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8A0A(B BBBA ,ADD0h AAE 4eADD q CAB _AD,DAm R CLAW$lKAk L C E A$KAk L C E A$@KAk L C E A$hKAk L C E A$ *ACG \AA$4DADD vCA4\cBDD V ABE pGBA J 4Ae J C4Ae J C4Ae J C4Ae J Cd4(BIB B(A0Q8Dz 8A0A(B BBBG t 8C0A(B BBBA <AXF0T DAH j CAB DCA<PAXF0T DAH j CAB DCA<AXF0T DAH j CAB DCAT\PBYD A(A0D@ 0C(A BBBE a 0D(A BBBD ATT_BAD G@w  CABE    DABI ^  CABD ,7NS O F4L0eADD q CAB _ADh4Ab M C,AS d AG D CI hAW,hqAPF0z DAJ ,$qAPF0} DAG ,TiAPF w DAE $H*ACG \AA$PD X D V J 4eADD q CAB _AD $4<VBAD u ABA NAB|t8BKB Q(A0D@ 0C(A BBBA \ 0A(A BBBD S 0C(A BBBK T0C(A BBB4X~BDH A(K0Z(D ABB,AX,LAXH0w DAC \|0BCA Q0O  DABC p  DABI O  DABJ D FAB\BCA Q0S  DABG G  DABJ p  DABA D FAB<pAY\p7NT N F$|DADD vCADBHQ D`  AABB @  DABI <@BBA D(D0 (A ABBA d,BDO A(A0} (A BBDC L (A BBBE Q (A BBEE ,8xA[ N AE DCAXAY7NT N F$$DADD vCA<LBDA A(D0w (D ABBD 40CADD ] AAH OAAH1DX D O,h|AMD S AAI `DP^k~ r  ! !o X  !\8(# op8oo 6oY( !FrVrfrvrrrrrrrrrss&s6sFsVsfsvssssssssstt&t6tFtVtftvtttttttttuu&u6uFuVufuvuuuuuuuuuvv&v6vFvVvfvvvvvvvvvvvww&w6wFwVwfwvwwwwwwwwwxx&x6xFxVxfxvxxxxxxxxxyy&y6yFyVyfyvyyyyyyyyyzz&z6zFzVzfzvzzzzzzzzz{{&{6{F{V{f{v{{{{{{{{{||&|6|F|V|f|v|||||||||}}&}6}F}V}f}v}}}}}}}}}~~&~6~F~V~f~v~~~~~~~~~&6FVfv&6FVfvƀր! Verify a signature @param cert: signing certificate (X509 object) @param signature: signature returned by sign function @param data: data to be verified @param digest: message digest to use @return: None if the signature is correct, raise exception otherwise Sign data with a digest @param pkey: Pkey to sign with @param data: data to be signed @param digest: message digest to use @return: signature Raise an exception from the current OpenSSL error queue. Get X509 verify certificate error string. @param errnum: The error number. @return: Error string as a Python string Load a PKCS12 object from a buffer @param buffer: The buffer the certificate is stored in passphrase (Optional) - The password to decrypt the PKCS12 lump @returns: The PKCS12 object Load pkcs7 data from a buffer @param type: The file type (one of FILETYPE_PEM or FILETYPE_ASN1) buffer - The buffer with the pkcs7 data. @return: The PKCS7 object Load a certificate revocation list from a buffer @param type: The file type (one of FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1) @param buffer: The buffer the CRL is stored in @return: The PKey object Dump a certificate request to a buffer @param type: The file type (one of FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1) req - The certificate request to dump @return: The buffer with the dumped certificate request in Load a certificate request from a buffer @param type: The file type (one of FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1) buffer - The buffer the certificate request is stored in @return: The X509Req object Dump a certificate to a buffer @param type: The file type (one of FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1) @param cert: The certificate to dump @return: The buffer with the dumped certificate in Load a certificate from a buffer @param type: The file type (one of FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1) buffer - The buffer the certificate is stored in @return: The X509 object Dump a private key to a buffer @param type: The file type (one of FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1) @param pkey: The PKey to dump @param cipher: (optional) if encrypted PEM format, the cipher to use @param passphrase - (optional) if encrypted PEM format, this can be either the passphrase to use, or a callback for providing the passphrase. @return: The buffer with the dumped key in @rtype: C{str} Load a private key from a buffer @param type: The file type (one of FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1) @param buffer: The buffer the key is stored in @param passphrase: (optional) if encrypted PEM format, this can be either the passphrase to use, or a callback for providing the passphrase. @return: The PKey object Main file of crypto sub module. See the file RATIONALE for a short explanation of why this module was written. @!!u!]!H@!+`!!!@! !!,@!=![`! X509() -> X509 instance Create a new X509 object. @returns: The X509 object Get a specific extension of the certificate by index. @param index: The index of the extension to retrieve. @return: The X509Extension object at the specified index. Get the number of extensions on the certificate. @return: Number of extensions as a Python integer Add extensions to the certificate. @param extensions: a sequence of X509Extension objects @return: None Return the digest of the X509 object. @return: The digest of the object Return the hash of the X509 subject. @return: The hash of the subject Check whether the certificate has expired. @return: True if the certificate has expired, false otherwise Sign the certificate using the supplied key and digest @param pkey: The key to sign with @param digest: The message digest to use @return: None Retrieve the signature algorithm used in the certificate @return: A byte string giving the name of the signature algorithm used in the certificate. @raise ValueError: If the signature algorithm is undefined. Adjust the time stamp for when the certificate stops being valid @param amount: The number of seconds by which to adjust the ending validity time. @return: None Change the timestamp for when the certificate starts being valid to the current time plus an offset. @param amount: The number of seconds by which to adjust the starting validity time. @return: None Retrieve the time stamp for when the certificate stops being valid @return: A string giving the timestamp, in the format: YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ YYYYMMDDhhmmss+hhmm YYYYMMDDhhmmss-hhmm or None if there is no value set. Retrieve the time stamp for when the certificate starts being valid @return: A string giving the timestamp, in the format: YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ YYYYMMDDhhmmss+hhmm YYYYMMDDhhmmss-hhmm or None if there is no value set. Set the time stamp for when the certificate stops being valid @param when: A string giving the timestamp, in the format: YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ YYYYMMDDhhmmss+hhmm YYYYMMDDhhmmss-hhmm @return: None Set the time stamp for when the certificate starts being valid @param when: A string giving the timestamp, in the format: YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ YYYYMMDDhhmmss+hhmm YYYYMMDDhhmmss-hhmm @return: None Set the public key of the certificate @param pkey: The public key @return: None Get the public key of the certificate @return: The public key Set the subject of the certificate @param subject: The subject name @type subject: L{X509Name} @return: None Create an X509Name object for the subject of the certificate @return: An X509Name object Set the issuer of the certificate @param issuer: The issuer name @type issuer: L{X509Name} @return: None Create an X509Name object for the issuer of the certificate @return: An X509Name object Set serial number of the certificate @param serial: The serial number @return: None Return serial number of the certificate @return: Serial number as a Python integer Set version number of the certificate @param version: The version number @return: None Return version number of the certificate @return: Version number as a Python integer O @%!5!N3!Ap@3!-2!p2!  2!1!З@1!`0!`0!p0!@0,!#@/!2+! .!p*! *!@)!(! (!k'!]p`'!8&!\ %!"В`&! Returns the split-up components of this name. @return: List of tuples (name, value). Return the DER encoding of this name @return: None Return the hash value of this name @return: None X509Name(name) -> New X509Name object Create a new X509Name, copying the given X509Name instance. @param name: An X509Name object to copy @return: The X509Name object (p@A9!0P PKey instance Create a new PKey object. @return: The PKey object Check the consistency of an RSA private key. @return: True if key is consistent. @raise Error: if the key is inconsistent. @raise TypeError: if the key is of a type which cannot be checked. Only RSA keys can currently be checked. Returns the type of the key @return: The type of the key. Returns the number of bits of the key @return: The number of bits of the key. Generate a key of a given type, with a given number of a bits @param type: The key type (TYPE_RSA or TYPE_DSA) @param bits: The number of bits @return: None (!` >! =! X509Req instance Create a new X509Req object. @return: The X509Req object Get the version subfield (RFC 2459, section of the certificate request. @return: an integer giving the value of the version subfield Set the version subfield (RFC 2459, section of the certificate request. @param version: The version number @return: None Add extensions to the request. @param extensions: a sequence of X509Extension objects @return: None Verifies a certificate request using the supplied public key @param key: a public key @return: True if the signature is correct. @raise OpenSSL.crypto.Error: If the signature is invalid or there is a problem verifying the signature. Sign the certificate request using the supplied key and digest @param pkey: The key to sign with @param digest: The message digest to use @return: None Set the public key of the certificate request @param pkey: The public key to use @return: None Get the public key from the certificate request @return: The public key Create an X509Name object for the subject of the certificate request @return: An X509Name object 4 C!