and '%s'.%s error: The %s option is required %s: The '%s' option cannot have an argument. %s: Command line arguments are not allowed. error %d (%s) creating %s %s error: '%s' does not match any %s keywords. %s error: The '%s' option requires an argument. error %d (%s) stat-ing %s %s error: no saved option state '%s' is not a command line option. %s error: '%s' is not a recognizable date/time. '%s' not defined %s error: '%s' is not a recognizable time duration. %s error: The %s option must appear %d times. %s error: '%s' is not a recognizable number. %s error: %s exceeds %s keyword count Try '%s %s' for more information. one %s%s option allowed standard outputstandard errorwrite%s error: %s option value %ld is out of range. %s error: %s option requires the %s option %s warning: cannot save options - %s not regular file - an alternate for '%s' Version, usage and configuration options: - default option for unnamed options - disabled as '--%s' --- %-14s %s This option has been disabled - enabled by default %s error: only - examining environment variables named %s_* - file must not pre-exist - file must pre-exist Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single hyphen and the flag character. = = = = = = = = This incarnation of genshell will produce a shell script to parse the options for %s: or an integer mask with any of the lower %d bits set - is a set membership option - must appear between %d and %d times Options are specified by single or double hyphens and their name. - may appear multiple times - may not be preset Arg Option-Name Description Flg Arg Option-Name Description %3s %sThe '-#' option may omit the hash char All arguments are named options. - reading file %s Please send bug reports to: <%s> - may NOT appear - preset only The following option preset mechanisms are supported: prohibits these options: prohibits the option '%s' %s%ld to %ld%sgreater than or equal to %ld%s%ld exactly%sit must lie in one of the ranges: %sit must be in the range: , or %sis scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T %sless than or equal to %ldOperands and options may be intermixed. They will be reordered. requires the option '%s' requires these options: Arg Option-Name Req? Description Flg Arg Option-Name Req? Description or you may use a numeric representation. Preceding these with a '!' will clear the bits, specifying 'none' will clear all bits, and 'all' will set them all. Multiple entries may be passed as an option argument list. - may appear up to %d times The valid "%s" option keywords are: The next option supports vendor supported extra options:These additional options are: @  @@@@;`;@`{0      @P@A@@P``@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@no memory for char-mapper span map ’'"e‘`literalshell-alwaysc-maybeescapeclocalePAVA VA`VAVAVA WA WA WA@TA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA0TASA TATATASASA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA(UA2SA2SA2SA)SA2SARA2SATA2SA2SA2SARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARA2SA2SA2SA2SAPQA(UARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARA2SATARA2SARA2SARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARASA2SASA)SAAmAAiAAAmAAmemory exhausted/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnuASCIICHARSETALIASDIR%50s %50s;L"\# ./t0L13\456 7 |: : |>$ >L @| BBD A(G0(G ABBd(?