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autoxzlzmaaloneraw(stdin)Memory usage limit is too low for the given filter setup.Maximum number of filters is fourUsing a preset in raw mode is discouraged.The exact options of the presets may vary between software versions.The .lzma format supports only the LZMA1 filterLZMA1 cannot be used with the .xz formatUnsupported filter chain or filter optionsDecompression will need %s MiB of memory.Adjusted LZMA%c dictionary size from %s MiB to %s MiB to not exceed the memory usage limit of %s MiB7zXZ%s: File seems to have been moved, not removing%s: Is a symbolic link, skipping%s: Not a regular file, skipping%s: File has setuid or setgid bit set, skipping%s: File has sticky bit set, skipping%s: Input file has more than one hard link, skipping%s: Seeking failed when trying to create a sparse file: %s%s: Cannot set the file owner: %s%s: Cannot set the file group: %s%s: Cannot set the file permissions: %sError restoring the O_APPEND flag to standard output: %s%s: Closing the file failed: %s%s: Error seeking the file: %s%s: Cannot remove: %s%s: Write error: %s%s: Is a directory, skipping(stdout)%s: Read error: %s%s: Unexpected end of fileDisabled%s %s %s %s MiB (%s B) %lu %lu %lu Total amount of physical memory (RAM): Memory usage limit for compression: Memory usage limit for decompression: ,%s%sbeta%u.%u.%u%s---yesno %lu %s %u Streams: %s Blocks: %s Compressed size: %s Uncompressed size: %s Ratio: %s Check: %s Stream padding: %s %s files %s file %08x%016lx%02x %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %-*s %*s Memory needed: %s MiB YesNo Sizes in headers: %s %*s %*s %*s %-*s%s: File is emptyname %s %s %u %s %lu %lu %ssummary %lu %s %u Totals: Number of files: %s totals %lu %lu %lu %lu %s %s %lu %lu%5s %7s %11s %11s %5s %-7s Streams: Stream Blocks CompOffset UncompOffset CompSize UncompSize Ratio Check Padding Blocks: Stream Block CompOffset UncompOffset TotalSize UncompSize Ratio Check CheckVal %*s Header Flags CompSize MemUsage Filters Minimum XZ Utils version: %s %-*s %*s %-5s %*s %*s MiB %sStrms Blocks Compressed Uncompressed Ratio Check Filename%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %-*s %s %s: Too small to be a valid .xz filefile %lu %lu %lu %lu %s %s %lu stream %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %s %s %lu block %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %s %s--list works only on .xz files (--format=xz or --format=auto)--list does not support reading from standard inputNoneCRC32Unknown-2Unknown-3CRC64Unknown-5Unknown-6Unknown-7Unknown-8Unknown-9SHA-256Unknown-11Unknown-12Unknown-13Unknown-14Unknown-15sh|#@/usr/share/localeCompression and decompression with --robot are not supported yet.Cannot read data from standard input when reading filenames from standard input%s: Error reading filenames: %s%s: Unexpected end of input when reading filenames%s: Null character found when reading filenames; maybe you meant to use `--files0' instead of `--files'?--- %%.1f %%%u:%02u:%02u%u:%02u%u min %u s%u h %u min%u d %u h%u d%s / %s > %.3f = %.3f%.*f %s%s (%u) %s (%u/%u) 100 % %*s %*s %*s %10s %10s %s, , %s%s: %*s %*s %*s %10s %10s Internal error (bug)Memory usage limit reachedFile format not recognizedUnsupported optionsCompressed data is corruptUnexpected end of input%s B%s MiB --normalUNKNOWNhc3hc4bt2bt3bt4%uMiB%uKiBlzma%c=dict=%s=start=%udelta=dist=%u%s: Filter chain: %s xz (XZ Utils) 5.1.0alphaliblzma %s Operation mode: Operation modifiers: Other options: lasse.collin@tukaani.org%s home page: <%s> http://tukaani.org/xz/XZ UtilsCannot establish signal handlersNo integrity check; not verifying file integrityUnsupported type of integrity check; not verifying file integrity%s MiB of memory is required. The limiter is disabled.%s MiB of memory is required. The limit is %s.,lc=%u,lp=%u,pb=%u,mode=%s,nice=%u,mf=%s,depth=%uTry `%s --help' for more information.XZ_VERSION=%u LIBLZMA_VERSION=%u Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... Compress or decompress FILEs in the .xz format. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -z, --compress force compression -d, --decompress force decompression -t, --test test compressed file integrity -l, --list list information about .xz files -k, --keep keep (don't delete) input files -f, --force force overwrite of output file and (de)compress links -c, --stdout write to standard output and don't delete input files --single-stream decompress only the first stream, and silently ignore possible remaining input data --no-sparse do not create sparse files when decompressing -S, --suffix=.SUF use the suffix `.SUF' on compressed files --files[=FILE] read filenames to process from FILE; if FILE is omitted, filenames are read from the standard input; filenames must be terminated with the newline character --files0[=FILE] like --files but use the null character as terminator Basic