`J! @H!G!0`G!F!,E!80@E!AD!ND! X509Extension(typename, critical, value[, subject][, issuer]) -> X509Extension instance @param typename: The name of the extension to create. @type typename: C{str} @param critical: A flag indicating whether this is a critical extension. @param value: The value of the extension. @type value: C{str} @param subject: Optional X509 cert to use as subject. @type subject: C{X509} @param issuer: Optional X509 cert to use as issuer. @type issuer: C{X509} @return: The X509Extension object Returns the data of the X509Extension @return: A C{str} giving the X509Extension's ASN.1 encoded data. Returns the short version of the type name of the X509Extension @return: The short type name. Returns the critical field of the X509Extension @return: The critical field. gy 0K!P!cN!SN!I`M! Returns the type name of the PKCS7 structure @return: A string with the typename Check if this NID_pkcs7_data object @return: True if the PKCS7 is of type data Check if this NID_pkcs7_signedAndEnveloped object @returns: True if the PKCS7 is of type signedAndEnveloped Check if this NID_pkcs7_enveloped object @returns: True if the PKCS7 is of type enveloped Check if this NID_pkcs7_signed object @return: True if the PKCS7 is of type signed  T!R!R!pR! Q!@Q! PKCS12() -> PKCS12 instance Create a new empty PKCS12 object. @returns: The PKCS12 object export([passphrase=None][, friendly_name=None][, iter=2048][, maciter=1] Dump a PKCS12 object as a string. See also "man PKCS12_create". @param passphrase: used to encrypt the PKCS12 @type passphrase: L{str} @param iter: How many times to repeat the encryption @type iter: L{int} @param maciter: How many times to repeat the MAC @type maciter: L{int} @return: The string containing the PKCS12 Replace or set the certificate portion of the PKCS12 structure @param name: The new friendly name. @type name: L{str} @return: None Return friendly name portion of the PKCS12 structure @returns: String containing the friendlyname Replace or set the CA certificates withing the PKCS12 object. @param cacerts: The new CA certificates. @type cacerts: Iterable of L{X509} or L{NoneType} @return: None Return CA certificates within of the PKCS12 object @return: A newly created tuple containing the CA certificates in the chain, if any are present, or None if no CA certificates are present. Replace or set the certificate portion of the PKCS12 structure @param pkey: The new private key. @type pkey: L{PKey} @return: None Return private key portion of the PKCS12 structure @returns: PKey object containing the private key Replace the certificate portion of the PKCS12 structure @param cert: The new certificate. @type cert: L{X509} or L{NoneType} @return: None Return certificate portion of the PKCS12 structure @return: X509 object containing the certificate 0AU!P^!W \![!G[!`Z!2`Y!pX! @X!u0W!l V! Set the public key of the certificate @param pkey: The public key @return: None Get the public key of the certificate @return: The public key Generate a base64 encoded string from an SPKI @return: The base64 encoded string Verifies a certificate request using the supplied public key @param key: a public key @return: True if the signature is correct. @raise OpenSSL.crypto.Error: If the signature is invalid or there is a problem verifying the signature. Sign the certificate request using the supplied key and digest @param pkey: The key to sign with @param digest: The message digest to use @return: None NetscapeSPKI([enc]) -> NetscapeSPKI instance @param enc: Base64 encoded NetscapeSPKI object. @type enc: C{str} @return: The NetscapeSPKI object  b!d! @`!_!`!b!, a! Revoked() -> Revoked instance Create a new empty Revoked object. @returns: The Revoked object Set the serial number of a revoked Revoked structure @param hex_str: The new serial number. @type hex_str: L{str} @return: None Return the serial number of a Revoked structure @return: The serial number as a string Set the revocation timestamp @param when: A string giving the timestamp, in the format: YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ YYYYMMDDhhmmss+hhmm YYYYMMDDhhmmss-hhmm @return: None Retrieve the revocation date @return: A string giving the timestamp, in the format: YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ YYYYMMDDhhmmss+hhmm YYYYMMDDhhmmss-hhmm Return the reason of a Revoked object. @return: The reason as a string Set the reason of a Revoked object. @param reason: The reason string. @type reason: L{str} @return: None Return a list of all the supported reason strings. @return: A list of reason strings. 0(e!k!8i!Ph!p@i!h! g!pf! f! CRL() -> CRL instance Create a new empty CRL object. @returns: The CRL object export(cert, key[, type[, days]]) -> export a CRL as a string @param cert: Used to sign CRL. @type cert: L{X509} @param key: Used to sign CRL. @type key: L{PKey} @param type: The export format, either L{FILETYPE_PEM}, L{FILETYPE_ASN1}, or L{FILETYPE_TEXT}. @param days: The number of days until the next update of this CRL. @type days: L{int} @return: L{str} Add a revoked (by value not reference) to the CRL structure @param cert: The new revoked. @type cert: L{X509} @return: None Return revoked portion of the CRL structure (by value not reference). @return: A tuple of Revoked objects. l!q!Pn!@o!l @m!crypto.soXIn.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink $oh( XX0 8o 6 6bEop8p8pT88(#^\\ hrrc0r0rnTt zh  !  !  !  ! H ( !( !!p!Z @r!@rx @rPr