# -*-perl-*- package Authen::PAM; use strict; #no strict "subs"; use Carp; use POSIX qw(EINVAL ENOSYS ECHO TCSANOW); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA %EXPORT_TAGS $AUTOLOAD); #use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $AUTOLOAD); require Exporter; require DynaLoader; @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); #@EXPORT = (); #@EXPORT_OK = (); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( functions => [qw( pam_start pam_end pam_authenticate pam_setcred pam_acct_mgmt pam_chauthtok pam_open_session pam_close_session pam_set_item pam_get_item pam_strerror pam_getenv pam_putenv pam_getenvlist pam_fail_delay )], constants => [qw( PAM_SUCCESS PAM_OPEN_ERR PAM_SYMBOL_ERR PAM_SERVICE_ERR PAM_SYSTEM_ERR PAM_BUF_ERR PAM_CONV_ERR PAM_PERM_DENIED PAM_AUTH_ERR PAM_CRED_INSUFFICIENT PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL PAM_USER_UNKNOWN PAM_MAXTRIES PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED PAM_SESSION_ERR PAM_CRED_UNAVAIL PAM_CRED_EXPIRED PAM_CRED_ERR PAM_NO_MODULE_DATA PAM_AUTHTOK_ERR PAM_AUTHTOK_RECOVER_ERR PAM_AUTHTOK_RECOVERY_ERR PAM_AUTHTOK_LOCK_BUSY PAM_AUTHTOK_DISABLE_AGING PAM_TRY_AGAIN PAM_IGNORE PAM_ABORT PAM_AUTHTOK_EXPIRED PAM_MODULE_UNKNOWN PAM_BAD_ITEM PAM_CONV_AGAIN PAM_INCOMPLETE PAM_SERVICE PAM_USER PAM_TTY PAM_RHOST PAM_CONV PAM_RUSER PAM_USER_PROMPT PAM_FAIL_DELAY PAM_SILENT PAM_DISALLOW_NULL_AUTHTOK PAM_ESTABLISH_CRED PAM_DELETE_CRED PAM_REINITIALIZE_CRED PAM_REFRESH_CRED PAM_CHANGE_EXPIRED_AUTHTOK PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON PAM_ERROR_MSG PAM_TEXT_INFO PAM_RADIO_TYPE PAM_BINARY_PROMPT HAVE_PAM_FAIL_DELAY HAVE_PAM_ENV_FUNCTIONS )], old => [qw( PAM_AUTHTOKEN_REQD PAM_CRED_ESTABLISH PAM_CRED_DELETE PAM_CRED_REINITIALIZE PAM_CRED_REFRESH )]); Exporter::export_tags('functions'); Exporter::export_tags('constants'); Exporter::export_ok_tags('old'); # These constants should be used only by modules and so # we will not export them. # PAM_AUTHTOK PAM_OLDAUTHTOK $VERSION = '0.16'; sub AUTOLOAD { # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant() # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader. my $constname; ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0); if ($! == 0) { eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }"; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } elsif ($! == EINVAL) { $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD; goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD; } elsif ($! == ENOSYS) { croak "The symbol $constname is not supported by your PAM library"; } else { croak "Error $! in loading the symbol $constname in module Authen::PAM"; } } sub dl_load_flags { 0x01 } bootstrap Authen::PAM $VERSION; # Preloaded methods go here. sub pam_getenvlist ($) { my @env = _pam_getenvlist($_[0]); my %env; for (@env) { my ($name, $value) = /(.*)=(.*)/; $env{$name} = $value; } return %env; } # Support for Objects sub new { my $this = shift; my $class = ref($this) || $this; my $pamh; my $retval = pam_start (@_, $pamh); return $retval if $retval != PAM_SUCCESS(); bless $pamh, $class; return $pamh; } sub DESTROY { my $pamh = shift; my $retval = pam_end($pamh, 0); } # Default conversation function sub pam_default_conv { my @res; local $\ = ""; while ( @_ ) { my $code = shift; my $msg = shift; my $ans = ""; print $msg unless $code == PAM_ERROR_MSG(); if ($code == PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF() ) { my $termios = POSIX::Termios->new; $termios->getattr(1); my $c_lflag = $termios->getlflag; $termios->setlflag($c_lflag & ~ECHO); $termios->setattr(1, TCSANOW) ; chomp( $ans = ); print "\n"; $termios->setlflag($c_lflag); $termios->setattr(1, TCSANOW); } elsif ($code == PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON() ) { chomp( $ans = ); } elsif ($code == PAM_ERROR_MSG() ) { print STDERR "$msg\n"; } elsif ($code == PAM_TEXT_INFO() ) { print "\n"; } push @res, (PAM_SUCCESS(),$ans); } push @res, PAM_SUCCESS(); return @res; } sub pam_start { return _pam_start(@_) if @_ == 4; return _pam_start($_[0], $_[1], \&pam_default_conv, $_[2]) if @_ == 3; return _pam_start($_[0], undef, \&pam_default_conv, $_[1]) if @_ == 2; croak("Wrong number of arguments in pam_start function"); } # Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program. 