file format and compression options: -F, --format=FMT file format to encode or decode; possible values are `auto' (default), `xz', `lzma', and `raw' -C, --check=CHECK integrity check type: `none' (use with caution), `crc32', `crc64' (default), or `sha256' -0 ... -9 compression preset; default is 6; take compressor *and* decompressor memory usage into account before using 7-9! -e, --extreme try to improve compression ratio by using more CPU time; does not affect decompressor memory requirements --block-size=SIZE when compressing to the .xz format, start a new block after every SIZE bytes of input; 0=disabled (default) --memlimit-compress=LIMIT --memlimit-decompress=LIMIT -M, --memlimit=LIMIT set memory usage limit for compression, decompression, or both; LIMIT is in bytes, % of RAM, or 0 for defaults --no-adjust if compression settings exceed the memory usage limit, give an error instead of adjusting the settings downwards Custom filter chain for compression (alternative for using presets): --lzma1[=OPTS] LZMA1 or LZMA2; OPTS is a comma-separated list of zero or --lzma2[=OPTS] more of the following options (valid values; default): preset=PRE reset options to a preset (0-9[e]) dict=NUM dictionary size (4KiB - 1536MiB; 8MiB) lc=NUM number of literal context bits (0-4; 3) lp=NUM number of literal position bits (0-4; 0) pb=NUM number of position bits (0-4; 2) mode=MODE compression mode (fast, normal; normal) nice=NUM nice length of a match (2-273; 64) mf=NAME match finder (hc3, hc4, bt2, bt3, bt4; bt4) depth=NUM maximum search depth; 0=automatic (default) --x86[=OPTS] x86 BCJ filter (32-bit and 64-bit) --powerpc[=OPTS] PowerPC BCJ filter (big endian only) --ia64[=OPTS] IA-64 (Itanium) BCJ filter --arm[=OPTS] ARM BCJ filter (little endian only) --armthumb[=OPTS] ARM-Thumb BCJ filter (little endian only) --sparc[=OPTS] SPARC BCJ filter Valid OPTS for all BCJ filters: start=NUM start offset for conversions (default=0) --delta[=OPTS] Delta filter; valid OPTS (valid values; default): dist=NUM distance between bytes being subtracted from each other (1-256; 1) -q, --quiet suppress warnings; specify twice to suppress errors too -v, --verbose be verbose; specify twice for even more verbose -Q, --no-warn make warnings not affect the exit status --robot use machine-parsable messages (useful for scripts) --info-memory display the total amount of RAM and the currently active memory usage limits, and exit -h, --help display the short help (lists only the basic options) -H, --long-help display this long help and exit -V, --version display the version number and exit With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Report bugs to <%s> (in English or Finnish). -h, --help display this short help and exit -H, --long-help display the long help (lists also the advanced options)@@8@P@@h@x@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Њ@@x86powerpcia64armarmthumbsparcKiB/sMiB/sGiB/s X@.AP?8@P?#@Unsupported LZMA1/LZMA2 preset: %s%s: Options must be `name=value' pairs separated with commasThe sum of lc and lp must not exceed 4The selected match finder requires at least nice=%u%s: Invalid option name%s: Invalid option valuepresetdictlcpbmodenicemfdepthstartdist`@@@@@Ȓ@В@P@X@@i@x@|@@@@m@t@`y@ @|@@@@@@@@@@ %s: Invalid filename suffix.xz.txz.tar.lzma.tlz%s: File already has `%s' suffix, skipping%s: With --format=raw, --suffix=.SUF is required unless writing to stdout%s: Filename has an unknown suffix, skipping@@@@@@@@@@@@%'u%s: Invalid multiplier suffix%'lu%lu%'.1f%.1f (%'lu B) (%lu B)Empty filename, skipping%s: Value is not a non-negative decimal integerValid suffixes are `KiB' (2^10), `MiB' (2^20), and `GiB' (2^30).Value of the option `%s' must be in the range [%lu, %lu]Compressed data cannot be read from a terminalCompressed data cannot be written to a terminalBKiBMiBGiBTiB3333@/dev/nullUnknown error%s: %s: %s Writing to standard output failed;uFLL PQ( Rh`YZ\H]`@]x^ ^^^^0chi`j kXPkp`knptPthuPv @wX w w x Px px 0y py @zh z P} }  h @@ ` 0 @` P p 0pP@p0``000Х(@PX@8XPpp@hб@ 00Ppp( Xp`P  h@8Pp@``zRx L*zRx $BFJ w?;*3$"<D`MBEH D(C0q (I BBBJ LM5BBH B(D0C8GP 8A0A(B BBBA LTBEH D(A0' (D BBBK A (A BBBA <$UBJB A(D0 (A BBBH dpWBA|W/P],WAZ ] CE A`X$XXUAAD LAAXXBjL4XGBBB B(A0A8D@ 8A0A(B BBBB d\dBBB B(A0A8GP| 8D0A(B BBBF   8A0A(B BBBJ 4bBDG OD  AABD L$PcBED D(G0i (E ABBG _ (C ABBA tc!D\cDcBAA J  AABF   FABA <g BAA a ABH ` ABE <,hBBA A(GPa (A ABBD lHl LPlBHE D(D0m (G BBBG Z (A BBBG LlBHF D(G0I (A ABBF C (F ABBB L$@mBEA D(G@J (H EBBJ O (D ABBH 4tmBEH h JBQ RLB(n.TY@n8nFpn  xnH$ o=DtD<HoBMH E(G0F8D`8A0A(B BBBoY0LXpkBEE E(A0D8GB 8A0A(B BBBG xrtm4s%BCA G  AABF D<sBEE G(I0J 0A(A BBBA DuBBB A(F0G r 0A(A BBBA <vUBEA A(J@ (A ABBK L x7BEB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBG L\BBB B(A0A8J  8A0A(B BBBE Lȁ1BBB B(D0A8GC@ 8A0A(B BBBB LBBB B(D0A8J 8A0A(B BBBG ,L X\NA O  I D| ؊ BAA D@  AABK ?  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