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by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 optionWarning: a NUL character occurred in the input. It cannot be passed through in the argument list. Did you mean to use the --null option?bc_ctl.arg_max <= (val-XARGS_POSIX_HEADROOM)Invalid escape sequence %s in input delimiter specification.Invalid escape sequence %s in input delimiter specification; character values must not exceed %lx.Invalid escape sequence %s in input delimiter specification; character values must not exceed %lo.Invalid escape sequence %s in input delimiter specification; trailing characters %s not recognised.Invalid input delimiter specification %s: the delimiter must be either a single character or an escape sequence starting with \.Warning: value %ld for -s option is too large, using %ld instead+0a:E:e::i::I:l::L:n:prs:txP:d:Your environment variables take up %lu bytes POSIX upper limit on argument length (this system): %lu POSIX smallest allowable upper limit on argument length (all systems): %lu Maximum length of command we could actually use: %ld Size of command buffer we are actually using: %lu Execution of xargs will continue now, and it will try to read its input and run commands; if this is not what you wanted to happen, please type the end-of-file keystroke. Warning: %s will be run at least once. If you do not want that to happen, then press the interrupt keystroke. %s: stopped by signal %d%s: terminated by signal %d%s /dev/tty?...xargs.cprocs_executing < proc_maxcannot fork0 == pids[i]argument line too longdoublesingle/bin/echo/usr/share/localebc_ctl.arg_max >= 2048{}xargsBC_INIT_OK == bcstatusCannot open input file %snullarg-filedelimitereofreplacemax-linesmax-argsinteractiveno-run-if-emptymax-charsverboseshow-limitsexitmax-procsversionhelp@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@@$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@r@@@@U@f@@@ @@@@]@@s@x@g@@@@@add_procxargs_do_execmainx@0x@ax@dx@ex@Ix@lx@nx@px@rx@sx@ty@Sy@xy@Py@v%y@hKevin DalleyJames YoungmanEric B. 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