1; __END__ # Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it! =head1 NAME Authen::PAM - Perl interface to PAM library =head1 SYNOPSIS use Authen::PAM; $res = pam_start($service_name, $pamh); $res = pam_start($service_name, $user, $pamh); $res = pam_start($service_name, $user, \&my_conv_func, $pamh); $res = pam_end($pamh, $pam_status); $res = pam_authenticate($pamh, $flags); $res = pam_setcred($pamh, $flags); $res = pam_acct_mgmt($pamh, $flags); $res = pam_open_session($pamh, $flags); $res = pam_close_session($pamh, $flags); $res = pam_chauthtok($pamh, $flags); $error_str = pam_strerror($pamh, $errnum); $res = pam_set_item($pamh, $item_type, $item); $res = pam_get_item($pamh, $item_type, $item); if (HAVE_PAM_ENV_FUNCTIONS()) { $res = pam_putenv($pamh, $name_value); $val = pam_getenv($pamh, $name); %env = pam_getenvlist($pamh); } if (HAVE_PAM_FAIL_DELAY()) { $res = pam_fail_delay($pamh, $musec_delay); $res = pam_set_item($pamh, PAM_FAIL_DELAY(), \&my_fail_delay_func); } =head1 DESCRIPTION The I module provides a Perl interface to the I library. The only difference with the standard PAM interface is that instead of passing a pam_conv struct which has an additional context parameter appdata_ptr, you must only give an address to a conversation function written in Perl (see below). If you want to pass a NULL pointer as a value of the $user in pam_start use undef or the two-argument version. Both in the two and the three-argument versions of pam_start a default conversation function is used (Authen::PAM::pam_default_conv). The $flags argument is optional for all functions which use it except for pam_setcred. The $pam_status argument is also optional for pam_end function. Both of these arguments will be set to 0 if not given. The names of some constants from the PAM library have changed over the time. You can use any of the known names for a given constant although it is advisable to use the latest one. When this module supports some of the additional features of the PAM library (e.g. pam_fail_delay) then the corresponding HAVE_PAM_XXX constant will have a value 1 otherwise it will return 0. For compatibility with older PAM libraries I have added the constant HAVE_PAM_ENV_FUNCTIONS which is true if your PAM library has the functions for handling environment variables (pam_putenv, pam_getenv, pam_getenvlist). =head2 Object Oriented Style If you prefer to use an object oriented style for accessing the PAM library here is the interface: use Authen::PAM qw(:constants); $pamh = new Authen::PAM($service_name); $pamh = new Authen::PAM($service_name, $user); $pamh = new Authen::PAM($service_name, $user, \&my_conv_func); ref($pamh) || die "Error code $pamh during PAM init!"; $res = $pamh->pam_authenticate($flags); $res = $pamh->pam_setcred($flags); $res = $pamh->pam_acct_mgmt($flags); $res = $pamh->pam_open_session($flags); $res = $pamh->pam_close_session($flags); $res = $pamh->pam_chauthtok($flags); $error_str = $pamh->pam_strerror($errnum); $res = $pamh->pam_set_item($item_type, $item); $res = $pamh->pam_get_item($item_type, $item); $res = $pamh->pam_putenv($name_value); $val = $pamh->pam_getenv($name); %env = $pamh->pam_getenvlist; The constructor new will call the pam_start function and if successfull will return an object reference. Otherwise the $pamh will contain the error number returned by pam_start. The pam_end function will be called automatically when the object is no longer referenced. =head2 Examples Here is an example of using PAM for changing the password of the current user: use Authen::PAM; $login_name = getpwuid($<); pam_start("passwd", $login_name, $pamh); pam_chauthtok($pamh); pam_end($pamh); or the same thing but using OO style: $pamh = new Authen::PAM("passwd", $login_name); $pamh->pam_chauthtok; $pamh = 0; # Force perl to call the destructor for the $pamh =head2 Conversation function format When starting the PAM the user must supply a conversation function. It is used for interaction between the PAM modules and the user. The argument of the function is a list of pairs ($msg_type, $msg) and it must return a list with the same number of pairs ($resp_retcode, $resp) with replies to the input messages. For now the $resp_retcode is not used and must be always set to 0. In addition the user must append to the end of the resulting list the return code of the conversation function (usually PAM_SUCCESS). If you want to abort the conversation function for some reason then just return an error code, normally PAM_CONV_ERR. Here is a sample form of the PAM conversation function: sub my_conv_func { my @res; while ( @_ ) { my $msg_type = shift; my $msg = shift; print $msg; # switch ($msg_type) { obtain value for $ans; } push @res, (0,$ans); } push @res, PAM_SUCCESS(); return @res; } More examples can be found in the L. =head1 COMPATIBILITY The following constant names: PAM_AUTHTOKEN_REQD, PAM_CRED_ESTABLISH, PAM_CRED_DELETE, PAM_CRED_REINITIALIZE, PAM_CRED_REFRESH are used by some older version of the Linux-PAM library and are not exported by default. If you really want them, load the module with use Authen::PAM qw(:DEFAULT :old); This module still does not support some of the new Linux-PAM functions such as pam_system_log. =head1 SEE ALSO PAM Application developer's Manual, L =head1 AUTHOR Nikolay Pelov =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Nikolay Pelov. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut