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ka3 kb2 kc1 kc3key_ic but no key_dcparm_up_micro but no micro_upXTXMscreenclear_all_tabs but no set_tabexit_attribute_modestack error in sgr(0) stringenter_standout_modeenter_underline_modeenter_reverse_modeenter_blink_modeenter_dim_modeenter_bold_modeenter_secure_modeenter_protected_modeenter_alt_charset_modesgr(0) did not return a valuemissing sgr stringtrimmed sgr0 is empty%s: %s %s %s: %s is not a file %s: Can't open %s make_namelist%u:%s /etc/termcapcaptoinfoinfotocapTERMINFO%s: %s (no permission) TERMCAPTERMtmpnamput_translate namebufput_translate suffix# length=%d %d entries written to %s No entries written Options: -V print versionParameters:nonestandoutunderlinereverseblinkdimboldinvisprotectaltcharsetS0birepchrcolornmcpicsnmcsrcubcudcufcuucvrcwindchdefcdispcdlechgetmhpaichilindninitcinitplpimc5pmrcupmvpapfkeypflocpfxpfxlplnqdialrcsdrinsclkscpscsscsdsetabsetafsetbsetcolorsetfsgrsgr1slengthslinessmglpsmglrsmgrpsmgtbsmgtptslu6windwingoticinconsistent length for %s, expected %d inconsistent suffix for %s, expected %c, have %c acsc has odd number of charactersacsc refers to 'I', which is probably an erroracsc is missing some line-drawing mapping: %sunexpected column_address, for %sunexpected cursor_address, for %sunexpected cursor_home, for %sunexpected cursor_mem_address, for %sunexpected cursor_to_ll, for %sunexpected row_address, for %schecking sgr(%s) %s compare to %s unmatched %s%s differs from sgr(%d) %s=%s sgr(%d)=%ssgr(%d) missing, but %s presentConflicting key definitions (using the last)expected character after %% in %sexpected digit after %%p in %s%s refers to parameter 0 (%%p0), which is not allowed%s uses %d parameters, expected %dinconsistent values for max_colors (%d) and max_pairs (%d)set_background but no set_foregroundset_foreground but no set_backgroundset_a_background but no set_a_foregroundset_a_foreground but no set_a_backgroundinitialize_pair but no set_color_pairset_color_pair but no initialize_pairexpected setf/setaf to be differentexpected setb/setab to be differentexpected either op/oc string for resetting colorsterminal lacks cursor addressingterminal lacks cursor column-addressingterminal lacks cursor row-addressingparm_insert_line but no insert_lineparm_delete_line but no delete_lineparm_insert_line but no parm_delete_lineparm_down_cursor but no cursor_downparm_up_cursor but no cursor_upparm_left_cursor but no cursor_leftparm_right_cursor but no cursor_rightvt100 keypad order inconsistent: %svt100 keypad map incomplete:%sexit_doublewide_mode but no enter_doublewide_modeenter_doublewide_mode but no exit_doublewide_modeexit_italics_mode but no enter_italics_modeenter_italics_mode but no exit_italics_modeexit_leftward_mode but no enter_leftward_modeenter_leftward_mode but no exit_leftward_modeexit_micro_mode but no enter_micro_modeenter_micro_mode but no exit_micro_modeexit_shadow_mode but no enter_shadow_modeenter_shadow_mode but no exit_shadow_modeexit_subscript_mode but no enter_subscript_modeenter_subscript_mode but no exit_subscript_modeexit_superscript_mode but no enter_superscript_modeenter_superscript_mode but no exit_superscript_modeexit_upward_mode but no enter_upward_modeenter_upward_mode but no exit_upward_modestart_char_set_def but no stop_char_set_defset_bottom_margin_parm but no set_bottom_marginset_left_margin_parm but no set_left_marginset_right_margin_parm but no set_right_marginset_top_margin_parm but no set_top_marginparm_down_micro but no micro_downparm_left_micro but no micro_leftparm_right_micro but no micro_rightScreen's XT capability conflicts with XMScreen's "screen" entries should not have XT setValue of kmous inconsistent with screen's usageExpected kmous capability with XTExpected bce capability with XTExpected orig_colors capability with XT to have 39/49 parameters"tsl" capability is redundant, given XTExpected XT to be set, given kmouscursor_invisible but no cursor_normalcursor_visible but no cursor_normalcursor_visible is same as cursor_normalchange_scroll_region but no save_cursorchange_scroll_region but no restore_cursornon-curses applications may be confused by ich1 with smir/rmirEntries that will be compiled: 0123456789CDIKLNR:TUVace:fGgo:rstvwx%s: Too many file names. Usage: %s %s%s: File name needed. Usage: %s %swarning: resolved %s entry is %d bytes long -1 format translation output one capability per line -a retain commented-out capabilities (sets -x also) -K translate entries to termcap source form with BSD syntax -C translate entries to termcap source form -D print list of tic's database locations (first must be writable) -c check only, validate input without compiling or translating -e translate/compile only entries named by comma-separated list -f format complex strings for readability -G format %{number} to %'char' -g format %'char' to %{number} -I translate entries to terminfo source form -L translate entries to full terminfo source form -N disable smart defaults for source translation -o set output directory for compiled entry writes -R restrict translation to given terminfo/termcap version -r force resolution of all use entries in source translation -s print summary statistics -T remove size-restrictions on compiled description -t suppress commented-out capabilities -U suppress post-processing of entries -v[n] set verbosity level -w[n] set format width for translation output -x treat unknown capabilities as user-defined file to translate or compile%6qq8q8qsr8qr8qrr8qr8q8q8qs8qqss8q8q8q8q8q8q8q8q8q8qfq8q`s8qmssr8q8q8q8q8q8q8qr8q8qss.s8qEsUspq[-e names] [-o dir] [-R name] [-v[n]] [-V] [-w[n]] [-1aCDcfGgIKLNrsTtUx] source-file е8p||||hgn ijk    fl+,copqdpez{|}~mq/.rrytuvwx0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abs&5 k  j%)*./ 024361ABDEFGHIJKCN9;?TPM<>QRU@V87=XLOSY:WZ[]^_`abcd\' fe!"g*)hwstxvuz{|~}ylmno+#-( !"#$%&'(,$- i  $"#%&  !() !"#$%    '&*+tsr0123b ku  v4jzw56789:;{!"} <#=>$?%&'()@*ABC|~D+EF,G-./f0123+,456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH    IJKLMNOPcQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefHIJKLMdgN*)hijkOlmnoPpQqrRstiuvwxyez{|}~Slmnohg/TUx-.VpyWqXYZ[\]^_` !"#$%&'(a$ "% !  #&%#&(*  )$ '+!"tsr2  u0kbok p r3iv4jzj`% w.-/f l43n5m+, 601279:O=SW;<@?ABCDEFGH    IJKLVMNTPcQRU>8Z[\]^_`abcd1vwxPJOIQKRMHdLg*)hstuiN!\~]ye"}qAB&()C*Xe|~+,z{|DEFG@lmnoZ-S[6hg/x.'7y8TUVpWXqY9Yf{}#$:;<=>^?_5 !"#$%&'(a$"#%&!     ()%'&*+#   $ "!%p%;strncpy_DYN%%s: %%%c without %%? in %s?e;%s: %%; without %%? in %s\s,SVr1SVR1Ultrix \ :lqkxjmwuvtn%s@%s#%d..%s=%s=%smeml=%smemu=%solder termcapterminfolf%dkf%duse=tc=%s%s comparing booleans. comparing numbers. comparing strings. use# (rmacs/smacs removed for consistency)%s: sorting by term structure order %s: sorting by terminfo name order %s: sorting by C variable order %s: sorting by termcap name order %s: width = %d, tversion = %d, outform = %d %s=!!! %s WILL NOT CONVERT !!!# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within %d bytes) # (%s removed to fit entry within %d bytes) # (sgr removed to fit entry within %d bytes) # (acsc removed to fit entry within %d bytes) # (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within %d bytes) # (some labels capabilities suppressed to fit entry within %d bytes) # (some function-key capabilities suppressed to fit entry within %d bytes) warning: %s entry is %d bytes long # WARNING: this entry, %d bytes long, may core-dump %s libraries! ;|.EK@Z[[\(^x^^_``(`X@aacpd(e``fffpj80x0 (Px@ 8 hМ0( Px ( @H  zRx @Y*zRx $ DFJ w?;*3$"DY\Y'AeL|YdBEE E(E0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBA \9A\ C X \D4(\AAG  DAH F DAA <<\BBA A(GD (D ABBA ,|0]dAKG ~ DAJ 4p]fFDH r FAE DCA]uBbH D^=BBE A(A0J  0A(A BBBA ,L_eAAGB AAC 4|@`iADG q AAA  KAO 4xa~AAG u AAX ]CA,aCAGG O CAF a9Dk A L<bzBHB B(D0A8Fp[ 8D0A(B BBBG L0e#BBB B(A0A8Gp 8A0A(B BBBA `9Hc E DDJBAD Jk  AABH k  AABA LD5BBE B(A0A8G@7 8A0A(B BBBA 4DBHB I(D0D8La@e,{BAA o ABA bL,@{BBB A(F0F (A BBDD G(A FFFL|pBDB E(A0A8D@d 8A0A(B BBBG ,ЍBDD T ABG L0BHB E(A0C8GPo 8A0A(B BBBK $LBAG Z DE tkDf,poAAG X AAE ,An I ` H ` H `<0_AFF0K AAF  AAF L,PQ BBB B(A0C8J!I 8A0A(B BBBG L|` BEE E(A0C8G% 8A0A(B BBBE $ЯAJ s AA DxBBB B(A0A8D@8A0A(B BBB<<0BED A(G01 (K ABBL |г2Gl E 4JBAD [ ADI OFDDeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB 04 (3@3@@@ @`@@@0@@Я@@8@h@@@ @`@@@@X@@@Ȳ@@(@U@Н@`@ܝ@@@@@@@ @@@$@'@-@1@9@=@B@F@J@N@@R@V@Z@_@c@Ğ@h@n@q@u@z@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Þ@ɞ@)@Ξ@Ҟ@מ@۞@ߞ@@@@@@@ @ @@@@!@'@-@3@9@=@@@@E@- @ |@``o@ @@ 3 `@@ o@oo@ `V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @!@!@&!@6!@F!@V!@f!@v!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@"@"@&"@6"@F"@V"@f"@v"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@#@#@&#@6#@F#@K@<U@U@ticT.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@8> @ F @ 3No@[o@`j@t@ ~ @ y@@@P#@P#*u|@| @? 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