<BBB B(D0D8G@Z 8A0A(B BBBE k 8A0A(B BBBK $d@^AJQAL8@BEA I(G (A ABBA G(F ABB4ABKA L0  AABK LCfBBE B(A0A8J{ 8A0A(B BBBD dYDa^Z4Q^40ZBAA P HBB uAM4H7 BBB B(D0C8GLZBEB B(A0C8G 8A0A(B BBBA d\|\;cV]",0]BHA  ABA ]3AN A ]T^T4P^TL^Id^D@`D4H`iADG o AAC RGA4`iADG o AAC RGA4 `_ADG J GAR lAAD`Du G S$d`axAAD oAAa4AX G Aa4AX G Aa\ANI 8bG$ bVAl C G A , bVBII L (cG,d cJBJJ A(E0$ cXADG IAA4 crBEE A(D0S(D ABB$ @daAAG RDAD dBAA G@V  AABK   AABD 4d PhAGE H AIE AAA e9Aw< eIBEB D(A0 (A JBBO L fsBBB B(A0A8G= 8A0A(B BBBH dL jpBBB E(D0A8Gp 8A0A(B BBBA  8D0A(B BBBA  k(H 8k+D$ PkXBED D(D@d kBBE D(D0_ (K BBBO  (K BBBI F(A BBB,t nBND b ABG L nBBA D(D@ (D ABBC e (D ABBB  o p3$ rD r J e K \D rBBB B(A0D8GP 8A0A(B BBBE L8H0A(B BBB4 rBFA G@  AABG 4 huUADD R AAC  ACA ,vAIG  FAS 4DPxBOA A(D0(F ABB4|xiAD Q AAG {FA<pyAG E AB Z AE N AI kF,z}AHD G DAA $$PzD A K E L{BAN A <l(|BBB D(A0(A BBBD|UBDC  ABH w ABN a ABD }4AN A <}BBD D(D0` (A ABBJ LT~BBE B(D0A8G8 8A0A(B BBBG @tDS I S$AAI AALxBBE E(A0D8Gp 8A0A(B BBBA L<ȂqBLB B(V0A8D@ 8F0A(B BBBU D\gd0eBBB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBJ J 8A0A(B BBBD L 8uBBB B(A0D8G!R 8A0A(B BBBH L\h$BBB E(A0A8G  8A0A(B BBBK ,HAAG0y AAD LȏBBB B(D0D8G 8A0A(B BBBG L,BBE E(A0C8G 8A0A(B BBBG ||xBBB B(D0D8GP 8A0A(B BBBH U 8D0A(B BBBA  8D0A(B BBBA LBBB B(A0A8Gp 8A0A(B BBBE LL8BEA A(G0Y (D ABBF D(D ABELxBEA A(G0Y (D ABBF D(D ABEEa J 4 XGAG0SAAL0$DD] G I G Q\lhBBA A(D0m (D ABBH w (D AEBE O(D AEBdBEB A(A0] (A EBBF O (A EBBG O (A EBBA $4vDB J ^ B E,\hAAG0Q AAD dX)BPB B(D0A8GP 8D0A(B BBBD D 8C0A(B BBBH L 5 BBB B(D0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA D1DlD\8AG b AE I CD V CG _ CF V CG $'ADG XAAL}BBB E(D0D8I 8A0A(B BBBF L(BBB B(D0D8GW 8A0A(B BBBH LlBBB E(G0F8GP 8A0A(B BBBH D8hBEE A(A0N!> 0A(A BBBA `2DV F ML$LDA z ABJ b AJK AABdt BBE B(D0C8G@] 8A0A(B BBBH $ 8D0A(B BBBG LxBBB B(A0G8G@B 8A0A(B BBEA 4,HADG ` GAL h DAK Ld;BGB E(D0D8D` 8A0A(B BBBE 6A E LuBBB B(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBE |$dLBE B(A0A8D8A0A(B BBBJX8A0A(B BBB<BID A(D0(A ABB,@nAAG  DAF DKAD0y DAJ \ AAR DAA\FLtBBB B(A0A8JV 8A0A(B BBBD LpIAAG } AAH W AAG J DAI l HAJ <pAAG@ CAK P CAD [CA4T0AG@ AH D CI ZAd4BEB E(D0A8GPZ 8A0A(B BBBB  8A0A(B BBBH ,iBAA G@Y AAB4$KAAG@v AAG  AAG 4\BAA G@  AABJ L BEB B(I0A8D@ 8D0A(B BBBA LBBB B(D0A8G@d 8A0A(B BBBF D4BBE A(A0H@ 0D(A BBBA |ADG X/_4p7BDD G0~  AABE LxBBB B(A0D8G9 8A0A(B BBBI < 1T 0Vl x# D AMJ DAH  HDH J ADA $ GAAG {AAL !W BBB B(A0L8I 8A0A(B BBBA L\!(BEB B(A0A8G! 8A0A(B BBBD ,!7BDA [ CBI ,!AAJV AAD < "HBLA A(G`V (A ABBE 4L"BED L ABF ] ABH $"-AAG aAAl"BBB A(D0D@( 0C(A BBBA M 0D(A BBBA ^ 0A(A BBBA L#HZBEB B(A0A8Gw 8A0A(B BBBK Ll#X BBB E(D0A8G. 8C0A(B BBBG ,#(AEK0a AAD d#]BBE E(A0A8GP 8A0A(B BBBN D8G0A(B BFB$T$*BBA E(Kp$|$qBAA G0$D$$T,$BAC j ABM 4%XBDA | ABJ x ADC ,T% BAC j ABM 4%BDA | ABJ x ADC %H%fDP\ A <% BGG F(D0Q (D ABBD L4& BEE E(A0A8J 8A0A(B BBBB L&P*BEB B(A0A8Gg 8D0A(B BBBH ,&+0BAD eAB'+'+4'+4L'+d'+2Dh A D'+}BJE E(A0A8G`S8A0A(B BBBL'(,BGE E(D0A8G8A0A(B BBB(, ,4(,BND lALd( -|((- ( -((-$(0-.ADF``AA,(8-1BDD F`\ AAB)H- 4)@-L)8-DPd)-|)-)- ,)-BDD F`o AAB). ). *.$* . <*.T* .l*(.*0.AN A *0. 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